What can we play it on?
With the upcoming release of Dying Light 2, it’s hard not to be excited for the sequel to such a beloved series. Although, it’s original release date has been pushed back, so many have questions about what exactly we will see when this game comes out. This article will delve into what consoles Dying Light 2 will be on and what the technical details of the release will be.
A group of burning buildings with dozens of zombies running below.
Just like the first game, Dying Light 2 will be released on PC for steam. As for Mac, it’s uncertain whether it’ll be available for download or not, so it’s probably safest to stick with steam. Although, the first game was available as a Mac download so it’s possible Dying Light 2 will be the same way.
The game requires a minimum of 4 MB memory, Geforce GTX 560 graphics card, and an AMD FX-8320E Eight-Core CPU, but recommends 4 GB memory, Geforce GTX 510 graphics card, and an Intel Core Duo E8400 CPU.
Using a UV flashlight to stun a zombie, much more effective than the first game.
Just like the first game, Dying Light 2 will be released on Xbox One. Graphics-wise, 4K Ultra HD is not available on Xbox One and Xbox One S consoles and Xbox One X Enhancements will be supported.
The game will be cross-gen, so the game will also be playable on the Xbox Scarlett when it releases.
Hope there's a lot of pillows at the bottom of that building.
The game will be released on Playstation and will only require Playstation Plus for online play. Since the game is cross-gen, it will also be playable on PS5 when it’s released.
Consoles That Won't Be Supported
Mannequins + zombies = me running for my life.
Dying Light 2 will be on the 3 major platforms, but it will not be included on some other popular platforms, one being Nintendo Switch. Despite the console’s recent popularity, and many companies using the Switch, Techland has said Dying Light 2 will be far too big for Switch.
Although, Techland’s Pawel Rohleder has said there will be a “surprise” for Switch users from Techland, which could be hinting at some form of the game on the console.