The 10 Best MTG: Arena Beginner Decks (MTG: Arena Best Starter Decks): Page 9 of 10

Best MTG Arena Beginner Decks
Choose your favorite deck and build from their!

2. Red/White Aggro

Being able to deal with any problematic artifact for no deckbuilding coast is a boon in a format with no sideboards.

Red/White Aggro Example Decklist

Hipsters of the Coast is right on the money with their suggested alterations to the Boros Assault precon. If you are a beginner this is a great place to start, as the deck is both linear and versatile. The plan is to reduce their life total as quickly as possible with very cheap, aggressive threats. Close out the game with a devastating curve-topper once your opponent is low enough on life. Between white removal and red burn, you should have enough answers to deal with anything and still hold a little reach.

This deck tries to be so fast that the competition is dead before they have much opportunity to grow. It is an unforgiving deck to play against, as it often punishes a dearth of removal in a starting hand. While vulnerable to board wipes, the higher end of the curve and your reach helps you circumvent your opponent’s attempts to answer you. Ideally, you have them so low by turn four that it doesn’t matter what they do.

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Alex traverses the multiverse in search of a greater understanding of storytelling. His Int is higher than his Dex and he’s put most of his skill points into writing, survival and arcana.
Gamer Since: 1997
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Torment: Tides of Numenera, Bloodborne
Top 3 Favorite Games:Baldur's Gate, Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition, Mass Effect 2

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