On this list, we are talking about the most familiar faces in BDO. Ranking out the popularity of all classes to make a list of the top 10 most popular classes in Black Desert Online.
Coming up with a list of the most popular classes for 2022 in BDO is a hard task. It requires extensive research, factual data, and equal judgement among all classes. Female classes are automatically the most created and most popular classes in BDO. To make this list fair, I divided it into 2 parts. The first part will display the most popular male class, and the second part will be for the female to give you a broad but concise list.
Whether you are a counter-meta or a bandwagon type, why not join me as we go in the list of the most popular classes in the game nowadays? Ready? Let's start!
Starting with the first giant entry on this list is the Berserker Class. Far most the only class you could make the tallest, biggest, bulkiest, and meanest looking class in the entire Black Desert Online. They are the Juggernauts of Black Desert Online, basically a top-class tank that the game has to offer. The Berserker class is also the entry-level kind of character that is easy to play, understand, and master, making it the most appealing class to start your adventure in Black Desert Online. Recent skill adjustments also made the Berserker still playable even on the game's current meta.
Why Berserker is popular:
- Tallest and bulkiest of all the characters in BDO in general.
- Known to be the tankiest class in the game.
- Ideal for 1v1 PvP or wars.
- Newbie-friendly class.
- Easiest class to play and master.
- One of the best choices for mass PVP.
Diving next to our list Striker class. The striker class is prevalent due to its fighting style. Getting up close to the enemy and then grabbing them by the throat. Also seen as the most oddly satisfying grab animation, by casually grinding the floor with his enemy's face. Another notable trait of why the Striker became popular among adventurers is that it resembles Asura from the game Asura's Wrath. Not only in their appearance but they both shares a significant similarity in their combat style. Who doesn't want to play a class that just overwhelms enemies face-to-face with simultaneous punches and drop kicks in the head?
Why Striker is popular:
- Hand-to-hand combat is very appealing.
- the best skirmisher for 1v1.
- Aesthetic appeal in terms of skillset
- There are a lot of great-looking outfit options for this class.
- The best crowd control skill animation.
Just the straightforward concept of a "knight," vesting a full-plated armor and going with either a sword and shield or the more fabulous type, an enormous two-handed greatsword. Harnessing both the standard weapons for a knight, the Warrior class of Black Desert Online defines the knight for its game. No wonder it is popular. Also, it is a no-brainer that the Warrior is on this list because, like the Berserker, these two are the pioneer class for BDO. Pearl Abyss just loves its original class roster. They keep doing patches, reworks, and skill adjustments just for these classes to cope with the current meta. Another noteworthy reason the Warrior became so popular is due to the limited-time collaboration of BDO with the famous anime and novel "Berserk." With the said collab, Warrior mains can now cosplay as Guts with a fantastic outfit that genuinely resembles the bloodthirsty and unbeatable character seen in the Anime.
Why Warrior is popular:
- One of the pioneer classes of BDO.
- The weapon designs for both Succession and Awakening were amazing.
- Collaboration outfit with the Anime: BERSERK.
- The concept of this class truly resembles BDO Lore’s timeline.
- Straightforward gameplay with rewarding damage output.
- Well-balanced class.
Musa is a very interesting class in the Black Desert Online. The class bears the identity of Pearl Abyss as a company that develops and owns BDO. They already have the concept of a knight, which is the Warrior class. Still, they took it to another level by adding another knight concept but original to their country of origin, Korea. Musa means "warrior" in Korea, and Pearl Abyss is a Korean company. Musa's character design is very oriental, and weapon choice also strikes similarities with its counterpart. A set consists of the primary weapon with an off-hand weapon or a huge two-handed one. Despite this uncanny resemblance and the country-origin differences like Western-side Warrior versus Eastern-side Musa, they still have their signature uniqueness, making them apart. Musa's succession focuses on a more offensive style, while the Warrior's is on the defensive side. Warrior's Awakening is solid straight frontal blows. In contrast, Musa's Awakening is more on the huge AOE with huge damage. So this made the Musa's famous because it still lies on the choice of being a knight logic in BDO.
Why Musa is popular:
- Recent buff changes to this class.
- The flagship male class of Pearl Abyss in BDO.
- Amazing duelist for the Arena of Solare.
- Korean warrior-inspired designs and concepts.
- It has a wider AOE in skills compared to other classes.
- Damage output.
Ninja became the most popular Male class of 2022 in BDO simply because of the recent huge buffs the course received with the reboot and class rebalancing patches. It made Ninja somewhat of a broken class, especially in the field of PvP. Just with the early days of Arena of Solare in Black Desert Online, the top 1 to 10 of that list contains mostly Ninja classes, whether in EU, NA, or SEA servers. Even so, and even before those overpowered buffs for Ninja, this class is already popular among adventurers. The Ninja or Assassin concept in any game, especially MMORPG, is already an instant win and instant popular class, no matter how you put it. Add it up with fabulous outfits of choice in BDO, and the stealth mechanics Ninja class could do. It's undoubtedly going to be a popular choice regardless.
Why Ninja is popular:
- The class is a high-ranking and best-performing class in PvP.
- Can use stealth.
- Insane combo damage.
- Very aggressive yet very effective in either 1v1 or mass PvP.
- Just the idea of "Ninja" in BDO is enough of a reason already.
The Mystic class is the female counterpart of the Striker. The same hand-to-hand melee combat style, but the Mystic class has unique traits over its image. If the Striker has a Red Djinn, the Mystic has a Blue Dragon. Striker displays a manly physique with a beastly move set. On the other hand, Mystic shows a more feminine exposure with firmer postures and style. Basically, raging fire versus calm water. But I will be honest on this one. Take it or leave it; the primary reason Mystic is popular is this class's revealing outfits.
Why Mystic is popular:
- Female bruiser class.
- Visually appealing outfits.
- The addition of a dragon animation to the skillsets.
- High mobility with fast-paced skill combos.
- Easy to learn 1v1 skirmisher.
I'll give you one piece of trivia. Name any class where Pearl Abyss puts time to market its lore aside from Lahn and Nova. Exactly, just these two classes. Lahn made it more popular than Nova due to its oriental base facial template and the silhouette outfits this class offers. The costumes for Lahn are very appealing regardless of whether the player is male or female. Also, the ability to glide as a form of mobility or dodge mechanism in BDO is one of a kind making this class one of the most popular female classes.
Why Lahn is popular:
- A class that can glide in the air.
- The Succession Weapon has a unique touch in BDO.
- Awakening weapon provides oddly satisfying combat effects with the two blades and chains.
- Has a very interesting backstory.
- Well presented by Pearl Abyss in any kind of promotional media that involves or features this class.
Most extended range in Black Desert Online. Just pew-pew-pew in the backline, and you are already very useful for your guild. Elf-like appearance. Is there any reason you could think of not choosing this class? Especially for the casuals and/or new players in BDO. Just the straightforward concept of sniping enemies from afar, spamming all your long-range skills, and landing kills without even engaging in the actual war. The beauty album, BDO's forum gallery, screenshot events, etc., are flooded with the Ranger class' face due to its enchanting and alluring beauty, just melting the eyes of anyone who sees and sometimes burning it due to its surprising content making this class so popular. Also, the fact it is one of the pioneer classes for BDO. The end.
Why Ranger is popular:
- Pioneer female class of Black Desert Online.
- Longest range in the game.
- A lot of evasive abilities.
- Stable DPS provider for war and other mass PVP contents.
- Skillsets are not hard to understand because they are very straightforward.
Next up is the Sorceress class. Burning your enemies' HP and also burning your eyes with its very revealing outfits like it barely covers some skins. It has also proven to burn the pearls of most adventurers every time Pearl Abyss releases yet another more revealing outfit for this class. Adventurers only claim that this class is the iFrame Queen in the game, which is correct. However, they are not telling you that they also tend to stare at their Sorceress characters "frame by frame" for some unknown reason. It still makes the Sorceress very popular and expensive to main. Which is what's important on this list.
Why Sorceress is popular:
- iFrame Queen
- A class that has the highest skill cap.
- It may have the steepest learning curve but is highly beneficial when mastered.
- Insane damage and debuffs.
- Aesthetics in skill animations.
- Revealing outfits.
Most say Drakania's popularity is just carried by the Hype of being the newest class in Black Desert Online and due to Pearl Abyss marketing ads for this class. I would still agree that there is some truth to that claim. Most especially when I haven't seen many people using it on a competitive level.
Generally, if that's the case, the class is popular due to a broken patch or a superb rework. But if there is none, maybe Drakania, the most popular female class, is just Hype or people wanting to try something new to play or master.
Drakania became even more popular when Pearl Abyss released a trailer video for its Awakening. The adventurers go ape as soon as they see clips from the video that Awakening Drakania summons a Dragon head to spit AOE fire on its foes and can soar like a freaking dragon herself. This sparks massive curiosity with Drakania, both veteran players and even non-players, to play Drakania for the first time in Black Desert Online.
This is my honest review of why Drakania is the most popular class in general, right now in BDO. Don't believe me? Just look at BDO's gallery, the most searched guide, the most downloaded character template, and the most bloated beauty album, the most frequent class you'll see starting in BDO right now, and the list won't stop for Drakania's popularity.
Why Drakania is popular:
- The newest class addition in Black Desert Online.
- Female Knight in a Dragon Armor.
- The voice lines in this class are simply amazing.
- Can summon actual dragon wings and an actual dragon head as a skill.
- HYPE-train.
And there you have it! The list of the most popular, most appealing, and most of the time, most revealing classes in BDO. Giving you an idea of the top 10 BDO most popular classes for 2022 just before the year ends. Feel free to give out your suggestions, comments, and reactions to our list today by commenting on the box below and just as always. I'll see you at the next one. Peace!
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