After playing Black Desert Online for a long time, have you ever been curious about the most expensive item ever sold on the Central Market and how much it was sold? You can stop wondering now because I have compiled an accurate list of data about the top 15 most expensive items sold in the Marketplace.
Why should you care about this list? Knowing the ins and outs of the Central Market in Black Desert Online, especially the current pricing and the most expensive items on the Marketplace in BDO, will give you a firm grasp and knowledge for potential high earnings in silvers. You will know what loots would provide you the maximum profit for your efforts.
Without too much talking, let's start dealing and talking about the most expensive items sold on the Marketplace.
15. Lightstone
What is Lightstone, and why is it valuable?
Lightstone is inserted into Artifacts to improve character growth and stats. Lightstone has an Item Effect and can be used to create a Combo Effect. This can serve you a potential silver income if you manage to farm a lot of extra Lightstone. Lightstone of Fire: Strike and Lightstone of Wind: Fortune are the most expensive Lightstone to sell, which goes for 4.5b to 5b per piece on the Marketplace for EU, NA, and SEA servers.
Item details
- Combat EXP Gain
- Skill EXP Gain
- Max Stamina
- Knowledge Acquisition Rate Increase
- Max Weight
- Additional Demihuman, Human, Kamasylvian Damage
How to get Lightstone:
There are various ways to acquire Lightstone, including the marketplace, quests, grinding places, boss fights, and alchemy.
14. Vell’s Concentrated Magic
What is Vell’s Concentrated Magic, and why is it valuable?
It is a crafting ingredient for the Vell's Heart, the orange-grade alchemy stone that every BDO players use due to its massively good stats. If you already have one, selling Vell’s Concentrated Magic in the Marketplace is proven worthy of the profit it would give you.
Vell’s Concentrated Magic sells for 10.2b in the EU, 14.5b in NA, and 9.7b in SEA servers.
Item details (Vell’s Heart)
- All AP +8
- All Accuracy +10
- Ignores All Resistance +5%
- Attack Speed +5%
- Casting Speed +5%
How to get Vell’s Concentrated Magic:
This is a rare drop from Vell, the Ocean Raid boss.
13. Manos Hunter's Clothes
What is Manos Hunter's Clothes, and why is it valuable?
One of the Functional Clothes available in BDO. It can be crafted thru manufacturing with the required materials. Used to increase hunting mastery, hunting XP, and movement speed.
PEN Manos Hunter’s Clothes was recorded to sell for 28.3 billion silver in the EU, NA, and SEA servers.
Item details
- Hunting Mastery +5
- Movement Speed +1 Level
- Hunting EXP +5%
How to get Manos Hunter's Clothes:
Use Manufacture with these ingredients.
- 30 Gold Topaz
- 15 Dusk Laden Cotton Fabric
- 5 Manos Stone
- 50 Magical Shard
- 50 Fire Horn
12. Manos Gatherer's Clothes
What is Manos Gatherer's Clothes, and why is it valuable?
One of the Functional Clothes available in BDO. It can be crafted thru manufacturing with the required materials. Used to increase gathering mastery and movement speed.
PEN Manos Gatherer's Clothes was recorded to sell for 30.4 billion silver in the EU, NA, and SEA servers.
Item details
- Movement Speed +1 Level
- All Gathering Mastery +5
How to get Manos Gatherer's Clothes:
Use Manufacture with these ingredients.
- 30 Moonlight Opal
- 15 Dusk Laden Cotton Fabric
- 5 Manos Stone
- 50 Magical Shard
11. Blackstar Shoes and Gloves
What are Blackstar Shoes and Gloves, and why are they valuable?
Blackstar gears, in general, are very hard to come by, which is why it is one of the most expensive items in the game. You can only do quests of Blackstar Gears pieces once per family. You will need to buy it directly on the central market if you want another piece.
PEN Blackstar Gloves was recorded to sell for 51 billion silver, and the PEN Blackstar Shoes was recorded to sell for 52.5 billion silver in the EU, NA, and SEA servers.
PEN Blackstar Shoes details
- DP: 89
- Dmg. Reduction: 41 (+46)
- Evasion: 48 (+51)
Item Effect
- Health Points: +110
- Movement Level: +1
- Monster Damage Reduction: +10
PEN Blackstar Gloves details
- DP: 70
- Accuracy: 50
- Dmg. Reduction: 39 (+24)
- Evasion: 31 (+84)
Item Effect
- Health Points: +110
- Monster Damage Reduction: +7
How to get Blackstar Gloves and Shoes:
Level = 56
Have knowledge of The Three Legendary Blacksmiths of Mediah
Have 1 Remnants of the Rift (per quest)
Have 1 Specter's Energy (per quest)
10. Godr-Ayed Main and Sub Weapons
What are Godr-Ayed Main and Sub-Weapons, and why are they valuable?
Godr-Ayed Weapons are an alternative version to the Blackstar Weapons. They have exactly the same stats at TET and PEN. The Godr-Ayed Weapons were created to provide a different route for enhancement.
The most expensive Godr-Ayed Main weapon sold in the central market is the PEN Godr-Ayed Gauntlet was recorded to sell for 120 billion silver in the EU server.
The most expensive sub-weapon is a PEN Godr-Ayed Quoratum was recorded to sell for 123 billion silver in the EU and NA servers
PEN Godr-Ayed Main Weapons details
- AP: 131 ~ 137
- Accuracy: 212
Item Effect
- Attack Speed Level: +3
- Casting Speed Level: +3
- Critical Hit Damage: +2%
- Extra AP Against Monsters: +48
- Extra Damage to All Species: +18
PEN Godr-Ayed Sub-Weapons details
- AP: 33 ~ 35
- DP: 25
- Accuracy: 23
- Dmg. Reduc.: 11 (+3)
- Evasion: 14 (+42)
Item Effect
- Health Points: +60
- Ignore All Resistance: +10%
- Monster Damage Reduction: +5
- Extra AP Against Monsters: +67
How to get:
Godr-Ayed Main weapon and Godr-Ayed Sub Weapons
9. Deboreka Necklace
What is Deboreka Necklace, and why is it valuable?
Deboreka provides the highest AP gain for a necklace with a high stat for accuracy, making this necklace very sought-after for the Necklace slot.
The highest price this item was sold was 126 billion, which sold 5 pieces on the EU server and only 1 on the NA server.
PEN Deboreka Necklace details
- AP: 40 ~ 40
- Accuracy: 24
How to get Deboreka Necklace:
To craft Deboreka Necklace, use Manufacture with:
1 Specter's Gaze
2 Ancient Power - Red Shard
2 Ancient Seal – Black Shard
8. Turo's Belt
What is Turo's Belt, and why is it valuable?
Probably the best Belt in the entire game, with its massive accuracy stats perfect for builds designed to counter Eva build, and not to mention it also have 17-17 AP on it.
PEN Turo’s Belt's highest price sold was 180 billion on the SEA server, 135 billion on the NA server, and 134b on the EU server.
PEN Turo's Belt details
- AP: 17 ~ 17
- Accuracy: 34
Item Effect
- Weight Limit: +80LT
How to get Turo's Belt:
Can be looted while grinding at the Tunkuta.
7. Revived Lunar Necklace
What is Revived Lunar Necklace, and why is it valuable?
If Deboreka is the Highest AP for the necklace slot, well, say hello to Lunar Necklace. This necklace has the highest stat for Accuracy while still giving its wearer a good amount of AP for consistent damage builds.
PEN Revived Lunar Necklace's highest price sold was 177 billion on the SEA server, 124 billion on the NA server, and 135 billion on the EU server.
PEN Revived Lunar Necklace details
- AP: 31 ~ 31
- Accuracy: 52
How to get Revived Lunar Necklace:
Craft using
5 Liberated Breath of Sylvia
1 Moon’s Split Nail
6. Godr-Ayed Awakening Weapons
What is Godr-Ayed Awakening Weapon, and why is it valuable?
Godr-Ayed Awakening Weapons are an alternative version to the Blackstar Awakening Weapons. They have exactly the same stats at TET and PEN. The Godr-Ayed Awakening Weapons were created to provide a different route for enhancement.
The most expensive Godr-Ayed Awakening weapon sold in the central market is the PEN Godr-Ayed Godr Sphera was recorded to sell for 141 billion silver in the EU server.
PEN Godr-Ayed Awakening Weapon details
- AP: 131 ~ 142
- Accuracy: 12
Item Effect
- Extra AP Against Monsters: +25
- Extra Damage to All Species: +10
How to get:
5. Dawn Earring
What is Dawn Earring, and why is it valuable?
Dawn Earring is like the Lunar Necklace but for the Ear Accessory slot. Dawn Earring provides a tremendous Accuracy gain paired perfectly with a good AP gain. It is a match made in heaven with Lunar Necklace.
PEN Dawn Earring's highest price sold was 183 billion on the SEA server, 138 billion on the NA server, and 143 billion on the EU server.
PEN Dawn Earring details
- AP: 14 ~ 14
- Accuracy: 38
Item Effect
- Stamina: +100
How to get Dawn Earring:
Can be obtained while grinding at Abandoned Monastery.
4. Ominous Ring
What is Ominous Ring, and why is it valuable?
High Accuracy gain for accessories really proves very expensive in BDO, and this next one is for the ring slot, the Ominous Ring. The favorite Ring for the pure accuracy builds stats out there.
PEN Ominous Ring's highest price sold was 144 billion on the NA server, 117 billion on the SEA server, and 107 billion on the EU server.
PEN Ominous Ring details
- AP: 18 ~ 18
- Accuracy: 28
How to get Ominous Ring:
Can be obtained while grinding at Thornwood Forest.
3. Black Distortion Earring
What is Black Distortion Earring, and why is it valuable?
The mainstream for the earring slot that almost fits any endgame build. The Black Distortion Earring is the most liked accessory and also the most expensive one among all other accessories in BDO.
PEN Black Distortion Earring's highest price sold was 187 billion on the EU server, 180 billion on the SEA server, and 175 billion on the NA server.
PEN Black Distortion Earring details
- AP: 21 ~ 21
- DP: -5
- Accuracy: 16
- Dmg. Reduc.: -5
How to get Black Distortion Earring:
Can be obtained while grinding at Star's End Pillars.
2. Fallen God's Armor
What is Fallen God's Armor, and why is it valuable?
The best Armor for endgame content in BDO's current meta is the Fallen God's Armor. Enhancing this bad boy to PEN is easier said than done. You could keep dreaming about having it to PEN, but one could not easily get it because RNG sucks at BDO. No one ever sold a PEN-grade Fallen God's Armor on the Central Market at any server.
TET Fallen God's Armor's highest price sold was 196 billion on the EU server, 186 billion on the NA server, and 253 billion on the SEA server.
PEN Fallen God's Armor details
- DP: 114
- Dmg. Reduc.: 60 (+38)
- Evasion: 54 (+134)
Item Effect
- Health Points: +360
- Monster Damage Reduction: +13
- MP/WP/SP: +100
How to get Fallen God's Armor:
Level 56+
1 Fallen God’s Armor exchange quest
1 Flame of Despair
1 Armor:
- PEN: Blackstar Armor
- PEN: Dim Tree Spirit’s/Red Nose Armor (Caphras Lv. 10)
- PEN: Dim Tree Spirit’s Armor (Caphras Lv. 10) from [Season] Boss Exchange Coupon
- Jetina’s Guaranteed PEN PEN: Dim Tree Spirit’s/Red Nose Armor (Caphras Lv. 10)
1. Labreska's Helmet
What is Labreska's Helmet, and why is it valuable?
Finally, this is the best Helmet for endgame content in BDO's current meta. Simply nothing can beat the stats it could give you. Enhancing Labreska's Helmet to PEN is more of a striking chance to a lottery. No one ever sold a PEN-grade Labreska's Helmet on the Central Market at any server.
TET Labreska's Helmet's highest price sold was 253 billion on the SEA server, 196 billion on the EU server, and 186 billion on the NA server.
PEN Labreska's Helmet details
- DP: 105
- Dmg. Reduction: 63 (+36)
- Evasion: 42 (+74)
Item Effect
- All Resistance: +5%
- Health Points: +260
- Monster Damage Reduction: +10
How to get Labreska's Helmet:
Obtained from Floki, the node manager at Jade Starlight Forest
Lv. 56 or higher
completed the Mountain of Eternal Winter questline
create the helmet through one of these 3 options:
Option 1
- [Crafting] Labreska’s Helm – Blackstar Helm
- PEN: Blackstar Helmet
- Flame of Frost x1
Option 2
- [Crafting] Labreska’s Helm – Griffon’s Helm
- PEN: Griffon’s Helmet (Caphras Lv. 10)
- Flame of Frost x1
Option 3
- [Crafting] Labreska’s Helm – Giath’s Helm
- PEN: Giath’s Helmet (Caphras Lv. 10)
- Flame of Frost x1
That concludes the list of the Top 15 BDO Most Expensive Items Sold In The Marketplace. Have you found the items you will be targeting to grind to earn you profits? Best of luck, and hoping all your grinding sessions will be RNG carried and bring home billions of silvers to progress further on your adventures with Black Desert Online. Goodbye for now, Adventurers!
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