There are a total of 15 different female classes in the current version of Black Desert Online, and choosing the best outfit will prove more difficult than choosing a class to play.
Choosing the best outfit can not only make the class you're playing visually appealing but also allow you to display how passionate you are about the game. It does sometimes leave an impression on your opponents in PvP that adds to your remarkable prowess on the battlefield.
I have prepared a list of the most visually appealing outfits so far amongst all the selection currently available in the game. This will give you an idea and help you choose what outfit is best for you depending on the kind of approach you want to showcase with your class. Let's begin the list!
10. [Dark Knight] Darkborne Rose
Starting off with this outfit, the Darkborne Rose for the Dark Knight. With its intricate details, it truly resembles the class as the thorned rose of Kamasylvia. The outfit also features thorny spikes that complement the attributes of the said class. The addition of a cape also amplifies the aesthetic appeal, which coordinates with the Dark Knight’s skill effects.
Outfit details
Source: Pearl Shop
- Premium Set: 3,400 Pearls
- Classic Set: 2,900 Pearls
- Armor: 1,200 Pearls
- Helmet: 500 Pearls
- Gloves: 400 Pearls
- Shoes: 400 Pearls
9. [Drakania] Lethena
Soaring into our number 9, the Lethena, for the Drakania. This outfit brings the dragon into the Dragonborn class, the Drakania. The passiveness of the design allows players to dye this outfit, creating a very unique and exclusive feel for the outfit, as it will look like a different kind of dragon depending on your preferences. Cape's design is not too overwhelming and coordinates well with an Awakened Drakania. Soar in the field of Black Desert Mobile in style with the Lethena outfit.
Outfit details
Source: Pearl Shop
- Premium Set: 3,400 Pearls
- Classic Set: 2,900 Pearls
- Armor: 1,200 Pearls
- Helmet: 500 Pearls
- Gloves: 400 Pearls
- Shoes: 400 Pearls
8. [Guardian] Parthenoa
Up next is an outfit for the Guardian class. From a class with an Amazonian feel to a majestic Greek goddess, the Parthenoa outfit will surely elevate the looks of your Guardian. It is already good to go once bought, but still open for personal customization on the dye option to bring out the personality of the player playing the class. From head to toe, the details of this outfit resemble a solar goddess that will wreak havoc upon its arrival in the Calpheon.
Outfit details
Source: Pearl Shop
- Premium Set: 3,400 Pearls
- Classic Set: 2,900 Pearls
- Armor: 1,200 Pearls
- Helmet: 500 Pearls
- Gloves: 400 Pearls
- Shoes: 400 Pearls
7. [Kunoichi] White Wildcat
The White Wildcat outfit for the Kunoichi class somehow looks like something realistically worn by female ninjas back in the Edo period of Japan. The aesthetic appeal of this outfit comes from its realistic depiction when it comes to design. Nothing is too fancy or wildly imaginative with the outfit, which only sticks to giving Kunoichi its rightful identity on the battlefield. It also gives details on Kunoichi's gender appeal and maintains the essence of a real femme fatale assailant on the battlefield of Black Desert Online.
Outfit details
Source: Pearl Shop
- Premium Set: 3,40 Pearls
- Classic Set: 2,900 Pearls
- Outfit Set: 2,200 Pearls
- Helmet: 500 Pearls
- Armor: 1,600 Pearls
- Shoes: 400 Pearls
6. [Mystic] Sapphire Storm
On the number 6 spot is the Sapphire Storm outfit for the Mystic Class. Now, this outfit gives the class its true emphasis with its very name. Serving a right-of-the-bat in aesthetics that resembles a mighty fighter of the mystical realm in BDO. We all know that the Mystic is a combat melee-style class, and this outfit does the job by having a design that truly feels lightweight and versatile, making each skill of the Mystic more appealing than ever.
Outfit details
Source: Pearl Shop
- Premium Set: 3,400 Pearls
- Classic Set: 2,900 Pearls
- Armor: 1,200 Pearls
- Helmet: 500 Pearls
- Gloves: 400 Pearls
- Shoes: 400 Pearls
5. [Nova] Blood Countess
The last remaining heir of Calpheon's royal bloodline is making an entry with her royal outfit at number 5. The Blood Countess outfit for the Nova class gives an explosive feel of beauty and fierce danger combined. The elegant steel-clad design somehow gives the feeling that the Iron Maiden is a moving person. The way her hair was styled and the crown she wore gave the story of the last rightful Princess of Calpheon ruling as Queen of the Battlefield a more personal feel.
Outfit details
Source: Pearl Shop
- Premium Set: 3,400 Pearls
- Classic Set: 2,900 Pearls
- Armor: 1,200 Pearls
- Helmet: 500 Pearls
- Gloves: 400 Pearls
- Shoes: 400 Pearls
4. [Shai] Salanar
The Salanar outfit for the Shai class is a departure from the class' traditional cuteness feature, but in a very good way. This outfit was released just recently in Black Desert Online. Personally, I love its addition to Shai's outfit collection because it gives the class a whole new identity with just this outfit. From a cute and quirky Shai into a very smart and skilled-looking practitioner of arts and crafts, giving Shai a whole new appearance on the battlefield of Black Desert Online. Dying this outfit is very ideal to give your class a more distinct feel.
Outfit details
Source: Pearl Shop
- Premium Set: 3,400 Pearls
- Classic Set: 2,900 Pearls
- Armor: 1,200 Pearls
- Helmet: 500 Pearls
- Gloves: 400 Pearls
- Shoes: 400 Pearls
3. [Sorceress] Hemomancer
Next is the Hemomancer outfit for the Sorceress class. My first glance at this outfit piqued my interest already, and I'm thinking of maybe changing my class very soon in BDO. The level of design for this outfit gives an ominous invite while maintaining its gender appeal to players, elevating the Sorceress's dark-like identity and skillsets. It almost looks like it belongs to another game by looking at it, and its highly complementary aesthetic is that of an Awakened Sorceress. Give this outfit a much darker color to have a much more ominous presence on the battlefield.
Outfit details
Source: Pearl Shop
- Premium Set: 3,400 Pearls
- Classic Set: 2,900 Pearls
- Armor: 1,200 Pearls
- Helmet: 500 Pearls
- Gloves: 400 Pearls
- Shoes: 400 Pearls
2. [Tamer] Vermillion Lotus
This is the outfit you probably often see in Black Desert Online's recent ad pop-ups, and for good reason. This is another departure from the Tamer's identity in the lore of BDO just by using an outfit. From Heilang's friendly, young-hearted girl companion into a sophisticated lady skilled in battle, this highly detailed oriental vibe outfit will make your Tamer class stand out more than before. It does retain some of the cuteness factors of the class, but the additional metallic accessories accompanied by a more mature appearance with this outfit puts Tamer on the next level of aesthetic.
Outfit details
Source: Pearl Shop
- Premium Set: 3,400 Pearls
- Classic Set: 2,900 Pearls
- Armor: 1,200 Pearls
- Helmet: 500 Pearls
- Gloves: 400 Pearls
- Shoes: 400 Pearls
1. [Valkyrie] Hyperion
The best outfit amongst all classes based on the appeal it gives and how closely it resembles the very identity of Black Desert Online is the Hyperion outfit for the Valkyrie class. Overall, this outfit displays a vibe that gives you and every player that will see it the impression that your class is one formidable foe on the battlefield who slays countless enemies for breakfast to climb ranks. The iron plating was adorned with elegant and intricate designs. With or without the helmet, the outfit still stands out and gives off the exact vibe it does best. It is also fancy looking but not going overboard with the design, retaining the Valkyrie's gender appeal.
Outfit details
Source: Pearl Shop
- Premium Set: 3,400 Pearls
- Classic Set: 2,900 Pearls
- Armor: 1,200 Pearls
- Helmet: 500 Pearls
- Gloves: 400 Pearls
- Shoes: 400 Pearls
And there's your list for the Top 10 BDO Best Outfits for Female Characters. I am hoping it will elevate your gameplay and experience on your adventure in Black Desert Online. Did I miss the outfit that you love, or do you feel the list is shorter than it could be? Let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment in the box found below. Take care, and I'll see you next time. Peace!
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