We are back again with another guide for Black Desert Online, and today we will tackle the [Top 15] BDO Best Accessories (And How To Get Them). In this entry, we will discuss the best accessories in BDO that excel at something particular based on the current meta. We will not discuss accessories that are not gold or yellow grade because lower grade accessories are now irrelevant to BDO’s current patches. Not only are prices of gold/yellow grade accessories way more affordable now, but recent patches and improvements to the majority of grinding spots in BDO have increased drop rates for the said accessories. This list can also serve as your progression guide for accessories, as they are ordered from the early game up to your later progress. Let’s start!
15. Ring of Crescent Guardian
One of the all-time favorites is the Ring of Crescent Guardian. This is an excellent starting ring for you, with a reasonable AP and accuracy. It will also be useful to you later in the game as you can upgrade it to either starlit or clouded. The Ring of Crescent Guardian is also easy to grind and is always available on the market.
What makes Ring of Crescent Guardian awesome
- Always available on the market with an affordable price tag.
- You can grind this item easily at Crescent Shrine with 140 AP / 160 DP.
- The best early game ring, which you can still upgrade and use until the endgame.
- PEN version can be acquired with "Jetina’s Quest".
Item Stats base item [+0]
- 5~5 AP
- Accuracy: +2
Item Stats PEN [+5]
- 20~20 AP
- Accuracy: +12
14. Ring of Cadry Guardian
This ring will give you a balanced advantage in the early game. It has DP, Accuracy, HP, MP, WP, SP, and even Damage Reduction! You can farm the Ring of Cadry Guardian on the Cadry Ruins. You may expect to get one every 50 minutes or so when you grind there.
What makes Ring of Cadry Guardian awesome
- Perfectly balanced stats.
- Early-game advantage with DP and damage reduction.
- HP with MP/WP/SP in one.
- Very cheap. Priced around 10m silvers only on the market.
Item Stats base item [+0]
- DP: +5
- Accuracy: +2
- Damage Reduction: +5
- HP: +25
- MP/WP/SP: +25
Item Stats PEN [+5]
- DP: +20
- Accuracy: +12
- Damage Reduction: +20
- HP: +100
- MP/WP/SP: +25
13. Eye of the Ruins Ring
On number 13, we have the Eye of the Ruins Ring. This ring seems unworthy when not upgraded, but it gives extra HP every time you successfully upgrade and can give up to 130 max additional HP. As a result, its HP bonus is one of the highest for the ring slot. It could go along very well with either the Ring of Crescent Guardian or the Ring of Cadry Guardian as your early game pair of rings.
What makes Eye of the Ruins Ring awesome
- It gives high AP and accuracy with bonus HP stats.
- Easy to grind even in the early game.
- There are two available farming sites for this. A single drop every 1 hour and 47 minutes is the estimated drop rate at Blood Wolf Settlement. The best drop rate, with 1 drop every hour, estimated drop rate is at Tshira Ruins.
- High amount of bonus HP at PEN and can still be further increased if you upgrade to the clouded version.
Item Stats base item [+0]
- 5~5 AP
- Accuracy: +2
Item Stats PEN [+5]
- 20~20 AP
- Accuracy: +12
- HP: +130
12. Centaurus Belt
Moving on to the belt slot, the Centaurus Belt. It's easily attainable and affordable, resulting in an easy upgrade. Priced at around 16.7 million silver on the current market, this is a very nice option to have during the early game phase of your adventure. If you choose to grind your way to obtain a lot of these instead of straightly buying them in the market, it is very possible as the drop rates for this are quite decent. You can farm Centaurus Belt at the Centaurus Herd grinding spot.
What makes Centaurus Belt awesome
- It gives the perfect stat balance with a little extra, which is the evasion.
- If you intend to go with an Evasion build in the late game, this is an excellent investment.
- It can be upgraded into the Nightfallen Centaurus Belt for that additional Hidden AP +3.
Item Stats base item [+0]
- DP: +5
- Accuracy: +2
- Evasion: 5 (+10)
- HP: +25
- Weight Limit: +80LT
Item Stats PEN [+5]
- DP: +20
- Accuracy: +12
- Evasion: 20 (+40)
- HP: +150
- Weight Limit: +80LT
11. Sicil’s Necklace
The Sicil's Necklace can be found in two zones: Roud Sulfur Mine and Pila Ku Jail, and it drops at the same rate in both. All the more reason why you should get this for your necklace slot. Sicil’s Necklace is one of the best, if not the best, necklaces for late-game evasion builds as it will provide you with a great amount of evasion, especially when upgraded to PEN.
What makes Sicil’s Necklace awesome
- It is not that hard to come by, plus it is very cheap on the market. Only at 11.6 million silver price range.
- High AP, DP, and accuracy outputs with high evasion on top of those.
- Even in late-game builds, especially for PvP, it is still useful.
- The most popular necklace slot choice for Evasion builds.
- The Moonlit Sicil’s Necklace will increase your survivability with additional HP on top of the bonus evasion.
Item Stats base item [+0]
- 7~7 AP
- DP: +3
- Accuracy: +4
- Evasion: 3 (+6)
Item Stats PEN [+5]
- 22~22 AP
- DP: +13
- Accuracy: +24
- Evasion: 13 (+26)
10. Orkinrad’s Belt
Next is Orkinrad’s Belt in our number ten spot. What sets this belt apart from the previously mentioned Centaurus belt is that Orkinrad’s Belt also gives you a decent AP for that extra damage as you progress further into the late game. This will be your best upgrade option coming from using the Centaurus Belt.
What makes Orkinrad’s Belt awesome
- If you want to increase your damage but still want to retain some of the survivability stats of the Centaurus Belt, the Orkinrad’s Belt is your best upgrade/alternative for the belt slot.
- You can farm this belt on either Sherekhan Day or Sherekhan Night. The Night version provides a higher drop chance for Orkinrad’s Belt.
- You can buy it at the market at any time for a low price of 24 m silver per piece.
- Upgradeable to Tidal Orkinrad’s Belt, which is one of the most popular choices for belts in the late game, providing an extra 6 for damage reduction.
Item Stats base item [+0]
- 7~7 AP
- Accuracy: +2
- Weight Limit: +80LT
Item Stats PEN [+5]
- 17~17 AP
- DP: +5
- Accuracy: +12
- Evasion: 5 (+5)
- HP: +125
- Weight Limit: +80LT
9. Valtarra Eclipsed Belt
Another contender for the belt slot at number 9 is the Valtarra Eclipsed Belt. By far, the most popular belt in the current end-game meta. Especially its upgraded form, the Tidal Valtarra Eclipsed Belt. It is a wise investment in the early game if you are going straight for the AP-Accuracy build for the late game, as you will only need to upgrade this belt rather than upgrading into a different belt for your belt slot. Upgrading it to PEN as your investment can be very beneficial for you and will save you a lot of silver.
What makes Valtarra Eclipsed Belt awesome
- 3rd highest AP maximum stats for belt.
- Getting your hands on one is not that hard, especially for a belt that you can use permanently from early to late-game.
- In Mirumok Ruins, the drop rate is 17%, with an estimated drop every 1 hour and 11 minutes.
- It may be a bit on the expensive side (83.5m market price), but stocks are pretty high.
Item Stats base item [+0]
- 5~5 AP
- Accuracy: +2
- Weight Limit: +80LT
Item Stats PEN [+5]
- 20~20 AP
- Accuracy: +12
- HP: +125
- Weight Limit: +80LT
8. Narc Ear Accessory
At number 8, we will talk about the Narc Ear Accessory. You can easily get your hands on a PEN version of this earring simply by completing Jetina’s Questline. Although, you could still choose the other guaranteed PEN accessories for that questline and instead, grind your way to obtain this Narc Ear Accessory and upgrade it manually to PEN. The drop rate for this earring is not that bad, so farming this is not far from being possible. You can farm Narc Ear Accessory in Manshaum Forest.
What makes Narc Ear Accessory awesome
- It has a very unique item effect, which is extra damage to Kamasylvian.
- Aside from being a good source of AP for your build, it can also be a good source of income by farming this and selling it to the market.
- This can be a great alternative to the Black Distortion Earring.
- Can be upgraded to Arboreal Narc Ear Accessory with a bonus stat of Hidden AP: +3.
Item Stats base item [+0]
- 5~5 AP
- Accuracy: +2
- Extra Damage to Kamasylvian +3
Item Stats PEN [+5]
- 15~15 AP
- DP: +5
- Accuracy: +12
- Damage Reduction: +5
- Extra Damage to Kamasylvian +8
7. Ominous Ring
The Ominous Ring goes straight to our number 7. This ring will give you a massive amount of accuracy for your stat build. You will never go wrong with the Ominous Ring on your equipment, as it is considered the evasion build killer. It can be upgraded to be clouded or starlit, but the standard Ominous Ring is strong enough to give you a direct push to your accuracy.
What makes Ominous Ring awesome
- The highest accuracy stat amongst all rings in Black Desert Online.
- Excellent AP/Accuracy ratio combination.
- Farming is very profitable. A piece of this ring sells for a hefty 231 million silver in the current market.
Item Stats base item [+0]
- 3~3 AP
- Accuracy: +8
Item Stats PEN [+5]
- 18~18 AP
- Accuracy: +28
6. Tungrad Earring and Tungrad Necklace
We have 2 accessories in the number 6 slot. This accessory duo’s main selling point is their item effect, Black Spirit Rage. Ideal for PvP stat builds, pumping up your Black Spirit Rage’s damage will definitely blow your enemies away. Not only that but the additional AP and accuracy from both of these accessories is pretty decent and works for most late-game builds.
What makes Tungrad Earring and Tungrad Necklace awesome
- Fully maximize and benefit from your black spirit rage if you are using these pairs, especially along with other Tungrad accessory parts.
- You can get a guaranteed PEN Tungrad earring through Jetina’s Questline.
- A decent drop rate chance for Tungrad Earring is also obtainable through farming at Kratuga Ancient Ruins.
- The Tungrad Necklace’s availability on the market is very competitive compared to other necklaces required for a meta-build.
- You can grind to obtain a Tungrad Necklace at Hysteria Ruins.
Item Stats base item [+0]
Tungrad Earring
- 7~7 AP
- Accuracy: +2
- Black Spirit Rage: +10%
Tungrad Necklace
- 10~10 AP
- Accuracy: +4
- Black Spirit Rage: +20%
Item Stats PEN [+5]
Tungrad Earring
- 17~17 AP
- Accuracy: +12
- Black Spirit Rage: +10%
Tungrad Necklace
- 35~35 AP
- Accuracy: +24
- Black Spirit Rage: +20%
5. Laytenn’s Power Stone
This entry on number 5 of Laytenn's Power Stone is a contentious subject both within and outside of Black Desert Online. It is often compared with the Tungrad Necklace because they share the same stats for AP and accuracy at PEN, but the Tungrad Necklace is superior with its unique bonus stats; Black Spirit Rage +20%. Some players say the Tungrad necklace is better than Laytenn’s Power Stone and some vice versa. But for most players of the current meta, including me, I see choosing Laytenn’s Power Stone as a much more practical choice. You must ask why. It is due to the fact that you can farm Tungrad Earrings and Laytenn’s Power Stone in one single area. It is like hitting two birds with one stone. On the other hand, farming for a Tungrad necklace in a different farming area will be quite the hassle compared to grinding for accessories on a map where you can get both the Tungrad Earrings and Laytenn’s Power Stone.
What makes Laytenn’s Power Stone awesome
- Time and effort are efficient to obtain because you can farm it while farming for the Tungrad Earrings.
- Same high AP and accuracy stat as Tungrad Necklace.
- Farming Laytenn’s Power Stone for silver is more profitable due to the higher price tag on the market compared to farming for Tungrad Necklace.
- You can have a flexible option here. You may opt to sell all the Laytenn’s Power Stone you get while farming for Tungrad Earring and then buy yourself a Tungrad Necklace.
Item Stats base item [+0]
- 10~10 AP
- Accuracy: +4
Item Stats PEN [+5]
- 35~35 AP
- Accuracy: +24
4. Black Distortion Earring
The most popular choice for earring slots and also the most sought after in the market is the Black Distortion Earring. It shares the same stats as Vaha’s Dawn, which is also a rare earring, but their superiority over each other comes in their availability on the market and also their drop rates. In BDO, if you want to reach PEN, you must have a huge quantity of that specific accessory for your build. The availability of an accessory on the market and a more efficient way to obtain that accessory through grinding made the Black Distortion a very popular choice over Vaha’s Dawn. You can farm Black Distortion Earring at the Star’s End.
What makes Black Distortion Earring awesome
- Highest AP stats for the earrings slot.
- The most expensive earrings on the current market.
- It can be upgraded into Arboreal Black Distortion Earring for an extra Hidden AP: +3.
- The name of this item really sounds cool.
Item Stats base item [+0]
- 6~6 AP
- Accuracy: +6
Item Stats PEN [+5]
- 21~21 AP
- DP: -5
- Accuracy: +16
- Damage Reduction: -5
3. Tungrad Ring
The Tungrad Ring is very easy to get as it is obtainable at Sycraia Abyssal Ruins Lower Level, or most commonly known as one of the broken farming spots for silver. If you farm there as well, I am sure you will stumble upon Tungrad Ring very often. The stocks for this ring on the current market are currently overflowing with more or less 400 stocks up for sale. The Tungrad Ring is basically your end-game upgrade to your Ring of Crescent Guardian.
What makes Tungrad Ring awesome
- Upgrading this to PEN is not quite as heartbreaking as they say due to the availability.
- You will surely get a lot of these when you grind at Sycraia Abyssal Ruins.
- You can upgrade it to starlit for extra critical hit damage or to clouded for an extra HP gain.
- Increased Black Spirit Rage is a unique item effect.
Item Stats base item [+0]
- 6~6 AP
- Accuracy: +2
- Black Spirit Rage: +10%
Item Stats PEN [+5]
- 21~21 AP
- Accuracy: +12
- Black Spirit Rage: +10%
2. Turo’s Belt
Our title holder for the belt category is the Turo’s Belt, at the number 2 spot. This is the only belt in the game that can give you the highest accuracy in the belt slot. It is essential if you are going for a pure AP-Accuracy build to counter evasion or simply to ensure that none of your hits miss on your opponent. Upgrading this to Tidal Turo's Belt will grant you +6 damage reduction, which will be very useful in PvP.
What makes Turo’s Belt awesome
- With the Deboreka Belt always out of stock on the current market, it makes Turo’s Belt the most expensive belt available.
- Highest accuracy stat gain for belt slot in the current meta of BDO.
- A definite must-have for endgame build.
Item Stats base item [+0]
- 7~7 AP
- Accuracy: +14
- Weight Limit: +80LT
Item Stats PEN [+5]
- 17~17 AP
- Accuracy: +34
- Weight Limit: +80LT
Before we go to number one, Here are a few honorable mentions
Capotia Accessories line-up - each accessory gives the perfect balance between AP and accuracy that is worth mentioning. Obtainable through Yona’s Fragment crafting.
Deboreka Belt and Deboreka Necklace - are both the rarest and most expensive of their respective categories. They both give very decent stats but their high rarity makes it a non-optional addition for your build. Acquiring one is very difficult and is considered later than the endgame.
1. Dawn Earring
Lastly, we have the Dawn Earring. Not only does this earring give the highest accuracy stats for earrings, but its main selling point is also the stamina increase. We all know that in Black Desert Online, stamina can affect your combat prowess, especially in PvP. The more stamina you have, the more dodging, kicking, blocking, and jumping you can do. This unique item effect sets the Dawn Earring apart and also makes it far superior for PvP-focused endgame builds. This earring can equally compete with, or maybe beat, the Arboreal Black Distortion Earring focused builds by upgrading this into the Arboreal Dawn Earring.
What makes Dawn Earring awesome
- Greater availability than the Black Distortion Earring
- The stamina increase item effect is truly one of a kind and beneficial, especially for PvP builds.
- The highest accuracy stats for the earring slot.
- It can be upgraded to Arboreal Dawn Earring for an additional Hidden AP bonus.
Item Stats base item [+0]
- 4~4 AP
- Accuracy: +18
- Stamina: +30
Item Stats PEN [+5]
- 14~14 AP
- Accuracy: +38
- Stamina: +100
That concludes our list of the [Top 15] BDO Best Accessories (And How To Get Them). Do you agree with our list? Which of them were your favorite accessories in BDO’s current meta? Let me know in the comment box below. As always, I'll see you in the next entry. Peace!
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