You got some nice armor that fits your sense of style, but does it fit the way you play? That’s where some good armor mods come in.
Mods give you different perks and bonuses like added defense, stat boosts, ability bonuses, reload speed, etc. Each piece of your armor comes with a certain number of mod slots which are attuned to a certain element; Arc, Solar, and Void.
Today, we’ve compiled a list of the mods we think are the most helpful. In the end, it will fall upon you to pick the ones that will synergize with your class and subclass. We just want to lend a helping hand.
Helmet Mods
Protect that dome of yours, it’s the only one you’ve got!
Here are two helmet mods that we think would be a solid choice
1. Heavy Ammo Finder
Increases the drop chance of Heavy ammo on kill.
The best heavy weapon is the one that isn’t empty. While it won’t keep your machine gun or rocket launcher at it’s max capacity, it will make sure you’ll have a spare rocket or a few more rounds when you need it.
Where to Get It:
This mod comes unlocked by default on many armor pieces.
2. Weapon Targeting Mods
Targeting mods add +5 to your weapons aim assist, given how useful that is, we decided to list 2 to show which might be most useful for the weapons you utilize most.
- Precision Weapon Targeting
Improved target acquisition, accuracy, and aim-down-sights speed for Hand Cannons, Scout Rifles, Trace Rifles, Bows, Linear Fusion, Snipers, and Slug Shotguns.
- Scatter Projectile Targeting
Improved target acquisition, accuracy, and aim-down-sights speed for Auto Rifles, Machine Guns, SMGs, Pulse Rifles, Sidearms, and Fusion Rifles.
Where to Get It:
These mods come unlocked by default on many armor pieces.
Arms Mods
Arm yourself with these mods. Get it? It’s a joke about arms. The biggest joke here however, is me trying to pay off my student loans. Please Help.
3. Fastball
Increases grenade throw distance.
This mod is great for blowing up your enemies, but from further away. Because sometimes you just don’t want to get close.
Where to Get It:
This mod comes unlocked by default on many armor pieces.
4. Momentum Transfer
Causing damage with a grenade reduces your melee cooldown.
This is a Solar element mod that I synergize with Fastball mod. Use your grenade to scatter enemies. Then as your melee cools down faster, you can close the distance and take them individually with your ability.
Where to Get It:
You can find this in Legendary engrams and in faction rank up packages.
Chest Armor Mods
Keep that fragile heart safe by encasing your torso in metal instead of finding healthy coping mechanisms.
Chest armors have elemental mods that are centered on boosting your reserve ammo and reducing flinch when using a certain weapon. So if you use an auto rifle most of the time the Auto Rifle Reserves mod is for you, and so on with other guns. Because there are such a variety of these it’s best to pick the ones that apply to you the most.
Some recommended chest armor mods:
5. Large Arms Reserves
Increases the amount of ammo you can carry for Rocket Launchers, Grenade Launchers, Machine Guns, and Shotguns.
Keep the party going by bringing along as much heavy ammo as you can hold, this is great for maximizing the few opportunities for grabbing some heavy ammo in the Crucible.
Where to Get It:
This mod comes unlocked by default on many armor pieces.
6. Shotgun Reserves
Increases the amount of Shotgun ammo you can carry.
As mentioned before, you should pick the mod that would benefit the weapon you prefer to use. I believe this Arc element mod is a good choice because shotguns don’t carry enough ammo in my experience.
Where to Get It:
You can find this mod in Rank Up packages from Tower Gunsmith Banshee-44
Leg Armor Mods
Step on up and check out these mods.
7. Traction
Grants increased mobility and tighter turn radius while sprinting.
This mod is helpful in PvP game modes, as getting around a corner quickly or getting to cover may be what determines a win or loss. Good for close quarters.
Where to Get It:
You can find this mod in Rank Up packages from Tower Gunsmith Banshee-44
8. Rocket Launcher Dexterity
Faster ready and stow speed for Rocket Launchers.
Leg armors have a plethora of dexterity mods. In my opinion, having this Solar mod readies your rocket launcher faster. Which always puts odds in your favor, that is if you don’t miss when you fire.
Where to Get It:
You can find this mod in Rank Up packages from Tower Gunsmith Banshee-44
Class Item Mods
Make those class items more than fancy pieces of cloth with these mods.
9. Distribution
Reduces all ability cooldowns when using your class ability near enemies.
This mod is good for when your enemies start to push forward. By having your abilities like grenades and melee ready quicker, you can keep them at bay. You can also
Where to Get It:
This mod comes unlocked by default on many armor pieces.
10. Perpetuation
Reduces class ability cooldown when using your class ability.
This Void element mod synergizes with the previously mentioned Distribution mod. By reducing your class ability cooldown, you can use it more often, and by using it more often when you’re near enemies the Distribution mod kicks in and your abilities will cool down faster.
Where to Get It:
You can find this in Legendary engrams and in faction rank up packages.
More on Mods
This list is a small sampling of mods we like, but in truth the “best” mod will differ from Guardian to Guardian. If you want to take a look at all the mods that are available with different armor pieces check out this complete listing of all mods in Destiny 2 at the moment.
Like our list? What mods do you think work well together? Let us know in the comments below!
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