Hand cannons are powerful revolvers that excel in close/mid-range combat. They hit hard, and work great as your primary or secondary weapon offering a hard kick with some nice payoff. Today we’ve curated our top 10 hand cannons for early, mid, and late game activities.
How the List Works:
Most of these weapons have either a predetermined (curated) perk roll as a random perk roll. Since naming every possible perk for each weapon would be a pain to read, we’ll list it’s curated traits/perks and its stats when it has the curated roll. Don’t worry though, we’ll provide a link to the full weapon breakdown in the Weapon Details section for each weapon.
Our Top 10 Hand Cannons
- Allegro-34 (Early)
- Dire Promise (Early/Mid/Late)
- The Old Fashioned (Early/Mid/Late)
- Sunshot (Early/Mid/Late)
- Jack Queen King 3 (Early/Mid)
- Sturm (Early/Mid)
- Nature of The Beast (Early/Mid)
- Hawkmoon (Mid/Late)
- Seventh Seraph Officer Revolver (Late/Mid)
- Posterity (Late/Mid)
1. Allegro-34 (Early)
SUROS invites you to pick up the pace.
The only blue rarity gun on our list, the Allegro-34 is well known because of its ability to compete with some legendaries. Even though it’s not something you can have for very long since you’ll likely get better gear in time, this hand cannon will serve you well.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 84
Range: 45
Stability: 69
Handling: 59
Reload Speed: 42
Rounds/Min: 140
Magazine: 9
Adaptive Frame: A well-rounded grip, reliable and sturdy.
Opening Shot: Improved accuracy and range on the opening shot of the attack.
What makes Allegro-34 good?:
- Good stats
- Overall reliable
Weapon Details:
How to get Allegro-34:
This weapon is a world drop from playing in different activities.
Allegro-34 in Action:
2. Dire Promise (Early/Mid/Late)
"If you think this world ends well, you are mistaken." —Arach Jalaal
Dire Promise is a hand cannon that has the awesome look of a classic revolver but the power you would expect from a sci-fi six-shooter, (it, has 11 rounds by the way.) It’s a consistent hand cannon with some good rolls. It’s a good workhorse weapon that is reliable in any activity.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 80
Range: 41
Stability: 68
Handling: 75
Reload Speed: 54
Rounds/Min: 150
Magazine: 11
Lightweight Frame: Superb handling. Move faster with this weapon equipped.
Triple Tap: Rapidly landing precision hits will return 1 round to the magazine.
Swashbuckler: This weapon gains increased damage from melee kills and kills with this weapon.
What makes Dire Promise good?:
- Good stability
- Good handling
- Consistent shooting
Weapon Details:
How to get Dire Promise:
Dire Promise in Action:
3. The Old Fashioned (Early/Mid/Late)
This is the way things were.
Now back in my day, we’d deal with problems the old fashioned way. By shooting them with a hand cannon. Well come to think of it, it doesn’t seem like anything’s changed much since then. This gun is the counterpart to the beloved Dire Promise, offering a similar performance but a somewhat different experience.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 84
Range: 53
Stability: 60
Handling: 64
Reload Speed: 49
Rounds/Min: 140
Magazine: 9
Adaptive Frame: A well-rounded grip, reliable and sturdy.
Slideshot: Sliding partially reloads this weapon's magazine and temporarily boosts range and stability.
Surrounded: This weapon gains bonus damage when three or more enemies are in close proximity.
What makes The Old Fashioned good?:
- Good stats
- Reliable
- Easy to get
Weapon Details:
How to get The Old Fashioned:
The Old Fashioned in Action:
4. Sunshot (Early/Mid/Late)
"Can't outrun the sunrise." —Liu Feng
Get the sunscreen kids. This Exotic Solar hand cannon packs a punch with an explosive surprise. Sunshot’s rounds explode and highlight targets that are hit in the case they don’t die right away. It’s exotic trait Sun Blast adds insult to injury by making enemies explode when they are killed. This is a consistent gun that can chain kills in PvE.
Exotic Weapon Stats:
Impact: 80
Range: 47
Stability: 51
Handling: 92
Reload Speed: 75
Rounds/Min: 150
Magazine: 12
Sunburn: This weapon fires explosive rounds and highlights targets that take damage from Sunshot.
Sun Blast: Targets killed with Sunshot explode in Solar energy.
What makes Sunshot good?:
- Great handling
- Good reload speed
- Good stability
- Good for clearing groups with a few shots
Weapon Details:
How to get Sunshot:
You can acquire this gun as a random exotic engram world drop or purchase it from Xur if he has it in stock for 29 Legendary Shards.
Sunshot in Action:
5. Jack Queen King 3 (Early/Mid)
An army meets, and stands, and falls. Three nobles wage their hopeless war. In shifting madness, evil crawls. One stands above the battle's roar.
Jack Queen King 3 is a versatile hand cannon that performs great in PvE and Pvp, assuming you get a good roll suited for the job. The curated roll for this Arc hand cannon comes with Rampage and Pulse Monitor, which aren’t the best but work well. If you’re willing to farm a little, you can score some amazing perks that enhance this already good gun.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 80
Range: 50
Stability: 55
Handling: 87
Reload Speed: 63
Rounds/Min: 150
Magazine: 13
Lightweight Frame: Superb handling. Move faster with this weapon equipped.
Pulse Monitor: Automatically reloads the magazine and improves weapon handling when critically wounded—even when this weapon is stowed.
Rampage: Kills with this weapon temporarily grant increased damage. Stacks 3x.
What makes Jack Queen King 3 good?:
- Good impact
- Good handling
- Perk rolls make it versatile
Weapon Details:
How to get Jack Queen King 3:
Jack Queen King 3 in Action:
6. Sturm (Early/Mid)
These ancient ceremonial pistols can be dated back to the early Golden Age. A faded inscription reads, "To Sigrun, from Victor."
Sturm is a hand cannon that needs a friend. It’s friend being the legendary sidearm Drang, and when you have these two equipped they make quite a duo. When you get kills with Drang it reloads and gives Sturm an overcharged (higher damage) extra round in its magazine. But that’s not all, Sturm kills refills your energy weapon ammo, simply put, it means these weapons practically reload each other.
Exotic Weapon Stats:
Range: 73
Stability: 56
Handling: 37
Reload Speed:37
Rounds/Min: 110
Magazine: 12
Accomplice: Kills with this weapon fill the magazine of the equipped Energy weapon from reserves.
Storm and Stress: Kills with Drang reload this weapon and overflows bonus damage round into the magazine.
What makes Sturm good?:
- High Impact
- Good range
- Energy ammo generation from the exotic perk
Weapon Details:
How to get Sturm:
Sturm in Action:
7. Nature of The Beast (Early/Mid)
Don't let them change you.
While it is in the less popular 180 RPM archetype of hand cannons, this weapon performs surprisingly well in PvP. The shooting is fairly snappy and is pretty precise for this kind of hand cannon. If you get the chance, give it a try, it might be the right one for you.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 78
Range: 46
Stability: 60
Handling: 37
Reload Speed: 33
Rounds/Min: 180
Magazine: 12
Precision Frame: Recoil pattern on this weapon is more predictably vertical. Fires quickly with high accuracy.
Subsistence: Kills partially reload the magazine from reserves, but reserve capacity is reduced.
Dragonfly: Precision kills create an elemental damage explosion.
What makes Nature of the Beast good?:
- Good stats
- Reliable
- Best in its archetype
Weapon Details:
How to get Nature of the Beast:
Nature of the Beast in Action:
8. Hawkmoon (Mid/Late)
Stalk thy prey and let loose thy talons upon the Darkness.
With the launch of the Beyond Light expansion, the Hawkmoon returned. This exotic hand cannon is a versatile weapon that does great in most activities. It’s got good stats all around and the exotic perk rewards you for precision kills with the last round doing extra damage. There’s a good reason players missed this gun.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 71
Range: 61
Stability: 76
Handling: 83
Reload Speed: 63
Rounds/Min: 140
Magazine: 8
Paracausal Shot: Final round damage for precision hits.
Smooth Grip: This weapon is slightly easier to hold and aim.
What makes Hawkmoon good?:
- Not very difficult to get
- Performs well in any activity
- Good overall stats
Weapon Details:
How to get Hawkmoon:
Hawkmoon in Action:
9. Seventh Seraph Officer Revolver (Late/Mid)

A thing of elegance from a more civilized age.
A weapon of a more civilized age, or was that a lightsaber? Anyway, this hand cannon makes a good choice for when you’re on your way to the late game content. I recommend you look for one that rolls with Timed Payload or Hight Impact Reserves. The former being a good perk for PvE.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 78
Range: 44
Stability: 57
Handling: 46
Reload Speed: 54
Rounds/Min: 180
Magazine: 9
Precision Frame: Recoil pattern is more vertical.
Firmly Planted: Increased accuracy, stability, and handling when firing while crouched.
Feeding Frenzy: Each rapid kill with this weapon progressively increases reload speed for a short time.
What makes Seventh Seraph Officer Revolver good?:
- Good stats
- Overall reliable
Weapon Details:
How to get Seventh Seraph Officer Revolver:
Seventh Seraph Officer Revolver in Action
10. Posterity (Late/Mid)
A single word is etched inside the barrel: "Anastasia-1."
This unique looking hand cannon belongs to the less popular 180 RPM archetype, but don’t let that scare you away, It’s got it where it counts. This raid hand cannon has some good rolls that pay for your trouble for going through the Deep Stone Crypt.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 78
Range: 45
Stability: 73
Handling: 42
Reload Speed: 44
Rounds/Min: 180
Magazine: 13
Precision Frame: Recoil pattern on this weapon is more predictably vertical. Fires quickly with high accuracy.
Genesis: Breaking a combatant's shield with this weapon fills its magazine from reserves. Energy weapons regenerate ammo on hit when matching the damage type to the combatant's shield.
One for All: Hitting three separate targets increases damage for a moderate duration.
What makes Posterity good?:
- Good perk rolls
- Decent stability
- Good in PvE
Weapon Details:
How to get Posterity:
Posterity in Action:
Liked our list? Let us know what you think in the comments below!
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