5. Forest Biome
Things that you will typically find in the forest biome are spider nests, trees, saplings, occasional boulders, pig houses, and graves. Let’s break them down and see why they’re good.
- Spider nests
They spawn spiders that can be killed to retrieve Monster Meat, Silk, and Spider Glands. Silk is used in various recipes; like a Fishing Rod, Bird Trap, Bug Net, Umbrella, Tent, etc. Spider glands are good as a healing item, giving 8 health points, but combined with ashes you can craft a Healing Salve that gives 20 health points.
- Trees
There is not so much talking about trees. When chopped, it drops logs and pine cones. Logs are used regularly, and pine cones can be used as seeds to plant additional trees. Don’t go crazy with chopping, otherwise, a Tree Guardian might spawn. It is a mini-boss that wants to “protect” the forest. When killed, the Tree Guardian drops living logs.
- Saplings
Collecting saplings gives 1 set of twigs to the inventory. They can also be dug up and carried to another part of the World.
- Occasional Boulders, Pig Houses and Graves
These resources are not necessarily there but can be present in this biome. When mined, boulders drop rocks and nitre/gold nuggets. Pig Houses spawn Pigs that can be befriended or killed for Pig Skin and Meat. Graves can be dug up for various trinkets, gems, and, if lucky, even a life amulet.
4. Savanna Biome
Savanna is a biome that contains a lot of grass tuft, rabbit holes, and beefalo. That’s it. That’s literally it.
- Grass tuft
Grass tuft drops, well, you guessed it – grass. Grass is the base resource that is needed in most craftable items. It can be dug up to be transported to other parts of the World, however, once planted, a fertilizer of some kind must be used for them to start growing.
- Rabbit Holes
They spawn rabbits during the daytime. The rabbits go back to their holes during dusk and stay there until the next morning. They can be caught using a Trap. They can be killed for Morsel or you can spare their lives, at least 4 of them, and use them to make a Prestihatitator.
- Beefalo
Beefalo are neutral mobs during most of the year. However, during mating season, they become aggressive towards the player. While they are sleeping (and NOT in the mating season), you can shave them for Beefalo Wool. If killed, they drop Meat, Beefalo Wool and have a chance of dropping the Beefalo Horn. The Horn is mostly used to craft a Beefalo Hat. If blown, the Horn will cause 5 grown Beefalo to follow the player around for one full day. It is quite a slow process if your base isn’t near the original location of the beefalo, so in my opinion, isn’t worth it. You can also use the Horn to calm down an angered Beefalo, however, just running away or killing them is much better.
3. Deciduous Forest Biome
Deciduous Forest is rich with Birchnut Trees, Mushrooms, Berry Bushes, Hollow Stumps, Saplings, and occasional grass tufts. You can also find a pig house here and there, and the Pig King usually spawns in a small Grassland area close to the Deciduous Forest.
- Birchnut Trees
Birchnut Trees drop log and Birchnuts. They lose their leaves in the Winter and regain them in Spring. Similar to the Tree Guardian, if you chop too many trees at once you might spawn the Poison Birchnut Tree, a more annoying mini-boss that spawns Birchnutters and roots, both aggressive towards the player. To “kill” them, you need to chop the Poison Birchnut Tree until it falls, but that is not an easy task to do since the Birchnutters and the roots keep attacking.
Birchnuts can be cooked and then used in a crock pot with berries and mushrooms to cook a Trail Mix, quite a good healing food item, giving 30 Health points.
- Mushrooms
There are three types of mushrooms in the game; red, blue, and green. When picked, they give a red, blue, or green cap, respectively. They all have different stats and are used for various things. For example, if you need to reduce your sanity quickly, eat a cooked red cap because it takes away 10 Sanity points. If you want to regain that Sanity, you can use a cooked Green Cap and gain 15 Sanity points. If you are in need of a quick Health gain, eat a raw Blue cap. That gives you 20 Health Points, but it will cost you –15 Sanity.
- Berry Bushes
When picked, berry bushes drop Berries. They are a good early-game food resource. When cooked, they give around 12 Hunger points, but hey, it’s a good start when you don’t have your Crock Pot yet. The Berry Bushes also spawn Gobblers, which are passive mobs that run away from you when they see you. The trick is to corner them on the edges of the land or to bait them with food so you can kill them. When killed, they drop 2 Drumsticks.
- Hollow Stumps
Hollow Stumps are home to our Catcoons. These are neutral mobs that are always playing around with various objects or chasing small mobs like butterflies, birds, moleworms, rabbits, or bees. If killed, they drop Meat and have a 33% chance of dropping the Cat Tail. They can also be befriended by giving them “toys” or food. These toys can be pretty much anything you can find (birchnut, feather, beefalo wool, etc.). In exchange, Catcoon will cough up a gift for you and it will follow you around for a little bit.
2. Grasslands Biome
- Beehives
Beehives spawn bees that go around the biome and collect pollen from the flowers for their honey. If the beehive is attacked, the bees will become hostile and killer bees will come out of it to attack you. When destroyed, the beehive will drop Honey and Honeycomb. Once you destroy the beehive it will not rebuild itself, thus making the Honeycomb a non-renewable item. The Honeycomb is used to make your very own Bee Box that produces Honey.
- Flowers
Flowers are a good early game Sanity boost. When picked, they give 5 Sanity points. They spawn butterflies. When killed, butterflies drop Butterfly Wings and Butter (with only a 2% chance).
- Ponds
There are three types of ponds in the world, Green, Blue, and Purple. The ones that are present in the Grasslands biome are the Green Ponds. Using, a fishing rod, you can fish them for fish (yes, that is a sentence). During the day, they spawn Frogs that can be killed for Frog Legs. If you are hit by the frog’s tongue, it drops one random item from your inventory.
1.Desert Biome
- Boulders
We have mentioned Boulders before. There are three types of boulders in the game; Boulder, Gold Vein and Flintless. In the desert biome, you can find any type of these, depends how lucky you are. If you are unlucky, you will get Flintless boulders that, when mined, only drop rocks. Other boulders, along with the rocks and flint, drop nitre, and the gold vein boulders drop gold.
- Bones
You can find random bones laying out there. They can be hammered for bone shards that are typically used for crafting Eyebrella, Saddle Horn, Tackle Receptacle, or Surf’n’Turf.
- Hounds
Hounds are aggressive mobs that, when killed, drop Monster Meat and with a chance of dropping Hound’s Tooth. The Hound’s Tooth can be used for crafting a Tooth trap that is ironically really great against the Hound Waves, as well as against the Frog Rain in the Spring.
- Tallbirds
Tallbirds are aggressive mobs that chase you 3-5 screens but are easily killed and drop 2 pieces of meat. Their egg does not spoil and can be cooked for 37.5 hunger or used for various crockpot recipes. The Tallbird egg can also be put near a fireplace, turning it into a hatching Tallbird egg and eventually hatching a Smallbird.
- Buzzards
Buzzards are neutral mobs that can be found in the desert and the rockyland biome. They circle the sky and appear as shadows on the ground which can easily indicate their location. You can bait them with meat. They will land on the ground and you can then attack them for 1 drumstick, 1-2 morsels, and possibly one jet feather.
- Cacti
Cactus is an amazing food source. When picked it costs you 3 health points, so make sure you have some kind of armor on you. The cactus flesh can be cooked for 10 sanity points. But the ultimate cactus power is its flower which grows in the summer. Mixed with vegetables, the cactus flower can be cooked in the crockpot for a Flower Salad recipe, which restores 40 health points, 12.5 hunger, and 5 sanity.
- Tumbleweed
Tumbleweeds only spawn in this biome. You can harvest the tumbleweed to get 3 random items, including grass, twigs, logs, food items, gems, gears, etc. It’s a good way to get some non-renewable items later in the game.
- Oasis Lake
This lake is a part of the oasis setpiece, but it only has water during summer. Other times it can be walked over. If you want to stay in the Oasis for your base, you have to fish out the blueprint for the Desert Goggles. The reason why is because the Oasis desert is the only desert that has a sandstorm during the summer and therefore being an impossible one to walk through because of limited vision and movement. Wearing desert goggles cancels this out and you can see and walk normally.
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