Behold the ranger of the gusts and the wild winds. Windranger is one of the few heroes who can be a tough counter to pretty much all heroes in all lanes. No matter the position, she is known to deal some heavy damage or assist her allies in doing so. To utilize her to her full potential, she is picked in the middle lane, where she can thrive in most matchups against enemies due to the insane damage that she is known to dish out. The primary reason for her resurrection in this patch is due to her abilities, she is one of those rare heroes who does not rely much on items to get things done around the map. Her excellent teamfight skills are all attributed to her skill builds.
To help you climb MMR with this mischievous markswoman, we bring you the Best 5 Windranger Builds that will help you win games. These builds contain the best skill allocation and the best items that help you in dominating your games with Windranger.
5. Yapzor Build
Not all players can be good at stealing your hearts with their high-quality gameplay, speaking of stealing, there is one player who knows how to steal well. Yazied “YapzOr” Jaradat is, without a doubt, the best position 4 player that we have seen in recent times. Rubick may be his specialty but he excels on all the position 4 heroes available in the game, including his Windranger. He was a staunch supporter of the soft support Windranger. His build differs from others in this list due to his role in the game.
YapzOr is known for innovating interesting item builds on position 4 heroes. He is one of the superstar players, meaning he can make any hero work and he makes it look effortless. Yapzor is known to have a greedy playstyle, which almost always pans out in the favor of his team. In the late game, Yapzor’s Windranger becomes nothing short of a core hero. He is known to keep calm in high-pressure situations and exhibit impressive gameplay. Yapzor is great on powerful supports, often seen setting up ganks or stacking for his carry.
Use This Build If:
- You want a late-game-oriented build that allows you to both farm and fights relentlessly
- You are facing squishy and low-armor enemies
- You are facing illusion-based heroes
Skill Points
Level 1: Windrun: Increases Windranger’s movement speed while making her evade all physical damage attacks. It also slows all enemy heroes in an AoE around her. This spell helps WR catch enemy heroes or help herself escape sticky situations.
Level 2: Shackleshot: Shackles an enemy unit to a tree or another unit behind it (in a line). The stun lasts longer if the unit is shackled to a tree. This is an exceptional source of lockdown for Windranger.
Level 3: Powershot: Windranger channels her bow for one powerful shot which deals damage to enemies along the path. The Powershot damage gets reduced for each enemy hit. This spell is the only source of damage for WR in the early game, it also allows her to farm fast due to the AoE damage.
Level 4: Powershot
Level 5: Powershot
Level 6: Shackleshot
Level 7: Powershot
Level 8: Shackleshot
Level 9: Shackleshot
Level 10: -2s Shackleshot Cooldown
Level 11: Windrun
Level 12: Windrun
Level 13: Windrun
Level 14: Stats
Level 15: -3s Windrun Cooldown
Level 16: Stats
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Stats
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +0.8s Shackleshot Duration
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Tango (90 Gold) - Provides health regen if used on a tree. It's the cheapest yet the most convenient way of healing up in the early stages of the game when you are playing in the side lanes. Regardless of the hero you play, Tangoes are a core item.
- 3x Iron Branch (50 Gold) - Grants +1 of all attributes per branch. It provides decent sustain in the early game. The branch can be also planted to block paths for enemies or to deceive them under the fog.
- Blight Stone (300 Gold) - A casual Blight Stone is a decent item to have early on, which reduces enemy armor by 2 upon physical attacks. It deals decent damage and works in tandem with Focus Fire.
- Sentry Ward (50 Gold) - Purchased at 0:11. Reveals invisible enemies, units, and wards in an AoE. As Windranger is played the support role by Yapzor, he opts to purchase this item to destroy enemy observer wards, which saves his allies from getting ganked.
- Observer Ward - Purchased at 2 minutes. Grants vision of an area in an AoE upon the plant. The ward is stationary and can be destroyed by enemies if they purchase a sentry ward. It is a beneficial item for Windranger as it provides her with the vision to see any incoming ganks or to secure the runes in the early game.
- Magic Wand (450 Gold) - Purchased at 4 minutes. Gains a charge every time an enemy uses a spell in an AoE. It can store up to 20 charges, with each charge healing you up to 15 HP and mana. It is an ideal early-game item as it allows WR to sustain herself in the lane if she is facing spellcasting heroes.
- Boots of Speed (500 Gold) - Purchased at 7 minutes. Provides +45 movement speed to Windranger. It is ideal for all heroes as you can further purchase upgraded boots with it.
- Tranquil Boots (925 Gold) - Purchased at 11 minutes. As Yapzor is playing Windranger in the support role, he prefers purchasing Tranquil Boots over Phase or Power Treads as it allows him to regen quickly and move faster.
- Aghanim’s Shard (1400 Gold) - Bought at 15 minutes. Grants the Gale Force ability. Upon usage, it pushes all targeted units in an area toward the target direction. It is an effective crowd-control spell that can be useful if you are playing against heroes that group up often. As a support Windranger, this is a core item on the hero.
- Aether Lens (2275 Gold) - Bought at 23 minutes. Aether Lens increases the cast range of all abilities and items by 225 and increases overall mana by 300. It is exceptional if Zeus wants to further upgrade it to Octarine Core. You can just disassemble the earlier bought Arcane Boots into Aether Lens as well.
- Force Staff (2250 Gold) - Purchased at 31 minutes. Pushes Windranger or the targetted unit in the direction they are facing. It is a common item on support Windranger, as it allows her to chase enemies or escape a sticky fight.
- Octarine Core (5275 Gold) - Purchased at 37 minutes. Octarine Core provides increased cast range, increased stats along with a 25% cooldown reduction for both items and spells. Spellcasting heroes like Windranger benefit from the stats above as it enhances their gameplay and makes them deal higher damage in a fight. It provides impressive stats for Windranger, helping her stay durable in the late game.
Neutral Items
- Trusty Shovel - Allows Windranger to channel for 1 second to dig either a Bounty Rune, Enchanted Mango, Flask, or a Kobold. It is an ideal early-game neutral item.
- Arcane Ring - Provides 75 Mana to Windranger and her allies. It also increases his intelligence and armor making him resilient in skirmishes.
- Eye of the Vizier - Reduces Windranger’s mana by 15% while increasing her cast range by 125.
- Ceremonial Robe - It increases Windranger’s mana by 250. It lowers enemy status and magic resistance by 10%. It allows Windrager’s Shackleshot to last longer.
- Quickening Charm - It increases Windranger’s health regeneration by 10% while also reducing her spell and item cooldown by 10%.
4. Ceb Build
The two-timer, and undoubtedly the GOAT, Ceb is an exceptional Windranger player. You may see him play this hero frequently, as it is one of his signatures along with his NPs and Dark Seers. Ceb has made this hero viable in the meta by playing her in the offlane. Ceb plays an extremely aggressive and greedy Windranger, often opting for unorthodox items. He does not rely on his teammates to make plays in the game, rather he takes matters into his own hands with his insane builds.
Ceb loves the max Powershot build, as he is playing against squishy heroes in this matchup. This build optimizes WR to his full potential by building both utility and damage items. Such a hybrid build can be risky but seasoned veterans like Ceb know their way around such matchups. Ceb builds items like Silver Edge and Scythe of Vyse to provide him with increased disable and damage potential while also piercing through enemy armor quite effortlessly.
Use This Build If:
- You want an extremely reliable build for the late game
- You want to be involved in more skirmishes from the early game
- You want a self-sustainable build that makes you tanky, making it extremely valuable against damage-dealing heroes
Skill Points
Level 1: Windrun: Increases Windranger’s movement speed while making her evade all physical damage attacks. It also slows all enemy heroes in an AoE around her. This spell helps WR catch enemy heroes or help herself escape sticky situations.
Level 2: Powershot: Windranger channels her bow for one powerful shot which deals damage to enemies along the path. The Powershot damage gets reduced for each enemy hit. This spell is the only source of damage for WR in the early game, it also allows her to farm fast due to the AoE damage.
Level 3: Powershot
Level 4: Windrun
Level 5: Powershot
Level 6: Powershot
Level 7: Focus Fire: Allows Windranger to target an enemy unit, increasing her attack speed by a huge margin but reducing her attack damage at the same time on that unit. It may be an underwhelming spell in the early game, but its impact is felt in the late game.
Level 8: Shackleshot: Shackles an enemy unit to a tree or another unit behind it (in a line). The stun lasts longer if the unit is shackled to a tree. This is an exceptional source of lockdown for Windranger.
Level 9: Windrun
Level 10: Windrun
Level 11: Shackleshot
Level 12: Focus Fire
Level 13: Shackleshot
Level 14: Shackleshot
Level 15: -3s Windrun Cooldown
Level 16: -2s Shackleshot Cooldown
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Focus Fire
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: -16% Focus Fire Damage Reduction
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Tango (90 Gold) - Provides health regen if used on a tree. It's the cheapest yet the most convenient way of healing up in the early stages of the game when you are playing in the side lanes. Regardless of the hero you play, Tangoes are a core item.
- 2x Iron Branch (50 Gold) - Grants +1 of all attributes per branch. It provides decent sustain in the early game. The branch can be also planted to block paths for enemies or to deceive them under the fog.
- Mantle of Intelligence (140 Gold) - Grants +3 intelligence to Windranger. Though she does not lack in the mana department, the increased int and spell amplification can do wonders in certain scenarios in the early game.
- Gloves of Haste (450 Gold) - Purchased at 1 minute. It provides Windranger with +20 attack speed. It is further upgraded into Power Treads.
- Infused Raindrops (225 Gold) - Purchased at 5 minutes. Passively provides +0.8 Mana Regeneration while consuming a charge to block 120 incoming magic damage from instances over 75 damage. It comes with 6 charges, helping Windranger fare well against heroes with high magic damage output.
- Power Treads (1400 Gold) - Bought at 6 minutes. It provides 45 movement speed and 25 attack speed along with toggleable attributes, which offer everything from increased mana pool to armor and even strength, helping Ceb stay durable and sufficient in all stages of the game.
- Maelstrom (2700 Gold) - Bought at 13 minutes. Upon physical attacks, it has a high chance of releasing a lighting bolt that passes through enemies in proximity and deals damage to them. This allows Windranger to farm faster while also providing her with increased attack damage.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 21 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Windranger invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as she has low magical resistance.
- Blink Dagger (2250 Gold) - Purchased at 24 minutes. Blink Dagger is a core item on Windranger, as it allows her to initiate a teamfight, or chase enemies with it. It can also be upgraded into Overwhelming or Swift Blink. This allows her to the frontline and initiates a fight.
- Crystalys (1950 Gold) - Bought at 27 minutes. It grants each attack a 30% chance to deal 160% critical damage. The damage can be extremely useful in the early game to fend off enemies and neutralize them. Focus Fire also has a crit chance.
- Silver Edge (5450 Gold) - Purchased at 30 minutes. Shadow Blade can further be upgraded into Silver Edge which offers the same benefits as its predecessor while also dealing a guaranteed 160% critical strike and disabling enemy passive for 4 seconds. If you are facing enemies with multiple powerful passive spells, then Silver Edge is the right item for you.
- Scythe of Vyse (5675 Gold) - Purchased at 38 minutes. Scythe offers immense disable potential as it turns the targeted enemy into a pig, making them unable to use any spells or items while also reducing their movement speed. This disabler item is of high value on Windranger as it allows her to dominate the late game with it, locking down her foes and decimating them with the follow-up from her team. Ceb loves playing offensively with this item, as he just uses Blink to initiate and disable the targeted enemy to begin a teamfight.
Neutral Items
- Arcane Ring - Provides 75 Mana to Windranger and his allies. It also increases his intelligence and armor making him resilient in skirmishes.
- Brigand’s Blade - Provides Windranger with +10 attack damage and attack speed. It makes it easy for him to deal damage and survive through the early game.
- Spell Prism - Reduces the cooldowns of Windranger’s spells and items by 25%.
3. Bzm Build
The young and dominant Bzm is not only an impressive mid-laner but also an exceptional team fighter and team player. He is known for his versatile hero pool and exceptional Windranger plays. He has a very hyper-aggressive but disciplined play style on this hero. Windranger as a hero suits Bzm’s playstyle very well. His insane reactions made him fall under the radar for OG. WR is a hero that was spammed by Bzm even when it was nerfed into oblivion, just shows how dedicated he was to this hero. Bzm goes a pretty standard Windranger item build, but it's his spell build that is the center of focus here.
Bzm loves to cripple his enemies by fighting as soon as he gets Focus Fire on Windranger, not giving them any chance to use their spells or escape. Along with that, he is known to build items like Gleipnir and Blink Dagger that allow him to become more elusive and sustain himself from his foes. The build is highly common but works amazingly versus low armor and squishy heroes in particular. This build also allows you to be a menace right from the early game and be excellent at controlling the tempo and pace of the fight. In this highlight, Bzm demonstrates that tweaking the skill builds even slightly can change the trajectory of the game.
Use This Build If:
- You want an extremely reliable Windranger build that is fit for the late game
- You want to be in control of the teamfight as a mid-Windranger
- You are facing heroes with low armor and escape potential
- You want to be involved in more teamfights from the early stages of the game
Skill Points
Level 1: Powershot: Windranger channels her bow for one powerful shot which deals damage to enemies along the path. The Powershot damage gets reduced for each enemy hit. This spell is the only source of damage for WR in the early game, it also allows her to farm fast due to the AoE damage.
Level 2: Windrun: Increases Windranger’s movement speed while making her evade all physical damage attacks. It also slows all enemy heroes in an AoE around her. This spell helps WR catch enemy heroes or help herself escape sticky situations.
Level 3: Powershot
Level 4: Shackleshot: Shackles an enemy unit to a tree or another unit behind it (in a line). The stun lasts longer if the unit is shackled to a tree. This is an exceptional source of lockdown for Windranger.
Level 5: Powershot
Level 6: Focus Fire: Allows Windranger to target an enemy unit, increasing her attack speed by a huge margin but reducing her attack damage at the same time on that unit. It may be an underwhelming spell in the early game, but its impact is felt in the late game.
Level 7: Powershot
Level 8: Windrun
Level 9: Windrun
Level 10: Windrun
Level 11: Shackleshot
Level 12: Focus Fire
Level 13: Shackleshot
Level 14: Shackleshot
Level 15: -3s Windrun Cooldown
Level 16: -2s Shackleshot Cooldown
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Focus Fire
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: -16% Focus Fire Damage Reduction
Level 25: Level 25: Focus Fire advance cooldown by 20s
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Tango (90 Gold) - Provides health regen if used on a tree. It's the cheapest yet the most convenient way of healing up in the early stages of the game when you are playing in the side lanes. Regardless of the hero you play, Tangoes are a core item.
- 3x Iron Branch (50 Gold) - Grants +1 of all attributes per branch. It provides decent sustain in the early game. The branch can be also planted to block paths for enemies or to deceive them under the fog.
- Faerie Fire (70 Gold) - Instantly restores 85 health upon usage. It also passively grants 2 damage per instance. It is an effective item if you’re playing in the mid lane, or just want extra damage and sustain in the side lanes.
- Observer Ward - Provides vision in a certain AoE. It must be planted in the mid-lane to alert the mid-laner about any incoming ganks or fights.
- Bottle (675 Gold) - Purchased at 0:43 into the game. The bottle is an essential item on a mid-hero. Regardless of the hero you play, Bottle keeps you sustained through the laning phase by replenishing your mana and HP. It also ensures you store power runes for later instead of immediately using them. As Windranger is played in the mid-lane by Bzm, a Bottle always comes in handy.
- Magic Stick (200 Gold) - Purchased at 1 minute. Gains a charge each time an enemy uses a spell around you. Each direction grants 15 HP and mana and can have up to 10 charges. It is a perfect item in the laning stage if you face heroes who cast spells frequently.
- Boots of Speed (500 Gold) - Purchased at 3 minutes. Provides +45 movement speed to WR. It is ideal for all heroes as you can further purchase upgraded boots with it.
- Javelin (1100 Gold) - Purchased at 6 minutes. Grants WR’s attacks a 30% chance to pierce evasion and deal 70 bonus damage. It can further be upgraded into Maelstrom.
- Magic Wand (450 Gold) - Bought at 7 minutes. Gains a charge every time an enemy uses a spell in an AoE. It can store up to 20 charges, with each charge healing you up to 15 HP and mana. It is an ideal starting item as it allows WR to sustain herself in the lane if she is facing spellcasting heroes.
- Infused Raindrops (225 Gold) - Purchased at 7 minutes. Passively provides +0.8 Mana Regeneration while consuming a charge to block 120 incoming magic damage from instances over 75 damage. It comes with 6 charges, helping Windranger fare well against heroes with high magic damage output.
- Maelstrom (2700 Gold) - Bought at 11 minutes. Upon physical attacks, it has a high chance of releasing a lighting bolt that passes through enemies in proximity and deals damage to them. This allows Windranger to farm faster while also providing her with increased attack damage.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 18 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Windranger invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance.
- Blink Dagger (2250 Gold) - Purchased at 22 minutes. Blink Dagger is a core item on Windranger, as it allows her to initiate a teamfight, or chase enemies with it. It can also be upgraded into Overwhelming or Swift Blink. This allows her to the frontline and initiates a fight.
- Crystalys - (1950 Gold) Bought at 26 minutes. It grants each attack a 30% chance to deal 160% critical damage. The damage can be extremely useful in the early game to fend off enemies and neutralize them. Focus Fire also has a crit chance.
- Daedalus - (5150 Gold) Purchased at 31 minutes. Daedalus allows WR to deal critical damage. This high damage allows her to be a devastating hard hitter, as she can also solo kill and does not always need follow-up from her team due to the items she has built earlier.
- Boots of Travel (2500 Gold) - Purchased at 33 minutes. Allows you to teleport on allied creeps anywhere on the map. Purchasing this item grants WR extreme mobility, making her highly active and providing her with increased global potential. She can push lanes and join her allies in a teamfight anytime she wants.
- Aghanim’s Scepter (4200 Gold) - Purchased at 36 minutes. Provides invisibility with the help of Windrun, which also has an increased slow for enemies while also blinding them at the same time. It is an ideal purchase if you want to escape or initiate without alerting the enemy team.
- Desolator (3500 Gold) - Purchased at 39 minutes. Desolator provides +50 Attack Damage to Windranger while reducing enemy armor by 6 upon physical attacks. It also works on towers. It is an ideal item to carry Windranger as it increases your attack damage and reduces enemy armor upon attacks, making it viable in certain matchups.
Neutral Items
- Arcane Ring - Provides 75 Mana to Windranger and her allies. It also increases his intelligence and armor making him resilient in skirmishes.
- Dagger of Ritsul - Consumes 100 HP to gain 40 damage for 8 seconds. As Windranger has decent HP in the middle game, she can afford to sacrifice the 100 HP for a significant amount of damage in a teamfight.
- Quickening Charm - It increases Windranger’s health regeneration by 10% while also reducing her spell and item cooldown by 10%.
2. Chris Luck Build
The charming Chris Luck is known to be one of the best players to emerge from the South American region. Slark ranks as one of his most-played heroes. This is due to the insane mobility and escapes that this hero is known to provide, which suits players with an aggressive playstyle. Windranger is a hero played often by him due to the teamfight potential that it provides, along with the early game sustain and aggression.
Chris Luck loves playing Windranger due to the recent buffs that the hero got in the new meta. He loves building traditional meta items like Black King Bar, Linken’s Sphere, Scythe of Vyse, and Aghanim’s Shard. These tried and tested items work against pretty much every hero as a Windranger. Chris Luck’s immense farming speed makes playing Windranger look like a cakewalk. Look out for his early game dominance and skilling of abilities.
Use This Build If:
- You want a sustainable Windranger build that helps you stay durable in fights
- You want an early-game aggressor that can stand his ground and deal high damage within no time
- You want a crowd-control and dominance-oriented build that allows you to lock down and control enemies
Skill Points
Level 1: Powershot: Windranger channels her bow for one powerful shot which deals damage to enemies along the path. The Powershot damage gets reduced for each enemy hit. This spell is the only source of damage for WR in the early game, it also allows her to farm fast due to the AoE damage.
Level 2: Windrun: Increases Windranger’s movement speed while making her evade all physical damage attacks. It also slows all enemy heroes in an AoE around her. This spell helps WR catch enemy heroes or help herself escape sticky situations.
Level 3: Powershot
Level 4: Windrun
Level 5: Powershot
Level 6: Focus Fire: Allows Windranger to target an enemy unit, increasing her attack speed by a huge margin but reducing her attack damage at the same time on that unit. It may be an underwhelming spell in the early game, but its impact is felt in the late game.
Level 7: Powershot
Level 8: Shackleshot: Shackles an enemy unit to a tree or another unit behind it (in a line). The stun lasts longer if the unit is shackled to a tree. This is an exceptional source of lockdown for Windranger.
Level 9: Shackleshot
Level 10: Shackleshot
Level 11: Shackleshot
Level 12: Focus Fire
Level 13: Windrun
Level 14: Windrun
Level 15: -3s Windrun Cooldown
Level 16: -2s Shackleshot Cooldown
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Focus Fire
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: -16s Focus Fire Damage Reduction
Level 25: Focus Fire advance cooldown by 20s
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Tango (90 Gold) - Provides health regen if used on a tree. It's the cheapest yet the most convenient way of healing up in the early stages of the game when you are playing in the side lanes. Regardless of the hero you play, Tangoes are a core item.
- Observer Ward - Provides vision in a certain AoE. It must be planted in the mid-lane to alert the mid-laner about any incoming ganks or fights.
- 4x Iron Branch (50 Gold) - Grants +1 of all attributes per branch. It provides decent sustain in the early game. The branch can be also planted to block paths for enemies or to deceive them under the fog. Chris Luck opts for 4 branches as he is facing an aggressive Storm Spirit. The branches provide the needed sustain in a teamfight.
- Faerie Fire (70 Gold) - Instantly restores 85 health upon usage. It also passively grants 2 damage per instance. It is an effective item if you’re playing in the mid lane, or just want extra damage and sustain in the side lanes.
- Bottle (675 Gold) - Purchased at 1 minute. The bottle is an essential item on a mid-hero. Regardless of the hero you play, Bottle keeps you sustained through the laning phase by replenishing your mana and HP. It also ensures you store power runes for later instead of immediately using them. As Windranger is played in the mid-lane by Chris Luck, a Bottle always comes in handy.
- Gloves of Haste (450 Gold) - Purchased at 4 minutes. It provides Windranger with +20 attack speed. It is further upgraded into Power Treads.
- Clarity (50 Gold) - Purchased at 6 minutes. Grants 6 mana regeneration for 25 seconds. As Windranger loves using mana to secure creeps and kills, this item ensures he sustains his mana throughout the laning phase or even in the late game.
- Power Treads (1400 Gold) - Bought at 6 minutes. It provides 45 movement speed and 25 attack speed along with toggleable attributes, which offer everything from increased mana pool to armor and even strength, helping Chris Luck stay durable and sufficient in all stages of the game.
- Maelstrom (2700 Gold) - Bought at 12 minutes. Upon physical attacks, it has a high chance of releasing a lighting bolt that passes through enemies in proximity and deals damage to them. This allows Windranger to farm faster while also providing her with increased attack damage.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 20 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Windranger invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance.
- Linken’s Sphere (4600 Gold) - Purchased at 29 minutes. Blocks one single targeted spell every 14 seconds, and also provides increased stats and mana regen for Windranger. This build has enough offensive items, and having a balance of offensive and defensive items can be extremely useful in the late game, helping Windranger stay alive in the high-pressure teamfights.
- Crystalys - (1950 Gold) Bought at 33 minutes. It grants each attack a 30% chance to deal 160% critical damage. The damage can be extremely useful in the early game to fend off enemies and neutralize them. Focus Fire also has a crit chance.
- Daedalus - (5150 Gold) Purchased at 38 minutes. Daedalus allows WR to deal critical damage. This high damage allows her to be a devastating hard hitter, as she can also solo kill and does not always need follow-up from her team due to the items she has built earlier.
- Satanic - (5050 Gold) Bought at around 44 minutes. Allows Windranger to lifesteal on physical attacks upon activation, and also provides basic dispel from the latter. Great to sustain in the ultra-late game as you can be surrounded by multiple enemies at once. It also works on Focus Fire.
- Aghanim’s Shard (1400 Gold) - Bought at 52 minutes. Grants the Gale Force ability. Upon usage, it pushes all targeted units in an area toward the target direction. It is an effective crowd-control spell that can be useful if you are playing against heroes that group up often.
- Gleipnir (6150 Gold) - Bought at 53 minutes. Maelstorm and Rod of Atos can be upgraded into Gleipnir which roots multiple heroes in an AoE, all at once. Gleipnir is an essential item that provides Windranger with that much-needed lockdown she needs to beat enemies down without much effort.
Neutral Items
- Lance of Pursuit - Attacking from behind slows the enemies by 12% (6% for Windranger as she is ranged) and 15 more damage to them. It is an ideal item if you are facing heroes that are very fast right from the early game.
- Dagger of Ritsul - Consumes 100 HP to gain 40 damage for 8 seconds. As Windranger has decent HP in the middle game, she can afford to sacrifice the 100 HP for a significant amount of damage in a teamfight.
- Grove Bow - Upon physical attacks by Windranger, it makes the targeted enemy take 15% amplified magical damage.
- Spell Prism - Reduces the cooldowns of Windranger’s spells and items by 25%.
1. Sumail Build
King Sumail is by far, one of the best players in Dota. His highly dominant demeanor in-game is overshadowed by his strong and offensive playstyle. Windranger is one of his signatures, the hero is highly underrated but is a punishing force if in the right hands. Sumail builds a mixture of items that allow him to act both defensively and offensively, meaning there is a balance in his playstyle. Though Windranger is not the prominent face of the meta, Sumail has played a lot of matchups as a Windranger, hence the immense knowledge he has of this hero is impeccable.
Sumail is a team player who often changes items and skill builds, depending on the matchup he is facing. The mix of the right offensive and defensive items make sure that there is no stone left unturned when it comes to winning a teamfight. This build has all the goodies, including items that help you sustain the early game, like Bottle, Power Treads, and late-game items like Desolator, Black King Bar, and Blink Dagger. This is a highly suitable build for a mid-Windranger. If you carefully follow this build, then you may just climb through your MMR ladder within no time
Use This Build If:
- You want an extremely reliable Windranger build for the late game
- You want to be involved in more skirmishes from the early game
- You want a self-sustainable build that makes you tanky, making it extremely valuable against damage-dealing heroes
- You are facing heroes with low armor or overall survivability
Skill Points
Level 1: Powershot: Windranger channels her bow for one powerful shot which deals damage to enemies along the path. The Powershot damage gets reduced for each enemy hit. This spell is the only source of damage for WR in the early game, it also allows her to farm fast due to the AoE damage.
Level 2: Windrun: Increases Windranger’s movement speed while making her evade all physical damage attacks. It also slows all enemy heroes in an AoE around her. This spell helps WR catch enemy heroes or help herself escape sticky situations.
Level 3: Powershot
Level 4: Shackleshot: Shackles an enemy unit to a tree or another unit behind it (in a line). The stun lasts longer if the unit is shackled to a tree. This is an exceptional source of lockdown for Windranger.
Level 5: Powershot
Level 6: Focus Fire: Allows Windranger to target an enemy unit, increasing her attack speed by a huge margin but reducing her attack damage at the same time on that unit. It may be an underwhelming spell in the early game, but its impact is felt in the late game.
Level 7: Powershot
Level 8: Windrun
Level 9: Windrun
Level 10: Windrun
Level 11: Shackleshot
Level 12: Focus Fire
Level 13: Shackleshot
Level 14: Shackleshot
Level 15: -3s Windrun Cooldown
Level 16: -2s Shackleshot Cooldown
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Focus Fire
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +0.8s Shackleshot Duration
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Tango (90 Gold) - Provides health regen if used on a tree. It's the cheapest yet the most convenient way of healing up in the early stages of the game when you are playing in the side lanes. Regardless of the hero you play, Tangoes are a core item.
- 3x Iron Branch (50 Gold) - Grants +1 of all attributes per branch. It provides decent sustain in the early game. The branch can be also planted to block paths for enemies or to deceive them under the fog.
- Faerie Fire (70 Gold) - Instantly restores 85 health upon usage. It also passively grants 2 damage per instance. It is an effective item if you’re playing in the mid lane, or just want extra damage and sustain in the side lanes.
- Observer Ward - Provides vision in a certain AoE. It must be planted in the mid-lane to alert the mid-laner about any incoming ganks or fights.
- Bottle (675 Gold) - Purchased at 1 minute. The bottle is an essential item on a mid-hero. Regardless of the hero you play, Bottle keeps you sustained through the laning phase by replenishing your mana and HP. It also ensures you store power runes for later instead of immediately using them. As Windranger is played in the mid-lane by Sumail, a Bottle always comes in handy.
- Magic Stick (200 Gold) - Purchased at 2 minutes. Gains a charge each time an enemy uses a spell around you. Each direction grants 15 HP and mana and can have up to 10 charges. It is a perfect item in the laning stage if you face heroes who cast spells frequently.
- Magic Wand (450 Gold) - Bought at 2 minutes. Gains a charge every time an enemy uses a spell in an AoE. It can store up to 20 charges, with each charge healing you up to 15 HP and mana. It is an ideal starting item as it allows WR to sustain herself in the lane if she is facing spellcasting heroes.
- Gloves of Haste (450 Gold) - Purchased at 3 minutes. It provides Windranger with +20 attack speed. It is further upgraded into Power Treads.
- Power Treads (1400 Gold) - Bought at 6 minutes. It provides 45 movement speed and 25 attack speed along with toggleable attributes, which offer everything from increased mana pool to armor and even strength, helping Sumail stay durable and sufficient in all stages of the game.
- Maelstrom (2700 Gold) - Bought at 11 minutes. Upon physical attacks, it has a high chance of releasing a lighting bolt that passes through enemies in proximity and deals damage to them. This allows Windranger to farm faster while also providing her with increased attack damage.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 17 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Windranger invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance.
- Blink Dagger (2250 Gold) - Purchased at 19 minutes. Blink Dagger is a core item on Windranger, as it allows her to initiate a teamfight, or chase enemies with it. It can also be upgraded into Overwhelming or Swift Blink. This allows her to the frontline and initiates a fight.
- Gleipnir (6150 Gold) - Bought at 24 minutes. Maelstorm and Rod of Atos can be upgraded into Gleipnir which roots multiple heroes in an AoE, all at once. Gleipnir is an essential item that provides Arc with that much-needed lockdown he needs to beat enemies down without much effort.
- Desolator (3500 Gold) - Purchased at 27 minutes. Desolator provides +50 Attack Damage to Windranger while reducing enemy armor by 6 upon physical attacks. It also works on towers. It is an ideal item to carry Windranger as it increases your attack damage and reduces enemy armor upon attacks, making it viable in certain matchups.
Neutral Items
- Tumbler’s Toy - Propels Windranger 300 units in the direction she is facing. It gets disabled if the damage is dealt with by an enemy hero.
- Specialist’s Array - Increases Windranger’s attributes while also providing her with increased attack damage. Specialist’s Array is helpful to make core Windranger an essential team fighter.
- Brigand’s Blade - Provides Windranger with +10 attack damage and attack speed. It makes it easy for him to deal damage and survive through the early game.
- Mind Breaker - Provides Windranger with increased attack damage and attack speed while also causing his attack to silence the enemy for 1.75 seconds. Has 12 seconds cooldown.
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