Warden's are one, if not the most powerful and versatile class in ESO. The ability to become exactly what you want, and play however you like, is a huge bonus to playing a Warden. The sets I include are great for a variety of different play styles, all depending on whether you choose to be a healer, tank or dps.
1. Law of Julianos
An amazing go-to set, nearly everyone has heard of it, and for good reason. This set can be crafted by someone with the skills, which makes it easier to come by than trial sets, and it has great stats. A powerful set for a magicka build.
I recommend this set for:
- Those that want to play as a magicka Warden and increase their power, crit, and damage output.
- Players that want a set that does not require going through endless trials and dungeons.
- Players that need a strong set that can be obtained quickly.
Full build details: https://eso-sets.com/set/law-of-julianos
Obtained by:
Crafting or getting crafted in Wrothgar, (requires Orsinium DLC) at the Boreal Forge.
2. Necropotence
This set is insane for magicka builds. With literally thousands of extra magicka going into your max pool of resources, you will find it hard to run out. The fifth effect for this set includes having a pet active, and it doesn't just work for sorcerers but Wardens as well.
I recommend this set for those who:
- Find it hard to maintain resources in battle.
- Like having the Feral Guardian Ultimate in use constantly. This will activate the fifth effect of the set, giving you a massive increase in your magicka pool.
- Would rather farm for an overland drop set, or purchase from a guild trader.
Full build details: https://eso-sets.com/set/necropotence
Obtained by:
Overland in Rivenspire.
Delve bosses drop waist and feet.
World bosses drop head, chest, legs and weapons.
Public dungeon bosses drop shoulders, hands and weapons.
Dark Anchors and chests drop rings and necklaces.
3. Pillar of Nirn
Here comes a set for those playing as Stam Warden's. One of my personal favorites, this is worth farming a dungeon for. This set adds damage, crit, added stamina, and a powerful effect to all enemies. Being a medium piece set, you can expect decent damage protection as well.
I recommend this set to those who:
- Enjoy a powerful effect that takes care of itself while you focus on the battle.
- Enjoy a little bit of everything being added to their character build, such as crit, damage, stamina, and powerful effects.
- Enjoy a challenging dungeon to earn their sets.
Full build details: https://eso-sets.com/set/pillar-of-nirn
Obtained by:
Falkreath Hold Dungeon, (requires Horns of the Reach DLC).
4. Tzogvin's Warband
This set is quite easily obtained, though in a dungeon, most can run through it very quickly. Made for Warden dps builds, you get a huge buff to your critical chance, and some added penetration. The effect will keep granting you more crit chance the more crit damage you do, and ends with a 10 percent bonus of critical damage. This is a very powerful set in the hands of the right person.
I would recommend this set to anyone who:
- Wants to deal massive amounts of damage.
- Has the right perks in their characters skill tree for critical chance potential.
- Is going to be using a dps character.
Full build details: https://eso-sets.com/set/tzogvins-warband
Obtained by:
The Frostvault Dungeon, (requires the Wrathstone DLC).
5. Briarheart
Easily one of the top sets in the game for as long as I have played the game, everyone should own a set of Briarheart. Easy to get, whether through farming overland or purchasing from guild traders. It will give you critical chance bonuses, heal your character slightly while you deal damage, and increase your stamina. I would use this set for a stamina dps build.
I would recommend this set to those who:
- Need a game-wide favorite set.
- Desire to do more damage with their character.
- Want a set that is easily obtained with medium protection.
Full build details: https://eso-sets.com/set/briarheart
Obtained by:
Overland in Wrothgar, (requires the Orsinium DLC).
Delve bosses drop waist and feet.
World bosses drop head, chest, legs and weapons.
Public dungeon bosses drop shoulders, hands and weapons.
Dark Anchors and chests drop rings and necklaces.
6. Battalion Defender
This set will be obtained through PVP in the game. Even if you are not an avid PVP player, you will want to grind or purchase this set. This is a top tier tanking set in ESO, and you can feel a lot safer with being right up in an enemies face wearing this set.
I recommend this set to those who:
- Want to worry less about their health while in a battle.
- Want a highly sought after set.
- Play as a tank, and want an extra boost to their overall healing.
- Block consistently as they should be as a tank.
Full build details: https://eso-sets.com/set/battalion-defender
Obtained by:
PVP in Cyrodiil.
7. Frostbite
Made for light armor dps character builds, this set is a must if you plan to use the Winters Embrace skill line for the Warden. The increases to damage are an amazing bonus when already using skills that potentially inflict chilled or brittle effects. The passives in that skill line will pair well with this set.
I would recommend this set to anyone who:
- Plans to use the Winter's Embrace skill line for the Warden class.
- Wants to be an effective Warden dps.
- Wants a powerful overland obtainable set.
Full build details: https://eso-sets.com/set/frostbite
Obtained by:
Overland drops in Blackwood, (requires blackwood DLC).
Delve bosses drop waist and feet.
World bosses drop head, chest, legs and weapons.
Public dungeon bosses drop shoulders, hands and weapons.
Dark Anchors and chests drop rings and necklaces.
8. Icy Conjurer
The Icy Conjurer set is easier to obtain than in most other dungeons, and has great potential for a magicka based dps build. With a little bit of everything I find it to be an all around good set to try out. I do favor ice based Wardens, and this set encourages that while giving me potential for damage.
I would recommend this set to anyone who:
- Enjoys ice based characters.
- Likes great animations, as an ice wraith will attack your enemies while being non-reflectable.
- Is going to be using a magicka based warden character.
Full build details: https://eso-sets.com/set/icy-conjurer
Obtained by:
The Frostvault Dungeon, (requires the Wrathstone DLC).
9. Twice-Born Star
The name is amazing, and the effects of this set live up to that name. A hybrid based set in my opinion, it has a rare effect allowing two mundus stones to be active at one time. That is potential for an insane build if the character build id done correctly.
I would recommend this set to anyone who:
- Enjoys, or wants to try a hybrid build using both stamina and magicka.
- Wants to try a unique experience of two mundus stones simultaneously.
- Has a high crafting skill from research, or knows someone who does, as this set requires 9 traits to create.
Full build details: https://eso-sets.com/set/twice-born-star
obtained by:
Crafting in Craglorn at the Atelier of the Twice-Born Star workshop.
10. Gryphon's Reprisal
Gryphon's Reprisal is a set made for hard hitting dps. Having another creature to come to your aid in battle just adds more to being a Warden. The animations for it are great, and the damage done to all enemies is good.
I would recommend this set to anyone who:
- Enjoys the animal companion's aspect of being a Warden.
- Wants to increase their crit chance and penetration.
- Enjoys playing with others, as the Gryphon can be summoned by your allies using synergy.
Full build details: https://eso-sets.com/set/gryphons-reprisal
Obtained by:
Coral Aerie Dungeon (requires the Ascending Tide DLC).
11. Kagrenac's Hope
For all the healers out there, this is a terrific addition to your build. It comes in light, medium, and heavy, for whatever takes your fancy. Based on magicka and supporting resurrection, you will not be disappointed by it.
I would recommend this set to anyone who:
- Wants to build a Warden healer character.
- Finds themselves in need of a boost in both magicka and magicka recovery.
- Wants to pack a punch as well while they are between healing.
Full build details: https://eso-sets.com/set/kagrenacs-hope
Obtained by:
Crafted at The Earth Forge and knowing 8 researched traits.
12. Beekeeper's Gear
I think of this as a beginners set, but an incredibly useful one until you discover what direction you would like to go as a tank. Basically endless health and recovery boost, this set is to keep you alive.
I would recommend this set to anyone who:
- Is a beginner learning to tank.
- Enjoys not stressing about health.
- Has another set with different bonuses in addition to this one.
Full build details: https://eso-sets.com/set/beekeepers-gear
Obtained by:
The overland in Greenshade.
Delve bosses drop waist and feet.
World bosses drop head, chest, legs and weapons.
Public dungeon bosses drop shoulders, hands and weapons.
Dark Anchors and chests drop rings and necklaces.
13. Mother's Sorrow
Maybe the most spoken of set in the entirety of ESO, Mother's Sorrow is a power house set. Three levels of critical chance, and a boost to Magicka, this set is incredible and easy to get.
I would recommend this set to anyone who:
- Wants one of the best sets in the game.
- Enjoys putting out insane damage.
- Is playing as a magicka based Warden.
Full build details: https://eso-sets.com/set/mothers-sorrow
Obtained by:
Drops in overland in Deshaan.
Delve bosses drop waist and feet.
World bosses drop head, chest, legs and weapons.
Public dungeon bosses drop shoulders, hands and weapons.
Dark Anchors and chests drop rings and necklaces.
14. Radiant Bastion
The Radiant Bastion set reflects a ton of damage back at the attacker without you having to do anything. Dwemer inspired and visually stunning, you can't go wrong by adding this to your Warden tank build. I enjoy dealing damage while gaining a boost to my health while wearing this set.
I would recommend this set to anyone who:
- Plays as a Warden tank and wants some extra health.
- Enjoys passively dealing damage.
- Wants to find a set that is easy to get.
Full build details: https://eso-sets.com/set/radiant-bastion
Obtained by:
Overland within the Reach, (requires Markarth DLC).
Delve bosses drop waist and feet.
World bosses drop head, chest, legs and weapons.
Public dungeon bosses drop shoulders, hands and weapons.
Dark Anchors and chests drop rings and necklaces.
15. Trinimac's Valor
Another well known set in Eso, Trinimac's Valor comes in as a great set for healers. Big boosts to magicka and recovery, and a solid effect for healing allies while damaging enemies. I am a fan of the effectiveness of this effect, as the cool down time is five seconds.
I would recommend this set to anyone who:
- Is looking for an easy to get overland set.
- Plans to play as a Warden Healer.
- Is looking for a quick cool down effect that heals yourself and allies.
Full build details: https://eso-sets.com/set/trinimacs-valor
Obtained by:
Overland Wrothgar drops, (requires the Orsinium DLC).
Delve bosses drop waist and feet.
World bosses drop head, chest, legs and weapons.
Public dungeon bosses drop shoulders, hands and weapons.
Dark Anchors and chests drop rings and necklaces.
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