25. Start Me Up
If you’re a roleplayer who loves to dive deeply in the story and really put yourself in your character’s shoes… This is definitely a great mod for you to put at the top of your load order. Unlike other ‘new start’ mods that can step away from the Fallout 4 storyline of you chasing your infant son, you now can be anything from an Institute Synth to a lost Enclave officer, or the Carrier from New Vegas, and even more!
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- You can have a completely new start on Fallout 4; though you are still technically Nate or Nora.
- You have several different options, including an entirely new location, name, and face. And can skip the intro internally.
- You can randomize, select gear, and answer questions about your new experience.
Get the mod here!
24. GRIM
Grim is a mod that completely changes the survival aspect of Fallout. Instead of your normal wasteland experience, now you are in a deep post-apocalyptic horror game. All-inclusive and still in early access, give this mod a shot!
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- Complete overhaul of the weather and scenery.
- New outfits, weapons, and traits.
- New enemies (hellhounds, hordes and so much more) entirely, visuals, audios, and a ton of custom soundtracks.
- The ‘Other World’ is a new addition, and it’s basically Hell and you’ll have to escape.
Get the mod here!
23. FN FAL SA58
This one is a very popular weapon for those of you who like to make a big bang. With lots of attachments and sound effects, the creators of this mod put a lot of work into making this gun seamlessly fit into your arsenal… well, that and you can make it shoot confetti that one-shots people if you were into that.
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- Custom animations, mix and match handguards, tactical attachments, scopes, stocks, and more!
- This mod also adds a new standalone melee weapon, the Kukri Machete.
- Want a gun that can shoot rainbow poofs while looking like a unicorn? Got it. Plasma shots with fart noises? Got it. Sound like a Deathclaw roar and comes with new animations for your enemies? This mod has that too!
Get the mod here!
22. The Mercenary Pack
Everyone enjoys getting a new outfit when they go out somewhere- wouldn’t you be the same way after the world ends? This pack includes a lot of different well-made outfits, dresses enemies in the new additions, and a bit more design to the wasteland!
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- Outfits: Backpacks, gloves, masks, belts, boots, pants, and more!
- Randomizes some loot drops so you can actually build the customized character that you want!
- The creators were also careful on who they randomized the pack for, so no one has what they aren’t supposed to!
Get the mod here!
21. Tales from the Commonwealth
This mod is a great addition to the base game of Fallout 4. It adds quests, companions, unique dialogue for settlers, and radio stations to add to the fun!
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- Commercials for the radio, new songs, and location hints.
- Adds new NPCs, companions, quests, and dialogue for all of them.
- Adds new settlements, places and voice actors.
Get the mod here!
20. SIM Settlements
For those of us who love to build up settlements and make things just perfect for those surviving in the terrifying world of Fallout, this mod is definitely for you. This is one of the best settlement mods for the entirely new playthrough where cities can build themselves overnight.
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- You don’t have to place everything specifically, but actual plots of land that your settlers can build up!
- Several expansions, including several additions that create entirely new cities.
- You can put companions and NPCs in charge of your new settlements.
- You can even build your own military settlements and launch hostile takeovers over other major factions. With new quests!
Get the mod here!
19. The Train
Practically an entirely new DLC, this mod offers a whole new round of quests, locations on a train, story, and companion for you to test out on a modded playthrough. The entire plot is you are kidnapped on a bad version of the movie ‘Snowpiercer’ with Chris Evans. Slavers have captured you and your friends on a terrifying wasteland train.
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- Moving train settlement that is extremely practical!
- New companion with almost three hours of new gameplay.
Get the mod here!
18. Visceral ENB
While there are a lot of mods out there that surround graphics, unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of decent ones. ENB offers a totally new lighting overhaul that will make your round shine. Literally, in some places!
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- It has a massive overhaul on the way the visuals look while you play.
- Recommended to use with a season mod that will make the entire game flow and feel much better.
Get the mod here!
17. America Rising
This mod reintroduces the Enclave, one of the most feared factions of the early Fallout Series games. With several new quests, locations, and even more than ‘The Train’ mod that was mentioned earlier. The Enclave mod adds a whole new ending to Fallout 4 you didn’t expect..
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- 7 act questlines surrounding the new Enclave faction.
- Several wonderful stability updates
- New locations, outfits, companions, and more!
Get the mod here!
16. Cheat Room
If you’ve played through Fallout 4 a few hundred times at this point and sunk over three thousand hours in, you’re probably a little bored at this point. No problem, it happens to everyone! Mods are a great way to open the world, but a cheat mod offers limitless possibilities.
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- Cheat room opens up a new location to allow you to have access to any weapon, outfit, item, quest, and so much more.
- All bobbleheads, power armors, and magazines are also available.
- With additional mods installed, this room opens up to almost being an entirely new base that you can build up or alter to fit your needs.
Get the mod here!
15. Scrap That Settlement! - Base + DLC
If you’ve been in a settlement recently and you’ve noticed that one leaf pile is right in the middle of your couch- and of course, it can’t be deleted. It’s probably the second most annoying thing about settlements outside of the constant banging of Sanctuary (there is a mod for that too).
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- Scrap that Settlement allows you to scrap almost everything in the game. Including bones, leaf piles, trees, random houses, and more. Including ‘step-plates’ to trigger certain events.
- Use with caution! If you were to delete an important item that you couldn’t remake in the settlement builder area? Well, you’re not getting it back.
Get the mod here!
14. Pre-Walled Settlements
Several settlements are a real pain to defend on occasion, not well defendable with multiple access points, or just plain advertising to local raiders to please come take our crops. With this mod, things get a lot easier building up settlements but unfortunately doesn’t spread to new locations in DLCs or additional mods.
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- Walls to make defense significantly easier.
- Working doors and security mods now you don’t get accidentally stuck in a wall.
- It is completely movable and removable in build mode!
Get the mod here!
13. Nora/Nate Companion
If you chose the original way to play Fallout 4 and witness the brutal murder of your wife/husband, you may be interested in this mod. This changes the way things happen when you come out of cryo- even the animations and dialogue!
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- Completely changes the intro of Fallout 4.
- New companion that is completely voiced and fully operational during main quests. She/He will have their own complicated opinions about their situation.
- More in development that you might have the ability to swap between characters as well. Follow the mod creators page below if you want to see when this mod updates.
Get the mod here!
12. Dogs Not Brahmin
If you’ve tried to walk past a group of traders and their lovely brahmins decide to get stuck on you, the floor, the wall, and of course, the only door to the one place you have to get to. We definitely feel your pain, and this mod takes care of that! Instead of huge pack brahmins taking up too much space, now you have a four-legged friend to help!
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- Limits the amount of issues that too many pack brahmins cause.
- Dogs don’t bark or cause too much noise to alert others in the area, especially raiders.
- These dog companions will protect your trader now they make it between settlements in one piece!
Get the mod here!
11. Improved Map with Visible Roads
While most map mods are usually the same and add locations, this mod really goes above and beyond to help you get where you are going. With now visible topography, including the Glowing Sea, you now can get to the next quest or location significantly faster.
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- Enhanced roads, train tracks, and topography
- Distinct waterlines
- Corrected placement of map markers
- Balanced brightness for the Glowing Sea
Get the mod here!
10. Stronger Dogmeat
Dogmeat has been with us since almost the very literal beginning. Fallout has made a point of having a great companion with four-legs and his mod improves on our faithful friend! Dogmeat now can no longer die and can be added with other companions.
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- Dogmeat now does significantly more damage.
- His damage hit ratio is now much more durable, going from 1-2 DPS to 60DPS.
- Now it can be added with other companions!
Get the mod here!
This mode is a nice break from the steaming piles of mutant blood bags and pits of radioactive slug juice. Two hundred years after the war, things have started to slowly recover. Forests now cover the Commonwealth and nature seems to finally be healing from humanity. At least until someone launches a mini-nuke again at least.
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- New forests and grasslands add a touch of green.
- Can be combined with seasonal mods to add Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter to this.
Get the mod here!
8. [English] Full Dialogue Interface
There are more times than you can count with misunderstandings in Fallout. The [Nice] option doesn’t always sound so nice coming out of the character's mouth. With this mod, you can actually see what you’re about to say.
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- See the dialogue before you lock in your choice.
- It gives you plenty of ability for roleplay purposes.
- It allows you to see the alternative options, like [Sarcastic] that usually ends hilariously.
Get the mod here!
7. Choose Your Perks
While this is definitely a cheat mod, sometimes you just don’t want to wait for when you mastered lock-pick to go get the cryo-gun from the beginning of the game. This mod lets you pick your own skills.
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- Pick your own skills as you level or randomly throughout the game.
- Great for roleplay purposes, now you can have a fully customized character.
Get the mod here!
6. Companion Status HUD
This mod is excellent to have to look after your friends on more serious difficulties like survival. When death is a real option for your new makeshift family in the wasteland, you don’t want to risk them! Now with this HUD feature, you can help keep an eye on them.
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- HUD feature that makes keeping track of their HP and AP easier. Along with how many stimpacks they currently have.
- As you can see in the picture, it can be added with multiple companions.
Get the mod here!
5. No Build Limit
You just got the dinner plate just right on the last table of your settlement, the fork is put into place, and lastly, you decide to put a chair. Except, you’ve now reached your build limit! Now your whole room is thrown off because on one side of the table doesn’t have a chair! Well, this mod eliminates that problem!
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- No build limit, so you can build giant cities now!
- No more cap on people, power, food, water, or defense. Besides 999+ (maxed).
Get the mod here!
4. FreeMaker
Another cheat mod, but this one can be used anywhere at any crafting table. Now, you can make anything up to your crafting level for free! No longer will you have to collect the items to know how to build them and this makes settlement building far, far easier.
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- It allows you to produce items with no material or perk requirements.
- There are add ons available for FreeMaker that add items from the Automatron, Far Harbor, and Nuka World DLCs!
Get the mod here!
3. Buffed Minutemen Militia
You’ve literally built the Minutemen from the ground up, and they still haven’t gotten any stronger or bothered to fix the Castle? This mod fixes that issue now you can have a wider and more fulfilling playthrough with this typically weaker faction.
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- Fixes the Castle in multiple areas including the walls, rooms and underground. You may have to install the patch for the repair of the Castle.
- Buffs the Minutemen to actually stand against the forces in the wasteland, including Deathclaws.
- As General, you can make requests of the men and women serving under you and lead your troops into battle more than on specific mission quests.
- The creators for this mod have multiple factions as well, so you can change up the game.
Get the mod here!
2. Eli’s Tweaks & Fixes
Bethesda, especially Fallout, is known for its bugs. You know it, we know it, and apparently Eli also did as well. Thanks to this creator, several hundred fixes have been made and adjusted to help you have the best playthrough you can have.
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- Renames all Bobbleheads to "Bobblehead - Big Guns" instead of "Big Guns Bobblehead" so they show up all nice and grouped in Pip-boy view.
- Fixes Mutant Hound Chops to actually cure radiation properly.
- Removes "junk" flag from a lot of unique game items like MacCready's toy soldier, Jamaica Plains items, pre war money, cigarettes, Danse's holotags, and such, so you won't scrape them accidentally. They will instead appear under "MISC"
To see a full list and get the mod, go here!
1. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
Just like the previous mod listed, this unofficial patch smooths out so many problems with Fallout 4. The creator put in over several thousands of fixes into the game and the list that we provide below is only a small snippet of what you can gain by installing this mod.
How The Mod Makes It More Fun!
- Hundreds of gameplay, quest, NPC, object, item, text, and placement bugs fixed.
- Created by the authors of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch series.
- No unsafe changes (such as deletions of stock objects).
- Designed to be compatible with as many other mods as possible.
Get the mod here!
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