Legendary weapon skins are an awesome new flair and provide a change of pace from the bland weapon design that we often see in the old weapons shown in Hunt. These skins often bring bright new colors to an otherwise bland design, each with their own unique story.
Legendary weapon skins can be unlocked by completing trials, paying or earning blood bonds, or by buying DLC. This provides Hunters with a slew of options in order to get and obtain their favorite skin.
10. Snipers Gift
How to get it
- Spirit of Nian DLC for 8.99 USD
- Costs around 600 Blond Bonds on sale during Winter
- May come out in trials sometime this year
Skin rating: 5/10 (more flair needed)
9. Bingham Brash
See The Bingham Brash in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEuJdWdwMek
How to get it
- Twitch Drops during Twitch event
- 500 blood bonds on sale
- No DLC at this time, maybe later?
Skin Rating: 6/10
8. The Bunny
See The Bunny in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0pptjMxesk
How to get it
- 500 Blood bonds in the store
- Perhaps added to DLC and trials before the end of year?
Skin Rating: 7/10 (good lore behind it)
7. Calamity Jane
See The Calamity Jane in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77aeQEVZcnw
How to get it
- 400 Blood bonds in store
- Again, perhaps added to trials and DLC next year?
Skin Rating: 6/10
6. The Mountain King
See The Mountain King in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxmxLRNR_iA
How to get it
- Event Exclusive to the Winter Solstice Event
- Collect event points by completing quests during the even to obtain the skin
- Perhaps added to winter themed DLC’s later
Skin Rating: 7/10
5. Dark Miasma
See The Dark Miasma in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OncKUv9tyY
How to get it
- Event Exclusive to As the Crow Flies
- Collect event points during the event and leveling up to obtain the skin
Skin Rating: 7/10 (not much detail given)
4. Maw of Darkness
See The Maw of Darkness in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INM5hez5CKg
How to get it
- DLC: Myth of the Moors: $6.49
- 600 Blond bonds on sale in shop
- Perhaps added to likewise events the future
Skin Rating: 8/10 (rich backstory)
3. Honor Above
See The Honor Above in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5viyDq59ug0
How to get it
- Bridgewater’s Honor DLC: $5.49
- 700 Blood bonds in the store
- Added to trials and events later in year
Skin Rating: 8/10 (thank you for your service)
2. The Shellback
For the sailors who came and fought their way to the top of the AHA, the Shellback bomb lance was the weapon of choice for harpooning enemies both in water and on land. Both intimate and deadly. A perfect blend of seafaring power and army-like class. A perfect fit for any hunter looking to embrace the power of the sea.
How to get it
- DLC: Crossroads: $3.19
- 650 Blood bonds in store
- Added to trials and events later
Skin Rating: 9/10 (It's said this weapon killed Moby Dick!)
1. Black Mamba

See The Black Mamba in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5m912o-W5o
The deadliest rifle, named for the deadliest snake. This Nitro Express has a vicious bite and can take down the largest foes with ease. Hunters looking for the power of a vicious snake, along with a case of acute deafness and wrist deletion, look no further. This skin represents both the power and class of the Nitro Express, all while looking like the coolest weapon in the Hunt community.
How to get it
- 500 Blond bonds in store
- Added to trials and events confirmed this year
- Maybe related DLC in future?
Skin rating: 10/10 (No poison effect with the skin though :( )