Split-pushing in League of Legends is a strategy where one or more players focus on pushing a lane apart from the rest of their team, usually with the objective of taking down enemy turrets and inhibitors while their other teammates apply pressure elsewhere on the map.
This tactic requires good map awareness and communication, as the split-pusher needs to know when to push and when to retreat, based on the movements of the enemy team. It's effective for creating multiple points of pressure, forcing the enemy team to split their focus, which can lead to advantageous fights or objective captures for the split-pushing team.
Most viable split-pushers are Top-lane bruisers, although there are a handful of assassins and mages that can do a good job, as well. In general, it’s not recommended for ADC marksmen to split-push due to their squishiness.
Elements of a good split-pusher include:
- Strong 1v1 dueling: Champions should be able to confidently win fights against most opponents in a 1v1 scenario. This is crucial for threatening solo kills against anyone who tries to stop the split push.
- Waveclear: Effective and fast minion wave clearing ability allows the champion to quickly push lanes towards enemy structures, forcing the opposing team to respond.
- Mobility and escape mechanisms: Abilities that enhance movement speed, provide dashes, blinks, or other forms of mobility help the champion escape from dangerous situations. This is important because split pushing often draws multiple enemies to try and stop the push.
15. Malzahar (Good)
Prophet Malazahar is a Master rank Mid-lane main.
Malzahar is an example of a champion that can pull double duty as both a devastating control mage and an effective split-pusher. His voidlings are an excellent additional source of damage, acting as a personal army for the Prophet of the Void. However, he does have some shortcomings, namely a lack of mobility and sustain, especially after his passive spell shield has been popped.
Why Malzahar?:
- Waveclear: Malzahar has excellent waveclear capabilities, thanks to his basic abilities, which allow him to quickly push minion waves towards enemy turrets.
- You and what army?: His W (Void Swarm) summons a swarm of void creatures, which can also be effective at taking down turrets because they can tank turret shots and deal decent damage to structures, especially when Malzahar is able to spawn a great deal of them at a time later in the game.
- Personal space: Malzahar's Ultimate (Nether Grasp) provides a powerful tool for self-peel or to catch an enemy champion off-guard in a 1v1 situation. He also has a useful passive which grants him a spell shield after not taking damage for a period of time. This shield handily blocks the first crowd-control (CC) effect thrown at him, which can save him from being chased down.
Pick Malzahar If:
- You’re against highly mobile champions.
- Your team lacks reliable CC.
- You’re against champions with high sustain.
Malzahar is Strong Against:
- LeBlanc
- Galio
- Vladimir
- Akali
- Yasuo
Malzahar is Weak Against:
- Taliyah
- Aurelion Sol
- Annie
- Twisted Fate
- Kassadin
14. Twisted Fate (Good)
Twisted Fate is one of the best laners overall in season 14.
Twisted Fate can leverage his global presence and fast waveclear to become a formidable split-pusher. His Ultimate (Destiny) is a map-wide teleport that can be handy for getting to lanes or joining fights, but it’s his only method of mobility. He’ll have to rely on communication with his teammates and vision control to prevent getting caught out.
Why Twisted Fate?:
- Mr. Worldwide: Destiny allows Twisted Fate to instantly join his team from anywhere on the Rift. This means he can push a lane far from where the next team fight might occur, then use his Ultimate to teleport and participate in the skirmish, ensuring his team isn't at a numbers disadvantage.
- Map awareness and vision control: Destiny also reveals all enemy champions. This provides excellent map awareness for both him and his team. This can help him make informed decisions about when to push, when to back off, and when to teleport to join a fight.
- Minion massacre: With his Q (Wild Cards) and the red card from his W (Pick a Card), Twisted Fate can quickly clear minion waves, allowing him to push lanes effectively. This rapid waveclear capability is essential for a good split-pusher.
Pick Twisted Fate If:
- You can reliably collaborate with your Jungler for ganks and roams.
- The enemy team is largely immobile.
- Your team lacks global pressure.
Twisted Fate is Strong Against:
- Smolder
- LeBlanc
- Akali
- Malzahar
- Ryze
Twisted Fate is Weak Against:
- Naafiri
- Cassiopeia
- Qiyana
- Swain
- Fizz
13. Irelia (Good)
Coach Daveyx3 dances around his opponents as Top Irelia, although she can also be a menace in the Mid-lane.
Irelia’s kit has all the makings of a great split-pusher, although her waveclear isn’t the fastest or most efficient. Take Teleport as a summoner spell to maximize her effectiveness, as it allows her to join her team for important fights after applying pressure in a side lane.
Why Irelia?:
- Dancing duelist: Irelia excels in 1v1 fights thanks to her kit, which includes true damage, sustain, and the ability to reset her Q (Bladesurge) on minion kills for quick repositioning and chasing down enemies. This makes her a threat to anyone who tries to defend against her push.
- Mobile moves: Bladesurge provides her with significant mobility, not just in duels but also for escaping from potential ganks when she's pushing aggressively. Her ability to dash through minions and champions can make her difficult to catch.
- Sustain: Bladesurge and her W (Defiant Dance) provide her with health sustain, allowing her to stay in the lane longer and continue applying pressure without having to back frequently to heal.
- Your team lacks a duelist.
- The enemy team is less mobile.
- Your team comp lacks mid-game power.
Irelia is Strong Against:
- Smolder
- Karma
- Twisted Fate
- Heimerdinger
- Cho’Gath
Irelia is Weak Against:
- Trundle
- Warwick
- Rek’Sai
- Sett
- Garen
12. Quinn (Good)
Let the Rank 1 Quinn in the world show you how it's done.
Quinn is a bit of a hidden gem in the League roster, as she is consistently amongst the least-played and most forgotten champions. However, her kit has everything to make her an effective split-pusher, including potent dueling capabilities, fantastic mobility, and unmatched vision control to keep an eye on intercepters coming her way. Why not give Demacia’s Wings a whirl on the Rift?
Why Quinn?:
- High mobility: One of Quinn's key strengths is her unparalleled mobility thanks to her Ultimate (Behind Enemy Lines). This ability significantly increases her movement speed, allowing her to move across the map swiftly. This mobility is crucial for split-pushing as it enables Quinn to join her team for objectives or fights quickly or escape from dangerous situations when enemies come to stop her push.
- Deadly duelist: Quinn has strong 1v1 capabilities, especially against champions that rely heavily on auto-attacks. Her Q (Blinding Assault) can blind opponents, reducing their damage output, and her E (Vault) not only deals damage but also creates distance, which can be used to kite melee champions. This makes her capable of dueling many champions or at least holding her own until she can escape.
- Hunter’s instincts: Quinn's W (Heightened Senses) provides bonus vision around her, which is invaluable for split-pushing as it can help spot enemy champions coming to intercept her. This allows her to apply pressure with a lower risk of getting caught out by surprise.
Pick Quinn If:
- The enemy Top-laner is a melee champion.
- You’re facing a low-mobility enemy team.
- Your team lacks physical damage.
Quinn is Strong Against:
- Karma
- Trundle
- Smolder
- Illaoi
- Fiora
Quinn is Weak Against:
- Malphite
- Wukong
- Ornn
- Camille
- Kayle
11. Volibear (Good)
SoloRenektonOnly shows you how to make games unBEARable for your opponents.
Volibear’s ability to temporarily disable towers is a huge boon to his split-pushing capabilities. He’s also one of the best 1v1 duelists in the current metagame, and his versatile build paths means he can adapt to the state of the game and his team’s needs. Despite his strengths, Volibear can struggle against kiting and hyper-mobile champions, so ensure you and your team have ways to deal with these threats if you plan on picking him.
Why Volibear?:
- Tower-toppler: Volibear's Ultimate (Stormbringer) allows him to disable turrets for a few seconds, making him effective at taking them down when he gets the chance. This unique ability can give him and his team a significant advantage during a split-push, as he can dive under turrets with less risk or take them down quickly without any support.
- Dueling demigod: Volibear has strong 1v1 capabilities, especially with a build that focuses on tankiness and dueling power. His kit provides him with sustain, damage, and the ability to outlast many opponents in a fight, making him a threat to anyone who tries to stop his split-push.
- Escape mechanism: Volibear's Q (Thundering Smash) increases his movement speed and allows him to stun an enemy, and it can serve as both an engage tool and an escape mechanism. If the enemy team collapses on him during a split push, he has a better chance of escaping than many other champions.
Pick Volibear If:
- Your team lacks frontline.
- Your team lacks early to mid-game power.
- You’re a beginner to the game or the role you’re locked in.
Volibear is Strong Against:
- Yone
- Malphite
- Garen
- Cho’Gath
- Neeko
Volibear is Weak Against:
- Zyra
- Brand
- Mordekaiser
- Lillia
- Rumble
10. Shen (Great)
Grandmaster rank Support main i0ki proves that Supports are more than just damage sponges and healers.
As a tank, Shen won’t be dishing out insane amounts of damage like his other Top-lane counterparts. His split-pushing strategy doesn’t revolve around taking down turrets as quickly as possible. Instead, it’s about applying pressure and forcing the enemy team to make difficult decisions, such as choosing between defending a turret or contesting a major objective elsewhere.
Why Shen?:
- Global-trotting ninja: Shen's Ultimate (Stand United) allows him to shield an ally anywhere on the map and teleport to their side. This global presence means Shen can pressure a side lane by split-pushing and still join his team for a critical fight or objective, making him a constant threat that the enemy team must account for.
- Dueling capability: Shen is a strong duelist against many champions, especially in prolonged fights. His passive provides periodic shielding, and his Q (Twilight Assault) enhances his basic attacks, making him tough to take down in one-on-one situations.
- Survivability: Shen's natural tankiness and his E (Shadow Dash) provide him with a good measure of survivability and escape potential. If the enemy team sends multiple members to deal with him, Shen can often escape, wasting their time and resources.
Pick Shen If:
- Your team needs a tank.
- You’re a Support in a team without a good split-pusher.
- The enemy team also has a global Ultimate (ex. Twisted Fate or Karthus).
Shen is Strong Against:
- K’Sante
- Nasus
- Leona
- Ashe
- Thresh
Shen is Weak Against:
- Pantheon
- Xerath
- Bard
- Sett
- Kled
9. Diana (Great)
Playing Diana might not give you diamond hands, but you will climb to the moon (in LP).
Diana’s typically underestimated as a split-pusher, but her penchant for dueling and melting towers after she gets a few items under her belt demonstrates her effectiveness in the role. She’s a good pick if you’re playing Mid or Jungle, especially if your Top-laner isn’t as good at splitting. However, she lacks the global presence of other split-pushers and is susceptible to CC, so vision control and communication are key to a successful Diana split.
Why Diana?:
- Terror of towers: Diana's passive grants her increased attack speed after casting a spell, which significantly enhances her ability to take down turrets. When combined with her ability to proc on-hit effects from items like Nashor’s Tooth, she can demolish structures quickly.
- 1v1 expert: Diana is a strong duelist, particularly in the mid to late game. Her combination of burst damage and sustained damage, along with a shield from her W, allows her to take on most champions in a 1v1 scenario.
- Escape mechanisms: Diana's E (Lunar Rush) can serve as an escape tool, especially if she positions herself near enemy minions or jungle camps to dash to for a convenient getaway. Her ability to pull in enemies with her Ultimate (Moonfall) and then dash away can also create opportunities to outmaneuver opponents.
Pick Diana If:
- Your team lacks magic damage.
- Your team lacks Area of Effect (AoE) damage/effects.
- The enemy team isn’t CC-heavy.
Diana is Strong Against:
- Zed
- Lillia
- Sejuani
- Hwei
- Fizz
Diana is Weak Against:
- Vel’Koz
- Swain
- Lux
- Volibear
- Master Yi
8. Camille (Great)
Sanchovies is one of top-ranked Top-laners in the North America (NA) server, so he knows a thing or two about split-pushing.
Camille’s dueling capabilities are nearly unparalleled, and combined with her high mobility and bonus damage from her abilities, she’s a terrifyingly effective split-pusher. Additionally, she can also have a significant impact in teamfights. She can dive the backline to eliminate or zone key targets, disrupt the enemy formation with her mobility, and use her Ultimate (The Hextech Ultimatum) to isolate and take down priority targets.
Why Camille?:
- Hyper-mobile: Camille's E (Hookshot) provides her with incredible mobility, enabling her to traverse the map quickly, engage in fights on her terms, and escape from ganks or unfavorable situations. This ability makes her very hard to pin down when she's applying pressure in a side lane.
- Sustainability: Her passive grants her a shield based on the opponent's damage type (physical or magical) when she engages in combat with enemy champions. This, along with the healing from her W (Tactical Sweep), allows her to sustain through duels and remain healthy while pushing.
- Lock ‘em down: The Hextech Ultimatum traps her target in an area for a short duration, preventing them from escaping. This makes her exceptionally dangerous in 1v1 situations during a split-push, as she can force fights with enemy champions who try to defend and prevent them from disengaging.
Pick Camille If:
- The enemy team has low mobility.
- Your team needs a tank-killer.
- Your team lacks engage.
Camille is Strong Against:
- Singed
- Kayle
- Shen
- Nasus
- Dr. Mundo
Camille is Weak Against:
- Wukong
- Gwen
- Mordekaiser
- Urgot
- Poppy
7. Master Yi (Great)
#1 Master Yi in the world plays against a terrifying Taliyah one-trick, but he still comes out on top.
Since he’s known for being able to solo entire teams, it’s only natural Master Yi is a stellar split-pusher. His kit features massive amounts of sustained damage and speed, which means he can blitz through both turrets and champions while also staying healthy, thanks to the healing on his W (Meditate). He can be vulnerable to aggressive ganks before he gets his core items, and he retains his weakness to hard CC throughout the entire game, but these can all be mitigated by proper vision control and communication.
Why Master Yi?:
- High attack speed and damage: Master Yi's attack speed, especially when boosted by his Ultimate allows him to demolish minion waves and turrets quickly. His E (Wuju Style) further enhances his damage output, making short work of structures.
- Quick getaway: His Ultimate (Highlander) not only increases his attack speed, but it also grants significant movement speed and makes him immune to slows. This can be crucial for escaping when the enemy team collapses on him during a split-push attempt.
- Objective control: Beyond just pushing lanes, Master Yi can quickly take down major objectives like dragons or Baron Nashor if left unchecked due to his high sustained damage. This threat can force the enemy team to split their focus between defending against him and contesting objectives.
Pick Master Yi If:
- The enemy team has limited hard CC (stuns, knock-ups, sleep, etc.)
- Your team needs a strong late-game carry.
- The enemy team is squishy.
Master Yi is Strong Against:
- Diana
- Nunu & Willump
- Sejuani
- Zed
- Poppy
Master Yi is Weak Against:
- Ivern
- Elise
- Shaco
- Rammus
- Volibear
6. Nasus (Top)
Learn how to play Best Boy Nasus from Challenger rank player KingStix.
Nasus is an example of a champion whose kit is so overtuned for solo duels that his teamfight abilities have fallen somewhat to the wayside. Rather than being a weakness, however, it just means the Curator of the Sands is one of the best split-pushers in the current meta. His infinite scaling and inherent sustainability allows him to obliterate structures and whomever the enemy team sends to try to stop him.
Why Nasus?:
- Tower destroyer: Nasus's Q (Siphoning Strike) becomes increasingly powerful as he farms up stacks by last-hitting minions, monsters, and champions with it. This enhanced damage applies to turrets as well, allowing him to demolish them quickly once he has accumulated enough stacks.
- Tanky good boy: Nasus has inherent sustainability thanks to his passive, which grants him a significant amount of life steal. This allows him to stay in lane for extended periods, continuously farming and applying pressure without needing to back frequently.
- Escape or engage: His W (Wither) is an extremely effective slow that can be used both defensively to escape pursuers and offensively to secure kills against enemies trying to defend against his split-push. This ability makes it risky for opponents to try and stop Nasus alone.
Pick Nasus If:
- The enemy team has a weak early game.
- Your team needs a frontline.
- The enemy team is tanky.
Nasus is Strong Against:
- Vladimir
- Udyr
- Gnar
- Jayce
- Tryndamere
Nasus is Weak Against:
- Tahm Kench
- Zac
- Rek’Sai
- Kled
- Shen
5. Jax (Best)
Godzu demonstrates the unstoppable, 1v5-ing tour de force that is Jax.
Jax consistently tops lists for the best split-pushers in the game, thanks to a kit made for deleting towers and destroying anybody who tries to stop him. He’s sitting at an 11.7% ban rate currently, which shows how much of a threat he is on the Rift. If you’re able to pick him in your next game, be prepared to shred through everything, be it opposer or objective.
Why Jax?:
- Devastating duelist: Jax is one of the strongest duelists in the game, especially in the mid to late stages. His kit allows him to take on most champions in a 1v1 scenario. This is crucial for split-pushing, as it means the enemy team might need to send more than one champion to deal with him, thereby creating pressure and opportunities elsewhere on the map.
- Turret-taker: Jax's passive increases his attack speed with consecutive attacks, and his W (Empower) can be used to reset his auto-attack timer and deal additional damage. Combined, these abilities allow him to take down turrets rapidly.
- Escape mechanism: His Q (Leap Strike) provides a great burst of mobility, allowing him to jump to allied units, including minions and wards, which can be strategically placed for escapes. This mobility is essential for evading enemy attempts to collapse on him during a split push.
Pick Jax If:
- Your team needs a late-game carry.
- The enemy team is auto-attack reliant.
- The enemy team lacks split-pushing pressure.
Jax is Strong Against:
- Vayne
- Yasuo
- Volibear
- Briar
- Diana
Jax is Weak Against:
- Kha’Zix
- Karthus
- Evelynn
- Garen
- Dr. Mundo
4. Sion (Best)
Former pro-player Thebausffs shows off a broken Sion build.
Sion is probably the most unique split-pusher on this list as he’s the only one that can continue splitting after dying. While his second life lasts only a short time, those precious seconds can make a huge difference. He’s not a turret-melter or a particularly powerful duelist, but being able to push on after dying is an invaluable trait.
Why Sion?:
- From the grave: Even if Sion is killed while splitting, his passive allows him to continue fighting for a short period. This can be enough to finish off a turret, clear a wave, or even take down an enemy champion who’s low on health.
- Ultimate for escapes or engages: Sion’s Ultimate (Unstoppable Onslaught) can serve as both an escape mechanism and a way to quickly join team fights from across the map. If he’s pushing a lane and sees an opportunity to make an impact elsewhere, or if he needs to escape an enemy collapse, his Ultimate gives him significant mobility.
- Disruption and distraction: Due to his tankiness and the threat of his Q (Decimating Smash) and Ultimate, Sion can disrupt and delay enemy responses to his split-pushing. He can force multiple members of the enemy team to come deal with him, relieving pressure from the rest of his team and potentially creating advantageous situations elsewhere on the Rift.
Pick Sion If:
- Your team needs a tank.
- You’re laning against a melee champion.
- Your team lacks CC.
Sion is Strong Against:
- Jayce
- Malphite
- Akali
- Yorick
- Camille
Sion is Weak Against:
- Olaf
- Rek’Sai
- Gwen
- Riven
- Aatrox
3. Fiora (Best)
Witness the sheer destructive power of a Rank 1 Fiora player.
Fiora’s in-game title is “The Grand Duelist,” and that’s 100% reflected in her hyper-mobile, 1v1-focused kit. There are very few champions that can solo-duel a fed Fiora and walk away alive, thanks to her ability to consistently deal true damage and heal back any hurts she might incur. She’ll run circles around any foe while shredding through their turrets, and there’s not much that can stop her.
Why Fiora?:
- The Grand Duelist: Fiora is renowned for her exceptional 1v1 capabilities. Her passive identifies Vitals on nearby enemy champions, and striking these Vitals deals percent max health true damage, heals her, and grants her a burst of speed, making her a formidable opponent in any duel.
- High mobility: Fiora's Q (Lunge) provides her with excellent mobility, allowing her to engage, disengage, or dodge skillshots with ease. This mobility is crucial for avoiding ganks and choosing when and where to fight when split pushing.
- Objective damage: Fiora's ability to deal significant damage to turrets comes from Lunge, which can be used on structure. Additionally, her E (Bladework) increases her attack speed and guarantees a critical strike, enhancing her ability to demolish turrets quickly.
Pick Fiora If:
- The enemy team is tanky.
- The enemy team is duelist or split-pusher heavy.
- The enemy team has low mobility.
Fiora is Strong Against:
- Ornn
- K’Sante
- Kled
- Sion
- Aatrox
Fiora is Weak Against:
- Rek’Sai
- Quinn
- Kayle
- Trundle
- Warwick
2. Tryndamere (Best)
Challenger rank Tryndamere one-trick RANGERZX shares his favorite Tryndamere build.
Not only the Barbarian King, but a split-pushing king as well – Tryndamere may be the best split-pusher in the entire game. His pressure in a side lane is relentless, as he can quickly clear minion waves and threaten turrets, forcing the enemy team to respond. His high damage output can be further enhanced by attack speed items, which can help him blitz through waves, structures, and other champions.
Why Tryndamere?;
- Incredible dueling capabilities: Tryndamere's strength in 1v1 scenarios is one of his key attributes. His Q (Bloodlust) provides significant sustain, while his critical strike chance increases with his Fury, making him a formidable duelist.
- Spin-to-win: His E (Spinning Slash) offers excellent mobility, allowing him to quickly escape from potential ganks or engage on enemies when the opportunity arises.
- Can’t stop, won’t stop: Tryndamere's Ultimate (Undying Rage) is perhaps the most critical aspect of his split-pushing. It allows him to avoid death for a few seconds, providing him the unique ability to dive under turrets with less risk and secure kills or escape situations that would be fatal for most other champions.
Pick Tryndamere If:
- Your team has reliable disengage.
- The enemy team lacks hard CC.
- Your team lacks late-game presence.
Tryndamere is Strong Against:
- Irelia
- Dr. Mundo
- Yasuo
- Yorick
- Karma
Tryndamere is Weak Against:
- Malphite
- Warwick
- Zac
- Tahm Kench
- Rek’Sai
1. Yorick (Best)
Zwag shows off the absolutely cracked new Yorick buffs.
Yorick may be the closest thing to a champion whose sole purpose is split-pushing. There isn’t a single other champion in the game that can split-push two lanes simultaneously, and his ability to summon a small army of Mist Walkers from the corpses of his fallen enemies just adds insult to injury. He also excels at dueling, and he has a fantastic amount of sustain in his kit.
Why Yorick?:
- Mist Walkers: Yorick can raise Mist Walkers from nearby enemy deaths with his passive. When combined with his other abilities, these Mist Walkers can quickly clear minion waves and help damage structures, enhancing his split-pushing capability.
- Maiden of the Mist: Yorick's Ultimate summons the Maiden of the Mist alongside a group of Mist Walkers, significantly boosting his pushing power. The Maiden not only deals considerable damage to enemies, but she also pushes lanes autonomously if Yorick decides to leave the lane. This ability allows Yorick to exert pressure in two places at once.
- Showstopper: His W (Dark Procession) creates a temporary terrain that can trap enemies, making it difficult for them to engage on him directly or escape from him during a duel. This ability is especially effective against champions without dashes or blinks.
Pick Yorick If:
- Your team lacks objective control.
- The enemy team also has a strong split-pusher.
- The enemy team has low mobility.
Yorick is Strong Against:
- Vladimir
- Kennen
- K’Sante
- Karma
- Jayce
Yorick is Weak Against:
- Trundle
- Warwick
- Fiora
- Olaf
- Sett