The Barbarian King unleashes wrath upon his opponents with his fury and rage. Being one of the pioneer champions of the game and getting his name from one of the Co-founders of the game, it is no surprise that Tryndamere has been developed as a strong character. Tryndamere has 11 skins out of which 3 are legacy skins. Here we are going to rank all of them from worst to best.
Available Skins
8. Beast Hunter Tryndamere
See Beast Hunter Tryndamere in action: Beast Hunter Tryndamere Skin Spotlight
If your wish is to put Tryndamere in yellowish armour with a new brownish sword, then go for this skin. It doesn’t add much more than that. It has been put at the bottom of the list because Tryndamere’s base colours look better than the skin. There are no new animations or sound effects.
- General appearance: 6/10
- Ability animations: 5/10
- SFX: 5/10
- Recall animation: 5/10
- Total: 21
The skin is available for 750 RP.
7. Nightmare Tryndamere
See Nightmare Tryndamere in action: Nightmare Tryndamere Skin Spotlight
Nightmare Tryndamere is a tragic skin. It saddens an ex-Tryndamere main like me because I see so much potential going to waste. The splash art and the in-game model of this skin looks so awesome but that’s where it ends. No new sounds, no special effects no animations.
Tryndamere is featured in a dark purplish theme and an undead body. His sword although simple but looks pretty dope. He wears a dark purple cloth over his entire head tied with a rope around his neck.
I just wish riot had made this skin a little more expensive and added cool things to it.
- General appearance: 8/10
- Ability animations: 5/10
- SFX: 5/10
- Recall animation: 5/10
- Total: 23
The skin is available for 750 RP.
6. King Tryndamere
See King Tryndamere in action: King Tryndamere Skin Spotlight
King Tryndamere features him as the king of Freljord in an alternate/imaginary situation after a Freljord civil war. Tryndamere would be King and Ashe would be his queen.
The skin adds very cool-looking armour and the best-looking sword to him. The white and silver suit him a lot. There are no new animations or sound effects with it being a very cheap skin.
- General appearance: 8/10
- Ability animations: 5/10
- SFX: 5/10
- Recall animation: 5/10
- Price factor: 1/1
- Total: 24
The skin is available for 520 RP.
5. Sultan Tryndamere
See Sultan Tryndamere in action: Sultan Tryndamere Skin Spotlight
Sultan Tryndamere features him as a Turkish warrior. He wears a big moustache and carries a huge intimidating scimitar. The walking animation and auto-attack animations have been tweaked. The auto-attacks feel as if they hit harder than usual. The spin animation is also somewhat different and feels nice to the eyes.
Other than this there are no animation changes or new sound effects. This is one of the underrated Tryndamere skins and I recommend it to Tryndamere mains.
- General appearance: 8/10
- Ability animations: 6/10
- SFX: 5/10
- Recall animation: 5/10
- Total: 24
The skin is available for 975 RP.
4. Demonblade Tryndamere
See Demonblade Tryndamere in action: Demonblade Tryndamere in action feat. Foggedftw2
Demonblade Tryndamere is the only legendary skin that Tryndamere has. It isn’t put at the top of the list because it doesn’t qualify as a legendary skin. Yes, the voice lines have been changed and some effects are different but that’s about it. Even the auto-attack animations and SFX are the same as regular Tryndamere.
Riot released this skin in Wild Rift too and it looks much better over there but they never updated it in the main game. This skin easily qualifies as a 750 or 975 RP skin if the new voice acting is removed.
The recall animation is new but it isn’t something that would make your eyes pop out. Overall, I would not recommend this skin, it just isn’t worth the price tag.
- General appearance: 8/10
- Ability animations: 6/10
- SFX: 7/10
- Recall animation: 7/10
- Total: 28
The skin is available for 1820 RP.
3. Chemtech Tryndamere
See Chemtech Tryndamere in action: Chemtech Tryndamere Skin Spotlight
Chemtech Tryndamere features Tryndamere as an experiment created by Singed. He has Zaun armour and the power of chemtech flows through him. The skin has bronze and green colours. There are subtle changes to the SFX. The auto attacks are the same. The animations of the abilities have also been changed a little.
The chicken icon of W over the heads of enemies is now a yellow helmet, Q has a new sound effect, and the spin also feels new. R makes Tryndamere glow red and it is visible when the duration of the ultimate ends (pay to lose?). The recall animation has also been changed.
The skin is good but something feels missing. Perhaps more elements could’ve been added to make it an epic skin.
- General appearance: 7/10
- Ability animations: 7/10
- SFX: 7/10
- Recall animation: 7/10
- Price factor: 1/1
- Total 29
The skin is available for 975 RP.
2. Blood Moon Tryndamere
See Blood Moon Tryndamere in action: Blood Moon Tryndamere Skin Spotlight
Tryndamere has 2 good skins and this is one of them. The “Blood Moon” theme is followed excellently in this skin. The base skin has red colours but chromas are also available in a bunch of colours.
The W animation’s chicken icon wears a Blood Moon mask. The E animation is new and has nice SFX. The R animation begins with a Blood Moon symbol on the ground which looks awesome. The recall animation looks superb.
Tryndamere is a simple champion that relies mostly on his auto-attacks. The auto-attacks of this skin have a nice sound effect to them and feel smooth enough.
Overall this is a good skin that I would recommend.
- General appearance: 9/10
- Ability animations: 8/10
- SFX: 8/10
- Recall animation: 9/10
- Total: 34
The skin is available for 1350 RP.
1. Nightbringer Tryndamere
See Nightbringer Tryndamere in action: Nightbringer Tryndamere Skin Spotlight
Nightbringer Tryndamere is currently the best available skin for Tryndamere. With these latest skins, Riot has figured out what they need to add to make Tryndamere’s skins look good and they are way better than the old ones.
Nightmare Tryndamere looks a lot like Nightmare Yasuo following the same hair and same look of the sword. Some have also called it the reworked/better Demonblade Tryndamere.
The auto-attacks have new SFX and so do the abilities. W chicken icon has the horns of a demon. R makes Tryndamere go into Super Saiyan mode and his hair glows golden. The recall animation looks awesome.
The SFX of this skin resemble Blood Moon Tryndamere a lot and I wish they could’ve been made more unique.
- General appearance: 9/10
- Ability animations: 9/10
- SFX: 8/10
- Recall animation: 9/10
- Total: 35
The skin is available for 1350 RP.
Legacy Skins
3. Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere
See Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere in action: Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere Skin Spotlight
Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere puts him in green-coloured armour of the Warring Kingdoms theme. Nothing else has been added, no effects or animations.
- General appearance: 6/10
- Ability animations: 5/10
- SFX: 5/10
- Recall animation: 5/10
- Total: 21
The skin is available for 975 RP when the legacy vault opens. It can be obtained through Hextech crafting or through “My Shop”.
2. Highland Tryndamere
See Highland Tryndamere in action: Highland Tryndamere Skin Spotlight
Highland Tryndamere gives new clothes to Tryndamere that are brown and are supposed to follow a Scottish Highland theme. Being an old skin, there isn’t anything more than that to the skin. No new animations or sound effects.
- General appearance: 6/10
- Ability animations: 5/10
- SFX: 5/10
- Recall animation: 5/10
- Total: 21
The skin is available for 520 RP when the legacy vault opens. It can be obtained through Hextech crafting or through “My Shop”.
1. Viking Tryndamere
See Viking Tryndamere in action: Viking Tryndamere Skin Spotlight
Tryndamere with new Viking armour and a big sword, the rest of him is the same. No new effects or animations.
- General appearance: 7/10
- Ability animations: 5/10
- SFX: 5/10
- Recall animation: 5/10
- Total: 22
The skin is available for 750 RP when the legacy vault opens. It can be obtained through Hextech crafting or through “My Shop”.
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