Lost Ark Best Class - What Should You Play

Lost Ark Best Class
06 May 2023

Jumping into the vibrant world of Lost Ark, you will meet 5 different classes. Each class has its Advanced sub-classes with different playstyles and gender-locked classes. There are so far a total of 15 Classes to pick from in this MMORPG.

In the world of Arkesia, and with so little time to invest, it can be overwhelming to choose the right class. There is Warrior, Martial Artist, Gunner, Mage, and Assassin, and each has its own set of subclasses. Each subclass is viable, but some stand out in their damage output, how they synergize with groups, and how easy they are to level. This article will overview classes and in which aspect of the game they perform best.


10. Warrior

Warriors are a frontline melee class, a suitable option for those who prefer to hit like a truck and remain tanky. Lacking agility, Warrior makes up with powerful attacks on the opponent. Advanced sub-classes are Berserker, Paladin, and Gunlancer.



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Trading some defensive stats of Warrior for a more powerful offensive kit gives you the unstoppable force which has its place in both PvE and PvP.

In the arena, the Berserker plays more like a hit-and-run assassin than a brawler class. The reason is, high Cooldowns and Mana issues force you to position and time adequately your devastating attacks. Nonetheless, in the right hands, he can be high rank on the PvP tier list. In PvE, he deletes a group of mobs within seconds, especially after investing Skill Points.

PvE Pros                                                                       

  • Good mobility                                                
  • High burst potential
  • Good Stagger, Counter, Destruction

PvE Cons

  • HP issues if using Mayhem
  • Less room for mistake
  • Long Skill Cast Times

PvP Pros

  • High Damage
  • Good Mobility
  • High burst potential
  • Good Push Immunity

PvP Cons

  • High Cooldowns
  • Predictable
  • Susceptible to Hard CCs



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Known as the Holy Knight – Paladin carries a big sword, buff his allies and smite his foes. Endgame Paladins play as a tanky support class that can provide buffs in PvP and PvE. His abilities are divided into Holy Skills, those which support and buff allies, and Blue Skills, those which punish and deal damage.

While leveling it's recommended to play with different builds but his endgame is oriented towards the supporting team.

PvE Pros

  • Survivability
  • Good Party Heal Over Time
  • High Damage Reduction
  • High Damage

PvE Cons

  • Low Mana Regen Buff
  • Lack of Super Armor
  • Lack of Big Heals
  • Required to play as Support in Endgame

PvP Pros

  • Offensive support
  • Good Mobility
  • Good Damage

PvP Cons

  • Lack of Super Armor
  • Hard to Solo Carry



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The role of the tank is given to The Gunlancer, with his funky playstyle and big numbers, he is considered a beginner-friendly class. He has a Taunt, one of the best abilities in the game. Strong shields that ignore incoming damage, giving you chance to make mistakes and fight the boss head on.

The Lone Knight Engraving gives you heavy burst damage, while Combat Readiness Engraving pumps you as a straight tank.

PvE Pros

  • Highest Survivability in the Game
  • Big Shields and Damage Reduction
  • Versatile

PvE Cons

  • Low Mobility
  • Short-ranged
  • Requires Boss Knowledge

PvP Pros

  • High Stagger Damage
  • Good Support
  • High Push Immunity

PvP Cons

  • Low Damage Potential
  • High Skill Cap
  • Hard to fight Ranged


4. Martial Artist

Martial Artists attack enemies like a strong wind. Fast movement, aerial combos, and using powerful elemental skills to take opponents down. Advanced sub-classes are Striker, Scrapper, Soulfist, Wardancer.



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A fast-paced melee character, the Striker specializes in CC, making him a great pick for PvP. The Striker's Orbs stack from attacks and abilities, generating Elemental Orbs. The Orbs are used up when you activate special abilities.

His playstyle revolves around using low cooldown abilities to fill Orbs, then using special abilities to do burst damage. His movement enables him to move from one point to another and catch the enemy team's support.

PvE Pros

  • High Mobility
  • Counterattack
  • Good Stagger Damage

PvE Cons

  • Low Defense
  • Lacks Super Armor
  • Long Cooldowns on Special Abilities

PvP Pros

  • Low Cooldown mobility
  • High Disruption
  • High Solo Potential
  • Great CCs

PvP Cons

  • Lack of Super Armor



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The Scrapper is female, a class with big punches and a lot of damage. She has abilities to buff herself and teammates, and applies debuffs to the boss while having active Super Armor. Possessing a Yellow bar and a Green bar, she can build up around Stamina or Shock skills. The skills are different and determined by your Engravings.

In PvP, her focus is similar to Striker's hit-and-run playstyle. Although she can absorb more damage and stick to a target.

PvE Pros

  • Doesn't need MP
  • High Burst Potential
  • Good Counter, Stagger
  • Cost-Efficient

PvE Cons

  • Animation Locked
  • Short-ranged Attacks
  • Long Cooldowns on High Burst Abilities

PvP Pros

  • Great CCs
  • High Mobility
  • High Disruption

PvP Pros

  • Hard To Fight Ranged
  • Short-ranged Skills



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Known for climbing ranks fast in PvP, capable of solo carry team in arenas, Soulfist is a very strong choice. Although, it takes time to learn her playstyle and how each ability synergizes with the others.

In PvE endgame content, she does big damage and connects powerful combos but she lacks survivability. You will need to make most of your fingers to survive incoming damage.

PvE Pros

  • Big Damage
  • High Mobility
  • Powerful Awakening Skills

PvE Cons

  • Awakening Skill can Miss
  • Low on Resource
  • High Specialization Required

PvP Pros

  • Great CC
  • High Mobility

PvP Cons

  • Lacks Super Armor



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Similar to Martial Artist's sub-classes we mentioned before, the Wardancer is a very fast class, does big damage, and is very PvP oriented. Although, she can make her builds work in PvE when optimizing Engravings and gear.

She can be played as big damage when utilizing her special abilities, but will suffer bigger downtimes. Or, without having to fill orbs, she can empower her ordinary attacks and do consistent damage over time.

PvE Pros

  • High Mobility
  • Counter Attack
  • Good Stagger
  • Decent Burst Damage

PvE Cons

  • Dull Gameplay
  • Requires Basic Attacks
  • Back Attacks Hard to Hit

PvP Pros

  • High Mobility
  • Good Disruption
  • Good Stagger

PvP Cons

  • Lack of Super Armor
  • Lack of CCs


3. Mage

Mage is considered one of the most played classes in NA/EU release. She uses her magic to fight at long range, dealing big damage and keeping her enemies at bay. Support or Damage Dealer, she can fulfill both roles.



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A mage that is focused on dealing damage, can be quite devastating on the battlefield, but at the cost of having low health. Positioning and utilizing her flashy elemental attacks while maintaining distance, is going to suit players who like slow gameplay.

PvE Pros

  • Highest Damage Potential
  • Low Cooldowns
  • Good Mobility
  • Counters Ranged

PvE Cons

  • Low HP
  • Lack of Super Armor

PvP Pros

  • Good Mobility
  • Big Damage
  • Low Cooldowns

PvP Cons

  • Low HP
  • Skillshot Reliant
  • Positioning Dependent


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The Bard is one of two Support classes in Lost Ark. This class provides a whole kit of buffs to the party, damage reduction, damage increases, heals, you name it. Upon consuming Serenade bars, she can boost attack damage to the party or heal them instead.

Knowing when to use each buff is essential to mastering the Bard.

PvE Pros

  • Cost-Efficient
  • Always Desired
  • Support

PvE Cons

  • Low Mobility
  • Slow Leveling
  • Reliant on Party

PvP Pros

  • Support
  • Buffs
  • High Push Immunity
  • Decent Damage

PvP Cons

  • Reliant on Party
  • Requires Positioning
  • Low Basic Stats


2. Gunner

Gunners wield technologically advanced guns and bows which they utilize at long range. Advanced sub-classes are Gunslinger, Artillerist, Deadeye, Sharpshooter.



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The Gunslinger has a whole kit of arsenal: two pistols, a shotgun, and a sniper rifle. She can rotate her weapons via the character's identity gauge. It's worth mentioning that she needs a lot of pressing buttons.

As a Gunslinger, you should keep the crit debuff up on your opponent by properly rotating skills and weapons. In PvP, she is supposed to dance around players while delivering devastating combos.

PvE Pros

  • High Mobility
  • Long Range
  • Crit Debuff

PvE Cons

  • Low HP
  • High Skill Cap
  • Swapping Weapons Constantly

PvP Pros

  • Big Damage
  • High Mobility
  • High Push Immunity

PvP Cons

  • Low HP
  • High Skill Cap
  • Prone to Mistakes



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Melee version of The Gunslinger. The Deadeye can swap 3 different weapons to match his situation, making his playstyle hard if you are not committed to this class. In PvP, the Deadeye uses his pistol and rifle to dance around opponents, while waiting for the right moment with a shotgun.

PvE Pros

  • Big Damage
  • High Mobility
  • High Crit

PvE Cons

  • Back Attack Reliant
  • Animation Locked
  • Short-ranged on Burst Damage

PvP Pros

  • High Mobility
  • Big Damage
  • Decent Stagger
  • High Push Immunity

PvP Cons

  • Low HP
  • High Skill Cap
  • Tiresome to Swap Weapons



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Not your typical ranger from MMORPGs, his abilities include a lot of close distance combat. Both Class Engravings revolve around building Sharpshooter's Identity gauge called Hawk Meter. Activating it, you get Silverhawk as a companion in your journey.

In PvP, the Sharpshooter plays like an assassin. Stealthing, positioning, unleashing big damage can appeal to those who like this kind of playstyle.

PvE Pros

  • Big Damage
  • High Crit Rate

PvE Cons

  • Low Stagger
  • Animation Locked

PvP Pros

  • Stealth
  • Good Mobility
  • Big Damage
  • Good Push Immunity

PvP Cons

  • Low HP
  • RNG Damage
  • Requires Good Positioning



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The Artillerist is a class that has a lot of firepowers, blasting their enemies with some of the biggest guns in Lost Ark. He deals consistent damage and has high Stagger Damage on most abilities. A slow and Area of Effect damage-focused class with interesting combos.

In PvP, the Artillerist relies on their stun to do big damage.

PvE Pros

  • High Survivability
  • Consistent Damage
  • High Stagger Damage

PvE Cons

  • Slow Casting Speed
  • Knowledge of Boss Mechanics
  • Burst Potential Relies on Teammates

PvP Pros

  • Easy to learn
  • Decent against Melee
  • Big Damage

PvP Cons

  • Low Mobility
  • Lack of Super Armor
  • Easy to Predict
  • Ranged can Outperform him


1. Assassin

Assassins combine the power of blades and demonic abilities to deal the cataclysmic impact. Advanced sub-classes are Shadowhunter and Deathblade.



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Shadowhunter inflict big damage from melee and ranged distances. Also, they have ability to transform into their demonic version with their own set of abilities. She can apply a debuff to the target that increases the damage dealt by you and your party.

In PvP, her kit relies on hit and run playstyle. She can rank high in the PvP with low Cooldowns and High Mobility while dealing decent damage.

PvE Pros

  • Has Synergy Buff
  • Low Cooldowns
  • Good Stagger

PvE Cons

  • Poor T1 Perfomance
  • Short Dash

PvP Pros

  • Big Damage
  • High Mobility

PvP Cons

  • Lack of Super Armor
  • High Skill Cap



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The Deathblade wields three Swords coated in chaos to slash their enemies. She is considered very versatile class with high range melee combos, and lighting fast mobility. She can apply a debuff to the target, which increases the Back Attack damage.

In PvP,  the Deathblade utilizes her mobility and crowd control to gain an advantage in battlefield.

PvE Pros

  • High Mobility
  • Low Skill Cooldowns
  • Debuff

PvE Cons

  • Requires Back Attack
  • Big Damage Abilities Have Long Cooldown
  • Cast Times

PvP Pros

  • High Mobility
  • Big Damage
  • Decent CC
  • Super Armor

PvP Cons

  • Squishy
  • Prone to Kiting


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