[Top 5] Marvel Snap Best Kazar Decks And Why They're Good

30 Apr 2023

Kazar is a great card that you’ve probably used since collection level 1, and his usefulness doesn’t fall off in the later stages of the game, because he’s always a part of the meta in some form.

Kazar’s effect gives +1 power to every 1-cost card on the field. This makes him a perfect centerpiece of all decks that like swarming the board with cheap units, and it also makes him fit in nicely with Thanos since those decks also play a lot of 1-cost cards on the field.

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We’re going to take a look at a variety of decks that include Kazar. Some decks can be made in early pool 3, while some require you to have a lot of cards already. Kazar is a very diverse and fun card that’s featured in a lot of decks.


5.Hitmonkey Kazar

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This deck has only 1 pool 3 card and that’s Titania and she can easily be swapped out for any other useful 1-cost card. This is as simple as Kazar decks can be, with the addition of Hitmonkey who is currently only available from the Season Pass, since he has a lot of synergy with the Kazoo playstyle.

The goal is to set up your board for the 6th turn with cards like Angela, Bishop, Kazar and Blue Marvel, in order to play out all of your cheaper cards in your hand on the last turn with Hitmonkey to have enough power to overpower your opponent. Cards like Rocket Raccoon, Blade and Titania are very good since on the last turn you don’t have to worry too much about Blade and Titania’s side effects if you position her correctly, while you’re quite likely to get a little more sneaky power from Rocket Raccoon since you’ll likely be able to predict where your opponent will play his cards on the 6th turn.

What This Deck Excels At:

  • It’s a simple deck that doesn’t require too many pool 3 cards, and it can be quite effective for climbing if you don’t have a lot of pool 3 cards and have bought the Animals Assemble season pass
  • Titania, Blade and Rocket Raccoon are great cards that give you a lot of power for only 1 energy, especially on the last turn when their negative effects can’t impact you as much
  • Kazar and Blue Marvel are cards that you play on turns 4 and 5 in order to boost all of your 1-cost cards that you want to play on the last turn
  • Bishop and Angela are great since they get stronger as the game goes on and your opponent can’t always accurately guess how much power you’re going to have on their locations
  • Hitmonkey falls perfectly into the KaZoo archetype since he benefits from a lot of cards being played on the last turn alongside him, and he can bring you a nice amount of power, since you’re playing him alongside a lot of 1-cost cards

Card List:

  • Sunspot
  • Ant-Man
  • Squirrel Girl
  • Nightcrawler
  • Rocket Raccoon
  • Blade
  • Titania
  • Angela
  • Hitmonkey
  • Bishop
  • Kazar
  • Blue Marvel

4.Dracula KaZoo

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Dracula Kazoo is a rather new way to play Kazar, that’s quite fun and often successful. It takes advantage of the KaZoo playstyle that likes to play out their entire hand on the last turn, by pairing that up with a Dracula on board and either Red Skull or The Infinaut in the hand.

It’s a pretty straightforward deck to pilot, but placement is very important if you want to climb with this deck, since you need to anticipate your opponent’s game plan and overpower them on locations they aren’t expecting to lose. You also have to play on the curve if you want to empty your entire hand out on the last turn. Kazar and the 1-cost cards give you a nice amount of power during the game, while Dracula is usually the card that assures you the victory.

What This Deck Excels At:

  • Kazar and 1-cost cards give you a nice amount of power on all locations, since you’re easily able to play them wherever you want and Kazar will make their power add up
  • Dracula is going to discard one of your bigger cards like Red Skull or Infinaut (preferably Infinaut) and add a significant amount of power on any location, it’s a nice added bonus that neither Cosmo nor Shang-Chi can stop Dracula, so he’s sure to discard a powerful card, unless your opponent plays Maximus
  • Red Skull is the strongest 5-cost card in terms of raw power, since even if your opponent fills the entire location up, his stats are 5/8, but he’s likely to be more powerful since you can position him where you want on turn 5
  • Cosmo and Armor are good ways to counter a lot of your opponents deck, since Cosmo can stop your opponent’s combos and Armor can protect your cards from Killmonger or Shang-Chi

Card List:

  • Sunspot
  • Ant-Man
  • Squirrel Girl
  • Iceman
  • Zero
  • Armor
  • Lizard
  • Cosmo
  • Dracula
  • Kazar
  • Red Skull
  • Infinaut

3.Thanos Lockjaw

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Thanos Lockjaw used to be the king of the meta in the last Season, but gradually, he’s been nerfed to a more balanced position, where it’s still a good and fun deck to play, without being overly monopolizing.

Thanos’ Infinity Stones go perfectly with Lockjaw who can shuffle the cheaper stones and pull out strong cards like Leech, Thanos, Kazar and so on. Leech was nerfed to only affect your opponent’s hand on turn 6, which now makes it a great counter for combo decks, while it’s still weaker from the previous version that could shut down any opponent’s deck. Valkyrie is also a great card since she almost assures you win a location once you play her, since you have enough ongoing effects that buff your cards like Kazar, Blue Marvel and the Soul Stone which lowers the power of your opponent’s cards, after she sets the power of all cards to 3.

What This Deck Excels At:

  • Lockjaw offers a fun and slightly random addition to the game, now after his nerf. He’s still able to pull out important cards from your deck, but now he also lets you protect whatever you pull out with Armor, which is a nice new addition
  • Kazar and Blue Marvel give a nice boost to your power, since Kazar gives +1 power to all 1-cost units and Blue Marvel buffs your units indiscriminately 
  • Spectrum has a lot of synergy in this deck since a lot of cards have Ongoing effects that she buffs once she’s played
  • Valkyrie is a great card that can single handedly win you the game if you play her correctly, she has the ability to deal with your opponent’s big cards, while your cards are going to have more than 3 power with all of the Ongoing effects you have in this deck

Card List:

  • Ant-Man
  • M’Baku
  • Quinjet
  • Armor
  • Lockjaw
  • Mister Fantastic
  • Kazar
  • Blue Marvel
  • Leech
  • Valkyrie
  • Spectrum
  • Thanos


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This is another deck that has a lot of Ongoing effects, because it’s Patriot! A deck geared around playing cards without effects and then massively buffing them up with all of the powerful Ongoing effects in this deck.

The win condition of this deck is simple: play out as many cards early in the game, and then buff them later with Patriot, Mystique, Kazar, Blue Marvel, and if the game allows it Onslaught as well. These effects add up and make some cards that you’ve played out for low energy really powerful. An alternate win condition is to set up your board with Patriot, Kazar and Blue Marvel and then play Ultron at the end to finish it all up, he will fill all locations with Drones which are all 1-energy, 1-power tokens that will get buffed by all of your cards, you just have to beware of cards like Killmonger and Enchantress since they can completely screw up this strategy.

What This Deck Excels At:

  • It’s a fun deck  that lets you play cards without effects and then make them stronger by buffing them
  • Patriot and Mystique are a great combo that costs only 6 mana, but will give all of your cards without effects +4 power
  • Debrii is a great card that gives both you and your opponent a Rock, which will flood their locations, but you can buff up your rocks to add more power to your locations, she’s also great at countering Galactus who is played by a lot of people now
  • Ultron, once combined with a few of your Ongoing cards can easily give you a lot of power on all locations by swarming them with Drones

Card List:

  • Wasp
  • Squirrel Girl
  • Misty Knight
  • Mister Sinister
  • Shocker
  • Mystique
  • Patriot
  • Debrii
  • Kazar
  • Blue Marvel
  • Onslaught
  • Ultron

1.Thanos Ongoing

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This is a pure Ongoing deck with Thanos. It has no Lockjaw, and the only cards that aren’t Ongoing, besides Spectrum, are America Chavez and Thanos. The deck’s goal is to swarm the board with Ongoing effects and then at the end of the game either buff them all with Spectrum or play some of your big cards like Iron Man, Devil Dinosaur or America Chavez.

This is a really fun deck that’s simple to get into, but hard to master. It’s really important to use Thanos’ stones carefully and think about what you’re getting each time you play a Stone instead of wasting Time Stone’s bonus energy just for card draw. Devil Dinosaur and Iron Man are really strong cards that can easily win you locations by themselves in the later stages of the game. Kazar and Blue Marvel here have a role of slightly buffing all of your stones, and they’re especially valuable since this deck often revolves around playing Spectrum, and they get a nice buff once she’s played too.

What This Deck Excels At:

  • You have a lot of cards with good Ongoing effects that you can use to gain advantage over your opponent, like Mister Fantastic that can get power to locations like Sanctum Sanctorum, and Ant-Man’s effect is easy to activate for that extra +3 power on a tight location
  • Spectrum is a great card here, because she synergizes with all cards in the deck and with some of Thanos’ Infinity Stones, playing her on turn 6 gives a lot of power to all of your Ongoing cards, which is often enough to get you a victory
  • Kazar and Blue Marvel are great cards that buff the rest of your field, Kazar buffs all of your Infinity Stones and Ant-Man, while Blue Marvel will buff everything on the board
  • Goose, Armor and Cosmo are great cards that you can use to counter your opponent, while Goose isn’t as clearly useful as Cosmo, he can stop your opponent from playing cards like Shang-Chi on a location you don’t want them to
  • Iron Man and Devil Dinosaur are great late game options that you can use to make sure you’re ahead in at least one location, especially Iron Man is insane after you buff him and a few more cards on his location with Spectrum

Card List:

  • Ant-Man
  • Goose
  • Armor
  • Mister Fantastic
  • Cosmo
  • Kazar
  • Iron Man
  • Blue Marvel
  • Devil Dinosaur
  • Spectrum
  • America Chavez
  • Thanos


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