Other than its romanceable aliens, one of the most iconic things about the Mass Effect series is the different armors available in the games, and Mass Effect 3 is no different. With 12 full armor sets and multiple armor pieces, you’ll find a lot of options available when it comes time to deck out your Shepard for a mission.
There is such a thing as too much choice, though. Casual players may just pick an armor and use it for the whole game without checking out any other options that the game has available. Read on to find the best armors in Mass Effect 3 listed in the order that you can find them.
*In this list we’re going to focus mainly on the full sets of armor as opposed to mixing and matching individual pieces, which in some cases can prove to be very beneficial.
1. N7 Armor
For the base armor of the game, the N7 armor holds up surprisingly well, and the best part about it is that you don’t need to spend any credits to acquire it. This armor is going to be with you from the beginning of priority Mars. It is also one of the few sets on this list where you can customize the colors and patterns.
The best way to get the most out of this is with the glass cannons, such as adapt, so you can focus on getting your power damage up while keeping your health sustained.
N7 Armor stats:
- +10% health from each piece equipped (up to 50%)
This is the best armor for all classes at the beginning.
3. Cerberus Ajax Armor
The Cerberus Ajax armor is the other armor that is available for free from the beginning of the game, you just need to equip it in the Normandy. It has a great variety of benefits for both shields and damage, making it the perfect choice for players who really want to get into the action.
The best way to get the most out of this armor is when you are a class reliant on guns to get up close and personal to the enemy.
Cerberus Ajax Armor Stats:
- +25% Ammo Capacity
- +10% Weapon Damage
- +10% Power Damage
- +10% Shield Regen Speed
- +25% Shields
When you find it, it is the best armor for these classes: Assault classes, Soldier/Vanguard/Infiltrator
Check out this video on how to unlock this armor:
2. Blood Dragon
The Blood Dragon armor, also present in ME2, is a promotional armor for the Bioware game Dragon Age. It is one of the best-looking armors in the game but has the unfortunate problem of not allowing the helmet to come off unless you are on PC using mods.
You can buy this armor as soon as you have 55,000 credits at the Normandy’s terminal or if you want to get it a little cheaper (50,000 credits), you can buy it from Kanala Exports once you have access to the citadel.
The best way to get the most out of this is for the glass cannons, such as adapt, so you can focus on getting your power damage up while keeping your health sustained.
Blood Dragon stats:
- +10% Power Recharge Speed
- +30% Power Damage
- +20% Shields
When you find it, it is the best armor for these classes: Infiltrators/Adept
Check out this video on how to unlock this armor:
4. Collector Armor
Although it isn’t the prettiest, the Collector Armor brings a lot to the table by the increase in shields alone. It is also easy to acquire early on, in the same way as the blood dragon armor is, for the sum of 50,000 credits in both Nos Astra Sporting Goods and the Normandy’s shopping terminal (there is a markup at this terminal).
With the health and shield bonuses, this armor is ideal for classes that rely on being exposed to enemy fire to do the most damage. So, for assault classes like Vanguard, it is a good mid-game option.
Collector Armor
- +20% Shield Regeneration
- +20% Shields
- +20% Health
When you find it, it is the best armor for these classes: Vanguard/Soldier/Infiltrator
Check out this video on how to unlock this armor:
5. Cerberus Nightmare Armor/ Cerberus Shade Armor/ Cerberus Spirit Armor
You might say, “Hey, that’s three sets of armor. How can you post them under one number? " Well, it is in large part due to the fact that, unless you are playing moded on PC, you can only get one of these armors, so you need to be sure you pick the right one for your playstyle. They are also three of the best armors in the game. Unfortunately, they are not available until the end portion of the Citadel DLC questline, and you will need to get the max score in the Armax Arsenal Arena mini-game.
These are undoubtedly the best armors in the game, so you can't really go wrong no matter which one you pick. However, each one does have different buffs that various classes will find more useful than others.
Cerberus Nightmare Armor
- +20% Ammo Capacity
- +20% Headshot Damage
- +20% Weapon Damage
- +10% Shield Regen Speed
- +10% Shields
When you find it, it is the best armor for this class: Infiltrator
Cerberus Shade Armor
- +10% Melee Damage
- +10% Ammo Capacity
- +10% Weapon Damage
- +10% Power Damage
- +20% Shield Regen Speed
- +20% Shields
When you find it, it is the best armor for these classes: Vanguard/Infiltrator/
Cerberus Spirit Armor
- +30% Power Recharge Speed
- +30% Power Damage
- +10% Shield Regen Speed
- +10% Shields
When you find it, it is the best armor for these classes: Adept/Engineer/Sentinel
Check out this video on how to unlock these armors:
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