What about Core Heroes?
Core heroes are called the way they’re called because of how important they are in a team. Sure, you can play the perfect game as a support or as a mage, but winning the game still mainly depends more than anything else on how the core position would play out and carry. That being said, here are the best Mobile Legends core heroes to master if you want to be the one to bring your team to victory.
10. Hayabusa
Hayabusa, the Ninja Baba Yaga
As most assassins do, Hayabusa relies on picking up kills early and creating early game advantages to close the match as quickly as possible before late game heroes start to come alive. With his strong roaming potential, Hayabusa can use his shadows to assassinate a single enemy hero and leave without taking the slightest damage.
What makes Hayabusa great:
- He has high single-hero damage output that allows him to dominate the jungle
- He has great mobility and can kill a hero sitting in a lane once he has his ultimate
See Hayabusa in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC669SLYwGw
9. Gusion
Gusion: He's Got Blades
When it comes to burst abilities, Gusion beats any other hero in this list. His daggers can delete an enemy within seconds, making him scary to oppose in the early game. On top of his blink skills, Gusion is a decent core hero because of how he can farm jungle fast and make quick rotations to end the game immediately.
What makes Gusion great:
- He has insane magic damage output that can assassinate heroes in a flash
- He can take the initiative and make plays to limit the map control of the enemy team
See Gusion in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p24NRveOm_w
8. Lancelot
Lancelot, the Back Line Bully
Lancelot excels at dashing. He gets in and out of the fight like a streak of lightning with one goal in mind: execute squishy heroes and pick off the rest. With his insane physical damage burst, both with his skill and ultimate, Lancelot is feared by marksmen enemy cores more than any other hero.
What makes Lancelot great:
- He has extremely high mobility
- He can assassinate squishy heroes even when they’re under tower protection
- He can easily go to enemy back lines in team fights to pick off supports
See Lancelot in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yt46U6pUWv0
7. Ling
Ling, the Wall Climber
Ling is the only hero in Mobile Legends who can stand on top of walls and glide around like a feather. His rotations are unparalleled as he can cross the entire map in no time. With this specialty, Ling makes good use of his supernatural mobility to kill enemy heroes anywhere on the map in the early game. His ultimate gives him short invulnerability and creates 4 swords, all of which he can use to dive enemy heroes under tower, do away with them, and leave unscathed.
What makes Ling great:
- He’s the most mobile hero in the game
- He can make rotations and be proactive and reactive at the same time
- He can split push with ease
See Ling in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3mxE7eHUug
6. Benedetta
Benedetta: Goodluck Killing Her
When picked as a core hero, Benedetta becomes a true menace. Her distinct feature is her ability to become invulnerable while inflicting high physical damage on her enemies. She can also charge her basic attack to dash without cooldown, which makes her roaming capabilities ideal. Benedetta uses her low-cooldown abilities to punish enemy heroes that are far too extended on their lanes. During a team fight, her ultimate slashes down victim in a line and allows her to get up close and personal to her priority target.
What makes Benedetta great:
- She can become immune to all damage
- She has high mobility and can dash in and out of a fight
- She has great physical damage output that amplifies her roaming potential
See Benedetta in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8uB_yRbiW0
5. Brody
Brody: Shake and Bake
Brody casts lightning bolts to strike down all puny enemies like mere mortals. Because he can move while he’s attacking, his foes have to make a constant effort to stay hot on his heels if they want to take him down. Equipped with mobility and durability items, Brody can make it really difficult for his enemies to catch him especially with his dash ability. His high critical damage and physical attack would tear opponents down before they lay their hands on him.
What makes Brody great:
- He can move while he’s attacking
- His ultimate is a physical damage burst that can target multiple heroes
- He can stun and dash to separate himself from enemies who managed to get close to him
See Brody in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ptc7FNTp7Hc
4. Bruno
Bruno: He Scores Well
Bruno has the highest physical damage output in the entire game, making one of the best heroes to be placed in a core position. Thanks to his passive, his critical hit chance can increase to some degree, which, once he’s itemized, gives him the ultimate power of two-hitting enemy heroes to death.
What makes Bruno great:
- He can delete enemy heroes in 1 to 2 hits with his otherworldly basic attacks
- He can dash away from threats
See Bruno in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TctJUHPYsjE
3. Granger
Granger, the Composer
Watch any professional Mobile Legends tournament right now and there’s a good chance you’ll see Granger being picked. Why? Because Granger is among the few heroes who are great in the early game as much as in the late game. His burst physical damage abilities enable him to jungle extremely fast and take down enemy heroes with the help of his teammates. His ultimate shoots wide-range bullets that can deal severe blows to enemies far away.
What makes Granger great:
- He’s good in the early game and in the late game
- He can burst enemies and kill them even without items
- He can dash and get away from nearby enemies
See Granger in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9Kpmnqg6PU
2. Yi Sun-Shin
Yi Sun-Shin: He Knows Where You Live
Yi Sun-Shin is a naval fleet commander due to his ability to get the whole picture of the fight. His ultimate rains down fire on all of his enemies, revealing their position anywhere in the map. This creates a significant advantage for Yi Sun-Shin’s team during team fight since they can adjust to the enemy’s positioning to create the winning edge. As for his damage, Yi Sun-Shin’s attacks can continually crit, which becomes broken when paired with critical damage items.
What makes Yi Sun-Shin great:
- He can reveal all enemies using his ultimate
- He has a low-cooldown dash that can get him out of a pinch
- His basic attacks can crit repeatedly
See Yi Sun-Shin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oY940Z3ASXk
1. Claude
Claude, the Golden Boy
Claude is the ultimate carry of all, having checked every requirement that makes the perfect core hero. His insane DPS and attack speed, in combination with some relevant items, allow him to chip away at his enemies’ HP with a few hits. His movement speed grows with his attack speed as well. Once he gains his stacks, Claude becomes supercharged, quick and destructive in every possible way. He can dodge threats by switching position with his mirror image, ensuring his safety. Meanwhile, his ultimate shoots bullet in all direction, pulverizing the entire enemy lineup during team fights.
What makes Claude great:
- He has high DPS, movement speed, and attack speed
- He can get to safety if needed, avoiding enemy assassins and other threats
- His ultimate can deal severe damage to enemy heroes during team fights
See Claude in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ps89gQvlego
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