Your adventure as a marksman begins even before the battle, where a crucial choice must be made to support team composition or counter the opponents. Marksmen require vision over game play, like pillars, they are the backbone or foundation of the team with a pivotal role, as adaptive, versatile solo-carry heroes who can flexibly uphold and grind multiple objectives.
Ever so often, teams fall back on their marksmen in game defining moments. Mastering this role is a fundamental precedent for any Mobile Legends player and so by ranking the best marksmen from good to best, we’ve assembled a Top 12 line-up designed to help you unlock your true marksman potential and outshine on the battlefield. Let's fire away!
12. Kimmy (Good)

Let's give some credit to Kimmy, she was one of the most feared marksmen and also a consistent ban for a devoted but honorable period of time. So if you’re wondering why such a versatile dual mage/marksman such as Kimmy is ranked this low, it's a result of the meta updates which have debuffed speed in attack and movement.
Regardless, Jetpack Rebel Kimmy is a versatile marksman, crucial to early game team compositions in finding rhythm. Unique in her ability to deal magic damage while moving, she is preferred as a core since she heavily relies on items and build. Kimmy excels by farming early on, then ganking, supporting and even as a solo-carry in team strategies. With a 90% difficulty rating, she’s less common in higher ranks, making her even more worthy of mastery.
Kimmy Abilities:
- Passive (Chemist's Instinct) - Kimmy may strafe and spray in any direction with her gun, but she might miss more shots. Her Spray Gun restores 5 energy per hit and deals magic damage per bullet, scaling with her physical and magic power. Each bullet can inherit a chunk of her attack effects, but only 75% of her magic lifesteal.
- Skill 1 (Energy Transformation) - Kimmy fires Chemical Bolts at the target spot, each consuming 5 energy and dealing magic damage based on her physical and magic power. Missed bolts explode at the end of their paths, hitting nearby enemies with the same damage. This skill can land critical hits. Straightforward and deadly!
- Skill 2 (Chemical Refinement) - Kimmy blasts an enhanced Chemical Spray, recoiling backward. Enemies in the spray's path take magic damage every 0.5 seconds and get slowed by 40% for 4 seconds. Kimmy also regains 30-40 energy when using this skill. Efficient, damaging, and great for crowd control!
- Ultimate Skill (Maximum Charge) - Kimmy charges up and fires a Luminous Chemical Attack. The projectile explodes on impact or at max range, dealing magic damage based on her physical and magic power. It hits the primary target harder, with up to 83% damage to nearby enemies. Big, powerful, and explosive!
Kimmy is strong against:
- Moskov
- Valir
- Vale
- Miya
- Layla
Kimmy is weak against:
- Aldous
- Hayabusa
- Irithel
- Aamon
- Franco
See Kimmy In action:
11. Wanwan (Good)

Second last, stands the Agile Tiger, another distinctive marksman Wanwan who ranks this low owing to the meta. Her movement is unmatched and her ability to conceal while locked on targets through her Ultimate Skill is unchallenged, as her darts spare no target. She is the embodiment of a team hero who is hard to master in technique but lethal when learned.
Wanwan requires patience and extensive farming in the early game so that she can transition into an agile solo carry role during mid-late game. Farming is an essential for Wanwan's in-game presence that gains authority over time, as an undeniable force. Most teams rely on her as a late-game solo carry and matches are usually lost when she fails to shine in attack and other objectives such as ganking, pushing lanes and especially during team encounters.
Wanwans Abilities:
Passive Skill (Tiger Pace) - When Wanwan hits enemy heroes, their weak spots show and their location is revealed for 5 seconds. If she hits these weak spots, she deals extra damage and increases the damage they take from her attacks by 10% for 5 seconds. Wanwan can dash a short distance every time she fires an arrow from her Basic Attack, and the dash gets faster with her Attack Speed. Her Basic Attack deals a lot of Physical Damage.
- Skill 1 (Swallow's Path) - Wanwan throws a Fire Swallow in a direction, activating Tiger Pace. The Fire Swallow deals damage to enemies it hits. Then, it turns into 3 Swallow Daggers that fly back to Wanwan, hitting enemies again. These Swallow Daggers slow enemies by 30% for 1.5 seconds and if an enemy is hit twice, they can’t move for 0.5 seconds.
- Skill 2 (Needles in Flowers) - Wanwan frees herself from all control effects and activates Tiger Pace. At the same time, she shoots Deadly Needles in every direction, dealing a lot of Physical Damage to any enemies hit.
- Ultimate Skill (Crossbow of Tang) - Passive: Each time Wanwan's Crossbow of Tang is upgraded, her damage against creeps increases by 20%-40%. Active: Wanwan jumps into the air and fires arrows at an enemy hero for 2.5 seconds, dealing a lot of damage with each arrow. If she kills the target, she'll switch to another enemy hero, gain 30% Attack Speed, and extend the skill duration by 1 second (up to 3 times). During this attack, Wanwan is untargetable and invincible, and she can activate Tiger Pace when killing an enemy or when the skill ends. Wanwan's Crossbow of Tang can only be used on enemy heroes when all their weak points have been hit, and she gains 100% Movement Speed during the attack. This damage counts as Basic Attack damage, and the attack speed scales with Wanwan's Attack Speed.
Wanwan is Strong Against:
- Franco
- Gusion
- Granger
- Leslie
- Harley
Wanwan is Weak Against:
- Khufra
- Natalia
- Hanabi
- Esmerelda
- Lunox
See Wanwan in action:
10. Irithel (Good)

At number 10 is another victim of the current meta. As the only marksman who can move while dealing explosive damage, Irithel is a beast who relies on attack and speed. She is a late-game hyper carry given the right circumstances but depends on team formation and allied support to create game changing impact.
The Jungle Heart is one of the most exhilarating marksmen, fun to play and is a must-have! Her unique blend of AoE, explosive basic damage and movement makes her OP, while she thrives on her attack speed and unique movement to close in on the action or swiftly back to safety. Irithel relies on early farming to split push, and can carry or support objectives into the late game, where her full potential may be realized in her unique blend and devastating combo.
Irithels Abilities:
- Passive Skill (Tiger Heart): Irithel and Leo's perfect teamwork lets her shoot while moving! Each attack fires 2 bolts, dealing 55% Physical Attack damage per bolt. Moving builds up Jungle Heart, and at max, the next attack fires an extra bolt.
- Skill 1 (Strafe): Irithel fires a volley of arrows at the target area, dealing 330-530 + 60% Physical Attack damage and reducing enemies' Physical Defense by 15-40 for 3 seconds.
- Skill 2 (Force of the Queen): Leo's roar inflicts 200–350 + 60% Physical Attack damage to nearby enemies and slows them by 40% for 2 seconds.
- Ultimate Skill (Heavy Crossbow): Irithel commands Leo to leap forward, empowering her crossbow for 10 seconds. During this time, she gains 30 extra Movement Speed, and her Basic Attacks fire enhanced bolts, dealing 120 + 60–80% Physical Attack damage to the target and nearby units. Jungle Heart also charges faster.
Irithel is Strong Against:
- Hanabi
- Jawhead
- Alucard
- Bane
- Nana
Irithel is Weak Against:
- Lesley
- Brody
- Selena
- Hayabusa
- Gusion
See Irithel in action:
9. Karrie (Good)

Layla might have claimed this spot if she wasn’t so easily countered. Instead, Karrie comes in as the most basic marksman on this list, also beating the likes of Clint and Miya since she can be paired with any other hero on the roster. She is a great team composition marksman where all her skills are based on attack speed and buffs, granting her versatility and flexibility over gameplay and tactics despite her basic set-up.
The Lost Star can turn a tight situation into her favor, since she deals true damage based on the maximum HP of opponents. She is a powerful early game hero and can rapidly push and take turrets, especially by engaging her ultimate buff. Best labeled as a late-game killing machine, Karrie outshines in team encounters and can even lead the front-lines in attack strategies where additional items such as Wind of Nature reveals her true solo-carry potential.
Karries Abilities
- Passive (Lightwheel Mark): Karrie's Basic Attacks and skills add a stack of Lightwheel Mark per hit. At 5 stacks, the marks transform into a lightwheel, dealing True Damage equal to 6%-8% of the target's Max HP (up to 300 damage against Creeps).
- Skill 1 (Spinning Lightwheel): Karrie unleashes a sphere of energy, dealing 250–375 + 90% Extra Physical Attack damage to enemies in its path. It stops upon hitting an enemy hero or max distance, continuously dealing 150–200 + 20% Extra Physical Attack damage to nearby enemies and slowing them by 80% for 1 second.
- Skill 2 (Phantom Step): Karrie dashes forward, hurling a lightwheel at the nearest enemy, dealing 150–275 + 70% Extra Physical Attack damage and adding a stack of Lightwheel Mark. In Dual Wield state, she throws two lightwheels.
- Ultimate Skill (Speedy Lightwheel): Karrie activates Dual Wield for 6 seconds, gaining 20% Movement Speed. Each Basic Attack throws two lightwheels, dealing 50-70% Basic Attack damage and inheriting a portion of Attack Effects.
Karrie is Strong Against:
- Uranus
- Martis
- Tigreal
- Cyclops
- Harley
Karrie is Weak Against:
- Lunox
- Harrith
- Fanny
- Roger
- Lolita
See Karrie in action:
8. Beatrix (Best)

Beatrix is the most sophisticated marksman in Mobile Legends with four different guns and beats Brody to this spot, given her capacity to relinquish destruction through her versatile skill kit. Her unique weapon management makes her a very challenging hero to master but she can clutch and take over the battlefield through precise judgment and quick reaction.
The Dawnbreak Soldier is a fun and dynamic hero who brings thrill in learning which of her four guns to choose from in different encounters. Agile, rapid farm, long and short ranged damage, burst and single shots, safe to say, Beatrix is the total package but also requires the whole 360 in learning and management to successfully transition and dominate battle as an irreconcilable solo carry.
Beatrix Abilities:
- Passive (Mechanical Genius): Beatrix's mechanics mastery created 4 powerful weapons. Renner Basic Attack - Longshot fires a powerful shot, dealing 360%-535% Physical Attack damage to the first target hit (can be dodged or blocked; deals 50% damage to creeps). Beatrix cannot crit and converts each 1% Critical Chance into 2 Physical Attack.
- Skill 1 (Masterful Gunner): Passive: Beatrix can carry 2 weapons simultaneously, boosting her Physical Attack by 5-30. Active: She takes 0.6 seconds to swap her primary weapon with the secondary one, unlocking a new attack and ultimate.
- Skill 2 (Tactical Reposition): Beatrix drops and rolls forward (Renner); leaps forward (Bennett); rolls sideways (Wesker); slides forward (Nibiru), fully reloading her weapon.
- Ultimate Skill (Renner’s Apathy): Beatrix, with Renner, calmly aims at the enemy. Upon release, she deals 700–1200 + 280% Physical Attack damage to the first enemy hit. This skill grants 50% Physical Lifesteal, unaffected by Spell Vamp. Beatrix can aim for up to 20 seconds.
Beatrix is Strong Against:
- Mathilda
- Luo Yi
- Brody
- Popol & Kupa
- Tigreal
Beatrix is Weak Against:
- Natalia
- Lancelot
- Gusion
- Hayabusa
- Franco
See Beatrix in action:
7. Ixia (Best)

Ixia is the icon of dynamic in Mobile Legends and should be, as a recent release. She can adapt to gameplay variety in not only sustaining damage, but dealing OP damage as well. She can change the tempo and control the pace of the match in all stages, as a versatile and flexible solo carry with Damage, Heal, Burst, Crowd Control and AoE, a recipe for dominance.
The Arclight Outlaw is an early-game hero who can clutch at any moment. She has range over control effects that can pave the path for damage as well. With safe positioning and backing of a good team composition, Ixia is the ultimate offlane marksman who can sustain herself as a consistent presence and threat over enemy lines.
Ixia Abilities:
- Passive (Siphon Starlium): Ixia's Basic Attacks and skills add a stack of Starlium Charge on hit. With two stacks, a Basic Attack consumes them, triggering Siphon Starlium, which deals 150% Physical Attack plus 200 × Lifesteal and 10 × Hero Level damage. Ixia recovers HP equal to the damage dealt (20 + 100 × Lifesteal% against non-hero units). Siphon Starlium hits all enemies in front of Ixia within Basic Attack range but can't critically strike. Basic Attacks don't trigger Lifesteal.
- Skill 1 (Dual Beam): Ixia unleashes 2 Starlium-charged energy beams, dealing 120–225 + 80% Physical Attack damage to enemies in a rectangular area and slowing enemy heroes by 40%. Hitting an enemy hero grants Ixia 40% Movement Speed for 3 seconds. Enemies hit by both beams take double damage.
- Skill 2 (Star Helix): Ixia fires a Starlium energy canister, knocking back nearby enemies and pulling those in range to the center line after a 0.5-second delay, dealing 200–300 + 60% Physical Attack damage.
- Ultimate Skill (Full Barrage): Ixia disassembles her weapon into 6 smaller ones, entering Barrage state for 4 seconds. In this state, her Basic Attacks and skills hit enemies in a large fan-shaped area. Her Basic Attacks can hit up to 6 enemies (prioritizing heroes), with Siphon Starlium firing alongside her normal attacks.
Ixia is Strong Against:
- Tigreal
- Franco
- Ling
- Lancelot
- Kaja
Ixia is Weak Against:
- Claude
- Hanabi
- Karrie
- Moskov
- Lolita
See Ixia in action:
6. Edith (Best)

Edith may have ranked top 3 on this list but her impact is viewed through the lens of a Tank, as a dual role Tank/Marksman. She might also be the hardest to eliminate on this list, given her tank characteristics but fundamentally, she is a pivotal, tactical hero who relies on proper team coordination, to realize her full potential.
The Ancient Guard is superb in versatility, and has OP damage but she is quite hard to master in engaging attack. She requires skillful positioning and timing or else, her damage and ability to sustain damage will be suffered by the team. She is best engaged in a utility role, adjustable as Roam, Offlane or in the Exp Lane with her unique gameplay where her impact in battle totally depends on team preferences and strategies.
Edith Abilities:
- Passive (Overload): After casting a skill, Edith and Phylax enter Overloaded state for 3 seconds. During this time, all Basic Attacks trigger chain lightning, dealing extra Magic Damage equal to 30% Magic Power + 4-8% target's Total HP to up to 4 enemies. Chain lightning damage against Minions is increased to 150%.
- Skill 1 (Earth Shatter): After a 0.75-second delay, Edith commands Phylax to unleash an earth-shattering blow in a designated direction, dealing 225–450 + 10% Total HP Physical Damage to enemies hit (120% to Minions), knocking them airborne for 1 second. This skill isn't interrupted by regular control effects (excluding Suppression).
- Skill 2 (Onward): Edith commands Phylax to charge forward, dealing 90–140 + 3% Total HP Physical Damage to enemies in its path. If Phylax hits an enemy hero, it stops and throws them over its shoulder, dealing 108 + 5% Total HP Physical Damage.
- Ultimate Skill (Primal Wrath): Passive: When inside Phylax, Edith accumulates Wrath based on received damage (before reduction). Active: Edith ejects from Phylax, knocking back nearby enemies. She takes flight, performing ranged Basic Attacks, each dealing 35–65 + 75% Physical Attack + 25% Magic Power Magic Damage, and gains new skills. While in flight, she gets 350–650 + 5% Total HP to 350–650 + 20% Total HP extra Shield, 50%–150% extra Attack Speed, and 5%-20% Hybrid Lifesteal based on accumulated Wrath. She also converts each point of Extra Physical Defense and Extra Magic Defense into 3.5 Magic Power. Flight state lasts 8–12 seconds.
Edith is Strong Against:
- Paquito
- Phoveus
- Benedetta
- Silvanna
- Harley
Edith is Weak Against:
- X-Borg
- Gatotkaca
- Dyrroth
- Lunox
- Wanwan
See Edith in action:
5. Hanabi (Best)

Since her revamp a few seasons ago, Hanabi has been a solid team composition marksman, not only versatile in damage but team interaction as well, through her basic AoE. She can easily adjust to a team but adjusting to an opposing team is a different story. Nothing too fancy with Hanabi, she fits this list perfectly at this spot as a situational hero that depends on level of mastery and reaction to gameplay.
The Scarlet Flower Hanabi’s rarity is in her First Skill, which is more impactful and resourceful than her Ultimate, where AoE and CC immunity grants her flexibility and edge over power plays. Hanabi is a must-own, to learn and understand the gameplay and strategies in Mobile Legends with her versatile but basic function.
Hanabi Abilities:
- Passive (Ninjutsu: Petal Barrage): Hanabi's Basic Attacks and Skills launch Petal Blades after hitting a target, bouncing up to 4 times to nearby enemies. The first bounce deals 40% damage, and subsequent bounces deal 85% of the previous. Bounces from her Basic Attacks inherit a portion of Attack Effects.
- Skill 1 (Ninjutsu: Equinox): Passive: Hanabi's secret Ninjutsu makes her immune to control effects when shielded. Active: Hanabi gains a 300–600 + 40% Physical Attack shield for 5 seconds. While active, she gets 20% Movement Speed, 25% Attack Speed, and 20% of damage dealt adds to this shield (10% from non-hero units). The shield can't exceed 50% of her max HP.
- Skill 2 (Ninjutsu: Soul Scroll): Hanabi fires an energy Kunai, dealing 450–600 + 80% Physical Attack damage to enemies and reducing their Movement Speed by 60% for 1 second. Marked enemies hit by her next Bounce Damage take 30–180 + 100% Physical Attack damage with no decay.
- Ultimate Skill (Forbidden Jutsu: Higanbana): Hanabi throws Higanbana, dealing 300–500 + 50% Physical Attack damage to the first enemy hero hit, immobilizing them for 0.8 seconds. After 1 second, Higanbana blooms, dealing 300–500 + 50% Physical Attack damage to nearby enemies. Subsequent hits on the same target decay by 20% damage.
Hanabi is Strong Against:
- Angela
- Akai
- Aurora
- Sun
- Miya
Hanabi is Weak Against:
- Martis
- Fanny
- Gusion
- Helcurt
- Natalia
See Hanabi in action:
4. Lesley (Excellent)

The only sniper in Mobile Legends is a force in her own right and best played in aggressive fashion since she can deal massive true damage from quite a distance as compared to other marksmen. She would have come in first or second on this list but she is not an early to late game hero and depends on gold count, and also the right build.
As her alias suggests, The Deadly Sniper’s most prized asset is her ability to shoot long distances, with lock on precision and where she can also reveal enemies lurking in the jungle. She has a great combo with speed and damage, and may take out opponents with just a few high powered shots since her Passive Skill reinforces successive basic attacks. Lesley is a late game team carry who can orchestrate or form strategies through the cover of a team or aggressively up in the front lines but within safe distance.
Leslie Abilities:
- Passive (Lethal Shot): If Lesley avoids damage for 5 seconds, her next Basic Attack gains extra range, 50% Critical Chance, and deals 50 + 100% Physical Attack True Damage (20% extra against minions). Each fixed Physical Penetration point converts to 0.5% Critical Damage, with base Critical Damage at 140%. Her Basic Attack restores 5 energy, and Lethal Shot doubles energy restoration. Lethal Shot's cooldown resets with each skill cast.
- Skill 1 (Master of Camouflage): Lesley enters Camouflage, gaining double Energy Regen, 40% extra Movement Speed, and 85–135 extra Physical Attack for 3 seconds or until she takes or deals damage. Enemies can detect her through surrounding distortions.
- Skill 2 (Tactical Grenade): Lesley throws a tactical grenade, jumping back slightly, dealing 150–300 damage to enemies in a cone and knocking them back. During Ultimate Snipe, she can use this to cancel the state and fire a Fatal Bullet if there are unfired bullets left.
- Ultimate Skill (Ultimate Snipe): Lesley gains vision of nearby enemies and locks onto a target hero, firing 4 Lethal Bullets in succession. Each bullet deals 250–350 + 80% Extra Physical Attack + 5% of the enemy's Lost HP as Physical Damage and restores 10 energy on hit. Bullets can be blocked by other enemy heroes. If interrupted, each remaining bullet reduces the skill cooldown by 10%. Passive: Lesley's Crit Chance increases by 5%–15%.
Leslie is Strong Against
- Balmond
- Layla
- Rafaela
- Zilong
- Nana
Leslie is Weak Against
- Lolita
- Lancelot
- Gusion
- Gatotkaca
- Natalia
See Leslie in action:
3. Claude (Excellent)

Claude might be the most evasive marksman on this list and beats Natan to take this spot. He is one of the most difficult to master this far up the list though and it takes patience to see that what he lacks in Damage Per Second (DPS), he makes up for it with his ability to boost attack and movement speed. Mastering his teleport ability to evade opponents may be his greatest strength.
The Master Thief can also farm fast in the lanes and is well-known for leading the gold count and split push early in the game if the team core is on point. The element of surprise in ganking through his ability to teleport and leave a mirror image is a key fixture as the game progresses where Claude is a clutch who can dominate battle but is weak to opponent formations and shines best during team encounters.
Claude Abilities:
- Passive (Battle Side-by-side): Dexter fires an extra attack whenever Claude's Basic Attack lands, dealing 20 + 35% Physical Attack damage to the same target. Dexter's attacks can also trigger Claude's attack effects with 30% effectiveness.
- Skill 1 (Art of Thievery): Claude attacks in a fan-shaped area, dealing 160–285 + 40% Physical Attack damage and reducing enemies' Movement Speed by 20% and Attack Speed by 10%. For each target hit, Claude gains 3% extra Movement and Attack Speed (doubled for enemy heroes, up to 5 stacks) for 6 seconds.
- Skill 2 (Battle Mirror Image): Claude drops a mirror clone of Dexter at a chosen spot. For 5.5 seconds, the mirror Dexter goes assault mode on enemies! Activate the skill again, and Claude swaps places with the clone. Dexter's attacks dish out 20 + 35% Physical Attack damage and can trigger all of Claude's attack effects.
- Ultimate Skill (Blazing Duet): Claude and Dexter unleash rapid fire for 3 seconds, dealing 100–130 + 10% Physical Attack damage to up to two targets per shot. This skill benefits from Claude's Basic Attack effects and grants a shield that absorbs 20 + 3% Physical Attack damage.
Claude is Strong Against:
- Hanabi
- Miya
- Hylos
- Karrie
- Tigreal
Claude is Weak Against:
- Selena
- Fanny
- Eudora
- Popol & Kupa
- Hylos
See Claude in action:
2. Moskov (Excellent)

With his Ultimate Skill rework allowing him to teleport with his spear when hitting an opponent, Moskov has become a game-changing force. This skill sets him up for powerful assaults and adds an element of surprise that can shift the tide of battle. The ability to teleport and back up attacks from across the map makes Moskov a fearsome adversary, always ready to turn the tables during any stage of battle.
The Spear of Quiescence requires farm in the early game to reach his true damage potential. He has a really high Damage Per Second (DPS) lodged within his basic skill, while backed by a powerful stun and can follow up with a dash, almost like he is an assassin marksman. Playing Moskov requires attention to the map and team formations or encounters, given his unique Ultimate that ought to be utilized.
Moskov Abilities:
- Passive (Spear of Quiescence): Moskov's Basic Attacks are straight-up OP: they pierce through targets, dealing (+65% + 3% Hero Level Physical Attack) Critical Physical Damage to enemies behind. And yeah, they inherit all Attack Effects too. Each hit reduces Abyss Walker and Spear of Misery cooldowns by 0.5 seconds.
- Skill 1 (Abyss Walker): Moskov teleports to the target location, boosting his Attack Speed to 1.15–1.5 times for 3 seconds. His Basic Attack also deals 10% more damage to enemies behind the primary target.
- Skill 2 (Spear of Misery): Moskov strikes the target enemy hero or Creep, dealing 300–450 + 60% Physical Attack damage, knocking them back, and revealing their position for 5 seconds. If the target collides with another enemy hero, both take 200–275 + 30% Extra Physical Attack damage and are stunned for 1.5 seconds. If knocked into a wall, the target is stunned for the same duration.
- Ultimate Skill (Spear of Destruction): After a short delay, Moskov hurls the Spear of Destruction, dealing 340–500 + 100% Extra Physical Attack damage to enemies and the first enemy hero hit. The spear pierces the hero, dealing 10% Physical Damage to enemies behind. Targets hit are slowed by 50% for 1 second (scales with travel time, up to 3 seconds). On hitting the first enemy hero, the spear creates a shadow behind them, refreshing Abyss Walker's cooldown. Moskov can then use Abyss Walker from the shadow's location (shares the same cool down as the normal skill).
Moskov is Strong Against:
- Balmond
- Tigreal
- Zilong
- Hanabi
- Akai
Moskov is Weak Against:
- Saber
- Ling
- Chou
- Eudora
- Leslie
See Moskov in action:
1. Roger (Excellent)

Roger isn’t your ordinary marksman and may feel like a cheat by taking out this list at number one but he very much deserves this as the beast at the top of the food chain. He is the most elite marksman in this meta who just so happens to be a dual role fighter. His ability to cover ground, take on core duties and follow up in team strategies is quite hectic and takes good map reading skills and proper analysis to see how devastating he is in the mid-late game.
Even with a difficulty rating of 50%, The Wolf Hunter is a complex tactical and responsive hero as he is fast in farming during the early game and can pivot flexibly to support or carry teammates. However, Roger is a late-game solo-carry where he has a multi dimensional attack with the safety of a marksman and the strength of a fighter. Regardless of the meta, and in the long run, Roger is worth mastery for what he brings to the team as a utility and is a must-have in Mobile Legends.
Roger Abilities:
- Passive (Full Moon Curse): Roger can switch between human and wolf forms. In human form, his attacks and skills deal extra damage equal to 4% of the target's Current HP. In wolf form, they deal extra damage equal to 4% of the target's Lost HP. This effect deals up to 60 additional damage against Creeps.
- Skill 1 (Open Fire): Roger fires two quick shots in the target direction, dealing 250–500 (+125% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage in total to the enemy hit. The first shot is a hunter net that slows the enemy by 80% for 1.5 seconds, while the second is a bullet that reduces the enemy's Physical Defense by 10–30 for 5 seconds.
- Skill 2 (Hunter’s Step): Roger gains 20%–40% Movement Speed and 20%–40% Attack Speed for 2.5 seconds.
- Ultimate Skill (Wolf Transformation): Roger lunges forward, transforming into wolf form, dealing 150–300 + 100% Physical Attack damage and slowing enemies by 90% for 0.8 seconds. Passive: In Wolf form, Roger gains 40–70 Physical and Magic Defense and 25 Movement Speed.
Roger is Strong Against:
- Miya
- Layla
- Zilong
- Guinevere
- Sun
Roger is Weak Against:
- Gatotkaca
- Ruby
- Silvanna
- Martis
- Franco
See Roger in action: