Indeed, there are undocumented games that fit the title of this article where other heroes may have been utilized to beat the numbers in this list but here are on record, the Top Ten Mobile Legends Heroes With Most Kills In A Ranked Game.
10. Miya (19 Kills)
Miya is the first Marksman Hero released by Mobile Legends, a commonly encountered and recognized archer with skills and abilities that allow her to blink, stun, and release arrows with incredible speed and effect. Miya's ultimate skill conceals her while increasing her speed. It is best paired with Inspire in attack, and adding Wind Of Nature as part of her attack items in build adds a lot of value to this ultimate combination and is the key to getting double, triple, maniac, or even savage kills during team fights.
9. Hanzo (20 Kills)
Hanzo has been a significant assassin in Mobile Legends, ranking as the most hated assassin in gameplay and also because he is a difficult hero to master, not only in his skills but also throughout gameplay, in situations where the outcome of his strategies dictates whether a team benefits or not. Hanzo has a cruel ultimate skill that allows him to leave his body and enter an astral projection state where he can attack while his main body is hidden and safe from harm. Hanzo is a supreme assassin with a high ban rate.
8. Karrie (21 Kills)
Karrie is an ideal marksman hero for a newcomer to the game to master because her skills and abilities are simple to grasp and adapt to. Given her health regen abilities, she has incredible speed and strength to withstand an assassination and enter a counter-attack. Karrie works best with Inspire as her battle spell, as her ultimate skill increases her attack speed. When played well with mastery and skill in positioning her going into a team fight, she is lethal and has the ability to land consecutive hits, up to savage. Karrie is particularly popular near the end of the season when there is a race to rank up before the season ends.
7. Wanwan (26 Kills)
Wanwan is a top-tier marksman who falls somewhere between the most and least picked categories. She is also a banned marksman hero, with the ability and skills to shoot and use pin-like bullets in various ways. Her ultimate skill is difficult to use because it requires a first skill hit that leaves a target. Successive hits will remove the target sign, and the target will have 50 percent or less HP by then, which enables her ultimate skill. Wanwan disappears into concealment, while locked on a target, delivering massive hits and has an amazing effect on her overall gameplay when mastered. Mastering her in this regard requires skill and a significant amount of time.
6. Layla (30 Kills)
Layla is the most basic marksman in Mobile Legends, and she is given to you for free when you join the game. Her attack is simple, but her skills have depth and range. She is best used in tandem with a Tank because she is extremely vulnerable to opponents due to her lack of speed and offensive weakness. That being said, she is endowed with great power and can auto-lock in on opponents while delivering her skills, which can also stun and slow them. Layla, when mastered, is lethal with the battle spell Inspire.
5. Kimmy (31 Kills)
Kimmy is not as popular as other marksmen heroes but she is one of the most unique, where she is able to deliver both physical and magic damage in her skill set. She can also move while delivering damage, which adds value to her where other marksmen are not able to move while in attack. Kimmy’s skills enable her gun to discharge bullets, chemicals, and explosives mixed in with a dash, all while being able to move. She is categorized as a hero who is hard to master and takes hours of practice, as well as in classic mode.
4. Fanny (40 Kills)
At the time of writing entering season 25, Fanny is the most lethal assassin in the recent Mobile Legends scene. Her skill efficiency is supported by the fact that they are the most difficult to master for any hero in ML to date. She is notable for her ability to swing through the air like Spider-Man using steel cables while equipped with three active and one passive skill that can be activated while she is in mid-air and an opponent is in range. With the ability to stack and mark an opponent, she can deal more damage in an attack and not only poke but also destroy enemy teams. An added advantage for Fanny is her ability to pursue opponents in retreat, which can be a major headache and game-changing strategy.
3. Aldous (40 Kills)
When delivering his full attack skills, Aldous is a dynamic fighter capable of reducing marksmen and assassin heroes from full HP to death. He also has map hack abilities as part of his ultimate skill, which allows him to pinpoint opponents on the game map for five seconds before launching like a football in torpedo formation toward a target of choice, delivering great physical damage upon impact and stunning the opponent for one second, giving him enough time to use his first and second skills, which provide more damage through a stun, buff, and a high impact pound. Enemy teams usually like to team up on Aldous when he utilizes his ultimate skill. This gives him the opportunity to attack all of them, where he is capable of a wipeout.
2. Gusion (41 Kills)
Gusion is a fan favorite not only as an assassin but in other scenes and communities of Mobile Legends such as memes and fan art. In the game, he may be deemed as overpowered and is considered a top-five hero who is hard to master. His amazing attack skills require skill in precision and reaction, to get the most out of his blades which are manipulated by magic. Gusion is favored as an early game damage dealer with peak value in team fights in the late game.
1. Lancelot (45 Kills)
Lancelot is a unique assassin. He is broken and overpowered in the current meta, at the time of this writing, heading into season 25. He is less picked or banned but this is bound to change with system updates. His extreme ability in swordsman skills with a dash and blink in support makes it hard to defend against him. On the other hand, these same skills are one of the most complex set of skills in Mobile Legends to master, with pinpoint accuracy, in seeing the full effect and damage of the said skills. The same skills can also be used to execute a defense and retreat strategy, which makes timing and precision a lot harder, to avoid a defenseless situation.
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