Marksmen play a fundamental role in all team formations and are expected to carry the game in most situations, given their range attributes. Wind of Nature is a must-have active item for marksmen heroes that ought to be mastered through engagement, positioning and timing. Bruno was a recent meta favorite for quite some time and worth mentioning, though he has since fallen off after recent meta updates.
Now here are the best marksmen that wreak havoc and wreck hard in battle. Let's check em out!
12. Clint (Good)
"Chivalry is dead, and I will revive it."
Endless Battle is a must-have item for Clint, The West Justice, in any build, regardless. Though quite basic, he is a renowned burst hero that would rank higher on other lists and definitely deserves a spot on this list of best marksmen that wreck hard. He has penetrating range and successive damage that engages in rounds, with a continuous effect, making him a unique finisher who specializes in Burst Damage. His skill set has Area of Effect (AoE), Crowd Control (CC), Burst, Mobility and Slow effects, which can stage encounters.
Depending on meta updates, Clint is a one hit marksman if his skills are engaged in perfect succession. He also has a dash that can additionally stun opponents through his Second Skill. He is a very tactical marksman who may be viewed as a utility in that regard and is the only marksman who can counter all other marksmen in Mobile Legends.
What makes Clint a Great Marksman:
- Burst Damage - Clint can deal penetrative damage from range through his ability to deal rounds of damage. He specializes in Burst which means he can deal immense damage within short periods that affect cool down rates for his skills.
- Skill Combination - He has a very basic but lethal set of skills that deal damage in rapid succession. His second skill can be used in retreat or pursuit and can even stun opponents. Clint’s second skill is a game changer since its cool down rate is affected by successful damage dealt.
- Range - His skills fire in rounds that increase in damage and range. He has penetrative damage that can increase in range as each shot is fired off automatically. Continuous Damage also adds to this, where his skills are amped via his skills.
See Clint in action:
11. Layla (Good)
“Keep going until you’re as smart as me, because hope only dies when you give up.”
Layla, The Energy Gunner is a free hero who is owned by everyone in Mobile Legends. She may be simple and basic but has the favor of meta updates. Her skills have attributes that consist of Buff, Burst, Area of Effect and Slow effects that pair well as a combo and in support.
Her attack speed as a Finisher and Damage specialist makes her a top pick but she is best engaged through positioning. Her Ultimate Skill has range and depth with immense damage that can finish off opponents. Aside from all this, she has an effective skill set that can stun and deal rapid damage with the opportunity to finish off with her Ultimate Skill.
What makes Layla a Great Marksman:
- Finisher/Damage - Her Ultimate Skill (Destruction Rush) and First Skill (Malefic Bomb) both have Buff and Burst attributes that have range and speed that enhances her ability to deal damage. Her Ultimate Skill is also a Finisher when timed well.
- Attack Speed - The reason why Layla has remained relevant is due to being favored by meta updates. She can spam her attack and movement speed to her advantage with range that can wreak havoc on almost all other heroes.
- Skill Set Combination - She has a skill set that can be paired in synchronization, via her Second Skill (Voile Projectile) that can magic mark opponents then engage her First Skill to increase range and power. Finishing off with her Ultimate Skill has range and power for convenience, especially when pursuing fleeing foes.
See Layla in action:
10. Brody (Good)
“Pain serves as evidence that I am still alive.”
Brody, The Lone Star is like the advanced version of Clint in Burst Damage. His unique Ultimate Skill can lock on multiple heroes and potentially eliminate multiple opponents in one engagement. He is an ideal candidate for achieving maniac and or even savage in battle. In this regard, if you’re looking to complete other in-game challenges for bonus rewards, Brody is one of the most suitable marksmen of choice.
He is an ultimate finisher who specializes in burst damage and has the speed in mobility and attack that when combined with the fact that he can deal high impact damage within a short time frames adds to his credibility. His Second Skill also allows him to stun opponents or dash in retreat or pursuit. Everyone who is serious about ranking up ought to master Brody as an optional marksman.
What makes Brody a Great Marksman:
- Burst Damage - Perhaps there is no other burst damage like Brody’s amongst marksmen. He can stack basic attack damage on targets and also target multiple opponents with equal force through damage in each strike. He has a low cooldown rate due to burst.
- Unique Ultimate Skill - Brody’s Ultimate Skill can lock on multiple opponents within range and has immense burst damage. It is one of the deadliest and most annoying, especially for fleeing heroes.
- Mobility - Aside from his second skill dash, Brody’s attack speed influences his mobility. He also hovers in movement, making him seem fast, not only through stats but when viewed by the eyes.
See Brody in action:
9. Claude (Good)
Bring it, Dexter! It’s time for our performance.
Claude, The Master Thief is accompanied by his pet monkey Dexter and known for his ability to teleport and deal immense damage via a combination of skills whilst evasive. He specializes in Burst/Chase and has a range of skills that have Buff, Area of Effect (AoE), Summon, Mobility, Burst and Shield effects.
He is quite hard to master and requires timing and positioning to see impact. Claude is great for ganking where his Passive Skill (Battle Side-By-Side) can launch Dexter into attack as well, dealing an extra 20% Physical Damage and enhancing Claude’s own skills by 30%. He has superb mobility in attack and movement that boosts his skill set, manifesting him as a marksman that wrecks hard.
What makes Claude a Great Marksman:
- Burst/Chase - These are his specialties, where his skills have buff and mobility that allows Claude to burst into attack and pursue fleeing foes, with the capacity to spam damage.
- Skill Set - His skills can be paired alongside other heroes or even engaged as a combination. His Second Skill (Battle Mirror Image) can summon an image of Dexter in a location then allow Claude to switch between the image, increasing his damage and making him evasive to attacks while his Ultimate and First Skill enhance his damage in attack.
- Mobility - This is a main advantage of Claude and stems from his Chase specialty. His skills are buffed and allow him to teleport and deal evasive damage. The said skills also enhance mobility in attack and movement, especially via his First, Ultimate and Passive Skills.
See Claude in action:
8. Beatrix (Excellent)
“Time and tide don’t wait for anyone, boy or girl.”
Beatrix, The Dawnbreak Soldier is a very complex hero. She has 4 types of guns all built into one and which can be switched in between like modes. Knowing when to switch modes and which mode to switch to is essential since her presence is missed in battle when selected. She is an ultimate carry hero in battle and her presence is often missed in every loss.
Mastering Beatrix is worth it since she is a complex hero whom many are unfamiliar when countering. She is a lethal finisher whose damage may be controlled through the modes of her weapon. She is a constant ban though her level of mastery affects her favor. In higher ranks, novice Beatrix gamers are bound to cause loss for the lack of her presence.
What makes Beatrix a Great Marksman:
- Unique Skill Set - Learning her different weapon modes and when to utilize her weapon is essential. Once learned, she is a hard counter.
- Speed - While equipped with a dash, Beatrix has amazing attack speed that adds to her movement. She is a fast paced hero and is unique in this regard since she has the skill set to utilize her speed.
- Damage - She is capable of immense damage, either through sniped range or nearby impact. Learning her weapon modes has an inverse effect on her damage output.
See Beatrix in action:
7. Granger (Excellent)
“Hmph, I’ll use your corpse to create the greatest sonata,” he said.
Granger, The Death Chanter is a thriller in higher ranks and can surprise even the most skilled. He is fast on his feet and can be played as a core in the jungle, making him a versatile marksman. He is a Burst/Damage specialist whose Burst attributes are his greatest asset in mastery. His skills have Damage, Buff, Burst, Mobility and Slow attributes.
With the ability to deal continuous damage in succession through his First Skill, Granger has a skill combination that is quite difficult to master but effective when learned. He requires precise timing to see impact, and can easily miss critical engagement due to the continuous effect of his skills combined with his soft or squishy nature.
What makes Granger a Great Marksman:
- Burst/Damage - These are his specialties that ought to be recognized when attempting to master Granger. He is a complex hero who needs timing, patience and positioning to successfully deal damage. While fast in gold count, he is equally soft and requires strategic or tactical gameplay.
- Continuous Damage - With the ability to burst into attack, his capacity to deal continuous damage in rapid succession adds relevance to Grangers attack potential. Aiming is essential as missing successive engagement is sure to cost you the game.
- Range - Grangers Ultimate Skill (Death Sonata) can deal immense damage from range and also increase his damage from other skills.
- Mobility/Versatility - Whilst equipped with a dash as his Second Skill (Rondo), he is also a fast paced hero and is effective as a roam, or in the jungle. He is great at pushing lanes and can be paired up alongside different heroes.
See Granger in action:
6. Wanwan (Excellent)
“laughs Fun is all that matters to me!”
Wanwan, The Agile Tiger is quite difficult to master but definitely one of the best marksmen in Mobile Legends who wrecks hard. She is the Ultimate Finisher amongst marksmen thanks to her Ultimate Skill that transcends her into a concealed state while dealing locked damage to a target with the capacity to shift if a target is eliminated. Her Ultimate Skill may only be activated if her opponents skills have all been engaged and they are below 50% HP.
Aside from her Ultimate Skill, Wanwan is known for her attack speed and ability to burst into damage. She has a unique Passive Skill that grants her unique movement in jumping from spot to spot instead of walking or running and also has a low cooldown rate that is essential in close conflict. Most give up on Wanwan due to her difficulty level but she is an influential carry who has a proven track record in higher ranks. She has carried many Mobile Legends gamers to mythic.
What makes Wanwan a Great Marksman:
- Unique Ultimate Skill - Opponents need to be below 50% HP for this skill to be activated. Once activated, Wanwan enters concealment and locks on a target with a flurry of attacks. She can switch targets if one is extinguished while in ultimate mode.
- Burst Damage - Her burst damage allows her to deal substantial amounts of damage within a limited time frame while also reducing cooldown rate on her skills for successive strikes and damage. This is one of her specialties that is effective and must be capitalized on in order to engage her Ultimate Skill.
- Speed - Wanwan jumps by default and has a second skill that enhances her movement and debuffs/counters attacks while increasing mobility. Her ultimate skill has one of the highest attack speed rates amongst marksmen.
See Wanwan in action:
5. Moskov (Excellent)
“I am retribution incarnate.”
Moskov, the Spear of Quiescence is the King of Life Steal amongst Marksmen and beats Miya to this spot as a marksman who wrecks hard as a result of his skill combination that slightly outweighs her through in-game impact. He has a lower cooldown rate with the ability to blink and stun opponents. Moskov is difficult to master but has a valuable skill combination that can carry games.
His Ultimate Skill can travel the entire battlefield and has the capacity to strike multiple opponents upon a successful hit.This allows him to aid teammates from far though his greatest strength is seen through his skill combination that allows him to pursue heroes with speed in mobility and attack while also aided by a stun that paves the way for attack.
What makes Moskov a Great Marksman:
- Life Steal - He specializes in Reap, which allows him to regenerate HP upon successful strikes. His attack speed aids this greatly where he can deal significant damage within short periods while also healing himself.
- Attack Speed - His First Skill increases his speed in damage. At his peak in the late game, this is an absolute terror to defend against since he has a stun and can pursue if countered.
- Mobility - Moskov can blink to designated spots which makes him an extremely mobile marksman. He also specializes in Chase which categorizes him as a formidable hero in pursuing retreating opponents.
See Moskov in action:
4. Lesley (Best)
“Sniper, get set. Give me a goal.
In Mobile Legends, Lesley, The Deadly Sniper is the marksman with the longest lock-on range. She has the capacity to snipe opponents who are concealed by the jungle and is swift and stealthy in her strikes as a dual role Marksman Assassin. Even though her Ultimate Skill is one of the best pursuit weapons for fleeing and ranged opponents, mastering how to spam her First Skill to boost her speed and damage is essential for successful gameplay.
Lesley is a consistent hero in terms of relevance each season. She is an extremely worthy hero to master since her unique role allows her to offer support and/or carry battles. She can also be effectively paired alongside all other hero roles. She can be quite vulnerable but has the necessary skill set to find her worth in gameplay. Positioning is key to mastering Lesley.
What makes Lesley a Great Marksman:
- Lock-on range - Lesley has the longest lock-on range amongst other marksmen in Mobile Legends. She can also snipe opponents who are concealed in the jungle.
- Speed - She is swift and stealth as an assassin/marksman. Her First Skill also enhances her movement and attack speed while sending her into concealment. Her First Skill has a low cooldown rate that allows her speed to be spammed.
- Utility - Lesley can adapt and play alongside all roles in Mobile Legends. She can also be played as a core in the jungle if required, especially when peaked by meta updates. Her dual role allows her to take on a variety of in-game tasks and objectives.
See Lesley in action:
3. Karrie (Best)
“I’ve been waiting for far too long.”
Karrie, The Lost Star is a very basic marksman with outstanding damage and speed in attack and mobility. She has a unique but simple skill set and combination that is very easy to learn and implement into strategy and gameplay. She is also a meta favorite each season, and costs only 24,000 Battle Points (BP), which is 8000 BP less than the average hero price.
She is a killing machine when at her peak. Mastering Karrie with Inspire is a must and ought to be paired with her ultimate skill and Wind of Nature, which is not only easy to learn but extremely lethal, especially with positioning and timing. With all the meta changes that have taken place, Karrie beats both Layla and Miya to represent their long term impact on this list. She is a must-buy hero for her meta favoritism plus her easily adaptive skills.
What makes Karrie a Great Marksman:
- Damage - Karrie has tremendous damage due to the fact that she has stealth and speed in attack that is enhanced through the use of her ultimate skill.
- Speed - Aside from having a dash as her second skill, Karrie’s ultimate skill significantly impacts her mobility where she is faster than most heroes in battle, especially in the late game when at her peak.
- Ease in Mastery - Karrie is a lethal hero who is extremely easy to master. She is an effective game changer when learned since she has no limits through her simple ultimate skill that enhances her abilities.
See Karrie in action:
2. Hanabi (Best)
Saying “Hanabi, sanjou!”
In Mobile Legends, Hanabi, The Scarlet Flower used to be the weakest marksman, however this has changed following her revamp. Her first skill now generates a shield and accelerates both her movement and attack speed. Her basic attack is enhanced by her passive, where she can attack multiple targets at once. Hanabi still relies heavily on her team despite the makeover, thus playing her requires patience.
She is a finisher whose true potential is realized in the mid-late game when well farmed. Her first skill also makes her an effective laner and grants her the speed to split push and back up in other roles and objectives. Though her ultimate skill is supposed to be her finisher, she depends more on her first skill to make a game changing impact. Wind of Nature is a must-buy item for Hanabi.
What makes Hanabi a Great Marksman:
- Unique First Skill - Her first skill generates a shield and increases her speed in mobility. It also amplifies her basic attack that can impact multiple targets at once.
- Mobility - Through her First and Ultimate Skill, Hanabi gains significant speed in attack that may influence mobility. This is her only line of defense that has gained relevance since her revamp.
- Continuous Damage - Since both her ultimate and first skills enhance her attack, her continuous damage is top notch and is part of her core gameplay in clearing lanes, attack or other objectives.
See Hanabi in action:
1. Melissa (Best)
“Do you need stitches? I can assist. [giggles]”
Melissa, The Cursed Needle is a member of the Forsaken Light, which means she has a buff on top of three active and one passive skill. She can easily take out squishy damage dealers and has the capacity to take on durable heroes through continuous damage. She is a finisher who specializes in Damage and Magic damage which means that she can wreck hard!
She was released in 2022 and is still viewed as a new hero in Mobile Legends. Melissa can be viewed as a tank for her ability to initiate team fights. Also, her Ultimate Skill provides a force field that surrounds and enables her to take on front-lines or initiate confrontations. This also makes her a utility hero with superb attack speed and a low cool down rate. She is hard to kill and strikes effectively with positioning and timing.
What makes Melissa a Great Marksman:
- Damage - Blessed with range as a marksman, Melissa can deal continuous damage to multiple heroes at once where her cooldown rate may be affected by the success of impact and damage dealt.
- Speed - Her skills enhance her speed in attack that usually influences her movement. This is crucial when engaging her skills.
- Utility - She can take on multiple roles due to her unique skills that can support or carry team goals and objectives.
See Melissa in action: