Alucard and Fighter Hero Dyrroth are both known as The Kings of Life Steal in Mobile Legends. Focusing on Alucard's Life Steal and HP regeneration abilities is essential since these are his main strengths and important factors to take into account when creating his item build.
Alucard, a dual-role fighter and assassin, excels at a variety of responsibilities and tasks at various periods during the game. While having skills that are simple to pick up, he is quite challenging to master in many respects and needs time, patience, and understanding to achieve his full potential.
- Life Steal - This is a major aspect in playing Alucard. His Ultimate Skill generates Life Steal and is lethal against fragile opponents.
- Versatile - As a Fighter/Assassin, Alucard can take on a variety of different roles and objectives. From ganking lanes, to monitoring the jungles, versatility is a focal element that Alucard brings to any team.
- Durable - Alucard is considered durable due to his life steal and offensive abilities that allow him to leap and dash. He is considered a late-game hero and should avoid feeding in early stages of the game, when he is considered to be at his weakest.
- Core Carry - Alucard can win games and inspire teams to victory if he is effectively managed considering he performs at his best in the dying stages of battle. When playing Alucard as a late game hero, patience is a virtue for its own sake.
- Mobility - Alucard has speed in attack and mobility. He also has the ability to leap, dash and lock on targets which adds further to his potency in mobility. He has speed in both attack and movement which significantly categorizes him as a lethal assassin.
- Squishy - Alucard, as a high damage dealer, can be considered squishy depending on team gold in a battle. He has a greater potential to survive and thrive off lifesteal , which tends to make him quite durable, but he is still soft and can result in loss if not well understood.
- Fairly Difficult to Master - Alucard has a basic skill set and combination that is easy but still hard to master. It takes time, patience and practice to realize his full potential as his skills and abilities can be utilized in a variety of different ways, with versatility in every situation.
- Dependent on Build Items - Alucard is dependent on items to see true damage. This is why he is a late game hero, as he is dependent on build items in seeing Physical Damage, especially through Physical Penetration,and other items that enhance life steal and HP Regen.
- Well known/Easily Countered - Alucard was the first hero released by Mobile Legends, so he is well-known among ML players. Due to his versatility in battle, he is a hero whose presence is greatly missed if unlearned.
- Late Game Hero - Do NOT rush into battle with Alucard. Take your time and build items first. You may however gank lanes and provide support to team mates against opponents as Alucard is a top ganker as an assassin. As stated, he is extremely versatile so utilize him in farming objectives first to see his true potential later in battle.
Now lets have a look at Top 3 Alucard Builds that win games.
3. Sustained DPS (Damage Per Second)
This build deals sustained damage while also significantly improving and reinforcing Alucard's two phased skills, which deal two sets of damage on second touch. It may be applied to act in any capacity throughout battle.
As a versatile build, it is ideal for late-game battles, complementing Alucard as a versatile late-game hero. The attack and damage items offer it a considerable amount of physical damage, while the fourth and final items, Endless Battle and Scarlet Phantom, stimulate and enforce life steal.
Use this build if.
- You’re taking on a versatile role - As a high powered life sustaining build, covering for other roles and completing multiple objectives fits this build.
- You’re Laning - If you’re playing the traditional Exp Lane, this is the perfect build to clear minion waves and harass opponents, as it's filled with high powered items and complemented by Alucards offensive and attack strategies.
- You’re Roaming - Alucard is an excellent choice for roaming, as he is fast and equipped with dash abilities. This is the perfect build that has the power to build team gold fast and harass opponents in the Jungle and through Ganking Lanes.
Level up Skill Two (Whirling Smash) first, as it deals more damage and is complemented by the high caliber attack items. Follow up with Skill One (Ground Splitter) and continue the same sequence until Ultimate Skill (Fission Wave) is ready.
- Level One: Second Skill - Whirling Smash
- Level Two: First Skill - Ground Splitter
- Level Three: Second Skill - Whirling Smash
- Level Four: Ultimate Skill - Fission Wave
This build is best against Fighters and Tanks who are not squishy, as damage is delivered over a prolonged period.
- Tough Boots ($700) - These boots enhance Movement and Magic Defense. They also provide a special passive skill that deals an extra 2% damage to opponents after dealing damage to creeps, which make them perfect for pushing lanes.
- Blade of Despair ($3010) - This blade greatly enhances Physical Attack and Movement Speed. It deals 25% extra Physical Damage to opponents with HP below 25%.
- Malefic Roar ($2060) - This is an armor buster that deals Physical Penetration. It greatly enhances its preceding items and is perfect for harassing opponents and clearing lanes.
- Endless Battle ($2470) - This is a common item for Alucard and heroes similar to him. It enhances Physical Attack, Movement Speed and Life Steal. It is blessed with passive abilities that add physical damage if skills are successfully hit and also increases mobility.
- Berserker’s Fury ($2250) - This blade enhances Physical Attack and adds 25% Crit Chance, which complements Alucards Ultimate Skill ( Fission Wave) that marks opponents.
- Scarlet Phantom ($2020) - This dagger escalates Physical Attack, Attack Speed and Crit Chance. It complements all the items before it and is the perfect end to this build.
- Fighter Emblem is recommended for this build. Though it may not be Alucards strongest Emblem Set, it balances the Physical Attack Items that are in this build. If you’re unsure, you can leave the Talent Point Settings on Default but to improve your gaming abilities and strengths, you have to learn how to fully utilize your Emblem Set in association with your Item Build. Depending on available Talent Points, you can add them to these Sets based on your preferred role.
- Bravery - Additional Physical Attack
- Invasion - Contributes Physical Penetration
- Durability - Helps with HP Regen
- Swift - Enhances Attack Speed
Battle Spell
- Purify - Notably the Best Battle Spell to use with this build, as it neutralizes damage taken and creates a pathway and opportunity to deliver sustained damage. Alucards Life Steal is also enhanced by this Battle Spell that grants him the power to battle over prolonged periods.
2. Jungle
This build is advantageous for playing as a core hero with farming goals that lead to team gold building. It is a fast-paced build convenient for roaming and ganking lanes. Although this is a versatile build, it is anticipated for slow gameplay mechanics that spans from early to late game.
This build's Physical Defense and Attack Items constitute the perfect match for Jungling and Ganking. This build is consistent for fast farming, allowing Alucard to build items faster before entering the mid to late stages of battle, when he is at his peak. Thunder Belt, the final item, may be replaced by Life Support Items such as Immortality.
Use this build if.
- You’re Jungling - This is a superb build for taking on the Core Role in a team where you’re tasked with Roaming the Jungles and taking out Creeps in order to build Team Gold. You can even Gank Lanes in between given Alucard’s fast mobility.
- You’re a Fast Paced Gamer - You’re fast paced in taking out objectives that don’t involve opponents in earlier stages of the game but can provide support to team mates in battle if the need arises by taking advantage of Alucards mobility that includes his leap and dash skills.
- You’re a Team Player - With focus on Farming, it is vital that you pay attention to your teammates and fulfill obligations accordingly. With Alucard, if he is not farmed well, it would take a miracle to pull off a win, especially in higher ranks where he is well known and can be countered
Level Up Skill Two first until Level Two then follow up with Skill One and the Ultimate Skill when it is ready. This is due to Skill Two having more damage and also leap/dash skills that are handy in the Jungle. Continue the same sequence in leveling up as you gain more power.
- Level One: Second Skill - Whirling Smash
- Level Two: Second Skill - Whirling Smash
- Level Three: First Skill - Ground Splitter
- Level Four: Ultimate Skill - Fission Wave
This build is best against squishy opponents as it grants Alucard speed and damage through physical penetration and basic attack items plus your rate of farming depends on you. Take note that matches are won or lost depending on Alucard’s performance when he is played as Core.
- Warrior Boots ($690) - These boots enhance Movement Speed and Physical Defense. This is handy against creeps in the jungle.
- Blade of Heptaseas ($1950) - This blade adds Physical Penetration as a unique passive and enhances Physical Attack and HP in terms of Life Steal.
- Blade of Despair ($3010) - This high caliber blade enhances Physical Attack and Movement Speed. It also deals extra 25% damage to opponents below 50% in HP as its passive.
- Malefic Roar ($2060) - Physical Penetration as an armor buster that deals Physical Attack.
- Thunder Belt ($2290) - This belt has the unique passive that allows you to attack multiple heroes. It adds Physical Damage and increases Physical Defense. It also reduces cooldown (CD) and greatly complements Alucards life steal abilities.
- Endless Battle ($2470) - This enhances Physical Attack, Movement Speed and Life Steal. It is blessed with passive abilities that add physical damage if skills are successfully hit and also increases mobility. It complements Alucard as a whole.
Jungle Emblem is obviously the best choice for this build. Remember that you can leave it as default if you’re unsure but try to learn how to associate builds with emblems for higher chances of winning battles and ranking up fast. Considering your style of gameplay as well as teammates and opponents, Talent Points can be added to these sets.
- Brutal - Adds damage to Jungle Creeps.
- Bravery - Enhances Physical Attack.
- Greed - Additional Life Steal.
- Swift - Influences Attack Speed.
- Durability - Enhances HP.
Battle Spell
- Retribution - This is the only Battle Spell required for Farming/Jungling Objectives. It adds Gold to farming but reduces Gold earned if you take on lanes before the first five minutes of battle have surpassed. When playing Alucard, his performance in farming almost always dictates the outcome of the game so make sure to get ahead and stay ahead in team gold count.
1. Burst
This is an assault and harass build. It emphasizes bursts in lanes in addition to the Jungle. Though Alucard is a late-game hero, this build allows you to see and feel his impact early in battle. This build necessitates rapid farming as well.
This build focuses on Alucard as an assassin, and it is imperative that you choose this build with your adversaries in mind. It is a build that requires quick farming to unlock its full potential on Alucard.
Use this build if.
- You’re Taking on Squishy Opponents - As this build is focused on fast farming, it is suitable for taking out high powered damage dealers by ganking and roaming as an assassin.
- You’re Playing Core - This is an effective Jungling Build that has the power to generate personal and team gold at a fast pace. It is also vicious in monitoring the jungles.
- You Can Carry Games - Teams will mostly rely on Alucard for his versatility with this build. Your performance dictates the outcome of the game as a core damage dealer in the team.
This build is best against both squishy and non-squishy opponents as it grants Alucard speed and damage through physical penetration and basic attack items as well as defense in the late stages of battle. Alucard is weak against Crowd Control (CC) Effects though.
Level Up Skill Two first for power then follow up with Skill One for mobility. Level up the Ultimate Skill when it is ready. Follow the same sequence.
- Level One: Second Skill - Whirling Smash
- Level Two: First Skill - Ground Splitter
- Level Three: Second Skill - Whirling Smash
- Level Four: Ultimate Skill - Fission Wave
- Hunter Strike ($2010) - This blade enhances Physical Attack and adds a 10% Cooldown Reduction. It also has two unique passives that grants Physical Penetration and increases movement speed after five successful target hits.
- Warrior Boots ($690) - Enhances Movement Speed and Physical Defense. Perfectly complements the preceding item in fast gameplay.
- Malefic Roar ($2060) - Armor Buster with its Physical Penetration. Complements Physical Defense granted by Warrior Boots.
- Blade of Despair ($3010) - This high caliber blade enhances Physical Attack and Movement Speed. It also deals extra 25% damage to opponents below 50% in HP as its passive. This has a profound effect on Hunter Strike and Malefic Roar. Alucard is vicious by this stage if your team is leading in gold count.
- Endless Battle ($2470) - This enhances Physical Attack, Movement Speed and Life Steal. It is blessed with passive abilities that add physical damage if skills are successfully hit and also increases mobility. It complements the Physical Penetration Items that come before it. Damage output is massive by this stage.
- Brute Force Breastplate ($1970) - Casting Skills and Basic Attacks grant 2% Movement Speed. It stacks in Physical Defense up to five times and generates HP as part of life steal. This shield enhances this build as it complements the items before it but can be substituted for other life supporting items such as Immortality.
Assassin Emblem is the go to emblem for this build. As stated, you can leave your sets in default or opt to customize them yourself. If you’re serious about ranking up, you can easily learn, as Emblem Sets are not really that hard to understand. For this build, Talent Points can be assigned to the following.
- Bravery - Enhances Physical Attack that supplements the Physical Attack Items.
- Agility - Contributes toward Movement making Alucard faster and swift in mobility.
- Invasion - Additional Physical Penetration that complements Physical Attack Items in this build.
- Fatal - Increases Crit Chance. Dealing Critical Damage after this has serious effects.
- Blood Thirst - Spell Vamp. This greatly enhances Life Steal and HP Regen.
Battle Spell
Depending on your role and objectives, the following Battle Spells can be utilized with this build.
- Execute - This is the first choice Battle Spell for this build, as it deals extra damage on top of the already high powered artillery.
- Vengeance - This contributes to Damage Reduction and can increase your HP by 25% if an opponent strikes you with less than 50% HP. This is a huge benefit to Alucards life steal abilities.
Alucard is strong against high damage squishy heroes. Here are a few.
- Nana
- Eudora
- Hanabi
- Miya
- Layla
Alucard is weak against high damage and CC heroes. Here are a few.
- Freya
- Vale
- Tigreal
- Franco
- Gatotkaca
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