Kapkan is one of the operators that has a really big impact on the dynamics of a match and that’s why he’s had a lot of changes to his loadouts throughout the years. One can see that the devs are trying hard to find the right balance for his character, and it has resulted in some really interesting changes to his arsenal of weapons and gadgets.
Year 9 Season 1 of Siege dropped with huge changes to weapons and attachments across the board. In this article, we’re going to tackle how those changes affect Kapkan and how we could use them to have the best possible setup when playing this very deadly trapper in Siege’s current meta.
5. 9x19VSN with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip + GSH-18 with Suppressor and Laser + Bulletproof Camera
This loadout setup will provide Kapkan the best recoil control possible on his 9x19VSN submachine gun. This is very handy, especially for beginners, because both the flash hider and vertical grip attachments will add plenty of vertical recoil control on the weapon, so it’ll be very easy to stabilize its weapon kick even during long sprays. The flash hider, as its name implies, will also hide the 9x19VSN’s muzzle flash, which will lessen the number of visual cues that enemies could react to when they’re trying to determine where Kapkan is.
The bulletproof camera as Kapkan’s generic gadget will provide another way for the whole defending team to gather intel on enemy positions as it can provide a wide view of an area and it also has a thermal vision. So even when enemies are behind a smoke cover or Sens’ R.O.U. Projector Systems, the defender using the camera will still be able to see them. It can also shoot EMP bursts which disables enemy electronic gadgets that have been hit by it. As for Kapkan’s secondary weapon, the suppressed GSH-18 will be great for silently disabling enemy gadgets, and it’ll also be great for fragging enemies due to its very low recoil.
Excels in:
- The flash hider will provide a lot of vertical recoil control on Kapkan’s 9x19VSN which helps a lot with accuracy and it will also remove the weapon’s muzzle flash which can make it a bit harder for enemies to see where Kapkan is shooting from
- The vertical grip will be of great help in stabilizing the 9x19VSN’s weapon kick because like the flash hider above, the vertical grip specializes in lowering weapons’ vertical recoil
- The red dot A is the best non-default 1.0x sight because its frame doesn’t take up a lot of screen space and its simple center dot reticle is great for pinpoint shooting. It’ll also add 5% aim-down-sight speed boost on the weapon
- The GSH-18 handgun with a suppressor will allow Kapkan to shoot silently, which is great for disabling gadgets without alerting enemies. It’ll also be great for finishing off enemies due to its very easy to manage recoil
- The bulletproof camera will be another utility for the whole defending team for gathering intel on enemy positions. It can also shoot EMP bursts that will disable enemy electronics.
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - 9x19VSN with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - GSH-18 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Bulletproof Camera
Recoil pattern test on the 9x19VSN in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
4. SASG-12 with Iron Sight, Suppressor, and Horizontal Grip + GSH-18 with Suppressor and Laser + Bulletproof Camera
This loadout setup is for those who main shotguns, but even for those who are just confident enough that they can do well with a shotgun as their primary when using a shotgun, this is very viable. That’s because the SASG-12 is one of the most exceptional shotguns in the game and is quite unique in that it kind of has an integrated suppressor. What I mean by that is that the suppressor is the only barrel attachment available to it, and now that the suppressor doesn’t put any drawbacks on weapons, there’s really no reason to not equip it.
This will make the SASG-12's shots a lot more silent, and it’ll not create a directional threat indicator. So while this weapon will only really be effective at close quarters, even at that range, it could be harder for enemies to perceive where they’re being shot from. The horizontal grip on the SASG-12 will also be a great addition to the weapon because with it, Kapkan will receive a 5% movement speed boost which will help him in closing the distance between him and his enemies for his SASG-12 shotgun to be effective.
Excels in:
- Having the close quarters combat superiority due to the suppressed SASG-12 shotgun whose shots will be a lot more silent and won’t provide enemies with a directional threat indicator
- The horizontal grip attachment on the SASG-12 shotgun will give Kapkan a 5% movement speed boost which is a good for shotguns as it’ll allow the user to close the distance between them and their opponents more effectively
- The iron sight on the SASG-12 can take up a good amount of screen space but the user will still be able to see their target well and what’s important is that it’ll provide a 10% aim-down-sight speed boost on the shotgun
- The GSH-18 handgun with a suppressor will be great for Kapkan when he’s shooting attacker gadgets or the attackers themselves and he doesn’t want to get noticed immediately
- The bulletproof camera as Kapkan’s generic gadget will provide another camera for the whole team which can provide a wide view of the surroundings, a thermal sight, and can shoot EMP bursts that can disable enemy electronics
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - SASG-12 with Iron Sight, Suppressor, and Horizontal Grip
- Secondary weapon - GSH-18 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Bulletproof Camera
3. 9x19VSN with Red Dot A, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip + PMM with Suppressor and Laser + Nitro Cell
For a lot of Siege players, being able to inflict as much damage as they can will always be the way to go. This loadout setup is for those players, because the extended barrel attachment on the 9x19VSN submachine gun will boost its firepower from 34 or 38, which may not sound much on paper but in combat, that’s a lot, especially because the 9x19VSN has a pretty good rate of fire and is fully automatic. So the aggregate amount of that damage boost will be a lot in actual combat.
The extended barrel will also greatly lower the 9x19VSN’s range damage drop-off, making sure that it’ll inflict a good amount of damage even from medium to long range. As for the vertical grip, its role is to maintain a good amount of recoil control on the 9x19VSN because its stock recoil is quite rough and the extended barrel doesn’t add any recoil control on weapons. With the 9x19VSN submachine gun, most users will have to have at least on recoil control providing attachment, and in this setup, that would be the vertical grip.
Excels in:
- Having more firepower on Kapkan’s 9x19VSN submachine gun because the extended barrel will boost its damage from 34 to 38 which is a lot considering its a rapid firing fully-automatic weapon
- The extended barrel will also reduce the 9x19VSN’s range damage drop-off which will make it so that it’ll inflict a good amount of damage regardless of the range it’s being shot from
- The vertical grip attachment will add a lot of vertical recoil control on Kapkan’s 9x19VSN which will make it so that most users will be able to handle its weapon kick
- The suppressor on the PMM will allow Kapkan to use it for silently shooting attacker gadgets like claymores, drones, and others with much less chance of alerting them to his presence
- The nitro cell has a large blast radius and can kill the toughest of operators within it, which makes it a great weapon for scoring kills on pushing enemies especially when they’re pushing together from one direction
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - 9x19VSN with Red Dot A, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - PMM with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Nitro Cell
Recoil pattern test on the 9x19VSN in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
2. 9x19VSN with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + PMM with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Nitro Cell
The suppressed 9x19VSN is at such a high place on this list because it’ll provide everything that Kapkan needs and will allow him to excel at most situations. The suppressor on the 9x19VSN will make its shots a lot more silent and they won’t provide a directional threat to the enemies. That means when Kapkan is shooting enemies with the 9x19VSN in this setup, it’ll be harder for them to know where he’s shooting from, especially if it’s from medium to long range.
That’ll prevent them from effectively being able to counterattack or even protect themselves, which is a really great perk to have in a tactical shooter like Siege. The silent shots from the 9x19VSN will also allow Kapkan to have good situational awareness even while he’s spraying bullets from the weapon. As for the PMM handgun, it makes more sense to put a muzzle brake on it in this loadout setup because the user will already have the capability to silently shoot attacker gadgets with the suppressed 9x19VSN. So it’s better to lessen the recoil of the PMM handgun instead with a muzzle brake.
Excels in:
- Kapkan’s shots from the 9x19VSN will not create a directional threat indicator and their sound will be muffled due to the suppressor which will make it harder for enemies to know where Kapkan is shooting from
- The vertical grip will allow Kapkan to handle its recoil well due to its 20% vertical recoil control boost which is great to have especially for stabilizing the 9x19VSN’s recoil in long sprays
- The red dot A will provide Kapkan with a 5% aim-down-sight speed boost on his 9x19VSN submachine gun. It’s also a great 1.0x sight for close to medium range because its simple center dot reticle promotes pinpoint shooting
- The PMM handgun with a muzzle brake will have almost zero recoil because the muzzle brake adds a lot of recoil control on single-shot weapons.The laser on the other hand will add 10% aim-down-sight speed boost on the weapon
- The nitro cell is a great utility for countering pushing enemies especially when they’re close to each other because its blast can take out multiple enemies at once
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - 9x19VSN with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - PMM with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic gadget - Nitro Cell
Recoil pattern test on the 9x19VSN in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
1. 9x19VSN with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Horizontal Grip + PMM with Suppressor and Laser + Nitro Cell
Kapkan’s special gadget, the Entry Denial Device or EDD for short, is really what makes him so deadly and feared in the game. He has five EDDs and it can take a few seconds for him to deploy each one of them. That’s why in most cases, Kapkan has to hurry in deploying all of them during the prep phase. That’s mainly the reason why this loadout setup is at number one, because the horizontal grip on Kapkan’s 9x19VSN submachine gun will give him a 5% movement speed boost.
Now I know that the 5% movement speed boost doesn’t sound a lot on paper, and I also tested it extensively. A distance that will take 4.1 seconds for a 3-speed operator to reach will take 3.9 seconds with the 5% movement speed boost from the horizontal grip. That’s really not a lot, but in aggregate, that boost has more benefit than most people think, and it’ll also make Kapkan harder to hit. This loadout setup balances recoil control on the 9x19VSN as well as having the ability to move a bit faster which is important in deploying the EDDs.
Excels in:
- The horizontal grip’s 5% movement speed boost on Kapkan’s 9x19VSN will help a lot when it comes to deploying his EDDs around the map as well as making him a bit harder to hit
- Maintaining a good amount of recoil control on Kapkan’s 9x19VSN submachine gun through the flash hider on its barrel which will also hide the weapon’s muzzle flash
- The red dot A 1.0x sight will add a 5% aim-down-sight speed boost on Kapkan’s 9x19VSN. It’s also great for close to medium range shooting due to its simple center dot reticle.
- The suppressed PMM would be a great utility for Kapkan when it comes to shooting enemy gadgets while trying not to alert enemies to his presence, all while retaining its attribute of being a great secondary weapon for finishing off enemies
- The nitro cell has a tremendous explosion power and blast radius so it’s very effective in countering enemy pushes and defuser plant attempts, especially when they’re pushing close together from the same direction
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - 9x19VSN with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Horizontal Grip
- Secondary weapon - PMM with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Nitro Cell
Recoil pattern test on the 9x19VSN in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: