For five years we’ve been playing the Sims 4 and for five years, they’ve looked the same. Sure, their cartoony glory is great for the young ones, but what about for storytellers? Are you looking for a more realistic world you can plop your Maxis Match or Alpha styled Sims into? Look no farther and take a peek at these stunning graphics mods.
10. About Face by Pyxis
Go from flat-faced and lifeless to defined and alive! These facial details will help capture even the smallest features on your Sims.
This mod adds on an extra layer of customizability to your Sims. Available in the Tattoos, Skin Details, and Face Paint categories, dapple your Sims with highlights and shadows. Sculpt their faces to perfection and capture that little piece of them.
- The pull-to-sculpt feature in Create-A-Sim is great and everything, but still lacks the depth found within this mod.
- Finally, capture that small hint of shadow beneath your Sim’s brow bone or define and enhance their cheekbones with highlights.
- Create more varied and unique Sims to keep your world breathing and ever-changing!
Find the mod here: About Face by Pyxis
9. ReShade by crosire
ReShade opens up endless possibilities for your game. Control the depth of colors, vibrancy, and contrast all with a few clicks of your mouse.
ReShade is a post-processing injector designed for video games and videos alike. This mod allows you to add new depth to your Sims game through things like color saturation, hue adjustment, and depth of field. Breathe life into your Sims world with vibrant colors, creepy fog, and glimmering waters.
- Allows you to set custom shaders for your game, bringing new life and brighter colors.
- Give your world that icy, cool breath of winter or the sun-kissed glow of summer through presets or dabbling with the settings yourself.
- The more advanced modder can even add fog and dust effects with this mod.
Find the mod here: ReShade by corsire
*Make sure to carefully follow the download instructions to ensure an easy setup and make sure to grab a preset!
8. Vibrance Reshade by MissLollypopSims
A perfect recolor for your next romantic getaway to Sulani. Have fun in the sun and bask in each other's glow.
One of the many custom, preset reshades that you have to choose from. This one enhances those bright and sunny afternoons along with the picturesque beach sunset.
- Add the sun’s kiss to your whole game and bring summer with your Sims everywhere they go.
- Skip the learning curve of ReShade with this well-balanced and warm preset.
- Give your Sims the bright, sunny days you know they deserve!
Find the mod here: Vibrance Reshade by MissLollypopSims
7. K707 Mod by K-Hippie
In the blink of an eye, the world around you takes a breath and comes alive with fancy foliage and bushes.
Give the outdoors a little TLC with this texture mod. Bring some life back into those flat, boring bushes and plastic trees. Let your Sims stop and smell the roses and have a better picture to share for it!
- Plastic is bad for the environment! Get rid of it, with new lush trees that you feel like you can climb.
- Shrubs and bushes appear fuller and more realistic, from fronds to the number of blooms, this mod only improves.
- Let your Sims enjoy the outdoors, finally! That Hermit sure knew what they were talking about!
Find the mod here: K707 Mod by K-Hippie
6. K606 Mod by K-Hippie
Continue the renovations by adding perfectly realistic foundations and roofs that will make your Sims squeal with glee.
Why stop with the terrain when enhancing your world? The houses should match this new world we’re slowly falling into. This mod replaces roofs and foundations to bring your builds stunning detail from top to bottom.
- Our worlds are only as strong as their base foundation, making these replacements the perfect first step to beautifying your world.
- Work from the ground up here and give your Sims the beautiful house you’ve…*cough cough*..they’ve wanted.
- Top it all off with a roof that gets rid of that clay-ified look but doesn’t throw your Sims into the real world.
Find the mod here: K606 Mod by K-Hippie
5. K505 Mod by K-Hippie
Prepare to see the Sims like never before with these brand new textures to bring realism to the tiniest of things, even rocks!
Are you sick of flat, lifeless grass and rocks that look like lumps of ill-formed clay? This mod has all you need when it comes to terrain features. Updated through EcoLifestyle, you can get your higher quality fix of rocks, sands, and grasses!
- Environs were so bland before! Flat and practically lifeless, this mod breathes new life into every world.
- From the creepiest dark corner of Forgotten Hollow to the destroyed walkways of the Realm of Magic, find magnificent detail in every pixel.
- Your rocks will be sharp and hard, your grass soft and inviting to the feet, and the dirt...well, dirty!
Find the mod here: K505 Mod by K-Hippie
4. Love Shade Vogue by HazelMine
The perfect recolor preset for designing your own Indie film, filled with romance and adventure.
This preset is to be used alongside ReShade to doll up your Sims game all nice and pretty. This one adds a cinematic effect to your game, enhancing the drama in all of life’s wild moments.
- Skip the tedious trial-and-error process of creating your own preset.
- Add a little drama to your lens as you shape your Sims’ lives and see how they play out.
- Brighten up colors and enhance contrast without blinding yourself with a terrible white balance with this well-crafted preset.
Find the mod here: Love Shade Vogue by HazelMine
3. No EA Eyelashes~ by Cień Z Różą
The removal of EA's lashes make it easier to see your CC lashes much more clearly.
Working so hard to make your Sims flawless can be disappointing when you get everything just right, just to have it marred by EA’s terrible chunky eyelashes. No longer! This mod removes EA’s permanent-marker eyelashes and leaves a space behind for all those custom lashes, perfect for butterfly kisses.
- Get rid of EA’s eyelashes and see what you want to see. What you downloaded to see!
- Bat those long eyelashes at a lover, without them worrying about some new blackened form of pink eye.
- You also have the option to leave them without CC lashes and just leave them looking a little surprised.
Find the mod here: No EA Eyelashes~ by Cień Z Różą
2. Cube Map Replacement for CAS by Alf-Si
Bring life to your Sims and see the way the starlight reflects in their eyes.
Give your Sims a little extra glitter in their eyes. Catch that glint of mischief in your friend’s eyes as they suggest a Crazy Scheme.
- Replaces the original, bland EA eye shines, for some with some more depth to them.
- Bring the realism to the smallest of scales and get your Sims to fit right into the beautiful world you hunted for CC to create.
- Add a little glimmer of hope, a glint of surprise, or glassiness of teary eyes.
Find the mod here: Cube Map Replacement for CAS by Alf-Si
1. K101 Mod by K-Hippie
Why not enhance your builds with a bit more of a realistic flair? Here is a collection of gorgeous replacement floors that will fit beautifully in any world, regardless of CC.
- Your Sims will surely know a life of luxury once they’ve walked these halls themselves!
- Find new, well-finished hardwood floors and masonry that look like bricks that were actually lain.
- Continue the Home Makeover: Sims Edition with these replacements to go along with your new roof and foundation.
Find the mod here: K101 Mod by K-Hippie
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