[Top 15] Sims 4 Builder Gameplays To Watch

Best Sims 4 Building Gameplays
27 Dec 2022

The Sims has always allowed players to unleash their creativity in many ways. This infinitely entertaining simulator has allowed gamers to express themselves by not only creating Sims to their liking, but also by allowing them to build whatever their heart desires. The level of creativity in The Sims 4 is especially enhanced due to its immersive and simplistic nature, giving power to the community when it comes to creating their very own personalized Sim worlds. From retro community centers and vibrant high schools to tiny homes and cozy lofts, nearly everything has been created in The Sims 4, and these amazing Simmers have brought us some of the best.

15. Community Lots by OshinSims

Explore an array of community lots with OshinSims.

OshinSims reviews many creative builds from the gallery in their video that overviews some of the best Community Lots created by fellow Simmers. They dive into many summer related builds as well as several restaurants and bars that can expand the nightlife of any Sim. All of the builds featured in this video are completely original and gameplay enhancing.


14. Base Game Tiny House by MsGryphi

Tiny living has never been more satisfying.

Sometimes it is much more fun to give your Sims a minimalist lifestyle. In this incredible speed build, MsGryphi creates a modern and cozy abode with only base game objects. This build is an adorable home for any single Sim or small family, and the speed build video is nothing short of relaxing. 


13. Highgrove House by Harrie

Embrace the royalty you are in the Highgrove House.

The Highgrove House created by Harrie on Youtube is fit for any Sim who leads a luxurious lifestyle. This amazing gameplay proves that this chateau-like lot is fit for a Royal family, and also provides amazing building tips for anyone looking to create something similar. The outside of this amazing home is perfectly landscaped to match the expensive and tidiness of the inside.


12. Building a High School by lilsimsie

Watch lilsimsie build an entire functional high school with the latest expansion pack.

The Sims 4 High School Years finally gave players the ability to not only attend but also to build their very own high school. In this fun video with lilsimsie, they create a realistic and fully functioning educational facility that gives a nostalgic vibe. This school is perfect for anyone who does not want to build their own high school but wants the full package included, and lilsimsie provides useful tips for anyone who is up to build one on their own.


11. Snowy Cabin by Kate Emerald

Rich families take expensive vacations all year round.

If luxurious vacationing is something that you and your Sims dream of, the Snowy Cabin by Kate Emerald is fitting. The architecture and use of the landscaping tool are ingenious, making it the ultimate winter getaway. Your Sims are sure to have an amazing vacation staying at this cabin, and fellow builders can learn a thing or two about how to landscape by seeing how Kate Emerald builds on this lot.


10. Perfect Log Cabin by misssimreno

Bring your sims into a winter wonderland with this cozy cabin.

Misssimreno creates a cabin that is comfortable and homey in this flawless and wintry speed build. Fitting it into the perfect area of Copperdale, this home is full of rustic touches and wooden columns, giving the home a very soft and intimate feeling. This is the perfect home for any Sim living a laid back and relaxed lifestyle.


9. Warm Base Game Loft by cillas

Combining Sims 4 speed building with lo-fi music, cillas creates a relaxing experience.

This calming build shows creator cillas making a warm and inviting Base Game loft that could work as a starter for any young adult Sim. The build isn’t sped up and lo-fi music plays through the video, allowing viewers to capture the full essence of this loft. Its city vibe is sure to reel anyone in to stay.


8. Modern Luxury Barn by Sarina_Sims

The country lifestyle has been made modern.

This Modern Luxury Barn built by Sarina_Sims is bright and natural with a new age feeling. This build offers the perfect balance of outdoor fun and indoor warmth, making sure to charm everyone who sets their eyes on it. Sarina_Sims satisfies every architectural aficionado and Simmer alike with this stunning stop motion build that brings our Sims to the elegant countryside.


7. Modern Family Estate by Doctor Ashley

Step into Doctor Ashley's curb appeal series for dream homes remade in The Sims 4.

Doctor Ashley is the queen of bringing objects from real life into their game, and this beautiful build of a Modern Family estate confirms that. As part of their curb appeal series where they create builds based off of real houses, this estate gives the vibe of a wealthy neighborhood with bright neutral colors and vast lighting. If your Sim ever gets to live in a house like Doctor Ashley’s Modern Family Estate, you know they made it big!


6. Rich Family Townhome by abricot design

Every upper-class sims family deserves a townhouse.

Townhouses mostly always provide charming and affectionate energy, but this one by abricot design will satisfy any growing Sim family in need of an upgrade. This home features plenty of adorant custom content without changing the style of the game too much and has room for  family. If you are looking for a homely and high class townhouse for your Sims, look no further!


5. Base Game House by Syd Mac

Take tips from Syd Mac in this informative gameplay.

Syd Mac is an amazing Sims streamer who gives helpful object placement tips and creates purely original builds. The base game house building gameplay is blissful and educational, while the home also gives off a realistic and comforting energy. All of Syd Mac’s creations are amazing, but this house is one of their best builds that only uses some custom content and base game items. 


4. Abandoned Victorian House by simplicia

Haunt your sims with in an abandoned Victorian with a dark past.

Simplicia spooks us all with their b Abandoned Victorian House placed in Forgotten Hollow. This video is a stop motion of a creepy and desolate Victorian home that seemingly has not aged well. It is fascinating to see something built knowing that the Sims living there will have a mystery to solve, or at least a creepy basement to uncover. This Abandoned Victorian is amazing to add to your game if you need a new haunted house or a horrific lot in your neighborhood.


3. Movie Theater, Bowling Alley, and Arcade by jessicapie

Take your sims for an epic night out at this versatile community lot.

Youtuber jessicapie creates the ultimate community lot that is perfect for Sims of all ages. This retro styled build offers a movie theater, bowling alley, and arcade all on the same lot. This creates an amusement park type of vibe in your game while also bringing nostalgia. Since it is a multi-functional lot it is perfect to go in any world, but it especially fits into Oasis Springs and Strangerville due to its Las Vegas type of build style.


2. Cozy Little Loft by simlicy

Cozy up in the city with Simlicy's tiny loft.

This Cozy Little loft by Simlicy is an amazing start for any Sim who is kicking off their adult life. It provides views of the city while also being conservative of space, giving this apartment home a comfortable yet bright feeling. The Cozy Little Loft is an amazing tight knit apartment home that will surely be adored by anyone who is a fan of bohemian and modern styles.


1. Slum Street by yukihyo

This fun yet grimy stop motion build is one of the most intelligent and creative lots made for The Sims 4. This amazing creation features several buildings that can function separately, from apartments and corner stores to an orphanage and a roof hangout area. Anyone looking to add grunge or exploration to their gameplay will find Slum Street by yukihyo to be completely satisfying and unique with its attention to detail. This mind blowing single lot transformed into an entire neighborhood is truly a masterpiece.

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