How do I stop getting shot from off screen?
FOV stands for Field of View, which is how wide your vision is. In gaming, this also extends to how big your viewmodel and HUD are. As you can guess, this is a very important setting, since being able to see more means less blind spots for enemies to hide in and pick you off from. This guide will tell you what FOV settings to change to get an advantage.
1. Field of View

This is the most straightforward FOV setting, you make it higher and you have a wider view, you make it lower and your view is more narrow. Obviously you’ll want it higher so you can see more.
- Wider view
How to apply:
- Go to options
- Go to video
- Go to advanced
- Move the Field of view slider all the way to the right
2.Viewmodel FOV
Your viewmodel FOV is how big your viewmodel is, and a smaller viewmodel means less gun blocking your vision. This means that by using a higher FOV viewmodel you’ll have less blind spots.
- Less blind spots
How to apply:
- Go into advanced options
- Move the viewmodel field of view slider all the way to the right
3. Minimal HUD
Your HUD is important, as without it you won’t know your HP or ammo, but a big HUD can get in the way, and getting killed because someone was hiding behind something that’s supposed to help you doesn’t feel good. By enabling the minimal HUD it’ll block virtually none of your screen.
- Less blind spots
How to apply:
- Go to advanced options
- Turn on “enable minimal HUD”
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