Overpowered is usually a term used unfavorably in multiplayer video games as it implies a player can have a direct advantage over another regardless of skill. Yet this problem doesn’t apply to the most overpowered class in Team Fortress 2 the Medic. Just from that class name alone, you can probably guess what he does and why nobody complains about him.
For as powerful as the Medic class is, an even slightly sub-par Medic player is utterly useless. The learning curve can be a brutal affair IF you don’t know the best ways to play the class. Using the load-outs and playstyles listed here, you can truly start running before you can walk.
1) The Pub Pusher
For the most part, Team Fortress 2 is a game played in 12v12 where the lack of a Medic spells instant doom for either team. The problem is that it’s very common to only have one Medic who’s then overwhelmed by his 11 teammates begging for healing. The end result can feel like an upward battle with your team that ends with a lost game.
To the players who are ready to valiantly choose Medic and turn the tide of game after game, Valve created many items that will help you to both survive and thrive.
- The Overdose: Though lowered damage on a syringe gun, an already weak class of weapons may make you think twice, the damage penalty honestly ends up being entirely negligible. Plus the speed boost from the Uber meter (see below) can allow you to escape fights and save your Uber charge.
- The Quickfix: By healing teammates, you build an Uber meter on all Medi-Guns. The Quickfix Uber grants a triple healing effect on both you and your healing target and provides knockback resistance. On top of that it heals 40% faster than the stock with the only downside being less overheal.
- The Bonesaw: This and the Vita-saw are the only two melee weapons that don’t have a damage or swing-speed penalty. However, the Vita-saw reduces your health making the Bonesaw the go-to when it comes to defense
- The goal of this loadout is simply to heal your teammates and survive in the process. Heal as much as possible, but remember your life is more important than that of your teammate
- Learn to gauge situations when you have a full Quickfix Uber. In some cases, it’s best to escape enemies by pulling out the Overdose and running. In others, it’s best to use the Uber and tank the damage being sent your way
- Surf rockets by timing a jump for when a nearby rocket hits the ground. The explosion has strong knockback when you're in the air and you can use it to fly away from an engagement.
2) Living dangerously
While the Quickfix can easily turn games around, it will rarely be a weapon that allows you to steamroll an enemy. On the other hand, there’s another loadout/playstyle that while high-risk can result in your enemies facing a humiliating defeat.
Please note that this loadout is extremely risky, while the mechanical skill may be relatively low, it requires great game sense to stay alive and stomp pubs. Open-mic communication with a teammate you can rely on also helps.
- The Blutsauger: In exchange for lower health regeneration, the Blutsauger grants 3 health for every needle that hits the enemy. Great for survival situations.
- The Kritzkrieg: The Uber for the Kritzkrieg charges even faster than that of the Quickfix and grants guaranteed critical hits (triple damage) to the heal target for 8 seconds.
- The Solemn Vow: This statute allows you to see enemy health bars which is something that only the Spy can do naturally. Its only downside is a very slightly reduced swing speed.
- Unlike every other Medi-Gun, the Krtizkrieg does not have a defensive Uber. You should use it as soon as possible every time even if your pocket only ends up killing 1-2 enemies. Better get those kills than risk dying with a full charge. If you can’t do this, back away and fire the Blutsauger at the enemy, the health it grants can save your life.
- Because the Solemn Vow shows enemy health bars, you’re always aware of if you can potentially charge at the enemy and kill them in a desperate situation.
- A niche tactic you can also use is the taunt for the Kritzkrieg which grants a bonus 11 healing to the Medic. If you’re set on fire and about to die, it can save your life.
3) The Meta
At the end of the day, Medic is a class with a very strict meta. Though he has many useful weapons in his arsenal, there are 3 in particular considered the best for the most effective elite Medic players. Skill comes into play just as much as game sense, resulting in Medic becoming a high-maintenance class that will top score every game no matter what.
- The Crusader's Crossbow: A unique long-range weapon that fires a needle that can damage enemies and heal teammates. It reloads automatically even if not equipped and is most effective at long range where it heals and damages the most.
- The stock Medi-Gun: There’s no bonus to healing or Uber build rate, but the Uber itself granting 8 seconds of complete invincibility will easily destroy any other Uber.
- The Ubersaw: The slower swing speed hardly matters on the Ubersaw because 25% Uber built on a successful hit makes it the best melee for skilled Medic players
- This is a loadout where you want to keep your distance to any action. The Crossbow is a powerful long-range weapon that suffers at closer range and if you're being run down it’s best to be able to hit the enemy before they get close.
- At close range, the Crossbow is best as a burst healing tool. A great tactic is to fire a needle into a teammate for an instant 75 health before switching back to the Medi-Gun and topping them off
- A single successful hit with the Ubersaw will allow you to build charge before any other Medi-Gun can. Though risky, if you can get a hit in it can ensure any push or hold on an objective.
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