What Are The Best PvP MMORPGs?
Foraging for items can be rewarding, battling monsters provides an intimidating challenge, and quests can be tons of fun, but nothing can beat a solid Player versus Player battle in a MMORPG. Player(s) versus Player(s), or PvP, is when live players from around the world take on one another instead of the environment, which is often called PvE. PvP means that you’re challenging someone who, like you, has had the chance to hone their fighting skills in a particular game. This is a step up from fighting computer-controlled monsters and bosses, who are often challenging, but might be a little repetitive in their movements and skill usage.
PvP battles can be the best part of an MMORPG. If PvP is your thing, you’ve come to the right article. Here, I’m going to list the Top 10 MMORPGs with the Best PvP, so that you can add them all to your “games to download” list.
10. Albion Online
Albion Online Gameplay
“Only the most skillful fighters will leave the field victorious”! – Albion Online website
Sandbox Interactive brings us an outstanding sandbox MMORPG set in a medieval world where the fantastical is an everyday occurrence. Monsters and menaces like Morgana the sorceress populate the land and it’s up to you to stay strong, survive, and thrive! Although Albion Online was released less than a year ago, it has already garnered quite the large and dedicated fanbase. There are enough players online that having 400 players dueling at once isn’t rare.
That’s right—there can be 400 players in an area fighting at once. Albion Online’s PvP system is spectacular. Working with a team makes these large-scale battles even more fun, so I suggest finding a guild that suits your playing style.
Joining a guild is important! You’ll always have someone watching your back.
Careful when you enter a PvP zone. You can lose resources if defeated.
9. Darkfall: New Dawn
Darkfall: New Dawn Gameplay
From French MMO developers Ub3rgames, Darkfall: New Dawn comes in at Number 9. The original Darkfall Online game was created by game development team Aventurine SA all the way back in 2001, when Bop-It’s and Furbies were going out of style and Destiny’s Child was still together. After the original Darkfall servers shut down in 2012, fans of the Darkfall series were left to wonder: what’s next? Luckily, after buying the rights to Darkfall from Aventurine SA, Ub3rgames brought us Darkfall: New Dawn and revamped the world of Darkfall to amazing new heights. There’s now local banking, new titles, new achievements, and a bigger world than ever before.
As for PvP battling, it’s quite a smooth experience. Players can easily shift between first and third-person POV in the midst of battle, making for a more exciting experience. Landscapes are wide and expansive, perfect for an one-on-one duel and easily capable of handling large battles between hundreds of players.
Ub3rgames, one of the new rights-holders of the Darkfall empire, has claimed that they have improved both the world and overall gameplay of the original Darkfall game.
Mystic ruins, rocky ledges, and great music … the perfect area for a player showdown!
8. Guild Wars 2
Guild Wars 2 Gameplay
Oh, you’ve heard of this MMORPG, have you?
Guild Wars 2 is an action-adventure MMORPG developed by ArenaNet and published by NCSOFT in 2012. The popularity this game was met with is phenomenal and well-deserved. The game is originally a subscription-based game (or pay to play), but GW2 switched it up by offering the core game for free to all players. With this formula came an insane amount of popularity. It eliminates the need for fetch quests, which means no more hunting down squirrels for the little old lady in town or killing exactly 10 orcs (‘cause, you know, if you killed any more or any less, there’s going to be a big problem).
The action and PvP in this game are out of this world. PvP is available anywhere and at any time. Also, there are no advantages in this PvP due to some players paying or being insanely strong. There’s also an epic World vs World mode, where entire servers fight against one another. Yes, you read that right—it’s an all-out server brawl. Guild Wars 2 truly has it all.
A showdown of epic proportions takes place on a perilous bridge. Even Fido can take part in the carnage!
Looks like they’re evenly matched, don’t it?
7. Aika Online
Aika Online Gameplay
Aika Online is an adventure MMORPG developed by Hanbit and Gala Inc. It made its grand entry into the world of gaming back in 2009. There are a number of tough and cute classes to choose from at the start of the game, from an adorable Cleric to a Dual Gunner. All classes are locked as whatever gender they come in, so if you want a male cleric, you’re outta luck! Fortunately, this doesn’t detract from gameplay and you’ll have a fun time on Aika Online, regardless. It’s free-to-play as well, so all players can join and make their names known in the world of Aika!
The battles in Aika are absolutely gorgeous. Battle animations are clean, smooth, and easy to read. For PvP battles, players are divided into five factions and pit against one another. These factions are called Alethius, Feonir, Lenaria, Vanov, and Ostryion. You’ll be able to join one of these nations later in the game. There’s different PvP modes to take your character through, including castle sieges and arena duels. You can also freely attack members of other factions! That’s always a fun time!
Those shorts, though! Even if this character wins in a PvP battle, they’re gonna have to take some flack for these.
Alethius, Feonir, Lenaria, Vanov, and Ostryion are the thriving nations in Aika Online. Players must bring glory to their chosen nation!
6. Elder Scrolls Online
Elder Scrolls Online Gameplay
If you haven’t heard of Skyrim and Elder Scrolls, tell me—what rock is it that you like to hide under? You probably don’t even know who the president is, do you?
Elder Scrolls is the first game developed by the team at ZeniMax Online Studios and published by supergiant game publisher Bethesda. Tamriel is now open to explore with comrades and quests (and the spoils) can be shared! The graphics in Elder Scrolls Online are top-notch, as is to be expected, and the learning curve is quite high. Elder Scrolls Online has taken criticism for lacking some of the more fun features from the original console Elder Scrolls games and requiring players to spend money on certain gameplay elements, even though this is already a game that requires a subscription to play. Despite this, the online version remains popular to this day.
Elder Scrolls Online is a fun game to master and wild PvP battles can even make it challenging for dedicated MMORPG fans. PvP battles can be an all-out fight where it’s every man for himself and players have to act quickly to dodge powerful fire spells or getting slashed. Players can load abilities into their backbars to help their characters dominate battles before the fight begins. Whatever your PvP fighting style is, you won’t be disappointed with what ESO has to offer.
Guys? This is super awkward, but I don’t actually know how to launch this thing. Could you stop charging the enemy’s castle for a moment and help me out?
You and your comrades will are in for hours upon hours of game time. Elder Scrolls is famous for their intriguing and immersive storylines.
5. Legends of Ultima
Legends of Ultima Gameplay
Legend of Ultima’s website calls this community server the “true spiritual successor” to the popular Ultima Online. We call it … well, we call it number five.
Ultima Online is a true throwback for longtime fans of the sandbox MMORPG genre. The game was originally released in 1997 and built up a huge fanbase. The love for this game has not died away, as evidenced by the release of the community server Legends of Ultima. This latest server is based in the Legends of Aria game and incorporates many of the Ultima Online’s features for nostalgia purposes. The end result is magnificent.
Creators of Legend of Ultima want to foster friendly social interaction among players. This is why they put such an emphasis in their PvP. Tournaments are fun to enter. Dungeon PvP makes for a great challenge, especially if you’re craving loot. Fans of the older Ultima game will love this one.
This game draws inspiration from the classic 1997 game. PvP added a social element!
Explore the world on foot or on mount!
4. Final Fantasy XIV
Final Fantasy Gameplay
Alright, all of you Sephiroth and Cloud fanboys and fangirls--Final Fantasy XIV takes number four!
No one was quite sure to think when Final Fantasy XIV was announced. It seemed like a fun idea: take the elements that have made Final Fantasy a household name and add a social aspect to the game by introducing MMO gameplay. But, at first, the formula just didn’t stick. Thankfully, after numerous updates, people have come to appreciate FFXIV for the beautiful and breathtaking MMORPG that it is.
If you want to experience FFXIV’s unique PVP, you’re going to have to complete a quest with your Grand Company. There are different modes of PvP action, including Rival Wings, Wolves’ Den, and Frontline. The newest mode is Rival Wings. After completing the Earning Your Wings quest, you’ll be able to join Rival Wings, where you and Machinas battle against another team (either red or blue) in a base-and-tower-destroying brawl. In any mode, players attributes will be upgraded to match that of their opponent’s so battles will be evenly matched. Also, no auto-attack, so forget all of that spamming, spammers!
Different classes means different tactics. Create a team with your friends that will bring down others!
Final Fantasy XIV has experienced a revival in recent years. As of May 2018, the game states that there are over HALF A MILLION active accounts.
3. Blade and Soul
Blade and Soul Gameplay
From MMO masters NCSOFT, Blade and Soul comes in at number 3 on our list.
Blade and Soul is a fast-paced, fantasy MMORPG created in South Korea. In 2016, the game was released in Western countries and met with quick praise. The battle mechanics were seamless and people couldn’t get enough of those powerful combos and camera angles that captured all of the action for you. The character creation tool is also a popular feature in Blade and Soul. You can tweak any aspect of your character to make an avatar that is truly all you.
I mentioned the seamless action in the game. There isn’t a better example of that than in PvP battles. These battles have become so popular that countries have created world championships for players to compete in to see who truly has mastered the game. Whether it’s a one-on-one arena duel or a massive war between players, this game wins in every aspect.
PvP can be intimidating for newer players, especially if you seem to meet your death at the hands of other players pretty regularly. To even the odds, do a few quests and take on monsters in the wild.
I just wanted to pet your mount! No need to bust out the flaming kicks!
2. Bless Online
Bless Online Gameplay
In our number two spot, it’s Bless Online!
Bless Online is a new fantasy MMORPG thrumming with potential. Boasting phenomenal graphics and exciting gameplay, it’s a standout among your standard MMORPGs. It was developed by Neowiz, a software development company founded in 2011 and located in Asia. It was released worldwide in 2018. Critics praise it for being a well-functioning, free-to-play MMORPG. There are seven classes and races to choose from, so customization is fun and allows for full creativity.
PvP in Bless Online takes several different forms. First, we have open world PvP, where players can fight each freely as they adventure. There’s also 100v100 PvP battles, which can get intense. Castle sieges are also available, as well as arena battles. Solid graphics and great action--what more could you ask for?
Remember: every class is important, especially in PvP battles where you have to rely on your teammates.
Arena battles provide an exciting chance to match skills with players around the world. Who will reign victorious?
1. Black Desert Online
Black Desert Online Gameplay
Our pick for the top game with the best PvP action is Black Desert Online. *insert bugles blowing and confetti!*
Do you remember when Black Desert Online was announced? Everyone went wild for those insane graphics and smooth fighting animations. That sweet low price of just $9.99 with no subscription fee necessary pretty much sealed this game’s fate as a must-buy for any MMORPG fan. Here’s the rundown on BDO: it was developed by Pearl Abyss and received a worldwide release in March 2016. It’s a sandbox MMORPG that features monster taming, mounts, and a gigantic world to explore and mold. You’re free to adventure as you’d like; the world is yours.
So what about that PvP? It rules. Like some other sandbox MMOs, BDO’s PvP pits players of one territory against players of another. Once you reach level 40, you’ll be able to toggle PvP in-game with a simple click of a button. PvP sieges are amazing: you can fully deck out your castle to be protected from players. With the right equipment, you can even fend off hundreds of attackers. You can also attempt to attack other player’s caravans, which may spark a fight! As you can see, the PvP battles are alive and thriving in this game, and they take many different forms and fashions.
Action happens at lightning-fast speed, thanks to the amazing team at Pearl Abyss. Keep on your toes!
Okay, team. No matter how tough those other players might be … We must protect the fluffy-faced animals!
Hey, so thanks for reading! Played a good MMORPG that you think should be on this list? Share with me by leaving a comment below! Happy gaming!
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