Top 10 Westland Survival Best House Designs That Are Awesome
In a game where you can build your base freely, you’d know that aesthetic is the first thing that will come to your mind. But then, you’d find out that there are some enemies who will try and break your base simply because you’ve angered them. Well, fret not, for this article will show and explain the basics of having a simple yet effective base design for Westland Survival.
10. A Wooden Defense
A Wooden Base design tour
When playing a new game, all of us are given items and materials that we have to manage strategically so that we can get by on our first quests. And that materials are usually the common ones that some may find it hard to gather. That’s why this video showcases how to maximize those Tier 1 materials.
What’s great about this type of design? Materials used here are all made from Pine trees and straws, meaning you won’t have to go far to gather wood and you can just use plain weapons to fend off outlaws and ferocious animals that roam around Green zones. This type of base design also maximizes the space that all players are given, which means that even though bandits can get through it easily, it would take a lot of time for them to break all of your walls.
9. Looks Familiar
AI-like base design tour
After first seeing this design, it may seem familiar to some of you. That is because it has the likeness of those AI bases that are scattered around you. If you’ve managed to go to one, you’ll find out that it is a bit tough to maneuver through it sometimes, because of its countless doors that lead to nothing.
What’s great about this type of design? It can easily be copied if you manage to take a recording as you raid those AI bases. It has enough space for traps, buying you some time to run to where your would-be raiders will spawn. And, you can just upgrade your defenses from thereon if you’re satisfied with this layout.
8. Got Pine?
Base design filled with rooms
Are you tired of Bandits breezing through your base like it’s nothing? Fret not, for this base design will surely confuse intruders with countless hallways and doors leading to nothing, or something, if they get lucky to spawn right outside where it is nearest your storage.
What’s great about this type of design? Room within a room that is also within a room. This one also maximizes the area given to every player. Though there are minimal traps that delay the attackers for a while, hiding your storage and creating multiple rooms within your base is another way of fending off bandits from ever reaching your chests hidden throughout your house.
7. Mix and Match
Tier 1 to 3 base design layout
What’s a good way to annoy back the bandits that keep on raiding your house other than placing a lot of sandbags and iron stakes? Well, it’s mixing up the materials of walls and doors that you placed in your home! Sometimes, when the raid has been going on for so long the bandits may even leave you alone, and if you’re not keen on visiting the Bandit’s stash, then this layout is for you.
What’s great about this type of design? As the bandits traverse through your base, the quality of the walls will also improve, ending with them needing a dynamite to blow up the walls that are covering your chests. But, I wouldn’t fully depend on walls as your defense, after all traps can still do its damage on your enemies. Put on some of those barbed wires and traps so that it will waste their time as well as damage them along the way.
6. A Mix of Wood and Stone
Tier 2 & 3 base design
This one is a mix of, you guessed it, Tier 2 & 3 materials. It is a lot sturdier than the previous design mentioned, as well as a lot more reliable. Though it is best if you stick mainly first on pine planks as it will minimize your materials cost on workbenches, weapons, clothings, and such, which is your first priority. If you already have the woodcutting table, you’d probably want to use it as soon as possible to enhance the defenses of your base.
What’s great about this type of design? Resources that are made from this material can still be found around Green zones, with the stone walls’ resources are found in Yellow zones. As you can see, this design is more detailed than the first, with windows enabling you to shoot bandits from the inside, reinforced by the wooden stakes and sandbags.
5. Shales and Oaks
Brick-based design layout
After you’re done wandering around the Green zones, you’re now ready to move on to the next milestone. Oaks and Shale are abundant in the Westland Survival world, as they have locations specifically for those resources. Of course, as you also level up, so do the bandits that come and raid your base.
What’s great about this type of design? Breaking into Tier 3 walls does take time, and that’s what you want when there are raiders attacking your base from all sides. Not only will your walls be enhanced, you can also now craft iron stakes, which does a lot more damage than the wooden stakes. This design also places the stable inside the base, leaving only space for traps outside the area.
4. Neverending Sandbags
Alternating sandbags and hallways base design
A combination of high quality walls and defenses is sometimes all you need just to delay the destruction that the bandits will do in your base. In this case, they will have to use a mix of iron axe and dynamite just to wreck your defenses. Of course, a little help from barbed wires and traps will go a long way.
What’s great about this type of design? This design is alternating between hallways and sandbags, perfect if you still can’t spend all of your Tier 5 materials into building your base. I would suggest placing chests in one place so that you can easily go through them if the bandits manage to reach inside your base. The stable and the broken cart are placed outside, though you don’t have to worry about it as the bandits can’t destroy those.
3. It needs… Windows.
Pure windows base design
Some are too busy in the real world to welcome the raiders en route in their bases, that’s why they build their own homes with walls and doors only. Some don’t, preferring to greet intruders right when they arrive. If you belong with the latter, then this design is for you.
What’s great about this type of design? It has windows on the outermost part of the base, which is an advantage if you don’t want to look for bandits that are right outside your base. Whether they spawn in different locations around your base, you’ll have no trouble stopping them as you can easily shoot them inside your base. And when you travel towards the center of the base, it is the opposite, as storages and chests are guarded by countless doors and walls.
2. Stones, Stakes, and Barb Wires
Tier 4 with iron stakes base design
At a first glance, the base layout seems familiar. Although, instead of having the stables outside of the base, in this base design, all of those are inside, leaving no free space for the bandits to walk to. That is because it is using the same materials, albeit here, the Tier 4 materials are mostly used rather than the Tier 3.
What’s great about this type of design? Unlike the first base design that was mentioned earlier, this one uses mostly Tier 4 materials starting from the innermost part of the base, with Tier 3 materials used mostly on the outermost part. And the parts that use Tier 3 materials are reinforced with iron stakes and sandbags.
1. Fortress of Traps
Full Tier 5 walls base layout
Are you tired of raiders still tearing up your base no matter how many times you’ve dealt with them? Do you just want to let them give up on their own as they blow up your defenses while you look where they spawned? Then, this base layout is for you!
What’s great about this type of design? Leaving only a space for one iron stake each block, this base layout is for someone who’s consistently farming around red zones, and as such can enhance their base to the highest tier. Putting doors after doors so that bandits will waste dynamite on an obstacle that is misleading them away from your chests and benches, as well as placing each storage separately on their own.
I hope that this helped you out on deciding which base layout will suit you in your playthrough of Westland Survival!