With the expansive and seemingly never ending world in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, you’re probably thinking “There’s tons of places to sell my stuff - why can’t I just sell it to any merchant in the game?”
Well, dear Witcher lover, unfortunately not every merchant you encounter will be willing to take the specific item(s) you’re trying to sell. Different merchants may trade you a different amount of crowns for said item(s).
Today, we’re discussing the best places to sell your stuff and make a decent profit off of it.
10. The Innkeeper at the Crossroads - Best for selling food and drink
How to get to the Innkeeper at the Crossroads: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izwC27sZ5h0
Food and drink is great for replenishing a bit of health, but having too much of it can take up precious inventory space. The best place to sell any unwanted food or drink is the Inn at the Crossroads located in Velen. The Innkeeper will always offer you full price for any food or drink that you want to sell.
Here’s what’s great about the Inn at The Crossroads:
- The Innkeeper will offer you full price for all food and drink you desire to sell.
The Inn at The Crossroads: https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Inn_at_the_Crossroads
9. Books and Scrolls - Best place to sell books
How to get to Books and Scrolls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKGbrXLBsjg
You can find books in basically every chest or destination where you can loot. Books begin to add up in your inventory, weighing you down and taking up precious space. Books and Scrolls is the perfect place to get rid of any unwanted text. Head to Novigrad and make your way to Heirach Square where the shop is located.
Here’s what’s great about Books and Scrolls -
- Merchants will usually accept books for less crowns than they’re worth, but the librarian will buy your books for close to if not the full amount of crowns they’re worth.
Books and Scrolls: https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Books_and_Scrolls
8. The Alchemist - Best place to sell trophies

How to get to the Alchemist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKGbrXLBsjg
Monster head trophies are a pretty dope achievement when you slay a difficult foe, but they don’t add much value to your play in the long run. Since you can rack up so many trophies, you’ll eventually want to sell them, but when you do you’re going to get a lot less than the 50 to 300 crowns that they’re worth.
The Alchemist is your best bet. You can find him right outside of Novigrad above Oxenfurt Gate. He will buy your trophies at full price.
Here’s what’s great about The Alchemist -
- He will buy your trophies at full price.
- He will acquire more crowns after he runs out when buying your trophies, so you can come back to him later if you need to.
The Alchemist: https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Alchemist_(Crematory)
7. Journeyman Armorer - Best place to sell armor

How to get to the Journeyman Armorer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x44XDjr4Mlc
Throughout The Witcher 3, you’re probably going to lose count of all the armor you acquire. As you progress through the game, the armor gets more and more valuable, and while you can stash the unwanted gear, you can also sell them for a pretty penny.
You’ll find the Journeyman Armorer in Novigrad at the northwest corner of Hierarch Square.
Here’s what’s great about the Journeyman Armorer:
- With over 4,000 crowns, the Armorer has a lot of money to spare for your unwanted armor.
- Any armor you sell to an armorer will give you a 20% bonus, and selling to armorers in Novigrad gives you an extra 10%.
Journeyman Armorer: https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Armorer_(Hierarch_Square)
6. Yoanna - Best place to sell armor

How to get to Yoanna: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rjk8CCYPNt4
Not only is Yoanna a babe, she’s also a master armorer that has a lot of coin to spare. You can find her working at the Bloody Barron’s estate, Crow’s Perch, in Velen. To unlock her you’ll need to finish the level 24 side quest titled “Master Armorer”.
Here’s what’s great about Yoanna -
- Yoanna has a generous 5,920 crowns to spare for any items you want to sell.
- Any armor you sell to an armorer will give you a 20% bonus, and selling to armorers in Novigrad gives you an extra 10%.
Yoanna: https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Yoana
5. The Merchant at Silverton docks - Best place to sell at full price
How to get to the Merchant at Silverton docks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKGbrXLBsjg
This merchant seems a bit random and looks like a bum, but he’s a gem. With over 200 empty bottles for sale in his own inventory, my guy doesn’t have much to offer, but he is willing to buy almost anything from you at full price.
To find the merchant you’ll need to be in Novigrad and head to the docks in the north of Silverton. You’ll see him waiting close to the water. The only downside of this merchant is that he doesn’t have many coins to his name, so you need to pick and choose what to sell him. However, you can meditate or come back another time when his crowns are replenished.
Here’s what’s great about the Merchant at Silverton docks -
- He will buy mostly anything from you at full price, giving you the potential to make a lot of money.
The Merchant at Silverton docks: https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Merchant_(Silverton_docks)
4. Herbalist (Glory Lane) - Best for selling alchemy equipment
How to get to the Herbalist (Glory Lane): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uuJ-OjZyEw
The Herbalist is located along Glory Lane in Novigrad which is near Hierarch Square. Many herbalists will buy your alchemy equipment, but most will pick and choose.
Here’s what’s great about the Herbalist (Glory Lane) -
- He has a decent sum of money and he will buy any and all the alchemy equipment you have to sell.
- As an added bonus you can also go to him to purchase the quest item “bundle of burdock”.
Herbalist (Glory Lane): https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Herbalist_(Glory_Lane)
3. Éibhear Hattori - Best place to sell all unwanted weapons

How to get to Éibhear Hattori: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rjk8CCYPNt4
Unwanted weapons will take up a ton of inventory space. Rather than just drop the weapons, it’s best to sell them and get more money for future purchases.
The best place to sell unwanted weapons is to the elven master swordsmith, Éibhear Hattori. Once you finish the quest titled “Of Swords and Dumplings” then you can unlock the ability to visit him. He is located on the portside gate in Novigrad.
Here’s what’s great about selling to Éibhear Hattori -
- He will take all unwanted items like weapons, armor, upgrades, and horse accessories.
- With almost 10,000 crowns, he is very wealthy, so you can sell a lot to him.
- He’s not bad on the eyes…
Éibhear Hattori: https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/%C3%89ibhear_Hattori
2. Journeyman Blacksmith (Tourney Grounds) - Richest in Toussaint

How to get to the Blacksmith at the Tourney Grounds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rjk8CCYPNt4&t=313s
Now we're getting into the best places to sell your items later on in the game, specifically when you’re ready to delve in the Blood and Wine expansion pack. At this point, you’re a seasoned Witcher player (hopefully) who has probably acquired a lot of valuable items. To find the Journeyman Blacksmith, head to Toussaint and you’ll find him at the Tourney Grounds.
Here’s what’s great about the Journeyman Blacksmith (Tourney Grounds):
- The blacksmith has over 14,000 crowns, so you’ll be able to sell a lot to him.
- He is a master blacksmither\ and he will be willing to offer nearly full price for your items.
Blacksmith (Tourney Grounds): https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Blacksmith_(Tourney_Grounds)
1. Journeyman Blacksmith (Arthach Ruins) - Richest in Toussaint

How to get to the Blacksmith at the Arthach Ruins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rjk8CCYPNt4&t=313s
This blacksmith is exclusive to the Blood and Wine expansion pack.To get to him you’ll needto be in Toussaint. You'll find him on the northern side of the Arthach Ruins palace after the palace is liberated of bandits.
Here’s what’s great about the Journeyman Blacksmith (Arthach Ruins):
- This blacksmith has a whopping 15,663 crowns which means you’ll be able to sell him a plethora of items without needing to meditate.
Journeyman Blacksmith (Arthach Ruins): https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Blacksmith_(Arthach_Palace_Ruins)
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