In this new Top from The Witcher 3, I will give you a rundown on the best Steel Swords and how to get them. And we’ll see which are the best ones at the early game and late game. I wouldn't want to dull that soft silver blade on fatty human flesh. For that matter, steel swords are just as important as tools for witchers.
Now let’s start with this Top, hope you will find this very useful for your gameplay!
11. Mourner (Early game)

The Mourner is a good early game blade that requires only level 4 to equip, it is a relic type weapon and it can be bought from scavengers near the bridge north of Lindenvale for 525 crown(s) (you'll get an additional 52 XP earned based on the Story and Swords!) or looted from their dead bodies.
62 – 76
+1 – 20 Armour-piercing
+4 – 10% Yrden Sign intensity
+5 – 22% Critical hit damage bonus
+1 – 2% Bonus experience from humans and nonhumans
Mourner full details: Link
10. Ultimatum (Early game)

The Ultimatum is another good Steel sword for the early game; it requires level 8/10, is another relic type weapon and can be found in a locked chest northwest of Byways, east of the Condyle peninsula during The Dead Have No Defense.
88 – 108 / 100 – 122
+5 – 10% Igni Sign intensity
+17% Critical hit damage bonus
+2 – 4% Critical hit chance
+8% Chance to stagger
Ultimatum full details: Link
9. Ashrune (Early game)

The Ashrune is another pretty good early game Steel sword, again a relic type, which can be equipped at level 12 / 14 / 18 / 21 and based on the level the damage raises. It can be obtained by looting a chest atop Yngvar's Fang.
120 – 146 / 133 – 163 / 161 – 197 / 184 – 224
+1 – 5% Critical hit damage bonus
+5% Chance to freeze
+1 – 3% Chance to dismember
+1 – 2% Bonus experience from humans and nonhumans
Ashrune full details: Link
8. Longclaw (Early to Mid game)

The Longclaw is a good Steel sword to start using mid-game, always a relic type, and can be equipped at levels 15 / 21 / 23 / 35 and based on the level the damage raises. One can be looted from Morvudd. It can be crafted too and requires level 37, to craft it you need Blacksmith / Journeyman and these items Monster feather ×1, Dark steel ingot ×1, Monster claw ×1, Monster brain ×1, Amethyst ×1 and the stats are better than the relic version.
Stats relic:
137 – 167 / 179 – 219 / 197 – 241 / 280 – 342
+10 – 50 Armour-piercing
+5 – 10% Yrden Sign intensity
+1 – 3% Chance to dismember
+2 – 5% Bonus experience from humans and nonhumans
Stats crafted:
297 – 363
+50 Armor piercing
+30% Yrden Sign intensity
+10% chance to dismember
+5% Bonus experience from humans and nonhumans
Longclaw full details: Link relic/Crafted
7. Ofieri kilij (Mid game)

The Ofieri kilij is the first real best Steel sword in mid-game on the “Hearts of Stone” expansion, still a relic type, can be equipped at level 35 and it can be found in Novigrad Far Outskirts (von Everec Estate) - Found in a chest in the family crypt.
289 – 353
+100 Armor piercing
+15% Aard Sign intensity
+15% Igni Sign intensity
+10% Critical hit chance
+10% Chance to cause burning
Ofieri kilij full details: Link
6. Iris (Mid-game)

This is a very cool Steel sword even though it is a saber, this saber belonged to Olgierd von Everec and was named for his wife Iris, née Bilewitz. It is received from Olgierd as a quest reward, if Geralt decides to put his own soul on the line to defend Olgierd and defeat Gaunter O'Dimm. It requires level 37.
The sword adopts a unique mechanic in combat. When the blade flashes red, using a strong attack can deal an incredibly powerful strike, however, it costs vitality by 15% of the maximum vitality. The blade will flash red, striking a target with few fast attacks in a short period. The charged strong strike can bypass blocks and has a strong knockdown effect similar to the Aard Sign of intense power.
Iris hits twice if any kind of strong attack is executed regardless of the sword being charged, including Rend. If you want to use Iris as their primary damage, strong attacks are what you need to go for. Vitality is not lost as long as the sword is uncharged, this means that the benefit of increased damage can be enjoyed as long as the sword remains uncharged.
327 – 399
Weapon charges with energy during combat. When its color changes to red, a strong attack will release this energy in an extra powerful strike, at the cost of part of the attacker's Vitality.
Iris full details: Link
5. Grandmaster Wolven steel sword (Mid to late game)

A great mid to late sword, The Grandmaster Wolven steel sword is a steel sword and part of the Wolf School gear in the "Blood and Wine" expansion of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. If Geralt is wearing at least 2 other pieces of Wolf School gear, up to three different oils can be applied to the sword at a time. It requires level 40.
It can be found from the location where you find the Grandmaster Wolven Armor, make an about-face and into the room you came from. Head into a small room where rocks have fallen and find a body on the ground.
335 – 409
+11% Sign intensity
+11% Adrenaline Point gain
+11% Critical hit chance
+11% Chance to cause bleeding
+5% Bonus experience from humans and nonhumans
The Grandmaster Wolven steel sword full details: Link
4. Belhaven blade (Late game)

Belhaven blade is a late game craftable Steel sword, very strong and good, it can be crafted only if you possess the "Blood and Wine" expansion of The Witcher 3. You will need to be a Blacksmith / Master and these crafting materials to craft it, 2× Leather scraps, 2× Enriched dimeritium ingot, 1× Acid extract, 1× Sapphire and requires level 46.
364 – 444
+30% Aard Sign intensity
+100% Critical hit damage bonus
+15% Critical hit chance
+15% Chance to poison
+5% Bonus experience from humans and nonhumans
Belhaven blade full details: Link
3. Blave (Late game)

The Blave is another late game Steel sword from the expansion “Blood and Wine”, it gives the option for players to utilize critical damage instead of just signs. It is given as a reward if Geralt beats Hamal ogn Dangbahli in the first round of the Gwent tournament during Gwent: To Everything - Turn, Turn, Tournament!. Requires level 49 and can reach max level 100.
390 – 476
+15% Aard Sign intensity
+24% Igni Sign intensity
+15% Axii Sign intensity
+75% Critical hit damage bonus
+15% Critical hit chance
Blave full details: Link
2. Toussaint Ducal Guardsman's steel sword (Late game)

I would say this is the best late game Steel sword, but it is good only if your build is mainly on the strength and melee side. It can be obtained only if you have the expansion “Blood and Wine”, this sword can be looted from the griffin which attacks during Geralt's posing session with the painter. It requires level 49 and can reach level 100.
390 – 476
+200 Armor piercing
+50% Critical hit damage bonus
+30 percent Quen sign intensity
+10% Critical hit chance
+10% Chance to cause bleeding
Toussaint Ducal Guardsman's steel sword full details: Link
Vitis (Late game)

The Vitis is absolutely the best Steel sword in The Witcher 3 if your build is about magic. It's a must-have sword for anyone using the Griffin School set or anyone who likes magic. Another sword available from the “Blood and Wine” expansion, this sword can be found along with a complete set of relic Toussaint armour in the Land of a Thousand Fables, near Longlocks' tower and the Vizima Dragon. It requires level 51 and can reach max level 100.
404 – 494
+20% Aard Sign intensity
+20% Igni Sign intensity
+20% Quen Sign intensity
+20% Yrden Sign intensity
+20% Axii Sign intensity
Vitis full details: Link
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