What are the most valuable fishes in WoW Dragonflight?
Fishing is a relaxing profession that we have all enjoyed before in all kinds of RPGs, single-player or online. If you want to get serious about fishing in World of Warcraft, then this is the list for you.
We will go over the most valuable fishes in WoW Dragonflight, how to get them, their average price, and their unique characteristics. Grab your bait and come along.
10. Aileron Seamoth
Aileron Seamoth is one of the most common fishes you’ll be able to catch at the Dragon Isles. These have a really good catch chance and can be found all over the place in WoW Dragonflight. A good starting point for players looking to earn gold with fishing at the current expansion, but not as good as some of the next entries on the list.
Why Aileron Seamoth is valuable:
- Sells for 5 gold at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- New fish released in Dragonflight, which means high demand for new recipes;
- Common fish that can be caught in many locations and big quantities while still having a good selling price;
- Good for beginners.
How to get Aileron Seamoth:
- Fishing at The Waking Shores, The Azure Span, Ohn’ahran Plains and Thaldraszus.
9. Cerulean Spinefish
The Cerulean Spinefish is basically the same as the Aileron Seamoth. Both sell for around the same average price at the Auction House and are entry-level catches for fishermen in Dragonflight along with the next two entries on the list.
Why Cerulean Spinefish is valuable:
- Sells for 5 gold 4 silver at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- New fish released in Dragonflight, which means high demand for new recipes;
- Common fish that can be caught in many locations and big quantities while still having a good selling price;
- Good for beginners.
How to get Cerulean Spinefish:
- Fishing at The Waking Shores, The Azure Span, Ohn’ahran Plains and Thaldraszus.
8. Thousandbite Piranha
Continuing our section of beginner-friendly catches is the Thousandbite Piranha. Again, this one share most of the characteristics of the two previous fishes, so you’ll be selling a lot of these when you start fishing in Dragonflight.
Why Thousandbite Piranha is valuable:
- Sells for 5 gold 25 silver at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- New fish released in Dragonflight, which means high demand for new recipes;
- Common fish that can be caught in many locations and in big quantities while still having a good selling price;
- Good for beginners.
How to get Thousandbite Piranha:
- Fishing at The Waking Shores, The Azure Span, Ohn’ahran Plains, Valdrakken, Vault of the Incarnates and Thaldraszus.
7. Temporal Dragonhead
Last but not least is the Temporal Dragonhead, this is the common fish with the highest price in Dragonflight currently, but not by much. You can catch Temporal Dragonheads all over the Dragon Isles, just like the previous fishes on the list.
Why Temporal Dragonhead is valuable:
- Sells for 5 gold 9 silver (NA) and 6 gold 98 silver (EU) at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- New fish released in Dragonflight, which means high demand for new recipes;
- Common fish that can be caught in many locations and in big quantities while still having a good selling price;
- Good for beginners.
How to get Temporal Dragonhead:
- Fishing at The Waking Shores, The Azure Span, Ohn’ahran Plains, Valdrakken, Vault of the Incarnates and Thaldraszus.
6. Scalebelly Mackerel
The Scalebelly Mackerel would fall into the same category as the fish we have listed so far if it weren’t for a remarkable perk of this fish: throwing it back into the water increases your Fishing proficiency temporarily. What this means is that, even if the selling price of this fish isn’t much higher when compared to the previous ones, it can be used to catch higher-level fishes, making it a very valuable tool for anyone fishing in Dragonflight.
Why Scalebelly Mackerel is valuable:
- Sells for 9 gold 32 silver (NA) and 5 gold 44 silver (EU) at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- New fish released in Dragonflight, which means high demand for new recipes;
- Common fish that can be caught in many locations and in big quantities while still having a good selling price;
- Good for beginners;
- Can be used to get a fishing bonus, allowing you to catch higher-level fish easier.
How to get Scalebelly Mackerel:
- Fishing at The Waking Shores, The Azure Span, Ohn’ahran Plains, Valdrakken, Vault of the Incarnates and Thaldraszus.
5. Magma Thresher
Now we are entering the money-making territory. Magma Thresher is the first fish on this list which is a part of the all-new Specialty Fishing system. Fishes included in this category all have unique characteristics which make them more valuable than regular catches. The Magma Thresher, for example, can be prospected in order to get valuable gems and ores. Keep in mind that you do need to unlock Lava Fishing through the Renown system before going after Magma Threshers.
Why Magma Thresher is valuable:
- Sells for 7 gold 50 silver (NA) and 12 gold 70 silver (EU) at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- New fish released in Dragonflight, which means high demand for new recipes;
- Is a part of the new Specialty Fishing system;
- Can be used for prospecting.
How to get Magma Thresher:
- Lava Fishing at The Waking Shores.
4. Raw Whitescale Salmon
Raw Whitescale Salmon is the only fish on this list that wasn’t introduced in WoW Dragonflight. In fact, it is a rather old fish in World of Warcraft, and it has remained very valuable over the years due to its remarkable quality as a cooking reagent. This is your go-to fish if you just own the base game of World of Warcraft and not the Dragonflight expansion.
Why Raw Whitescale Salmon is valuable:
- Sells for 17 gold 90 silver (NA) and 180 gold (EU) at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- Best selling price for EU players;
- Best fish for players who do not own the Dragonflight expansion;
- Prices for this fish have remained very high over the years due to it being a great cooking reagent, making it a reliable source of income.
How to get Raw Whitescale Salmon:
- Fishing at many locations such as Blasted Lands and Feralas.
3. Frosted Rimefin Tuna
Moving on with the Specialty Fishing catches we have the Frosted Rimefin Tuna. These frozen fishes can be caught at frozen lakes all around the Dragon Isles as soon as you unlock Ice Fishing through the Renown system and sell for a very good price at the Auction House.
Why Frosted Rimefin Tuna is valuable:
- Sells for 26 gold (NA) and 38 gold 90 silver (EU) at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- New fish released in Dragonflight, which means high demand for new recipes;
- Is a part of the new Specialty Fishing system.
How to get Frosted Rimefin Tuna:
- Ice Fishing at The Waking Shores, The Azure Span, Ohn’ahran Plains and Thaldraszus.
2. Islefin Dorado
While the Islefin Dorado isn’t a Specialty Fishing catch, it is a rare fish native to the Dragon Isles that sells for an amazing price at the Auction House. This is the most valuable fish currently in the game outside of the Renown system and the second most valuable overall. A great option.
Why Islefin Dorado is valuable:
- Sells for 37 gold (NA) and 63 gold 40 silver (EU) at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- New fish released in Dragonflight, which means high demand for new recipes;
How to get Islefin Dorado:
- Fishing at The Waking Shores, The Azure Span, Ohn’ahran Plains, Valdrakken, Vault of the Incarnates and Thaldraszus.
1. Prismatic Leaper
Finishing off our list is the Prismatic Leaper, a very versatile fish that can be used as a reagent for many Cooking recipes that are in the current meta and also for milling in order to obtain very valuable materials. This is the fish you should be aiming for if you want to get rich with fishing in WoW Dragonflight.
Why Prismatic Leaper is valuable:
- Sells for 68 gold (NA) and 31 gold (EU) at the Auction House;
- Best selling price for NA players;
- New fish released in Dragonflight, which means high demand for new recipes;
- Is a part of the new Specialty Fishing system;
- Can be used for milling.
How to get Prismatic Leaper:
- Fishing at The Azure Span, Ohn’ahran Plains and Thaldraszus.
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