Gaming News, Movie News, Fantasy News and more

The possibility of space travel and all the dangers and…

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Ever wonder what stray cats get up to all day? Besides…

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Open-world RPG games are one of the most popular game…

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Crawling through actual dungeons does NOT sound like…

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Every once in a while, people will have a mind-altering…

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While slavery may be considered a sin of the past, for…

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Losing a family member is an incredible tragedy. The…

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Fear is as common as the air breathed on earth. Fear is…

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Since the beginning of humankind, people have been doing…

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Mysteries are intriguing by nature, begging to be solved…

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The ‘Souls’ games have proven to be highly popular. In…

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Racing cars are fast. They can attain incredible speeds…

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The extinction of various animals throughout the earth’s…

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Everybody likes a good underdog story, and hearing about…

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Not everybody appreciates dark humor. Some people are…

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Hyperbolica is built to challenge convention. Imagine a…

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Imagine for a moment what it would be like to be a gun.…

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Nobody will ever tell you that pursuing crime as a…

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The idea of a zombie apocalypse has been thoroughly…

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Star Wars is as iconic in the world of science fiction…

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Battledroid is a real-time RTS wargaming simulator built…

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Music is one of the things that has united people across…

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Thinking about what one would do during an emergency, or…

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The fascinating process of game development or level…

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Imagine a future filled with automation, more automation…

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The advancements and improvements that are made to live…

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World domination is something several ambitious men have…

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Life can be tough. It can be hard to bear. For some, it…

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Hitchhiking can be pretty dangerous. It can also be an…

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Democracy is currently probably the most popular form of…

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Everyone needs something to help them wind down after a…

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