11 MMORPGs with the Sexiest Female Characters: Page 6 of 11

11 MMORPGs with the sexiest female characters
Prepare to be mesmerized.

6. ArcheAge

ArcheAge is a fantasy MMORPG that aims to give players everything they want in an MMORPG, and then some. In addition to standard stuff like excellent combat, PvP, crafting, housing, etc., the game also boasts naval combat, farming (as in, gardening and planting tomatoes and stuff), a criminal system that allows players to become members of the jury and punish player criminals, and even using a glider to soar through the air.

As if the game can’t get any better, it’s also home to some of the most marvelous sights in game. And by “sights” we mean hot women (and men!). There are four races, including the charming Firran, who are, well, humanoid cats, and the exquisite Harani, who are this universe’s East Asians. The costumes range from the ravishing to the divine, and we’re glad to say they’re not all too ridiculous (although you’ll still spot a number of female knights with their bellies totally exposed).








Writer, Gamer, Dreamer
Gamer Since: 1986
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Bloodborne, Mortal Kombat X, Tera Online
Top 3 Favorite Games:Dark Souls II, Bioshock Infinite, Dragon Age: Inquisition

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oswald's picture

oswald 1 year 3 months ago

Nice post but say that the female characters of Elder Scrolls Online are sexy is a bit extreme. Them are so ugly and have pretty disgusting appearance... of course something that fit very well the western culture since they're afraid of sexy women... but still pretty disgusting and ugly.

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