5 Important Details You Should Know Before Playing The Upcoming Expansion
In June, Zenimax Online Studios will be releasing their newest addition to The Elder Scrolls Online which will take place on the island of Vvardenfell, located in the province of Morrowind.
The new expansion will be adding a lot of new content to an already massive game, but here are the five most important things for you to know before setting foot on Vvardenfell.
5) The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind Is Set 700 Years Before TES III: Morrowind
Veterans of the series may recognize the city of Balmora with its ruined Dwarven tower looming nearby.
For players who have spent time in TES III Morrowind, there are sure to be some characters and locations that will be familiar. But because TESO: Morrowind takes place 700 years in the past, iconic places like Vivec City and Red Mountain will look quite a bit different, and Imperial settlements like Pelagiad, Caldera, and the numerous fortresses will not be present because the Empire is centuries away from colonizing the island. Also, the competition and rivalry between the ruling Great Houses will be as ruthless as ever.
Some may be relieved to know that the notorious Blight Storms, the Ghost Fence, and the corrupted servants of Dagoth Ur have yet to emerge, Vvardenfell will still be dangerous. Although long gone by the time of TES III, cliffstriders and fetcherflies will pose a danger to any wandering adventurer caught unawares.
4) Vvardenfell Is The Largest Landmass to Be Added To The Game
Morrowind's landscape stands out as otherworldly and unique not only within the Elder Scrolls series, but in the general gaming community as well.
Dominating the northeast corner of Tamriel, the island of Vvardenfell is one of the largest and most unique geographical regions on the continent. Vvardenfell will be several times larger than any of the game's previous expansions and will be incorporating the TES III Morrowind's height maps, producing a version of the island that should remain faithful to the original. The island's diverse ecosystem, ranging from arid ash wastes to towering fungal forests, will no doubt provide players with plenty to explore more so than anything released up to this point.
Vvardenfell is also designed to allow players to be able to start right in on the new content without having spent any time with base game or visiting any of the previously released locations.
3) New Trials That Take Place In Familiar Locations
Although you may be on familiar terms with the landscape, there's a high likelihood that the enemies dwelling therein may not be as much in that regard. Be on your guard!
Originally implemented with the introduction of the Craglorn area, Trials require a group of twelve players to work cooperatively to take down difficult sets of enemies and bosses. TESO: Morrowind will be featuring two such Trials, one in the Telvanni mushroom tower of Tel Fyr, and the other within the strange Clockwork City.
In TES III, Tel Fyr was home to an ancient and eccentric Telvanni sorcerer named Divayth Fyr who encouraged thieves and adventurers to loot the artifacts in the tunnels beneath the tower. Players may also remember the Clockwork City, the strange and perplexing labyrinth designed by the reclusive living-god Sotha Sil. If what we've seen in the past in TES III serves as any indicator, these new Trials will most likely center around or involve these two characters in one way or another.
2) Players Can Participate In New PvP Modes
Not feeling like entering the on-going quagmire in Cyrodiil but still want a traditional dash of PvP action? TESO: Morrowind's Battlegrounds will be right up your foyada!
Up until now, PvP combat in TESO has focused solely on the ongoing Alliance War between the game's three major factions (Aldmeri Dominion, Daggerfall Covenant, and the Ebonheart Pact) and their fight to take control over Cyrodiil, the heartland of the Empire. In this new expansion however, players get to join one of three new teams independent of the main factions and face each other in Battlegrounds on Vvardenfell.
These Battlegrounds will offer short, quick multiplayer challenges like Capture The Flag, Domination, and Team Deathmatch as an alternative to the longer, drawn-out campaigns in Cyrodiil, and might be good for new players testing out the PvP system or veterans looking for a more traditional multiplayer experience.
1) TESO: Morrowind Will Feature The New Warden Class
From what we've seen in the trailer, the Warden uses creature summons, frost spells, and swordsmanship to neutralize any and all threats.
In addition to all of the new content, locations, and PvP modes, players will have access to a new nature-themed Warden character class. While the finer details of what the new Warden class can do are not yet revealed, we know that players will be able to summon large bears and possibly other animals to aid them in battle along with other druid-like abilities.For those coming back after a long hiatus, starting off in Vvardenfell with a new Warden character might bring a breath of fresh life back into the game, and others may want to see how the Warden's play style fares in the base game's content.
TESO: Morrowind won't be released until June 6th, but it is available for pre-order and includes the base game. Those who already own TESO can purchase the Morrowind expansion as an upgrade. A Collector's Edition and Digital Collector's Edition are available as well with each offering various in-game and physical items along with the purchase.
The addition of TESO: Morrowind and its hours of new content is sure to have long-time players of the series interested to try out the new features, and maybe those who have moved on from the game are now inspired to go back and get reacquainted. Either way, Vvardenfell's unique and rich atmosphere, setting, and characters will most likely bring a welcome jolt of life to the game and give us another excuse to head back to Tamriel!
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