CEO Q&A Session Officially Declares PC Release of Fighting Game
In a special CEO Q&A session on the official forum, the Iron Galaxy representatives have confirmed the ongoing development of the 2013 XBOX One launch title “Killer Instinct”.
They also speak about in-game characters with a lot of interest on Shadow Jago, technical step-ups like having a lot of plans on the lighting and other graphical polish in the PC port and Windows 10 integration. The graphical tweaks, however, are at their planning stage as of now, and will be largely dependent on the future of the game and the studio.
Jago fights Sabrewulf
What can be a cause of concern for PC gamers is the way Iron Galaxy handled the PC port of Batman: Arkham Knight. Although the Q&A session confirmed that some of the staff who worked on the original 2013 title for the XBOX One have been retained for the PC port, it goes without saying that some fans remain skeptical to the development of this title. However these staff members are working in tandem to the PC experts at Iron Galaxy, so there is plenty of reason to hope for the best.
Fans have been promised news of further development at EVO and Gamescom.