Wanna start racking up some Infamy points?
Corrupted Dungeons are the best way for players to find fair fights. Unlike in the open world, people can’t kill you by simply outnumbering you inside these dungeons.
And if you’ve played Albion Online for a while, you’ve probably died at least a dozen times to groups of gankers—unless you never step out of the blue and yellow zones. But where’s the fun in that?
Since these dungeons are strictly 1v1, you have nothing else to rely on but your skills and your build. To help you get those tasty CD loots, here are the top 5 best builds for Corrupted Dungeons.
5. Warbow Ranger
Try this Warbow Build in Stalkers | Corrupted Dungeons | Albion Online
The Roaming Warbow is one of the best open-world, solo builds, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that it’s also good in Corrupted Dungeons.
Your playstyle is practically the same in Corrupted Dungeons, except that you can also utilize the environment to your advantage. And this can be very helpful depending on how good you are at kiting.
Poisoned Arrow (Q3) is the best Q skill here because of the consistent DOT it offers. Multishot (Q1) and Deadly Shot (Q2) are also viable in specific matchups, but Poisoned Arrow provides higher overall damage output. You only have one enemy inside these dungeons, so single-target DOT is king.
For your W skill, you can choose between Frost Shot (W2) and Ray of Light (W4). If you think you’ll be kiting more than chasing, then Frost Shot is the better choice. But if you’re facing an enemy who kites (and runs away) more than you do, then Ray of Light is more effective for catching and dealing long-range damage.
The Warbow’s Magic Arrow is your other source of good damage. Its damage depends on your distance (technically, time passed after casting) from the enemy, so it’s excellent for finishing off the enemy who’s running away. It also has a remarkably low cooldown of just 10 seconds, making it a spammable high-damage skill.
Mage Cowl’s Poison is just a weaker version of the Poisoned Arrow. It deals a higher total DOT, but it has a 10x higher cooldown at 30 seconds. But the good thing is that it doesn’t cost any mana, so you can use it every single time that it’s off cooldown.
This build is amazing for kiting—disengaging and re-engaging your enemy. Your Frost Shot + Ambush combo lets you disengage effectively when your enemy is trying a combo of their own. You can then turn around and kill them when most of their skills are already on cooldown.
Assassin Jacket’s Ambush is highly effective against builds that rely on long-cooldown buffs like Mercenary Jacket or Regular Bow. Whenever your enemy pops their Bloodlust or Enchanted Quiver, you can use Ambush and just wait until the duration of their buff expires. This allows you to essentially waste their main skills, which you can then take advantage of.
For the additional consistent damage, Thetford Cape is the cape of choice, together with Pork Omelette for the cooldown reduction. Any leather shoes will work with this set since you only need Refreshing Sprint, and you have Healing Potions to help you survive.
What Warbow Ranger excels in:
- Wearing down your enemy via consistent damage
- Kiting playstyle
- Disengaging and re-engaging
Warbow Ranger full details:
- Weapon: Warbow
- Head: Mage Cowl
- Chest: Assassin Jacket
- Shoes: Any leather shoes
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Healing Potions
4. Classic Claymore
Players call this the Classic Claymore because Claymore has been one of the best and most used weapons in Corrupted Dungeons ever since they were introduced. Of course, the metagame changes from time to time. But while fewer people play Claymore unlike before, this weapon isn’t bad by any stretch.
Like with most swords, your gameplay revolves around stacking and maintaining as many Heroic Charges as possible so you can deal as much auto-attack damage as possible to your enemy. When facing an enemy, you should always try to gain some charges first before engaging them.
In Corrupted Dungeons, Heroic Strike (Q1) may seem better than Heroic Cleave (Q2) since you’re guaranteed to fight only 1 enemy. But Heroic Cleave allows you to easily gain more Heroic Charges by using it on the mobs. You can even use it on the demonic shards to gain more charges!
Having multiple Heroic Charges also boosts your movement speed, giving you better chances of catching kiting builds like the Warbow Ranger.
Speaking of Heroic Charges, Claymore’s Iron Will (W2) instantly gives you a Heroic Charge while also providing a significant defense boost and immunity to purge. This is the main W skill for most matchups due to the mobility and utility that it offers.
Splitting Slash (W4) and Parry Strike (W5) are also good. But you need to have good experience to determine the situations and matchups where these skills would be better. Splitting Slash is often more effective against kiting builds like bows. While Parry Strike is good against builds with high burst damage, such as other Claymore builds and One-Handed Curse Staff.
The Claymore’s great solo PvP potential lies in its unique skill, Charge. It deals extremely high damage depending on the number of Heroic Stacks on you. The more stacks you have, the high the damage.
Charge is often both your initiating skill and your finisher. You can use it to close the gap between you and your enemy and force start the fight. If they fight, good! But if they run, you have enough mobility to catch up to most builds.
Cleric Robe’s Everlasting Spirit is mainly used defensively due to the invulnerability buff, but you can use it offensively as well. It increases your damage during its duration, so you can time it with your Charge for a 30% boost to your burst. Frost Shield is a decent alternative if you’re facing builds that rely on consistent damage like Regular Bow or Frost Staves.
Fiend Cowl is there for the great utility that Purge offers. And you have Thetford Cape, Royal Sandals, Deadwater Eel Stew, and Poison Potion to boost your overall DPS.
What Classic Claymore excels in:
- Versatility and flexibility - you can easily adapt to different matchups
- Good mobility as a melee DPS
- Good burst damage
Classic Claymore full details:
- Weapon: Claymore
- Head: Fiend Cowl
- Chest: Cleric Robe/Mage Robe
- Shoes: Royal Sandals
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Deadwater Eel Stew
- Potion: Poison Potion
3. Fists of Avalon
Fun fact: Fists of Avalon is the weapon’s real name, not a build name that someone came up with. Cool, huh?
Aside from having a cool name, the Fists of Avalon also possess great power in solo PvPs. It’s a bruiser build that also has built-in mini combos in its skillset—this build has 3 skills with combos! Your gameplay revolves around utilizing your mobility and utilities to eventually wear out your enemy.
Dragon Leap (Q2) is the staple Q skill for most War Gloves builds. Its CC from the combo effect is a useful interrupt, and it synergizes well with your other skills.
In the open world, Triple Kick (W1) is almost always the skill to use. But in Corrupted Dungeons, players often prefer Devastating Combo (W4).
Triple Kick is still good due to the decent damage and pull effect. But some players find Devastating Combo more reliable due to its overall higher damage output and knockback effect. To maximize the knockback effect, try to throw your enemy into traps and hazards, such as lava pools and fireballs.
Purifying Combination is your main skill—and as the name suggests, it’s another combo skill that purges your enemy. Aside from the purge and damage, it’s also a useful mobility tool for either escaping or chasing. The skill has an overall reach of 23m (12-meter leap on the 1st cast, 10-meter damage range on the 2nd), and you’re practically invulnerable while leaping.
The Assassin Jacket’s Ambush allows you to quickly disengage and reset or disengage and re-engage with your combo. It’s an effective maneuvering tool that lets you outplay your enemy. If you’re facing another bruiser, you can switch to Inferno Shield instead for the increased resistances and reflect.
Guardian Boots’ Giant gives you more survivability with the additional health plus more mobility with the bonus movement speed. But there are many situations where you’ll need Rejuvenating Spring instead for the improved mobility buff.
Mage Cowl’s Poison, Thetford Cape, Deadwater Eel Stew, and Poison Potion are all standard sets for the additional DPS they provide. You can swap in a Healing Potion if you feel like you’re dying too quickly, especially if most of your deaths are too close where you just needed that extra HP.
What Fists of Avalon excels in:
- Mobility and maneuvering
- Executing mini-combos
- Disengaging and re-engaging
Fists of Avalon full details:
- Weapon: Fists of Avalon
- Head: Mage Cowl
- Chest: Assassin Jacket
- Shoes: Guardian Boots
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Deadwater Eel Stew
- Potion: Healing Potion/Poison Potion
2. Solo Frost
Frost Staff outplays | Albion Online PvP | NEW META | Corrupted Dungeons
Next here is the only mage build on this list—the Solo Frost. Unlike the previous builds, Solo Frost is not meant for slicing, punching, or arrowing your enemies. Your main gameplay is to blast your enemy with your magical ice skills and quickly delete their HP.
Both Frostbolt (Q1) and Ice Shard (Q2) are equally viable in CDs, and choosing one over the other depends entirely on your preference and analysis of the current matchup. Ice Shard has a decent advantage over Frostbolt in terms of damage, but Frostbolt has the added slowing effect.
The AOE of Ice Shard doesn’t matter in CDs since you’ll only have exactly one enemy. Though, for players with relatively high ping or those who just suck at skillshots, you’ll probably have a harder time hitting your enemy with Ice Shard.
Frost Nova (W2) is one of the best skills in the game, and it’s no different inside Corrupted Dungeons. I would say that it’s actually better inside CDs because of how crucial mobility is inside these dungeons.
Aside from escaping or chasing, you can tactically use Frost Nova to root your enemy in traps and hazards. The root takes effect on the source area, so you can try to bait your enemy in an unfavorable position and then hold them with Frost Nova.
Similarly, Freezing Wind also roots your target while dealing decent damage. It’s not a powerful skill in terms of the damage, but it offers great CC with a relatively low cooldown and decent range.
Mistcaller and Tome of Spells are both viable for your off-hand. Though, most players prefer the Mistcaller because the cooldown reduction is better than the energy regen and cast time reduction in most situations. Also, Mistcaller cooldown reduction and Pork Omelette buff increase your overall damage output by a ton, especially when you have Morgana Cape active.
For better survivability, you should use Guardian Boots and Healing Potion. Guardian Boots offer a valuable HP and movement speed buff, but Rejuvenating Sprint is just as common for the better movement bonus.
You also have Mage Cowl for the Ice Block, which you can use to counter many skills and even mobs or hazard effects. Just don’t use it carelessly because its cooldown is one-minute long.
If you’re facing buff-reliant builds, you have the Purging Shield from the Mage Robe to counter them. Casting it also increases your resistances, which is always a useful buff.
But if your enemy doesn’t have any high-impact buff and you just want the resistance bonus, you can use Frost Shield instead. Cultist Robe is another good option for increased survivability and mobility.
What Solo Frost excels in:
- Insane overall damage output potential
- Burst magic damage
- Mobility + CC
Solo Frost full details:
- Weapon: Frost Staff
- Off-Hand: Mistcaller/Tome of Spells
- Head: Cleric Cowl
- Chest: Mage Robe/Cultist Robe
- Shoes: Guardian Boots
- Cape: Morgana Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Healing Potion
1. OP Trinity
Just a Regular Trinity Spear in Stalker Corrupted Dungeons | Albion Online
Contrary to the build’s name, I don’t really consider Trinity Spear as overpowered. But I also won’t deny that it’s currently one of the best weapons for Corrupted Dungeons—and that’s why we have it as the top 1 on this list.
For clearing mobs in the dungeon, Lunging Strike (Q1) is the go-to. But during PvP, you’ll use Spirit Spear (Q2) a lot more. Spirit Spear buffs you with increased attack damage and range, and having the maximum 3 Spirit Charges practically makes this spear a ranged weapon (only temporarily, of course).
For your W skill, Impaler (W5) is the most common choice. It deals long-range, massive damage that also slows down your enemy.
But since versatility is the spear’s specialty, your other W skills are useful in certain matchups as well. Deflecting Spin (W4) is good against fire builds because of the reflect, and Harpoon (W6) can be effective against kiting builds and long-ranged weapons. Cripple (W2) is also useful when facing builds that have movement speed buffs, such as Sword builds or sets with Soldier Boots.
Your primary condition with this build is your Spectral Trident. Catching your enemy with the root and damage is almost always a guaranteed kill. The damage on impact is extremely high and will most likely take away at least 1/3 of your enemy’s total HP. The root + attack speed bonus lets you finish them off if they managed to survive your initial onslaught.
For a skill with this much power, Spectral Trident has a relatively low cooldown of only 30 seconds. Your main strategy is to stack up on Spirit Charges, hit your enemy with your high-damage, long-range auto-attacks, then finish them with a well-timed and well-placed Spectral Trident.
If you haven’t noticed yet by now (well, you should!), Fiend Cowl, Cleric Robe, and Thetford Cape are very common in Corrupted Dungeons.
These items are almost a must-have for most CD builds simply because of what they can offer: excellent utility from Purge, the combination of defensive and offensive buffs from Everlasting Spirit, and a consistent damage bonus from Thetford Cape. You can also switch out Fiend Cowl for a Mage Cowl if you want more DPS.
Guardian Boots is another good item for CDs thanks to its HP and movement speed buff, and you have Rejuvenating Sprint available if you want more mobility.
What OP Trinity excels in:
- Very versatile with a lot of utility
- Insane auto-attack damage (with Spirit Spear Charges)
- Good CC + burst damage in one skill
OP Trinity full details:
- Weapon: Trinity Spear
- Head: Fiend Cowl/Mage Cowl
- Chest: Cleric Robe
- Shoes: Guardian Boots
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Beef Stew
- Potion: Resistance Potion