All the gatherers and open-world fame farmers beware of the sneaky thieves that are trying to take all your hard-earned loot. If you are being murdered by gankers and are unsure of how to survive, here are the Best Albion Online Escape Builds:
5. Shadowblade
Top 4 Best ANTI GANK Builds | Albion Best Escape Builds (GUIDE)
Ok, hear me out. This dagger is so OP that it doesn’t only appear on the best killing builds but also on the best escape builds. I present to you the Bloodletter.
Deadly Swipe (Q2) leaps and deals AOE damage. It also applies one Assassin Spirit Charge (max 3 stacks) to you, if an enemy is hit. Each charge increases your damage. This is your lowest cooldown mobility ability; use it off-cooldown and try not to hit players with it.
Dash (W2) is your second mobility ability; it dashes towards a targeted point and increases your damage. This is the safest ability to use. If you have mastered Shadow Edge (W4) and know your surroundings very well, then use (W4), which throws a dagger. If it hits a mob or rabbit, you are pulled behind that object. Use this to look cool while you escape.
Lunging Stabs (E) is another dash ability that deals insane damage to enemies below 40% HP and good damage to those above 40% HP. Use this when far from enemies, and try not to hit any players.
The Harvester Cap, Harvester Garb, Harvester Workboots, and Resistance Potions are your defensive items.
How to use this build:
Use (W) to open the gap between you and the gankers-->(Q) and (E). Use these two carefully. Try not to hit any players so that you can mount up or leave for another area. Then use (F) and (Q) to reach safe areas. Use (R) to go invisible and deceive them. Use (D) as a last resort to get immunity.
What Shadowblade excels in:
- High mobility
- Good CC resistance
- Good sustain
Shadowblade full details:
- Weapon: Bloodletter
- Off-Hand: Mistcaller
- Head: Harvester Cap
- Chest: Harvester Garb
- Shoes: Harvester Workboots
- Cape: Fort Sterling Cape/ Undead Cape
- Food: Pork Pie
- Potion: Resistance Potion
4. Gymnast
Start at 4:24
Top 4 Best ANTI GANK Builds | Albion Best Escape Builds (GUIDE)
For all the gymnastics lovers out there, you will enjoy using the Double-Bladed Staff to run away from gankers.
Cartwheel (Q2). After all, gymnastics class paid off. This ability does a cartwheel, knocking back all the enemies and damaging them. If you take damage while doing it, you gain damage resistance and movement speed. Try not to hit anyone while doing this cool move.
Stun Run (W2). You gain some movement speed, and your next auto-attack stuns the enemy. Use it to run away.
Soaring Swipe (E). You make a huge leap towards a targeted position. If there are enemies on the way, they are slowed down and take damage. Try not to hit anyone with this spell.
The Mercenary Hood, Guardian Armor, Soldier Boots, Fort Sterling Cape, Pork Omelette, and Resistance Potions are your defensive items.
How to use this build:
(W)-->(F)--> When you open a gap, use (E), but be careful not to hit anyone--> If you are under the effect of CC, use (D); if they are on you, use (R) to reduce their damage and slow them--> Use a Resistance Potion if you are taking a lot of damage.
What Gymnast excels in:
- High mobility
- High CC resistance
- Good damage reduction
- Low cooldowns
Gymnast full details:
- Weapon: Double-Bladed Staff
- Head: Mercenary Hood
- Chest: Guardian Armor
- Shoes: Soldier Boots
- Cape: Fort Sterling Cape/ Undead Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Resistance Potion
3. Spin of Faith
Start at 7:21
Top 4 Best ANTI GANK Builds | Albion Best Escape Builds (GUIDE)
If you enjoy using a sword while fame farming and gathering, Dual Swords is one of your options to avoid death from gankers.
Your (Q) ability is not going to be used while running away from gankers. But if you are fame farming, Heroic Cleave (Q2) is the best option for groups of mobs, while Heroic Strike (Q1) is good for bosses.
Iron Will (W2). You gain immunity to purges when you activate this ability. In addition, you get increased movement speed and attack speed.
Spinning Blades (E) does a fancy spinny move, precisely like in a Turkish kingdom drama series. You leap towards a targeted point, dealing huge AOE damage based on your Heroic Charges. Hitting one enemy will increase your attack speed and your auto-attack damage. Don’t hit anyone while running away.
The Knight Helmet, Guardian Armor, Soldier Boots, Fort Sterling Cape, Pork Omelette, and Resistance Potions are your defensive items.
How to use this build:
(D)-->(W)-->(F)-->(E) try not to hit anyone. Use (R) and a Resistance Potion when you are surrounded.
What Spin of Faith excels in:
- High Mobility
- High CC resistance
- Good damage reduction
Spin of Faith full details:
- Weapon: Dual Swords
- Head: Knight Helmet
- Chest: Guardian Armor
- Shoes: Soldier Boots
- Cape: Fort Sterling Cape/ Undead Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Resistance Potion
2. Sword of Freedom

Link: https://albiononline.com/en/characterbuilder/solo-builds/view/117630
aocwaitingroom's best current light escape build
Carving Sword is the second option for sword users to avoid death from gankers.
Your (Q) ability has no impact while evading gankers, similar to the Dual Swords.
Your (W) ability will be Iron Will (W2). It increases your movement speed and defense. It also grants one Heroic Charge that increases your movement speed. In addition, while this ability is active, you are immune to purges.
Fearless Strike (E). You dash towards a targeted position, dealing significant damage and reducing the enemies’ damage resistance based on the Heroic Charges you have. With this ability, try to avoid hitting someone, as it will make it more difficult for you to escape.
The Miner Cap, Assassin Jacket, Quarrier Workboots, Fort Sterling Cape, Frostpeak Deadeye Pie, and Invisibility Potions are your defensive items.
How to use this build:
(R) to go invisible and open a gap-->(E) do not hit anyone with this ability-->(W)-->(F)-->(D) and finally use Invisibility Potion.
What Sword of Freedom excels in:
- High mobility
- High CC resistance
- High invisibility
Sword of Freedom full details:
- Weapon: Carving Sword
- Head: Miner Cap
- Chest: Assassin Jacket
- Shoes: Quarrier Workboots
- Cape: Fort Sterling Cape
- Food: Frostpeak Deadeye Pie
- Potion: Invisibility Potion
1. Staff of Invisibility
Start at 9:20
Top 4 Best ANTI GANK Builds | Albion Best Escape Builds (GUIDE)
If you are transporting some goods from one city to another and you want to be ready for any kind of ambush, you need to use the Double-Bladed Staff again, but with different clotting this time.
Note: You can use any weapon that has dash (E) and mobility (W), such as the Great Hammer and Bloodletter. I have used Double-Bladed Staff because of its low cooldown
Cartwheel (Q1) deals huge AOE damage and knocks back players. Use this ability to flee, not to hit anyone.
Stun Run (W2) will increase your movement speed. It also stuns the next enemy you auto-attack.
Your finest escape maneuver is the Soaring Swipe (E). You perform a huge jump, becoming Michael Jordan in his prime. It slows the enemies it hits and deals a lot of AOE damage.
The Mercenary Hood, Assassin Jacket, Soldier Boots, Fort Sterling Cape, Pork Omelette, and Invisibility Potions are your defensive items.
How to use this build:
(W)-->(F)-->(D)-->(Q)-->(E)-->(R)-->Invisibility Potion.
What Staff of Invisibility excels in:
- High mobility
- High CC resistance
- Low cooldown
- High invisibility
Staff of Invisibility full details:
- Weapon: Double-Bladed Staff
- Head: Mercenary Hood
- Chest: Assassin Jacket
- Shoes: Soldier Boots
- Cape: Fort Sterling Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Invisibility Potion
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