High-Risk, High-Reward
Static Dungeons are dungeons made for groups of people. They are entered through entrances in many areas. Unlike Solo Dungeons, Static Dungeons do not disappear after a while. As a result, completing the Static Dungeons is risky.
But if you have the courage to dive into those dungeons solo and beat the bosses, you will be rewarded excessively.
Here are the Albion Online Best Static Dungeon Builds:
5. Lifesteal Dagger
You need to come up with some unique builds in order to complete static dungeons. One of them is the Dagger build.
Deadly Swipe (Q2) will be your first ability. It leaps towards a targeted position and deals decent damage while providing you with Assassin Spirit Charges (max 3 stacks), which boost your damage. Some may argue that Sunder Armor (Q1), which reduces the enemy's damage resistance, should be used instead of Deadly Swipe (Q2). But (Q2) provides you with some mobility.
Throwing Blades (W1) throws three blades, which deal some damage. In addition, it increases your damage and movement speed (max 3 stacks). This ability is used for groups of mobs.
Chainslash (W5) charges in the direction of the foes, causing greater damage to the following foes (max 4 different targets). For bosses, use this one.
Bloodthirsty Blade (E). This ability gives you a good amount of auto-attack damage, movement speed, and 100% lifesteal while it lasts. However, while active, it deals self-damage. So, after using it, you need to hit the enemy. You can deactivate, which will put the ability on cooldown if there are no enemies around.
The Guardian Boots is your defensive item.
The Cryptcandle, Hunter Jacket, Demon Cape, Beef Stew, and Poison Potions are your offensive items.
How to use this build:
(R)-->(E) auto-attack--> use (F) to be tanky enough while reducing your cooldowns using (D)-->(R)-->(E).
Try to kill the mobs one by one.
What Lifesteal Dagger excels in:
- High single-target damage
- High sustain
- Good mobility
Lifesteal Dagger full details:
- Weapon: Dagger
- Off-Hand: Cryptcandle
- Head: Assassin Hood
- Chest: Hunter Jacket
- Shoes: Guardian Boots
- Cape: Demon Cape
- Food: Beef Stew
- Potion: Poison Potion
4. Warlord’s Crescent
3 Mil/HR soloing #landsawakened static group dungeons in #albiononline in yellow zone
If you want to feel invincible and have massive sustain, pair the Battleaxe with the Facebreaker.
Rending Rage (Q3) is your primary damage dealer. It is a three-combination ability. The first two do AOE damage and apply Rending Bleed Charges (max 3 stacks), which do DOT. You mostly use the first two. The third combo leaps towards a targeted position, dealing damage and rooting all enemies. Mostly, use the third combo to escape dangerous situations.
With Adrenaline Boost (W2), you can deal more damage and move and attack faster. To be more effective, use this before using the Hellion Jacket (R) or Blood Bandit (E).
The Blood Bandit (E) throws two axes. The first axe deals insane AOE damage, while the second one heals you significantly. You require three Rending Bleed Charges in order to heal and deal damage at maximum capacity.
The Facebreaker, Hellion Jacket, Shoes of Tenacity, Lymhurst Cape, Roast Pork, and Healing Potions are your defensive items.
How to use this build:
Gather the mobs, then use (Q) twice-->(W)--> when your HP drops below 50%, use (R)-->(Q)x2-->(E).
If you need more damage and HP, use (D)-->(R).
What Warlord’s Crescent excels in:
- Huge AOE damage
- Good sustain
- Good mobility
Warlord’s Crescent full details:
- Weapon: Battleaxe
- Off-Hand: Facebreaker
- Head: Specter Hood
- Chest: Hellion Jacket
- Shoes: Shoes of Tenacity
- Cape: Lymhurst Cape
- Food: Roast Pork
- Potion: Healing Potion
3. Staff of Immortality
My New Favorite Solo Money Maker
As the name says, if you want to be immortal, use the Druidic staff.
Thorn Growth (Q1) plants thorns in targeted positions, resulting in massive DOT. It also applies Thorns Charges (max 5 stacks) that slow the enemy, and each auto-attack deals more damage, consuming one Thorn Charge. You can cast it three times before it goes on a three-second cooldown.
You have to use two abilities here:
Revitalize (W2) is a channeling ability that heals a significant amount of HP and gives you some mana. If you take damage, the duration of the channel decreases, which leads to less healing. Use this ability against bosses.
Protection of Nature (W3) heals you, gives you damage resistance, and increases the healing you receive. Use this for groups of mobs.
After a delay, Spiritual Seed (E) insanely heals a selected ally.
The Mercenary Hood, Shoes of Tenacity, and Roast Pork are your defensive items.
The Demon Cape, Torch, and Poison Potions are your offensive items.
How to use this build:
For mobs: (W3)--> spam (Q) and auto-attacks.
For bosses: spam (Q)-->auto-attack-->use (W2) while the boss is casting an ability or between attacks--> use (E) and (R) then auto-attack if you need healing.
What Staff of Immortality excels in:
- Huge DOT
- Huge sustain
- Versatile
- Low cooldown
Staff of Immortality full details:
- Weapon: Druidic Staff
- Off-Hand: Torch
- Head: Specter Hood
- Chest: Mercenary Jacket
- Shoes: Shoes of Tenacity
- Cape: Demon Cape
- Food: Roast Pork
- Potion: Poison Potion
2. Demonic Sword
Are you thinking of taking a sword to a static dungeon, but you don’t know which one. Get the Clarent Blade with you and murder some mobs.
Heroic Cleave (Q2) swings your sword, dealing AOE damage and granting you Heroic Charges (max 3 stacks), which boost your attack and movement speed.
Parry Strike (W5) is your defensive ability and must be used when you can’t dodge the mob’s abilities. You become immune to damage, and you reflect all the damage onto the enemies. You also deal significant AOE damage after a delay.
Crescent Slash (E) fires a projectile that deals huge AOE damage. If you have a Heroic charge, it slows the enemies. If two charges, it silences them. If 3 charges, it does additional damage.
The Cryptcandle, Thetford Cape, and Poison Potions are your offensive items.
The Hellion Jacket, Shoes of Tenacity, and Cabbage Soup are your defensive items.
How to use this build:
(Q)--> When you get three charges, use (E)--> When your HP falls lower than 50%, use (R)-->(D)-->(R). Use (W) when the mobs cast abilities at you.
What Demonic Sword excels in:
- Huge AOE damage
- Huge sustain
- Huge AOE DOT
- Low cooldown
Demonic Sword full details:
- Weapon: Clarent Blade
- Off-Hand: Cryptcandle
- Head: Specter Hood
- Chest: Hellion Jacket
- Shoes: Shoes of Tenacity
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Avalonian Beef Stew/Cabbage Soup
- Potion: Poison Potion
1. Ghost Staff
The NEW Solo Static Dungeon/Group Dungeon Build
If you enjoy supernatural stuff, Shadowcaller is the one for you.
The Vile Curse (Q1) is used for bosses.It does low-impact damage but applies Vile Curse Charges (max 4 stacks) to the enemy, dealing massive DOT.
The Cursed Sickle (Q2) is used for groups of mobs. You throw a sickle that, after a distance, returns to you. It deals low impact damage, but it applies two Vile Curse Charges if used properly, which deal a huge DOT.
Grudge (W3) is used for bosses. Each autoattack deals more damage. If you wait two seconds between each auto-attack, the damage is maximized.
For hordes of mobs, use Armor Piercer (W1). The enemies are struck by a laser that you fire, significantly damaging them and decreasing their damage resistance.
The Inner Shadow (E) summons a ghost that:
Deals high DOT against cloth armor users.
Deals moderate DOT and lifesteals against leather armor users.
Deals huge AOE burst damage, slows and reduces the resistance of plate armor users.
The Thetford Cape, Mistcaller, Beef Stew, and Poison Potions are your offensive items.
The Hellion Jacket and Shoes of Tenacity are your defensive items.
How to use this build:
Just spam all your abilities. If you are against a group of mobs, start with (W) and then use (E) for optimal damage.
What Ghost Staff excels in:
- Huge DOT
- Good sustain
- Low cooldown
Ghost Staff full details:
- Weapon: Shadowcaller
- Off-Hand: Mistcaller
- Head: Assassin Hood
- Chest: Hellion Jacket
- Shoes: Shoes of Tenacity
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Beef Stew
- Potion: Poison Potion
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