What Are The Best Arena Builds in Albion Online?
The Arena is a 5v5 PvP where two teams have 150 points at the beginning. The first team to reach 0 points loses.
You can contest zones and kill players for point deduction.
If you like to be in a team environment and try to have some fun killing players,you have come to the right place. Here are the Top 10 Albion Online Best Arena Builds:
10. Spinning Axe
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3 UNBEATABLE Arena Builds That Will Solo Carry in Albion Online!
Because Arena is a 5 vs 5 (small-scale) PvP, AOE abilities are the preferred choice. The Great Axe is one of the best for AOE damage.
Rending Rage (Q3) is a great ability which roots at the end. But it is mostly effective in ganking or 1 vs 1. On the other hand, Rending Spin (Q2) is the best for Arena, having a 3-second cooldown and a great AOE.
For the (W), Raging Blades (W5) is used. It not only has a big AOE but also amplifies your damage.
Your ultimate ability is the spin of death. Whirlwind (E) is your main source of damage, dealing massive damage and finishing your opponents.
The best way to use this build is:
Begin with Self Ignition (R), which starts an AOE fire around you that deals damage, followed by Mark of Sacrifice (F), which makes you invisible and aids in closing the gap between you and your target. Raging Blades (W) for AOE damage and damage amplification, (D) to activate the shield (Q), and Whirlwind (E) to finish.
What Spinning Axe excels in:
- High burst AOE damage
- Good for chasing
- Good for jumping backline (squishy healer or DPS)
Spinning Axe full details:
- Weapon: T6+ Greataxe
- Head: Scholar cowl
- Chest: Specter Jacket
- Shoes: Hellion Shoes
- Cape: Keeper’s Cape
- Food: Beef Stew
- Potion: Resistance Potion
9. Enchanted Bow
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3 UNBEATABLE Arena Builds That Will Solo Carry in Albion Online!
You're like a mosquito in someone's ear at night. The Enchanted Bow is your best friend if you like hanging back and being that annoying guy who constantly auto-attacks from a range, and most importantly, if you want to counter bloodletter.
Multishot (Q1) and Deadly Shot (Q2) are best used in PVE, so guess what we are using: Poisoned Arrow (Q3). Use it off cooldown. It is a good DOT ability and does a little instant damage.
Explosive Arrows (W1) does more damage on the first 10 arrows you shoot. If needed, Frost Shot (W2) is a great defensive ability, repositioning you. But you won’t need it with this build.
Your ultimate ability is Enchanted Quiver (E). It increases damage and attack speed while reducing the opponent’s resistance. Use Piercing Arrow passive to reduce more resistance.
Beef sandwiches and Martlock Cape are there to help you survive. But if you require more damage, switch to Keeper’s Cape and Beef Stew.
The playstyle is simple: you sit far from the enemy, poking them. You activate (W), (E), and use (Q) when it’s off cooldown. Whenever they engage you, use defensive abilities and potions.
What Enchanted Bow excels in:
- Range-based Damage
- Good against high-damage, low-defense frontliners
- Longer battles
Enchanted Bow full details:
- Weapon: Master’s Bow
- Head: Cleric Cowl
- Chest: Cleric robe/Mercenary Jacket
- Shoes: Assassin Shoes
- Cape: Martlock Cape/Keeper’s Cape
- Food: Beef Sandwich/Beef Stew
- Potion: Gigantify Potion/Resistance Potion
8. Hallowfall
Link: https://albiononline.com/en/characterbuilder/solo-builds/view/125879
Small Scale Holy Healer
A good healer can turn the tides by prioritizing the right target to heal and cleanse. The question is why Hallowfall among all the other staves.
For the first ability, the most efficient is Holy Flash (Q3). Some may argue that Generous Heal (Q1), which has a lower cooldown, should be used instead. But that ability burns a lot of mana and is single-target, while Holy Flash (Q3) heals up to 5 allies.
Obviously, Holy Orb (W4) is the second ability, being the superior amongst the other second abilities, and it instantly heals.
Why Hallowfall? Let’s answer the question:
The ultimate ability, known as Divine Intervention (E), is broken. It doesn’t only heal, but also interrupts enemy spell casting by throwing them in the air and waving them goodbye, before they get murdered by the healer’s allies. It doesn’t end there. You are immune to CC, damage, and debuffs. It also repositions you, and when you heal an ally, it reduces the cooldown by 40%.
Mercenary Hood is a must in order to cleanse allies, while scholar sandals or cloth shoes do the job.
To sustain mana, the Lymhurst Cape and Pork Omelette are essential, while the Cleric Robe and Resistance Potions are needed for survival.
What Hallowfall excels in:
- Interrupts spell casting
- Massive instant healing
- High mobility
Hallowfall full details:
- Weapon: Hallowfall
- Off-Hand: Mistcaller
- Head: Mercenary Hood
- Chest: Cleric Robe
- Shoes: Scholar Sandals/Cloth shoes
- Cape: Lymhurst Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Resistance Potion
7. Pineapple Crystal
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Permafrost in roads1 | Albion Online smallscale montage
In the heat of the battle, permafrost prism users serve glasses of pineapple margaritas to the opponents, which stuns them.
Ice Shard (Q2) is considered one of the best long-range AOE spammable DPS abilities in the game.
For the second ability, there are 2 choices:
People tend to use Frost Nova (W3), which gives you mobility, escape, and stuns the enemies. If more damage is needed, Frost Bomb (W1) is optimal, dealing a huge amount of damage, slowing the enemy and having a 10 second cooldown.
The ultimate ability, Ice Crystal (E), creates a pineapple-shaped shard which stuns the opponents and deals massive damage.
The Morgana Cape, Scholar Robe, and Pork Omelette are the key items for this build. They improve your spell casting and reduce your energy cost. The specter hood is used to reset the armor ability (R) and the Cleric Sandals to disengage.
The playstyle is simple: you activate the armor ability (R) and spam Ice Shards (Q3) from the backline. If the enemy engages you, use Frost Nova (W) for stunning and repositioning. Finally, you stun and finish them with Ice Crystal (E).
What Pineapple Crystal excels in:
- High AOE burst damage
- Versatile and mobile
- Long-range stun
- Good CC build
Pineapple Crystal full details:
- Weapon: Permafrost Prism
- Head: Specter Hood
- Chest: Scholar Robe
- Shoes: Cleric Sandals
- Cape: Morgana Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Resistance Potion
6. Exploding Balls
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Top 3 DPS Build in Albion Online Crystal Arena
Another ranged build used to clear the opponent’s backline. The Light Crossbow is great at long-range burst damage. Your primary targets should be the healer and squishy DPS.
Autofire (Q1) deals massive damage to a single target and a small AOE damage at the end of the ability.
Sunder Shot (W2) is mainly used for reducing the damage resistance of your enemy. It’s a single-target ability that decreases up to 70 damage resistance. The more health the enemy has, the more resistance it decreases.
The Exploding Shot (E) is your ultimate ability. It launches an exploding ball which deals massive AOE damage and has a low cooldown (15 seconds).
The best way to use this build is:
Your defensive items are: a Guardian helmet and a Mage robe, providing shields. Royal shoes to reposition and disengage, and some resistance potions.
What Exploding Balls excels in:
- High burst damage
- Long range damage
- Low cooldown abilities
Exploding Balls full details:
- Weapon: Light Crossbow
- Off-Hand: Facebreaker
- Head: Guardian Helmet
- Chest: Mage robe
- Shoes: Royal Shoes
- Cape: Lymhurst Cape
- Food: Beef Stew
- Potion: Resistance Potion
5. All in Dagger
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Top 3 DPS Builds in Albion Online Crystal Arena
Do you want to deal a lot of damage and be in the middle of the fight? Demonfang is the go-to.
Deadly Swipe (Q1) is used as the first ability. It gives you some mobility and damage amplification.
Throwing Blades (W1) also gives you damage amplification of up to 30%. Furthermore, it increases your movement speed. The more enemies you hit with this spell (up to 3), the stronger you get.
Your ultimate ability, Blood Ritual (E), deals a massive amount of AOE damage. You can use it 3 times, but using it the 3rd time deals self-damage over time. Be careful while using it.
The best way to use this build is:
(Q) get 3 stacks of it -->(F)-->(W)-->(E)
Your health sustain is the Life Steal Aura from the Hellion Jacket and Resistance Potion. While Lymhurst Cape sustains your mana and Assassin Hood decreases your cooldowns.
This build is all in damage.
What All in Dagger excels in:
- High burst damage
- High mobility
- Good health sustain
All in Dagger full details:
- Weapon: Demonfang
- Off-Hand: Muisak
- Head: Assassin Hood
- Chest: Hellion Jacket
- Shoes: Royal Sandals
- Cape: Lymhurst Cape
- Food: Beef Stew
- Potion: Resistance Potion
4. Staff of Chaos
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Top 3 DPS Builds in Albion Online Crystal Arena
If you are one of those mages that like to melt a single target, Internal staff is the one for you.
Your primary skill is Fire Bolt (Q1). It has a single-target, zero-cooldown ability. Simply spam it. Burning Field (Q2) could be used if you require extra range and AOE .
Flame Blast (W2) instantly deals damage to the target and, after a small delay, does a good amount of AOE damage. Take Wall of Flames (W2) if you prefer to play defensively, as it blocks and zones out the enemy.
Your ultimate ability Combustion (E) lights a single target on fire, which deals massive damage to that target while leaving a trail that silences whoever steps on it.
Your defensive items are the Cleric Robe and Resistance Potions. Royal Shoes will give you repositioning.
The Morgana Cape, Pork Omelette, and Royal Cowl are the important items for this build. They are the abilities that let you spam your abilities while sustaining mana.
The build is simple to use:
What Staff of Chaos excels in:
- High single target damage
- Low cooldown abilities
- Versatile
- A good amount of CC
Staff of Chaos full details:
- Weapon: Infernal Staff
- Head: Royal Cowl
- Chest: Cleric Robe
- Shoes: Royal Shoes
- Cape: Morgana Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Resistance Potion
3. The Silencer
Albion Online | Best Crystal Arena Tank Build!!!
DPS and healers have been discussed, but tanks have never been. Heavy Mace is the one for you if you want to be a robust, powerful tank with lots of utility.
Sacred Ground (Q3) slows and silences the enemies that are in the AOE.
You'll have the necessary mobility thanks to Snare Charge (W2). It should primarily be used to engage and root enemies in order to drive them into the AOE radius of the other abilities.
Battle Howl (E) is your ultimate ability, which silences enemies for a long time and purges all their buffs.
The build is easy to use: you start with (W) to root them, then use (E) to purge and silence them. After that, (Q) to silence and slow. If you are taking a lot of damage, you can activate Enfeeble Aura (R) and Electric Discharge (D). They will decrease the enemy’s damage while slowing and stunning them.
What The Silencer excels in:
- AOE stun
- AOE slow
- AOE silence
- Tanking a huge amount of damage
- Saving your backline by countering engagements
The Silencer full details:
- Weapon: Heavy Mace
- Head: Judicator Helmet
- Chest: Guardian Armor
- Shoes: Hunter Shoes
- Cape: Bridgewatch Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Energy Potion
2. The Executioner
Why You Should Play Bloodletter – Albion Online
I know you have seen this disgusting weapon in every content. What can we do? It’s broken. Guess the name of the weapon. Of course it’s Bloodletter.
Deadly Swipe (Q1) gives you damage amplification and mobility. You could use it to chase or escape.
Now about your second ability. If you want instant damage and gap closing, Chain Slash (W5) will do the job. If mobility is what you are searching for, Throwing Blades (W1) will give you up to 45% movement speed and additional damage amplification.
Lunging Stabs (E) is your ultimate ability. I would like to say that this is the ability that makes this build OP. But it’s much better to say that this is that disgusting ability that does tons of things. One hits most of the low hp (40% and lower) enemies. It can also be used to escape, reposition, chase, and reduce cooldowns.
The best build for damage is Muisak, Cleric Cowl, and Soldier Boots. Add some Beef Stew and Poison to the menu for additional damage. Cleric Robe for protection.
It’s easy to play this build. Spam (Q), use (D) off cooldown and (W) to deal damage. When the enemy gets low on HP, execute with (E).
What The Executioner excels in:
- High mobility
- High damage
- Versatile
- Chasing
The Executioner full details:
- Weapon: Bloodletter
- Off-Hand: Muisak
- Head: Mage Cowl
- Chest: Cleric Robe
- Shoes: Soldier Boots/Miner Workboots
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Beef Stew
- Potion: Poison Potion
1. Superman Bracers
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s Battle Bracers.
Bored of the normal playstyle? You want to play a fun build? Use the Battle Bracers. It’s a rat build where you can constantly engage and disengage.
An ability with two combinations is Dragon Leap (Q2). The first combo closes the distance, as the second dashes and launches the opponents into the air. When combined, it does quite a bit of harm.
As a backup move, Triple Kick (W1) is the go-to option. You are able to move an enemy or flee thanks to it.
The ultimate move is the Falcon Smash (E). You transform into Clark Kent, take off your shirt and tie, and begin flying. You have a 6-meter landing zone surrounding you, which when you land causes a lot of damage. You're immune to CC when in the air.
How does this build work?
You initiate with (E)--> (Q) -->(W) the enemy. After that, you disengage with (R) and wait for your cooldowns.
All your abilities deal AOE damage, and when you are in danger, you can easily use abilities defensively.
What Superman Bracers excels in:
- Low cooldown
- High AOE burst damage
- High mobility
- Versatile
Superman Bracers full details:
- Weapon: Battle Bracers
- Head: Mage Cowl/any Cloth Helmet
- Chest: Assassin Jacket
- Shoes: Soldier Boots
- Cape: Thetford Cape/Undead Cape
- Food: Beef Stew
- Potion: Invisibility Potion