1 v 1 Training Ground
The Corrupted Dungeon is a solo dungeon that closes after you enter it. It looks like a solo dungeon but has some painting on it and glows orange. It is the best place for people who want to learn some PvP while farming infamy points and killing mobs. When you enter the dungeon, there is a shrine that you can activate to increase your chances of invading or being invaded.
The corrupted dungeon is the best place to test your skills and practice 1v1. Your build determines whether you will kill or be killed.
Here are the Best Albion Online Corrupted Dungeon Builds:
5. Undead Bow
Whispering Bow will do it for you if you enjoy tilting people and slowly killing them from a distance.
Multishot (Q1) shoots several arrows in front of you, dealing significant damage and knocking back all of your enemies.
Frost Shot (W2) is your mobility and second CC ability. It repositions you, deals damage, and slows the enemy. You can also use this while chasing.
Undead Arrows (E). You enchant your bow with the souls of all the people you've killed. It increases your attack speed. But it has a disadvantage; it decreases your defense. That’s why it’s crucial to use your CC and defensive abilities wisely.
The Thetford Cape, Beef Stew, and Mage Cowl are your offensive items.
The Plate Shoes, Mercenary Jacket, Healing Potions, and Mage Cowl (Force Field) are your defensive items.
How to use this build:
It’s important to be as far from the enemy as you can be. Activate (E) and auto-attack. When the enemy closes the gap, you have (W) and (Q) to use defensively.
You decide how to use the Mage Cowl, defensively or offensively.
Use (R) and auto-attack if you need HP.
What Undead Bow excels in:
- Long range damage
- Good mobility
- Good CC
- Kiting
Undead Bow full details:
- Weapon: Whispering Bow
- Head: Mage Cowl
- Chest: Mercenary Jacket
- Shoes: Plate Shoes
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Beef Stew
- Potion: Healing Potion
Start at 3:51
You need a weapon of extraordinary power to exterminate every player in the corrupted dungeons. I introduce you to the Trinity Spear.
Spirit Spear (Q2) is your primary ability. Each time you cast it, you gain one Spirit Spear Charge (max 3 stacks). Each Spirit Spear Charge increases your auto-attack damage. In addition, this ability increases your attack range.
Here, you have two options:
The Impaler (W5) is commonly used. It deals significant impact damage and slows your enemies when it summons a spear from the ground that pierces their buttocks. Your enemy thinks of you each time he visits the restroom.
Inner Focus (W2) is a channel ability. You can channel for up to 1.8 seconds. It increases your damage, movement speed, and the duration of your CC effects.
Spectral Trident (E). You leap towards a targeted position, rooting the enemies in an AOE and dealing insane burst damage. It creates a mist with an 8-meter radius that increases your movement speed, attack speed, and casting times. You should mostly use this to engage. But it can be used defensively to avoid death.
The Fiend Cowl, Thetford Cape, and Poison Potions are your offensive items.
The Cleric Robe and Roasted Puremist Snapper are your defensive items.
How to use this build:
Before engaging, use (Q) three times to gain three charges and start auto-attacking--> (W5) and auto-attack-->(E). Use (D) to purge them.
If the enemy starts doing a lot of damage, use (R) and attack.
What Obliterator excels in:
- Good mobility
- Versatile
- High CC
- Huge burst damage
Obliterator full details:
- Weapon: Trinity Spear
- Head: Fiend Cowl
- Chest: Cleric Robe
- Shoes: Soldier Boots
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Roasted Puremist Snapper
- Potion: Poison Potion
3. The Choppers
Start at 0:45
TOP 5 Best RAT Builds In Corrupted Dungeons | Best Fame Farming Build (GUIDE)
Bear Paws is the best option if you like farming corrupted dungeon monsters while also destroying intruding opponents.
Rending Spin (Q2) swings your axes, dealing AOE damage, and applying Rending Bleed Charge to the enemies (max 3 stacks). The charges deal DOT. Hit with the edge of your ability to deal maximum damage. This one is used for PvE.
Rending Rage (Q3) is a 3-combination ability. The first two do AOE damage and apply Rending Bleed Charges. The third combo leaps, deals damage, and roots the enemy. Use the first two and let the ability reset for optimal damage. Use the third combo only to catch the enemy. This one is used for PvP.
Two magical axes are summoned by Raging Blades (W5) and whirl around you, dealing high DOT. Additionally, based on how many foes are hit, your damage rises (max 10 stacks). This is used for PvE.
Adrenaline Boost (W2) increases your damage, movement speed, and attack speed. This is used for PvP.
Razor Cut (E) leaps towards the targeted position, dealing huge AOE burst damage. It also causes enemies to bleed, dealing DOT. This ability can also be used to escape.
The Stalker Jacket, Thetford Cape, Beef Stew, and Poison Potions are your offensive items.
The Scholar Cowl, Soldier Boots, and Healing Potions are your defensive items.
How to use this build:
For PvE: Gather the mobs before using (R)-->(W5)-->(Q2)-->(E)-->(Q2). (D) when mana is needed.
For PvP: Swap jacket’s ability to Inferno Shield, boots’ ability to Wanderlust.
(F)--> after a shortdelay use (W)-->(E)-->(Q)x2-->auto-attack.
Use (D) and (R) whenever the enemy starts attacking.
What The Choppers excels in:
- Good mobility
- Versatile
- Good chase
- High AOE damage
- Moderate DOT
The Choppers full details:
- Weapon: Bear Paws
- Head: Scholar Cowl
- Chest: Stalker Jacket
- Shoes: Soldier Boots
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Beef Stew
- Potion: Poison Potion/Healing Potion (PvP)
2. The Slicer
TOP 5 Best RAT Builds In Corrupted Dungeons | Best Fame Farming Build (GUIDE)
Again, here we are. Because it is so broken, the OP bloodletter can be found on most lists. Grab it and rat in some dungeons if you enjoy complete mobility and the ability to execute certain players.
Deadly Swipe (Q2) leaps towards a targeted position, dealing AOE damage and applying an Assassin Spirit Charge on you (max 3 stacks) that increases your damage.
Chainslash (W5) is the best (W) ability. It charges towards the enemy and hits them. If there are multiple enemies, it bounces on them (maximum 4 targets). During the bounces, you are immune to damage. It deals damage to the enemies and deals max damage to the last enemy hit.
Dash (W2). Some people prefer more mobility and use (W2), which dashes to the targeted position and increases your damage.
Lunging Stabs (E) kills most of the enemies that are below 40% HP. It dashes towards the targeted position, dealing huge damage to players above 40% HP, and insane damage to those below 40%. Hitting an enemy with 40% HP or lower will increase your cooldown rate.
The Stalker Jacket, Thetford Cape, and Poison Potions are your offensive items.
The Royal Boots, Cabbage Soup, and Healing Potions are your defensive items.
How to use this build:
For PvE: Use (R)-->(Q) and (W5) till the mobs are 40% HP, then use (E) to finish them.
For PvP: (F)-->(Q)--> Bait the enemy into mobs, then use (R)-->(Q)-->(W5)-->Poison Potion-->(E). Use Scholar Cowl (D) for mana when needed, or use Mage Cowl for more damage.
What The Slicer excels in:
- Huge mobility
- Execute
- Good sustain
- Good AOE damage
- Versatile
The Slicer full details:
- Weapon: Bloodletter
- Off-Hand: Mistcaller
- Head: Scholar Cowl/Mage Cowl
- Chest: Stalker Jacket (PvE)/ Assassin Jacket (PvP)
- Shoes: Royal Boots
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Cabbage Soup
- Potion: Poison Potion/Healing Potion
1. Hero Impaler
Start at 7:08
If you enjoy watching Tom and Jerry, the Spear will be your favorite weapon. You will kite the enemies like Jerry and poke them with your pointy stick.
Lunging Strike (Q1) stabs the enemies, dealing quite a bit of damage and slowing them. You receive one Spirit Spear Charge (maximum 3 stacks) for each enemy hit, greatly boosting the damage of your auto-attack.
The Impaler (W5) summons a spear that deals huge burst damage and slows the enemy.
Reckless Charge (E) is your mobility ability. You dash towards a targeted position. If there is an enemy in the way, he gets thrown in the air and takes damage based on your Spirit Spear Charges. To deal maximum damage, you need to have three charges. You can always use this ability defensively.
The Cultist Cowl and Thetford Cape are your offensive items.
The Taproot, Leather Jacket, Plate Shoes, Roasted Puremist Snapper, and Healing Potions are your defensive items.
How to use this build:
Use (Q) till you have 3 charges-->(W)-->(E)-->(Q).
Use (D) when the enemy will auto-attack or cast strong spells on you. Press (R) to sustain.
What Hero Impaler excels in:
- High mobility
- Kiting
- High sustain
Hero Impaler full details:
- Weapon: Spear
- Off-Hand: Taproot
- Head: Cultist Cowl
- Chest: Leather Jacket
- Shoes: Plate Shoes
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Roasted Puremist Snapper
- Potion: Healing Potion
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