Are you ready for some action-packed PvP?
Albion Online has a lot to offer when it comes to battling and role-playing. You can kill mobs solo or with a group to gain fame and loot. Or you can venture into crafting and supply gears to the market. You even can gather in the Red and Black zones just for the thrill!
But when it comes to killing time (and killing other players), nothing is as fun as fighting others—aka PvP. And if you plan on doing this often, you’d better be equipped with the right build so you don’t end up bankrupt.
If you’re looking for the best builds, here are the top 10 best Albion Online PvP builds that are OP.
10. Brimstone Meteor
Brimstone staff 隕石杖 | 15 UTC ZVZ | Albion Online | 2022-6-13
For most group fights—small-, medium-, or large-scale—AOE damage is the name of the game. And the Brimstone Staff is nothing short of AOE damage.
Fire Bolt (Q1) and Searing Flame (Q3) are the more common choices for solo players, but they aren’t as useful in group fights. Instead, players usually run Burning Field (Q2) due to its superior AOE damage. It only affects a small area, but the initial damage and DOT afterward are helpful in any situation.
The main attraction of this staff is its Meteor. It’s a skill where you—quite literally—summon a meteor to hit your enemies for massive damage and knockback. Coupled with your Royal Sandals and Deadwater Eel Stew damage buff, you can potentially OHKO multiple enemies in the blink of an eye.
Be wary, though. This skill has a 2-second cast time and 1-second delay, making it very difficult to hit your enemies (unless you’re playing against a bunch of noobs or players with 300 ping). That’s why teams usually pair this build with a reliable CC like the Grovekeeper. Your Scholar Robe can also help as it reduces your cast time by a decent amount.
Your Wall of Flames (W2) is your reliable lifesaver against melees, and it can be your team’s lifesaver as well. Its Flee effect can give you and your team enough time to fall back or reset and change the tide of the battle—the decent DOT is just a bonus. Having resist pots also help you survive.
Assassin Hood allows you to use your skills more frequently in fights. More Meteors = more dead enemies!
What Brimstone Meteor excels in:
- Dealing unmatched AOE burst damage
- Dealing huge damage from afar
- Clapping huge clumps
Brimstone Meteor Robe full details:
- Weapon: Brimstone Staff
- Head: Assassin Hood
- Chest: Scholar Robe
- Shoes: Royal Sandals
- Cape: Fort Sterling Cape
- Food: Deadwater Eel Stew
- Potion: Resistance Potion
9. Small-Scale Badon
The Bow weapon tree is a versatile one, and there’s at least one useful bow for every kind of content. But for small- to medium-scale fights, the Bow of Badon is often the go-to.
This build’s playstyle is simple: you stay in the backline while you slowly chip away your enemies’ HP. Bow of Badon lets you deal consistent damage using your auto-attacks and Deadly Shot (Q2) or Poison Arrow (Q3). And having a Thetford Cape + Pork Omelette helps boost your overall DPS.
Raging Storm is Badon’s main skill, and it’s very powerful in the right hands. Aside from its good initial damage, Raging Storm also deals DOT that interrupts casting for anyone who leaves the stormcloud AOE. So it’s very effective against weapons that have cast times, such as Healing Staves and Frost Staves.
As a Badon player, you should always be in the backline and never in the middle of the enemy team. But sometimes, your enemies (especially melee DPS) will try to chase you. In that case, you have plenty of tools to run away and survive long enough until your team comes for help.
You have Cleric Robe for the short invulnerability with a good damage bonus. Then you have Guardian Helm, Guardian Boots, Martlock Cape, and Gigantify Potion that increase your HP and resistances, helping you stay alive longer in the fight.
Mercenary Jacket is also a viable alternative to Cleric Robe. But it’s intended more for solo players or small groups that do not have a dedicated healer. You also can use any Leather Shoes instead of the Guardian Boots for the bonus movement speed burst and cooldown reduction via Refreshing Sprint.
What Small-Scale Badon excels in:
- Interrupting your enemies
- Providing good backline damage
- Fighting against weapons with long cast times
Small-Scale Badon full details:
- Weapon: Bow of Badon
- Head: Guardian Helm
- Chest: Cleric Robe/Mercenary Jacket
- Shoes: Guardian Boots/any Leather Shoes
- Cape: Thetford Cape/Martlock Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Gigantify Potion
8. Bearpaws Brawler
Bear Paws PVP on the Roads Avalon | Albion Online PVP
The first two builds on this list involve playstyles that force you to stay far away from your enemies. But if you aren’t interested in that kind of gameplay, then maybe you’d like the melee DPS playstyle of the Bearpaws Bruiser.
As a Bearpaws Brawler, your main job is to put pressure on the enemy healer and deal as much damage as possible through your auto-attacks and bleed DOT. You’re Rending Rage (Q3) is the perfect harassment tool against healers due to its built-in root and healing reduction.
Meanwhile, you have Adrenaline Boost (W2) and Razor Cut for dishing out high damage and killing your enemies. Some players prefer Battle Rush (W3) or Raging Blades (W5), which are both viable. But Adrenaline Boost gives you more consistent DPS, so it’s better in most situations.
Your Hellion Jacket + Hellion Hood combo lets you survive very long in fights and act as a soft/secondary tank. Just don’t forget to pop your jacket whenever you’re low enough!
In most situations, using Life Steal Aura at the same time as a Resistance Potion guarantees survival. And the extra Life Steal Aura cast opportunity via your Hellion Hood and bonus HP from Knight Boots are both crucial in dire situations. If you time your utilities right, you can instantly make a comeback from a losing fight.
Fiend Cowl is a good alternative if your team doesn’t have enough purges. Beef Stew is for the bonus damage, and Lymhurst Cape is for the much-needed mana regeneration.
What Bearpaws Brawler excels in:
- Dealing good, consistent damage + DOT
- Acting as a soft tank for your team
- Getting in the face of the enemy ranged DPS and healers
Bearpaws Brawler full details:
- Weapon: Bearpaws
- Head: Hellion Hood/Fiend Cowl
- Chest: Hellion Jacket
- Shoes: Assassin Shoes/Knight Boots
- Cape: Lymhurst Cape
- Food: Beef Stew
- Potion: Resistance Potion
7. Justice In Your Hands
Albion Online | Small Scale 8.3 MP Kill | Open World Pvp | Hand Of Justice Mace
Do you believe in justice? Do you desire for everything to be fair and just? If you do, well you won’t find it in Albion Online.
But what you CAN find is the Hand of Justice—close enough, I guess?
The Justice In Your Hands build is for players who find joy in clumping players together before clapping them to death. It’s an amazing PvP tank build that can create fight-winning plays.
You have Iron Breaker (Q3) for the decent damage as you dive into the enemy team. You also have Slowing Charge (W2) for the mobility or Intertia Ring (W5) for the superb CC. Choosing either one mainly depends on the scale of the fight—Slowing Charge is usually better for small-scale while Inertia Ring is preferred for medium-scale and ZvZs.
Onslaught is the main reason to play this build, and it’s a skill that your enemies should watch out for. It allows you to pull your enemies from a decent range, clumping them up in preparation for some damage burst. Hunter Shoes’ Rush helps with the CC, and Enfeeble Aura prevents enemies from escaping the onslaught (no pun intended).
While the Hammer weapon tree isn’t really known for mobility, Hand of Justice is an exception. Slowing Charge + Onslaught allows you to set up a clump from a decent distance, making it a scary weapon to face.
The combination of Guardian Helm, Guardian Armor, Martlock Cape, and Resistance Potion allows you to go in the middle of your enemies and leave without a scratch (not literally!). The Pork Omelette provides valuable cooldown reduction for your skills.
What Justice In Your Hands excels in:
- Playing as a tank + CC
- CC-ing/clumping your enemies to be killed by your DPS
- Having decent mobility even as a tank
Justice In Your Hands full details:
- Weapon: Hand of Justice
- Head: Guardian Helm
- Chest: Guardian Armor
- Shoes: Hunter Shoes
- Cape: Martlock Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Resistance Potion
6. Mobile Healer
Albion Online | Lands Awakened | Open World PVP | Holy Healer POV | Hallowfall | Great Holy Staff
While healer builds are rarely useful for solo players, they’re excellent for group PvPs and are essential to winning medium- to large-scale fights. A good healer will often be the deciding factor for who wins in a group fight.
Mobile Healer is arguably the best Holy Staff healing set at the moment due to the power of the Hallowfall. It not only heals, but it also interrupts and provides more mobility than other healing staves.
Holy Flash (Q3) is your main healing skill. It’s pretty spammable so you can constantly heal your teammates or yourself during a fight. Be careful not to spam it too much, though, as you can easily run out of mana if you’re careless.
Holy Orb (W4) is mainly for group healing. It’s a burst AOE heal, so you should try to hit as many teammates as possible to maximize it.
Similarly, the Hallowfall’s Divine Intervention lets you heal your team in the area of impact. But its heal is only the tip of the iceberg.
What sets the Hallowfall apart is the 3-in-1(4-in-1 if you count the heal) utility of Divine Intervention: CC/interrupt + short immunity + mobility. Being able to jump around while providing AOE healing is a valuable tool that other healing staves could only wish for. And it works well with other clumping weapons like the Hand of Justice.
Speaking of jumping around, this build also includes Royal Shoes for its Leap, which is a good escape tool in many scenarios. Additionally, Cleric Robe, Mercenary Hood, and Resistance Potion all help you survive longer in fights. Plus, the Mercenary Hood has the added benefit of cleansing your teammates as well.
The Lymhurst Cape is an essential part of this build (and most healer builds). Healers often run out of mana during long, drawn-out fights, and a team with a mana-less healer is most likely gonna lose.
Lastly, you have the Mistcaller to lower your cooldown and increase your overall healing output. Pork Omelette is pretty much the staple food for healer builds due to the cooldown and cast time reduction.
What Mobile Healer excels in:
- Burst healing your teammates
- Interrupting enemy skills
- Good mobility as a healer
Mobile Healer full details:
- Weapon: Hallowfall
- Off-Hand: Mistcaller
- Head: Mercenary Hood
- Chest: Cleric Robe
- Shoes: Royal Shoes
- Cape: Lymhurst Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Resistance Potion
5. One-Handed Stopper
Albion Online | Small Scale PvP | Open World | Dungeon Dive | Mace Fury
I call this build the One-Handed Stopper simply because it’s amazing at stopping your enemies in their tracks. It’s a build designed to CC your enemies to death.
Similar to the Justice In Your Hands, your main purpose is to catch as many players as possible with your CC and hold them as long as possible. This build also allows you to absorb plenty of damage without dying.
Aside from your auto-attacks, you only have Threatening Smash (Q2) for the consistent DPS. But since your main role in group fights isn’t really to deal damage, Sacred Ground (Q3) is often the better choice.
Snare Charge (W2) is your primary W skill, as it provides you with mobility + CC + decent damage. Not to mention, it’s basically a weaker version of the One-Handed Mace’s main skill, Deep Leap. Aside from the mobility, better CC, and higher damage, Deep Leap also makes you immune during the jump and slows nearby enemies on impact.
Your combo of Deep Leap, Snare Charge, and Sacred Ground totally locks down your enemies and pretty much guarantees death for enemy cloth users, such as healers and ranged DPS.
The Judicator Helm adds another CC tool to your set, while the Leering Cane boosts your overall CC via cooldown reduction and CC duration buff. The Hunter Shoes also provides a small CC bonus on top of the movement speed buff.
The Guardian Armor + Martlock Cape + Resistance Potion combination is the cookie-cutter set for most tank builds.
What One-Handed Stopper excels in:
- Setting up clumps and countering engagements
- Tanking damage for your team
- Holding and stopping your enemies in place
One-Handed Stopper full details:
- Weapon: One-Handed Mace
- Off-Hand: Leering Cane
- Head: Judicator Helm
- Chest: Guardian Armor
- Shoes: Hunter Shoes
- Cape: Martlock Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Resistance Potion
4. Perma DPS
Permafrost full 8.3!!! | Albion Online PvP Highlights
After several CC tanks, bruisers, and a healer build, we’re now back to a ranged DPS set. And it’s not just any ranged DPS set—it’s a set that revolves around the Permafrost Prism (hence, the name).
Your main source of damage is Ice Shard (Q3). It’s your main spammable AOE skill, and you can maximize your damage output and efficiency when using it together with the Royal Cowl’s Perpetual Energy, Scholar Robe’s Speed Caster, and Morgana Cape. The cast time reduction from Pork Omelette also helps amplify your damage.
The Permafrost Prism has one of the best AOE DPS skills in the form of Ice Crystal. Ice Crystal stuns players in a small area and deals massive damage after 1 second. You can use it in combination with other CC/clumping weapons like the One-Handed Mace and Hand of Justice.
The usual combo goes like this: Ice Crystal -> Morgana Cape activates -> Perpetual Energy -> Ice Shard as many times needed to kill your enemies. You can also throw in a Speed Caster when your Morgana buff runs out for maximum DPS.
If ever you find yourself in a sticky (icy?) situation, you have Cleric Sandals and Frost Nova (W2) for escaping and Resistance Potion for added survivability. You can also use Frost Nova for additional damage, but your Ice Shard is enough to finish off your enemies 99% of the time.
What Perma DPS excels in:
- Dealing massive damage to a clump
- Dealing consistent, high damage
- Decent mobility as a ranged DPS
Perma DPS full details:
- Weapon: Permafrost Prism
- Head: Royal Cowl
- Chest: Scholar Robe
- Shoes: Cleric Sandals
- Cape: Morgana Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Resistance Potion
3. Carving Bruiser
Great, another bruiser! The Carving Bruiser set is played as, well, a bruiser. But the Carving Sword is slightly different compared to other bruiser weapons because of its unique skill—Fearless Strike.
Aside from dealing good damage, Fearless Strike also pierces all enemies you hit, significantly reducing their resistances. This allows you to shred through your opponents and provides an opportunity for your DPS teammates to amplify their damage. The duration is not that long, though. So you need to have good team communication if you want to maximize its potential.
The Carving Sword’s toolkit also includes Heroic Cleave (Q2), which is your main source of consistent AOE damage. The more enemies you hit with Heroic Cleave, the more Heroic Charges you get, and the more damage you deal to the enemy. And the more Heroic Charges you have, the higher the resistance reduction from Fearless Strike!
Splitting Slash (W4) and Iron Will (W2) are both viable options. Although some players prefer Splitting Slash for the added CC and damage, others choose to go with Iron Will to avoid purges and gain the bonus Heroic Charge.
This set is a bit mana-hungry, so Scholar Cowl is your best bet for the head slot. Hellion Jacket’s Life Steal Aura and Martlock Cape are both great for survivability. And Lifesteal Aura + Resistance Potion is a basic combo when you’re low on HP, especially when you’re in the middle of the enemy team.
Royal Sandals is great for increasing your DPS by a lot, but using it carelessly can be fatal due to its self resistance reduction. Beef Stew improves your already good damage output.
What Carving Bruiser excels in:
- Reducing your enemies’ resistances
- Dealing good damage from your AOE and auto-attacks
- Diving the enemy backlines
Carving Bruiser full details:
- Weapon: Carving Sword
- Head: Scholar Cowl
- Chest: Hellion Jacket
- Shoes: Royal Sandals
- Cape: Martlock Cape
- Food: Beef Stew
- Potion: Resistance Potion