[Top 5] Albion Online Best Solo Mist Builds

Albion Online Solo Mist Builds
03 Oct 2024

Best Solo Mist Builds

For solo players seeking the thrill of PvP and wanting to sharpen their skills, the Solo Mists in Albion Online offer a unique opportunity. If you’re skilled and equipped with an optimal item build, you can make a fortune out of the Solo Mists.

Here are the Best Albion Online Best Solo Mist Builds:

5. Wildfire Staff

Wildfire Staff Solo Mist

If you prefer ranged combat and enjoy kiting your enemies while wearing them down, the Wildfire Staff is an excellent choice. This weapon allows you to control fights, keeping enemies at a distance while melting away their HP, thanks to its DOT abilities.

Fire Bolt (Q1) deals massive damage over time.

Wall of Flames (W2) is your defensive ability helping you to keep your distance from melee enemies.

Magma Sphere (E) summons a large, flaming ball that explodes upon hitting and causes huge AOE damage in addition to dealing 12% of the enemy’s maximum health in damage. Don’t miss it!!!

Tome of Spells, Keeper Cape, and beef stew are your offensive items.

The Cleric Robe, Guardian Boots, Mistwalker hood and Gigantify Potions are your defensive items.

How to use this build:

Spam (Q) from a distance→ Use (W) if the enemy closes the gap→ Use (E) when they are close. Use gigantify potion if the enemy is about to deal big damage.

What Wildfire Staff excels in:

  •  Huge DOT
  •  Good Kiting
  •  Low Cooldowns

The Wildfire Staff full details:

  •  Weapon: Wildfire Staff
  •  Off-Hand: Tome of Spells
  •  Head: Mistwalker Hood
  •  Chest: Cleric Robe
  •  Shoes: Guardian Boots/any boots.
  •  Cape: Keeper Cape
  •  Food: Beef Stew
  •  Potion: Gigantify Potion

4. DayBreaker

Daybreaker Solo Mist

If you like kiting enemies, slowly taking away their health while ensuring they can’t escape no matter how hard they try, the Daybreaker is the one to go. You will constantly poke the enemy, being the most annoying foe they had, while having one of the most mobile builds in Albion.

Lunging Strike (Q1) is your poke ability, dealing a good amount of damage and slowing the enemy every 3 seconds. It also increases your auto-attack damage (max 3 stacks).

Cripple (W3) is the nightmare ability for the enemy. This ability deals a small amount of damage, but it purges enemies' boots, not letting them escape. If you were able to purge their boots, you will get a movement speed buff and additional damage buff. Good luck running away from this.

Breakthrough (E) grants you full immunity to all crowd control effects while channeling, and it deals considerable damage. Additionally, it purges any buffs your enemy has, making it a powerful tool for both offense and utility.

The Torch, Duskweaver Helmet, and Avalonian Cape are your offensive items.

The Jacket of Tenacity, Boots of Valor, puremist snapper and Healing potion are your defensive items.

How to use the build:

non-stop poke your enemy with your (Q)-->keep a little distance from the enemy and use your (W) if the enemy uses its shoes(F)--> Purge enemy buffs with (E)--> You can also use (E) to close the distance–> Use your (D) to chase the enemy. Use health potion if you get low HP.

What Daybreaker excels in:

  •  Huge Mobility
  •  Good DOT
  •  Low cooldowns
  •  Good sustain

The Daybreaker full details:

  •  Weapon: Daybreaker
  •  Off-Hand: Torch
  •  Head: Duskweaver Helmet
  •  Chest: Jacket of Tenacity
  •  Shoes: Boots of Valor
  •  Cape: Avalonian Cape
  •  Food: Puremist Snapper
  •  Potion: Healing Potion

3. Deathgivers

Deathgivers Solo Mist

If you enjoy playing aggressively and adopting the role of assassin, the Deathgivers is the perfect weapon for you. With their massive instantaneous burst damage, this weapon allows you to take down your opponents before they even realize what’s happening.

Deadly Swipe (Q2) leaps forward dealing a good amount of damage. Each enemy hit grants you with 1 assassin spirit charge which increases your damage (max 3 stacks).

Shadow Edge (W4) is your gap close ability. You throw a dagger which stuns the enemy on hit and drags you to the enemy. This ability could also be used to escape bad situations.

Ghost Strike (E) deals a huge burst damage to a single target. If you have 3 assassin charges, you can use the ability without it going into a cooldown. This ability also turns you invisible for 1 second.

The Stalker Hood and Deadwater Eel Stew are your offensive items.

The Mistwalker Jacket, Sandals of Purity, Undead Cape, and Healing Potion are your defensive items.

How to use this build:

Use (Q) to gather assassin charges and deal damage→ when you have 3 charges use (E)--> Brawl till the enemy has 50% HP, after that use (D) and then use (E) twice to execute→ use your (R) and heal pot when the enemy is going to deal huge damage.

What Deathgivers excels in:

  •  Huge single target damage
  •  Huge burst damage
  •  Huge mobility

The Deathgivers full details:

  •  Weapon: Deathgivers
  •  Head: Stalker Hood
  •  Chest: Mistwalker Jacket
  •  Shoes: any Sandals
  •  Cape: Undead Cape
  •  Food: Deadwater Eel Stew
  •  Potion: Healing Potion

2. Carving

Carving Solo Mist


If you are the type of player who loves to brawl non-stop, engage in close combat, and dominate your opponents, Carving, AKA the most broken weapon, is the weapon for you. Carving provides you with resistance penetration and good catch which is essential in most 1v1 fights.

Heroic Strike (Q1) leaps towards an enemy dealing good damage and gives you 1 heroic charge. Each heroic charge gives you attack speed and movement speed.

Splitting Slash (W3) is your catch ability, stunning enemies from far away and dealing a huge amount of damage. You can use this ability to kite or catch the enemy.

Fearless Strike (E) dashes towards the enemy dealing huge damage and reducing their Resistance. This will allow you to deal more damage to the enemy.

The Helmet of Valor and Deadwater Eel stew are your offensive items.

The Jacket of Tenacity, Undead Cape, and Healing potion are your defensive items.

How to use this build:

Use (W) to catch the enemy→ Then use (Q) till you have 3 heroic charges, at the meanwhile brawl with the enemy→ Use (E) and fully brawl against the enemy till death and purge enemy buffs with (D)→ Use (R) when the enemy is hitting you and use Healing potion when you are getting low. If you are losing the fight, your undead cape will help you escape.

What Carving excels in:

  •  Good catch
  •  Good Brawl
  •  High Sustain
  •  Good mobility

The Carving full details:

  •  Weapon: Carving
  •  Head: Helmet of Valor
  •  Chest: Jacket of Tenacity
  •  Shoes: Boots of Valor
  •  Cape: Undead Cape
  •  Food: Deadwater Eel Stew
  •  Potion: Healing Potion

1. Bloodletter

Bloodletter Solo Mist

If you’re a fan of full mobility build and love playing like a sneaky rat, always slipping away from danger, the Bloodletter build is your perfect match. With this build, you can go in fight, deal damage with Stalker Jacket and kite your enemies afterwards. It’s all about hitting and running.

Deadly Swipe (Q2) leaps forward dealing a good amount of damage. Each enemy hit grants you with 1 assassin spirit charge which increases your damage (max 3 stacks).

Dash (W2) is your catch or kite ability. Using dash helps you to open or close the gap between you and your enemy. Additionally, it gives you damage buff.

Lunging Stabs (E) is your execution ability. If an enemy is below 40% HP you can one shot that guy dealing huge damage. It also gives you mobility, because it is another dash ability.

The Torch, Mercenary Hood, Stalker Jacket and Deadwater Eel Stew are your offensive items.

The Undead cape and Healing Potion are your defensive items.

How to use this build:

Engage on the enemy using (W) to close gap→ use (R) and spam (Q) off-cooldown→ when your stalker jacket (R) goes out, you can start kiting the enemy→ if enemy reaches 40% HP use your (E) to execute→ use (F) and Healing Potion when taking damage. Your Undead cape will make sure you survive at the end and run like a rat.

What Bloodletter excels in:

  •  High Mobility
  •  High kiting
  •  High burst damage

Bloodletter full details:

  •  Weapon: Bloodletter
  •  Off-Hand: Torch
  •  Head: Mercenary Hood
  •  Chest: Stalker Jacket
  •  Shoes: any Sandals
  •  Cape: Undead Cape
  •  Food: Deadwater Eel Stew
  •  Potion: Healing Potion

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