Can't decide which one to choose among the 112 weapons in Albion Online?
“You are what you wear.”
Albion Online stays true to this motto with its classless character system that lets you customize your character however you want.
But as with all things in this world, not everything is created equal.
PvP battles are decided by how good your weapon is and how well your gears synergize. And some weapons are just better than others in most situations.
If you want to stay on top of the competition in Albion (or just want to destroy your enemies in the game for fun), here are the best weapons you should try.
7. Regular Bow
Normal Bow Clips | Slayer Corrupted Dungeon | Albion Online - YouTube
The first weapon on this list is the infamous Regular “Reggie” Bow. It’s one of the easiest weapons to play but also one of the strongest.
Its gameplay is pretty straightforward: just spam right-click on your opponent and watch their HP quickly vanish.
Players rarely use the Reggie Bow in medium- to large-scale fights because it lacks Area of Effect (AOE) damage and has limited mobility. But it shines when it comes to solo play and small-scale fights.
What makes the Reggie Bow great is its unique E skill, Enchanted Quiver. It’s a strong buff that gives you extra attack damage and improved attack speed, allowing you to shred through your opponents.
Enchanted Quiver gives insane burst damage once you rack up the buff, and inexperienced players often get caught by surprise due to the tremendous damage it can dish out. Who would have thought that a bow and some arrows can deal as much damage as a Pyroblast?
- High potential for insane burst damage
- Long-ranged weapon
- Excellent for solo and small-scale PvP
- Easy to use for beginners because of its straightforward gameplay
- You can’t go wrong with the Reggie Bow. (No, really. It’s so easy to use that it’s actually difficult to mess up.)
- Limited mobility
- Limited CC
- Not ideal in medium-scale fights and terrible in large-scale
6. One-Handed Spear
Solo Ganking Spear | Albion Online Open World | #75 - YouTube
Some players may disagree when I say that the One-Handed Spear is one of the best weapons in Albion Online. And I don’t blame them!
But while it’s not as amazing as the others on this list, its excellent versatility makes it worthwhile to master for both beginner and intermediate players.
This weapon is the epitome of the saying, “Jack of all trades, master of none.” Its flexibility is often enough to win fights—as long as you know what you’re doing.
The W skills of the Spear weapon tree offer vast utility, making it an excellent tree to master for all-around players. It offers almost everything: CC, displacement, mobility, defense, and burst damage!
Its E skill is a dash that deals good damage in a straight line. It’s a decent finisher and amazing for escape—with only a 20-second cooldown!
Players usually pair the One-Hand Spear with the Torch - its cheapest and most efficient off-hand partner. Some players also use Facebreaker sometimes, but Torch is still more cost-effective.
- One of the most versatile weapons in the game
- High skill ceiling - lots of potential for outplays
- Low skill floor - easy to learn for new players
- Good for small-scale fights
- Great for open-world solo roaming
- Doesn’t excel in one area - easily outclassed by other weapons in specific situations
- Terrible in large-scale fights (practically useless in ZVZs)
- Requires A LOT of skill to master
5. Grovekeeper
Albion Online - Grovekeeper HighLights - YouTube
The Grovekeeper has been a staple in ZVZs for as long as I can remember. It’s one of the best (if not the best) CC weapons in the game. It’s mainly used to lock enemy players in place while your DPS teammates deal damage comfortably from afar.
The weapons in the Hammer tree offer some of the best CCs in the game. Their W skills provide different forms of CC for different situations.
One of these is the Inertia Ring, also known as the “piss ring”—because, yes, it seriously looks like a ring of piss.
The piss ring creates a thick (piss) ring around you that slows enemies by 90% and ignores CC resistance. It only lasts for 4 seconds, but that’s often enough to finish off your enemies or turn the tide of a losing battle.
The Grovekeeper’s E provides another excellent CC—a long-ranged leap that stuns and deals AOE damage on impact. You also get some extra resistance for a short duration based on the number of enemies you hit, which is a nice little bonus for tank players. You can also use it to catch retreating enemies (when they realize they’re not going to win their fight against you).
- Tons of CCs at your disposal - Stun! Slow! Stun! Stun!
- Allows you to jump in the middle of your opponents’ clump
- Great for small- to medium-scale fights
- A staple in ZVZs - no good guild ever fought in a ZvZ without at least one Groverkeeper
- Potentially the most impactful weapon in a fight
- Not a beginner-friendly weapon
- High skill floor - missing your W and E may lose you the fight
- Low damage output
- Not that useful in small-scale fights and even worse for solo players
4. Fallen Staff
Fallen staff healer Highlight moment #1 - Albion online ZvZ - YouTube
When you ask for the best weapons in Albion Online, you probably expect players to answer swords, spears, and fire staves. But players often forget the weapons that keep people alive instead of kill them: healing staves.
Being a healer may not be as flashy as stunning enemies with the Grovekeeper or killing them with the Reggie Bow, but no one can deny the impact of having one on your team. That’s why one of the best healing staves in the game deserves a spot on this list: the Fallen Staff.
Its E skill, Salvation, is an AOE burst heal that can instantly turn the tide of a fight. Your opponents will often use up all their spells to burst down your team, but a well-timed Salvation can recharge your force and catch your opponents by surprise. This makes them more vulnerable to a counterattack.
Although you can’t really “destroy” your enemies with a healing staff, you can help your team stay alive while they destroy the enemies for you. Sounds fun, right?
- Provides a large AOE burst heal
- Potentially has the highest healing value of all healing staves
- Well-timed skills can turn a losing fight into a win
- A staple in ZvZs, also great in medium-scale fights
- Has zero mobility
- Negligible damage output
- Bad in small-scale and practically impossible to win with in solos
- Requires a lot of experience to use effectively
3. One-Handed Mace
#1 Solo Open World PvP | Albion Online | 1h Mace - YouTube
If you like jumping around while stunning and hitting your enemies until they die, then the One-Handed Mace is perfect for you. This weapon is packed with CCs, with all its skill slots (Q, W, E) having some form of stun or slow + damage.
Good mobility and decent damage output make this weapon a scary (and annoying) sight in PvPs. If you’re a healer main, you know how irritating it is to face a good mace player, especially in small- to medium-scale fights.
Although its damage output is not as high as magic staves or bows, the additional CC more than makes up for this. Not to mention, the damage isn’t really that low to begin with - it’s just not as high as the other DPS weapons.
You’ll rarely see the One-Handed Macein ZVZs, but it excels in solos, small-scale, and medium-scale fights where you can pick out and isolate a target (usually the poor healer).
Leering Cane is the first choice for off-hand to use with the One-Handed mace when ganking, while Mistcaller is better for small-scale fighting.
- Decent damage + good mobility + good CC
- Provides great utility for your team
- Excellent for small- to medium-scale fights and ganking
- You can annoy the hell out of your opponents
- Mana intensive - you can quickly run out of mana
- Difficult to use for newer players who lack positioning knowledge
- Requires good understanding of who to focus on and isolate in fights
2. Permafrost Prism
Permafrost full 8.3!!! | Albion Online PvP Highlights - YouTube
A list of the best weapons on Albion Online won’t be complete without a magic staff. And on this list is the infamous Permafrost Prism.
The Frost Staves weapon tree can be adaptable with its versatile W skills. You can opt for burst damage, CC, or even mobility.
But what makes the Permafrost powerful is its incredible E skill – an AOE CC + burst damage in one. It stuns opponents in a large area for one second, then deals high damage to everyone caught in the stun.
You can also do some combos with it with your teammates for maximum damage. Weapons with good CC like the Grovekeeper and One-Hand Mace work well with the Permafrost.
The versatility of the Frost weapon tree, coupled with the high-impact E skill of the Permafrost, makes it good in almost any kind of PvP content.
- Good weapon all-around - decent for solos, great in small-scale fights, excellent in medium-scale and ZvZs
- Extremely high damage output
- Offers decent mobility
- High-impact E skill
- Requires decent experience and mechanical skills to use effectively
- Vulnerable without proper positioning
- Requires good team coordination and communication to maximize burst damage
1. Bloodletter
Bloodletter | THIS WEAPON ROCKS! | Solo PvP and Outnumbered | Albion Online - YouTube
Finally, on the top of this list of the best weapons in Albion is the reputable Bloodletter.
While players may have mixed feelings about the other weapons on this list, I’m confident that only a few will challenge the impact that the Bloodletter has on the Albion’s PvP meta.
The Bloodletter is an all-around weapon that fulfills a role in all types of PvP. Its signature E skill, Lunging Stabs, deals a certain amount of damage depending on the target’s remaining HP.
Nothing special about it, right? Wrong!
The best part? It can hit multiple enemies!
Though it may seem like a simple mechanic, it’s what makes Bloodletter one of the best weapons in the game. Being able to hit multiple targets while dealing potentially lethal damage is the reason why Bloodletter is on the top of this list.
If the target is above 40% HP, Lunging Stabs deals normal damage. But when the target is below 40% HP, it can deal as much as 150% more damage depending on your Item Power (IP). This lets you instantly burst multiple targets as long as you time it right.
The Bloodletter excels in small- to medium-scale fights, but it also does well for solo players due to its exceptional mobility. It also has a niche in ZvZs as a finisher in the enemy backlines and looter - not something to be proud of, but loot is loot!
- One of the most mobile weapons in the game
- Significant burst damage output
- Very high skill ceiling - many opportunities to outplay your opponents
- Lunging Stabs can make or break fights
- Mana-intensive - requires you to manage your mana properly
- High skill floor - Using Lunging Stabs effectively requires significant experience and skill