[Top 5] Albion Online Best Ava Road Builds

Albion Online Ava Road Builds
03 Oct 2024

Best Ava Road Builds

If you're looking to farm fame and make silver simultaneously, Ava Roads is the ideal place for you. To efficiently farm golden chests, having a team equipped with a Cursed Staff, Fire Staff, and a Frost Staff is essential. These weapons will allow you to clear mobs quickly and maximize your rewards. If you're using lower-tier items, shadow pooling mobs is another viable strategy.

Here are the Best Albion Online Ava Roads Builds:

5. Hallowfall

Hallowfall Ava Road

The Hallowfall is the classic healer choice for Ava Roads content due to its massive AOE healing and low cooldowns. Its ability to provide huge sustain

is crucial to keep your team alive during intense fights.

Holy Flash (Q3) heals a good amount in an AOE up to 5 allies.

Holy Orb (W4) throws an orb that heals in an AOE. When the orb touches an ally it heals him and up to 9 other allies. Don’t miss this spell or else you will be the reason for your loss.

Divine Intervention (E) allows you to leap toward a target, knocking all nearby enemies into the air while healing up to 10 allies within the area of effect. During the leap, you are immune to all damage, and if you hit at least one ally, the cooldown of the ability is reduced.

The Mercenary Hood, Robe of Purity, Stalker Shoes, Mistcaller, Lymhurst Cape, Pork Omelette, and Resistance Potion are your defensive items.

How to use this build:

Use (Q) to keep your allies HP high → Use (W) if you see people losing more than 1 bar of HP → Use (E) when your team gets really low → When the enemy is brawling inside you, use (R) to push the enemies away → Use (D) to cleanse and use Resistance if the enemy is pressuring you.

What Hallowfall excels in:

. Huge Sustain

. Huge burst heal

. Low Cooldowns

The Hallowfall full details:

. Weapon: Hallowfall

. Off-Hand: Mistcaller

. Head: any Leather Hood

. Chest: Robe of Purity

. Shoes: Stalker Shoes/ Blink Shoes

. Cape: Lymhurst Cape

. Food: Pork OMelette

. Potion: Resistance Potion

4. Permafrost Prism

Permafrost Prism Ava Road

Yes, the Permafrost Prism is once again one of the top weapons for group content, and it's especially crucial in Ava Roads. It offers excellent CC and deals massive AOE damage, making it easier to clear mobs and farm golden chests efficiently. Its ability to control the battlefield while dealing heavy damage makes it a key asset for any Ava Roads team.

Ice Shard (Q2) generates a shard from the sky that deals a huge AOE damage on whoever it falls.

Frost Lance (W4) fires a frost lance that deals massive AOE damage and decreases the enemy’s damage resistance. Use this in PVP.

Frost Beam (W2) creates a freezing beam on a target which deals a huge AOE DOT and slows the target’s Attack speed. Use this while doing the oathkeeper mobs or golden chests (PVE).

Ice Crystal (E) Creates a huge ice that stuns the enemies and deals huge AOE damage.

The Assassin Hood,Stalker Shoes, and Deadwater Eel Stew are your offensive items.

The Feyscale Robe, Lymhurst Cape, and Resistance Potion are your defensive items.

How to use this build:

Use (E) → Use (W) and then spam (Q) on the pull or during fights → Use (D) to reset cooldowns → Use (R) after engaging in order to push away enemies. Use resistance potions if you are getting low. Use (F) to engage in fights.

What Permafrost Prism excels in:

. Huge AOE damage

. Low Cooldown

. High CC

The Permafrost Prism full details:

. Weapon: Permafrost Prism

. Head: Assassin Hood

. Chest: Feyscale Robe

. Shoes: Stalker Shoes

. Cape: Lymhurst Cape

. Food: Deadwater Eel Stew

. Potion: Resistance Potion

3. Carving

Carving Ava Road

The Carving Sword is another essential weapon in most group content, including Ava Roads. Its ability to reduce enemy resistances significantly boosts the overall damage output of your team. Additionally, it helps ensure that the group has enough mana to sustain prolonged fights.

Heroic Clave (Q2) swings your sword around you dealing good AOE damage and gives you heroic charge depending on how many enemies are hit. Each Heroic charge gives you attack speed and movement speed.

Iron Will (W5) increases your movement speed and defense. It also grants immunity to purges and gives you 1 Heroic charge.

Fearless Strike (E) dashes towards the enemy dealing huge damage and reducing their Resistance. This will allow you to deal more damage to the enemy.

The Hood of Tenacity, Cultist Sandals, and Deadwater Eel Stew are your offensive items.

The Royal Armor, Avalonian Cape, and Resistance Potion are your defensive items.

How to use this build:

Use (Q) to take some Heroic charges → (W) → Use (F) and (E) on the enemies, which will decrease their damage resistance massively → Use (D) on the group of enemy or even the healer, so that they receive less heal → Use (R) to replenish your and your allies mana → Use Resistance Potion if you are getting low.

What Carving excels in:

. Good brawl

. High sustain

. Good mobility

. Good Resistance Break

The Carving full details:

. Weapon: Carving

. Head: Hood of Tenacity

. Chest: Royal Armor

. Shoes: Cultist Sandals

. Cape: Avalonian Cape

. Food: Deadwater Eel Stew

. Potion: Resistance Potion

2. Dawnsong

Dawnsong Ava Road

The Dawnsong is crucial in Ava Roads, mainly because it reduces the healing received by enemies, severely limiting their ability to sustain during fights. In addition to dealing massive DOT, it offers excellent utility with Firewall, which helps the team kite and control the fights, making engagements much easier to manage.

Burning Field (Q2) throws a fire orb that puts the ground on fire. It instantly deals massive AOE damage and additionally deals good AOE damage over time.

Wall of Flames (W2) creates a fire wall which fears the enemy that is going through. Use this in PVP.

Fire Artillery (W5) targets an enemy and starts throwing fiery orbs on them dealing good instant AOE damage and sets the ground on fire dealing AOE DOT if the enemy remains on the AOE. Use this in PVE.

Flaming Phoenix (E) summons a fiery Phoenix that deals huge AOE damage and deals good DOT if the enemy remains on the AOE. It also reduces healing received by 40%.

The Assassin Hood, Stalker Shoes, and Deadwater Eel Stew are your offensive items.

The Feyscale Robe, Lymhurst Cape, and Resistance Potion are your defensive items.

How to use this build:

Use (E) on the pull or group of enemies → Use (Q) and then use (W) while kiting the enemy → You can use (R) if the enemy is brawling inside you to push them away or to save a teammate → USE (D) to reset cooldowns → Use resistance potion if you are getting low HP.

What Dawnsong excels in:

. High burst damage

. High AOE damage

. Huge heal cut

. Good Kite

The Dawnsong full details:

. Weapon: Dawnsong

. Head: Assassin Hood

. Chest: Feyscale Robe

. Shoes: Stalker Shoes

. Cape: Lymhurst Cape

. Food: Deadwater Eel Stew

. Potion: Resistance Potion

1. Earthrune Staff

Earthrune Staff Ava Road

Every Ava Roads team needs a reliable tank, and the Earthrune Staff is one of the best options for handling both PvP and PvE. It not only pulls enemies toward you, but also decreases their max HP, making them easier to kill. This combination of control and debuffs makes it a powerful tool for managing large groups of mobs or opponents.

Pulse Shock (Q4) deals AOE damage in a cone in front of you, decreases the enemies’ damage resistance and gives you shift charges depending on how many enemies are hit.

Boulder Crash (Q) throws a stone which deals AOE damage and stuns. This ability is up when you are in Golem form.

Positional Draft (W2) deals damage to the enemies hit and pulls up to 5 enemies towards you. It also gives you shift charges.

Tectonic Shift (W) is a 2 combo ability. The first combo pulls the enemies in the area towards you and creates a stone wall around the AOE. It also deals good AOE damage. The second combo throws enemies into the air, deals good AOE damage and decreases the enemies’ max and current HP by 10%.

Runestone Golem Transformation (E) transforms you into a golem. You have immunity to forced movements and your max and current HP is higher.

The Cleric Sandal, Morgana Cape, and Pork Omelette are your offensive items.

The Judicator Helmet, Judicator Armor, and Resistance Potion are your defensive items.

How to use this build:

Gather some shift charges using (Q) → Pull enemies towards you using (W) → Use (F) and then (E) to transform into golem and then use (W) x2 → Use (Q) on the enemies to stun → Use (D) to set up engage or to kite → use (R) when the enemy is about to deal huge damage or there are a lot of low HP allies → Use Resistance potion if you are getting low.

What Earthrune Staff excels in:

. Huge sustain

. Good AOE damage

. Max HP reduction

. Good set up

The Earthrune Staff full details:

. Weapon: Earthrune Staff

. Head: Judicator Helmet

. Chest: Judicator Armor

. Shoes: Cleric Sandal

. Cape: Morgana Cape

. Food: Pork Omelette

. Potion: Resistance Potion

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