Best Solo Dungeon Builds
For all the new players or those who enjoy a peaceful gaming experience focused on PvE, solo dungeons are the perfect option. They offer the most relaxed content in the game, allowing you to focus on clearing mobs quickly and efficiently. Plus, if luck is on your side and you score a rare drop, you can make a decent amount of silver along the way.
Here are the Best Albion Online Solo Dungeon Builds:
5. Light Crossbow

The Light Crossbow is not only ideal for kiting in PvP but also excels in PvE. Its low cooldown abilities and high burst damage make it a powerful choice for clearing mobs efficiently making it a great choice for Solo Dungeons.
Explosive Bolt (Q2) fires an explosive bolt which deals good AOE damage and it has a low cooldown.
Auto Fire (Q1) channels a barrage of bolts on a single target. This is great against the bosses.
Caltrops (W3) shoots a trap at the targeted place which deals AOE damage and gives you additional movement speed. For bosses, use Sunder Shot (W2). It is a single-target ability that does good damage and decreases the enemy’s damage resistance.
Exploding Shot (E) shoots a bomb that sticks to an enemy, after 2 seconds delay it explodes and deals a huge AOE damage.
The Mage Cowl, Cryptcandle, Thetford Cape, Beef Stew, and Poison Potion are your offensive items.
The Cultist Robe is your defensive item.
How to use this build:
For groups of mobs: (Q2)-->(W3)-->(E)-->spam (Q2).
For Bosses: (W2)-->(E)-->(Q1).
Use (R) after each rotation in order to restore HP and Mana. Use (F) to quickly reach the next pull.
Use Poison Potions on the boss.
What Light Crossbow excels in:
. Huge AOE burst damage
. Versatile
. Low cooldown
The Light Crossbow full details:
. Weapon: Light Crossbow
. Off-Hand: Cryptcandle
. Head: Mage Cowl
. Chest: Cultist Robe
. Shoes: Sandals of Purity
. Cape: Thetford Cape
. Food: Beef Stew
. Potion: Poison Potion
4. Spiked Gauntlet

For those who love pulling mobs and wiping them out in a single blow, the Spiked Gauntlet is the weapon of choice. With one powerful punch, you can make entire groups of mobs disappear, making it a satisfying and efficient option for fast mob clearing. The only weakness of this build is the Boss, it may take a little bit more time to kill them.
Dragon Leap (Q2) dashes forward and kicks all the enemies dealing a good amount of AOE damage. Hitting one enemy enables the second combo which leaps forward dealing AOE damage and throws enemies into the air. But it’s more efficient to use the first combo only and wait for it to reset, because the cooldown is lower like that.
Triple Kick (W1) does three flying kicks dealing damage with each blow and dashing towards the targeted position.
Gravitational Collapse (E) does a powerful punch which deals huge damage and slows the enemies. With this ability you can one shot a pull.
The Assassin Hood, Mage Robe, Royal Sandals, Thetford Cape, and Poison Potions are your offensive items.
The Blackbog Clam Soup is your defensive item.
How to use this build:
Pull all the mobs together→ (F) → (E) → (W) → (Q) → (D) to reset cooldowns.
Use Poisons on the boss to kill him fast.
What Spiked Gauntlet excels in:
. Huge AOE burst damage
. Low cooldown
. Versatile
. High mobility
The Spiked Gauntlets full details:
. Weapon: Spiked Gauntlets
. Head: Assassin Hood
. Chest: Mage Robe
. Shoes: Royal Sandals
. Cape: Thetford Cape
. Food: Blackbog Clam Soup
. Potion: Poison Potion
3. Great Frost

For those who enjoy wielding magic while quickly clearing mobs, the Great Frost Staff is perfect for you. With its massive AOE burst damage, this staff allows you to clear solo dungeons quickly and efficiently, making it an excellent choice for fast-paced PvE content.
Ice Shard (Q2) generates a shard from the sky that deals a huge AOE damage on whoever it falls.
Frost Bomb (W1) conjures a bomb at the targeted position which slows the enemies and deals huge AOE damage after a delay.
Hail (E) casts a hail in a big AOE which deals huge AOE damage and can be recast once dealing the same amount of AOE damage.
The Royal Cowl, Scholar Robe, Morgana Cape, Assassin Shoes, Beef Stew, and Poison Potions are your offensive items.
How to use this build:
(D) → (E) x 2 → (W) → spam (Q) → when the Morgana Cape effect wears off use (R) and spam (Q). Use (F) to reduce cooldowns.
What Great Frost excels in:
. Huge AOE burst damage
. Low cooldown
. Versatile
The Great Frost full details:
. Weapon: Great Frost Staff
. Head: Royal Cowl
. Chest: Scholar Robe
. Shoes: Leather Shoes
. Cape: Morgana Cape
. Food: Beef Stew
. Potion: Poison Potion
2. Druidic Staff

This is one of the most classic builds for solo dungeons, and you’ll see players using it everywhere. The Druidic Staff is popular for a reason: it's cheap, offers excellent AOE DOT, and provides great sustain, making it a reliable and effective choice for solo PvE content.
Thorn Growth (Q2) creates a thorn which deals good AOE DOT and applies one thorn charge every 0.5 seconds on the enemy. The thorn charge is consumed if you auto-attack the target which will deal additional damage to them.
Brambleseed (W1) delivers solid AOE damage while hurling enemies into the air along a straight line in front of you.
Spiritual Seed (E) plants a seed in the targeted ally which massively heals the target after a delay.
The Mage Cowl, Muisak, Royal Sandals, Beef Stew, and Poison Potion are your offensive items.
The Mercenary Jacket is your defensive item.
How to use this build:
Pull the mobs and use (W) → Use (Q) x 3 and auto-attack the enemies that are in your (Q) → Use (R) and (E) if you are getting low.
What Druidic Staff excels in:
. Huge sustain
. Huge AOE DOT
. Low cooldowns
Druidic Staff full details:
. Weapon: Druidic Staff
. Off-Hand: Muisak
. Head: Mage Cowl
. Chest: Mercenary Jacket
. Shoes: Royal Sandals/any Sandals
. Cape: Thetford Cape
. Food: Beef Stew
. Potion: Poison Potion
1. Greataxe

If you love going all-in on mobs, cutting them down with powerful swings, and clearing dungeons in a few seconds, the Greataxe is the perfect weapon for you. Its high AOE damage and sweeping attacks make it an ideal choice for players who want to tear through enemies quickly and efficiently.
Rending Rage (Q3) swings your axe in a cone in front of you dealing a decent AOE damage and applying Rending Bleed Charges (max 3) on the enemy which deals DOT. This ability has 3 combinations but you should use the first 2 and wait for the ability to reset. This will allow you to clear faster, because the cooldown will be lower.
Raging Blades (W5) creates 2 axes that circulate around you. They deal damage to the enemies that are hit and increase your damage (max 10 stacks) depending on how many enemies are hit by the axes.
Whirlwind (E) spins your axe around you while moving, dealing huge AOE DOT to the enemies that are hit. Each consecutive hit increases the damage.
The Assassin Hood, Stalker Jacket, Royal Sandals, Thetford Cape, and Poison Potion are your offensive items.
The Blackbog Clam Soup is your defensive item.
How to use this build:
Pull the mobs together then use (W) → (F) → (R) → (E) → (Q) x 2 and auto-attack. Use (D) to reduce your cooldowns after the rotation.
What Greataxe excels in:
. Huge AOE damage
. Low cooldown
. Versatile
The Greataxe full details:
. Weapon: Greataxe
. Head: Assassin Hood
. Chest: Stalker Jacket
. Shoes: Royal Sandals
. Cape: Thetford Cape
. Food: Blackbog Clam Soup
. Potion: Poison Potion