What Are The Best PvE Builds in Albion Online?
Players that want to kill NPCs and avoid PvP battles can find plenty of PvE activities in Albion. Killing open-world monsters, participating in group dungeons, or visiting the Avalonian Roads are all options. You need to have a decent item build in order to gain the maximum fame and silver..
Here are the Top 10 Albion Online Best PvE Builds that will help you to
clear mobs efficiently:
10. King of Open World Mobs
The BEST Weapon/Build for SOLO DUNGEONS & Open-World Mobs
If you want to farm some fame or just grind silver efficiently in the open world and dungeons, Spiked Gauntlets is the go-to.
Dragon Leap (Q2) is a short-cooldown ability that deals a large amount of AOE damage.
Your 2nd ability is Triple Kick (W1). This skill is the “Chosen One” for you if you enjoy doing fantastic flying kicks and you’re a fan of Mortal Kombat’s Liu Kang. It aids in escaping risky circumstances and does a decent amount of AOE damage. It’s also beneficial for skipping a few mobs.
Gravitation Collapse (E) mostly one-shots a group of mobs and slows the ones that survive.
Use the Cowl of Purity and Beef Stew for additional damage. Leather Shoes for cooldown reduction and a Cultist Robe for healing, mana, and damage resistance.
Gathering mobs before using (E)-->(W)-->(Q) is the best way to use the build. If they aren’t dead yet, use (D). The only disadvantage of this build is that it kills bosses slowly.
What King of Open World Mobs excels in:
- Good Mobility
- Huge AOE damage
- One-Shot groups of mobs
King of Open World Mobs full details:
- Weapon: Spiked Gauntlets
- Head: Cowl of Purity
- Chest: Cultist Robe
- Shoes: Leather Shoes
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Beef Stew
- Potion: Energy Potion
9. Staff of Speedrun
The BEST Solo Dungeon Build in 2022 | Albion Online
In PvE, you should be able to clear groups of mobs in a matter of seconds. Nature Staff excels at that.
Thorn Growth (Q2) is the go-to ability for AOE damage and slow.
Brambleseed (W1) plants some lovely seeds in an effort to preserve our world and provide us with more oxygen. After a little delay, the foes are launched into the air while taking a significant amount of AOE damage.
Circle of Life (E) is an AOE healing ability. The amount healed depends on the rejuvenation charges. You heal more as the charges increase. In addition, if an enemy is hit with 3 or more thorn charges, it takes additional damage and gets rooted.
The Thetford Cape, Druid Robe, Cryptcandle, Cultist Cowl and Avalonian Beef Stew all boost your damage. Leather Shoes is used for cooldown reduction. Invisibility Potion is for safety. You can swap it with a poison potion for more damage.
Keep running if you want to use the build efficiently. Place (Q) and (W) where the mobs are likely to move, then keep moving.
What the staff of Speedrun excels in:
- Speedrun
- AOE damage
- Huge DOT
Staff of Speedrun full details:
- Weapon: Nature Staff
- Off-Hand: Cryptcandle
- Head: Cultist Cowl
- Chest: Druid Robe
- Shoes: Leather Shoes
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Avalonian Beef Stew/Cabbage Soup
- Potion: Poison Potion/ Invisibility Potion
8. Shock Bow
Start at 0:37
Top 4 Best SOLO Builds In Albion Online 2022
If you're the type of guy who enjoys using a bow and arrow, since shooting arrows while moving about looks cool. The Bow of Badon is our top contender.
Deadly Shot (Q2). You release a piercing arrow that goes through every opponent it hits and decreases their damage resistance (stacks up to 3 times).
Ray of Light (W4). You fire an arrow into the air to hit certain birds in order to survive. The arrow finally lands after a brief delay, causing massive AOE damage and rooting the enemies.
Raging Storm (E). Saying, "Mighty God of Thunder, enchant my boy with your mighty strength," you raise an arrow to the heavens. Then a lightning strike from Zeus strikes the arrow. A storm cloud is created when you shoot the arrow, and it causes AOE damage to the opponents inside. For a brief period after leaving the AOE, the victims continue to take damage.
The Cultist Robe is used to maintain health and mana. While Thetford Cape, Beef Stew, and Poison Potions are used to increase damage.
The playstyle is simple: use (W) to root and damage. Then use (Q) to decrease damage resistance, use it off cooldown. Lastly, use (E) and start auto-attacking.
What Shock Bow excels in:
- Long-range damage
- Huge AOE damage
- Good DOT
- Good CC
Shock Bow full details:
- Weapon: Bow of Badon
- Head: Specter Hood
- Chest: Cultist Robe
- Shoes: Hunter Shoes
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Beef Stew
- Potion: Poison Potion
7. Flame Thrower
Start at 8:09
Top 4 Best SOLO Builds In Albion Online 2022
If you are a pyromaniac and enjoy starting fires, Fire Staff is the one for you.
Fire Bolt (Q1) deals instant damage and extra DOT (stacks up to 5 times). This spell is good for bosses. While burning Field (Q2) is good for groups of mobs, dealing a good amount of AOE damage.
Wall of Flames (W2) is a great ability which deals AOE DOT and causes the enemy to flee (only once for mobs). In PvP, it is superior. While Fire Wave (W4) is the more efficient spell, dealing massive DOT and additional damage to those hit by your (Q).
Pyroblast (E) is your ultimate ability. It is your highest damage ability. It begins channeling as soon as you use it. Inflicting more damage as the channel continues.
The Guardian Boots, Hunter Hood, and the Cleric Robe are your defensive items. Pork Omelette and Tome of Spells for better casting. Healing Potion for health sustain. For more damage, swap with Poison Potion.
The playstyle is simple:
(Q1)-->(E)--> spam (Q1) and then use (W) if the enemy gets closer.
(Q2)-->(W4)-->(E)-->(Q2) and do auto-attack between cooldowns.
What Flame Thrower excels in:
- AOE burst damage
- Versatile
Flame Thrower full details:
- Weapon: Fire Staff
- Off-Hand: Tome of Spells
- Head: Hunter Hood
- Chest: Cleric Robe
- Shoes: Guardian Boots
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Healing Potion/Poison Potion
6. Kingmaker
Start at 12:29
Top 4 Best SOLO Builds In Albion Online 2022
The name says it all. If you want to become a king, you use the kingmaker.
Heroic Cleave (Q2) swings your sword and gains a heroic charge based on how many enemies are hit and deals AOE damage.
The greatest PvP ability for this build is Iron Will (W1), which gives you a heroic charge, a movement speed bonus, a defense bonus, and immunity to purges. However, splitting slash (W4), which delivers a lot of AOE damage and roots the enemy, is best employed in PvE.
Majestic Smash (E) is a 2-movement ability. With the first movement, you swing your enemies and throw them into the air, dealing some damage. Then, to assert dominance, you smash them, of course, with your sword. Upon having 3 heroic charges, it deals enormous physical and emotional damage.
Your defensive items are the Assassin Jacket and the Guardian Helmet. While the Thetford Cape, Beef Stew, Poison Potion, and Demon Boots are your offensive items that increase your damage.
The build is simple to use:
Spam (Q) in groups of mobs off cooldown. Then use (W4) and when you have 3 heroic charges, use (E). When your health gets low, use (F) and cast your abilities for more damage.
What Kingmaker excels in:
- Enormous AOE damage
- Versatile
- Good CC
Kingmaker full details:
- Weapon: Kingmaker
- Head: Guardian Helmet
- Chest: Assassin Jacket
- Shoes: Demon Boots
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Beef Stew
- Potion: Poison Potion
5. Meteor Dagger
start at 5:14
Top 3 Best Builds For PVE & PVP | Albion Online Builds 2022
If you want to go for a fun build that deals an insane amount of single-target damage in a few seconds, Dagger is the one for you.
Deadly Swipe (Q2), being the superior (Q) ability, provides you with mobility and damage amplification.
Chain Slash (W5) is a great mob clearing ability. Use this when there’s a group of mobs. You deal more damage with each attack and become immune to any incoming damage.
Bloodthirsty Blade (E). This ability is one of the strongest in the game. It gives you extra damage on each auto-attack, 100% lifesteal and 30% movement speed. But it deals 4% of your max health as true damage to yourself. Be careful while using it; you don’t want to look dumb by killing yourself.
The Thetford Cape, Poison Potion, Deadwater Eel Stew, and Royal Sandals boost your damage. The Hunter Jacket is for attack speed, and the Royal Helmet is for CC.
The playstyle is simple:
(F)-->(D) stunning the enemy-->(R)-->(E) and start auto-attacking. When your (E) is down, use (Q) and (W) for damage.
What Meteor Dagger excels in:
- High instant damage
- Health sustain through lifesteal
- Good CC
Meteor Dagger full details:
- Weapon: Dagger
- Off-Hand: Torch
- Head: Royal Helmet
- Chest: Hunter Jacket
- Shoes: Royal Sandals
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Deadwater Eel Stew
- Potion: Poison Potion
4. Ice Staff
Start at 10:00
Top 3 Best Builds For PVE & PVP | Albion Online Builds 2022
Don’t forget to wear your coats, kids; there’s a freezing wind outside. Frost Staff users, this one's for you.
Ice Shards (Q2) is your primary ability. It has quite good AOE damage. Just spam it.
Frost Nova's (W3) AOE damage, stuns, and mobility make it ideal for PvP and killing monsters. However, Frost Bomb (W1), which has a 10-second cooldown, is far superior at doing AOE damage.
Freezing Wind (E) deals a huge amount of instant damage, slows and roots the enemies for quite a long time.
The Scholar Robe, Pork Omelette, Tome of Spells, and the Morgana Cape improve your spell casting. Royal Cowl sustains your mana and royal sandals amplifies your damage.
The best way to use this build is:
(F)-->(D)-->(E)-->(W)-->spam (Q)--> When the effect of (D) ends, use (R)--> (W)-->spam (Q).
What Ice Staff excels in:
- Huge AOE damage
- Low cooldowns
- High CC
Ice Staff full details:
- Weapon: Frost Staff
- Off-Hand: Tome of Spells
- Head: Royal Cowl
- Chest: Scholar Robe
- Shoes: Royal Sandals
- Cape: Morgana Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Poison Potion
3. Head Cutter
Start at 0:58
4 Best Solo Builds in Albion Online in 2022
You are tired of cutting trees and want to chop some heads off. Battleaxe is the one for you.
Rending Rage(Q3) is a 3-combination ability. The first two hits have a wide AOE damage and apply rending bleed charges (which deal DOT), while the third one roots, leaps, delivers damage, and applies a charge. Use the first 2 and wait for it to reset; this is more effective.
Adrenaline Boost (W2) increases your damage, attack speed, and movement speed.
Blood Bandit (E) is a 2-combo ability. First, you throw an axe, which deals damage according to the amount of Rending Bleed charges on the opponent. More charges equal more damage (max 3). The second throw deals lower damage than the first but heals you according to the rending bleed charges of the first enemy hit.
Your defensive items are the Mercenary Jacket, Facebreaker, and Healing Potions. Your offensive items are the Thetford Cape, Beef Stew, and the Mage Cowl.
How the build works:
(Q) till they have 3 charges--> (E) and then spam (Q) (only 2-combo, don’t complete the 3rd). When you are low on HP, use (W), (R), and attack the enemies.
What Head Cutter excels in:
- Huge sustain
- Huge AOE damage
- High mobility
Head Cutter full details:
- Weapon: Battleaxe
- Off-Hand: Facebreaker
- Head: Mage Cowl
- Chest: Mercenary Jacket
- Shoes: Leather Shoes
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Beef Stew
- Potion: Healing Potion
2. All in Staff
My New Favorite Solo Money Maker
If you’re bored of solo dungeons and feel like they are too easy, jump into the group dungeons using the Druidic Staff.
Thorn Growth (Q2) is your primary damage dealer. It deals DOT in an AOE. You can cast the ability three times before it goes on a 3-second cooldown.
Protection of Nature (W3) is used for groups of mobs, granting you damage resistance and amplifying your healing. While Revitalize (W2) is used for bosses or solo targets it is a 3-second channeling ability that restores health and mana. It has a 7-second cooldown. Try not to get attacked during it, so that you get the most out of it.
Spiritual Seed (E) is your ultimate ability which heals you for a large amount.
This build is entirely a sustain build.
The playstyle is simple: gather mobs and cast (Q) 3 times to sustain use (W3). Then activate your mercenary Jacket (R) and auto-attack them. If more lifesteal is needed, use Specter Hood (D) to reset the (R).
If you are fighting against a boss, use (W2) and do the same thing.
What All in Staff excels in:
- Great DOT
- Great health sustain
- Low cooldown
All in Staff full details:
- Weapon: Druidic Staff
- Off-Hand: Torch
- Head: Specter Hood
- Chest: Mercenary Jacket
- Shoes: Shoes of Tenacity/Guardian Boots
- Cape: Demon Cape
- Food: Roast Pork
- Potion: Invisibility Potion/Poison Potion
1. Spooky Staff
The NEW Solo Static Dungeon/Group Dungeon Build
To prove that you have balls of steel and not balls of failure, you should get a shadowcaller and dive into the group static dungeon.
For the bosses, Vile Curse (Q1) is utilized. It applies nasty curse charges that do significant DOT damage and deal only minor instant damage (stacks up to 4 times). You can employ the Cursed Sickle (Q2) on a variety of targets. You toss a sickle, and it travels a certain distance before coming back to you and applying two charges. It has high DOT but little instant damage.
Grudge (W3) amplifies your auto-attack. Activating and waiting 2 seconds before attacking deals the most damage. The ability lasts for 10 seconds and is used for bosses. While Armor Piercer (W1) is most effective against several foes, you fire a laser that pierces and lowers the foe's damage resistance.
Inner Shadow (E) calls Casper the unfriendly ghost which deals DOT on cloth armor and leather armor users. Lifesteals from leather armor. While slowing, reducing resistance and dealing damage to plate armor users.
Mistcaller and Assassin Hood are for reducing cooldowns. The Shoes of Tenacity is for safety and Hellion Jacket is for Health sustain. Just spam all your abilities off cooldown. Remember to start with (W) to deal max damage.
What Spooky Staff excels in:
- Huge DOT
- Good sustain
- Longer and slower battles
Spooky Staff full details:
- Weapon: Shadowcaller
- Off-Hand: Mistcaller
- Head: Assassin Hood
- Chest: Hellion Jacket
- Shoes: Shoes of Tenacity
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Roast Pork/Beef Stew
- Potion: Poison Potion/Invisibility Potion