10v10 Hellgates
The most entertaining Hellgate is the 10v10. There are many players engaged, and oftentimes you have no idea what the hell is going on. It’s good practice for future ZvZ battles between two guilds. There are two significant factors influencing the outcome of these battles. The first one is the shot caller, and the second one is your build.
Here are the Best Albion Online 10v10 Hellgate Builds:
5. The Meatball
Start at 00:48
Once, you were an Italian chef serving spaghetti with meatballs. You are now serving your enemies fiery balls with your Wildfire Staff.
Burning Field (Q2) sets the targeted area on fire. It deals good instant AOE damage and deals DOT on the enemies that remain in the AOE.
Fire Artillery (W5). It is a single-target channel ability that throws fiery orbs at the enemy. Each orb deals significant damage upon impact and ignites an area that deals additional AOE DOT (max 4 stacks).
Magma Sphere (E). You add meatballs to their pasta to improve the flavor of their meal. You summon a large, flaming ball that explodes upon hitting and causes outrageous AOE damage in addition to dealing 12% of the enemy's maximum health in damage. Be sure not to miss this.
The Cryptcandle, Assassin Hood, Keeper Cape, and Deadwater Eel Stew are your offensive items.
The Robe of Purity, Royal Shoes, and Resistance Potions are your defensive items.
How to use this build:
Use (Q) and (W) off-cooldown--> When enemies are gathered, use (E)-->(D) to reduce cooldowns and repeat. Use (F) and the Resistance Potion in dangerous situations.
What The Meatball excels in:
- Huge AOE damage
- Huge AOE DOT
- Low cooldowns
The Meatball full details:
- Weapon: Wildfire Staff
- Off-Hand: Cryptcandle
- Head: Assassin Hood
- Chest: Robe of Purity
- Shoes: Royal Shoes
- Cape: Keeper Cape
- Food: Deadwater Eel Stew
- Potion: Resistance Potion
4. Justiiice!!
Albion Online | INSANE COMBO | 10v10 Hell Gates | Hand Of Justice
Oh boy, the most fun weapon to use and deliver justice in a 10v10 is the Hand of Justice.
Iron Breaker (Q3). You slam your huge hammer on the ground to show the length of it. It deals significant AOE damage to those who witness how huge your hammer is and reduces their damage resistance. In addition, it causes some emotional damage.
Slowing Charge (W2). You dash towards a targeted position, dealing damage and slowing the enemies that you pass through. It is mostly used for initiation.
Onslaught (E). You put your Batsuit on and start screaming, Justiiice!! before you pull out your massive hammer and begin spinning it. Enemies hit by your spin take DOT, are stunned and pulled along with you (up to 10 enemies). After reaching your targeted position, another wave of Justiiice!! comes in. You slam your enormous hammer on the ground while shouting the sacred word. It throws all the enemies into the air and deals huge AOE damage.
The Knight Helmet, Judicator Armor, Martlock Cape, and Resistance Potions are your defensive items.
The Judicator Boots and Pork Omelette are your offensive items.
How to use this build:
Engage with (W)--> Use (E) to isolate which enemies you want and reposition them into your team-->(Q). Use (R) and the Resistance Potion to sustain some damage. Use (F) to engage or disengage.
What Justiiice!! excels in:
- Good AOE damage
- High mobility
- High sustain
- Good AOE CC
Justiiice!! Full details:
- Weapon: Hand of Justice
- Head: Knight Helmet
- Chest: Judicator Armor
- Shoes: Judicator Boots
- Cape: Martlock Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Resistance Potion
3. The Shatterer
20 Mil Loot | Albion Online | Realmbreaker 10v10 Hellgate | Never Care | Akina Plays
Realmbreaker is a masterpiece in group fights. It shatters the bones of the enemies into pieces.
Rending Rage (Q3) is a 3-combination ability. The first two deal AOE damage and apply one Rending Bleed Charge (max 3 stacks) each, which deals DOT. The third combo deals AOE damage and roots all the enemies it hits. Use the third for CC. Use the first two for optimal damage, then let the ability reset.
Battle Rush (W3). You charge towards a targeted position, enhancing team healing while decreasing enemy healing. To be affected by this power, both enemies and friends must be in the area that is being targeted.
Aftershock (E). You jump towards the targeted area, slamming your axe on the ground. You deal insane impact damage and shatter the earth into two, which decreases enemies’ current and maximum health.
The Robe of Purity, Lymhurst Cape, and Resistance Potions are your defensive items.
The Assassin Hood, Stalker Shoes, and Deadwater Eel Stew are your offensive items.
How to use this build:
(F)-->(E) on a group of enemies-->(Q)x3-->(R) and repeat. Use (W) mostly to disengage. Use Resistance Potions to survive more.
What The Shatterer excels in:
- High AOE damage
- High mobility
- Good sustain
The Shatterer full details:
- Weapon: Realmbreaker
- Head: Assassin Hood
- Chest: Robe of Purity
- Shoes: Stalker Shoes
- Cape: Lymhurst Cape
- Food: Deadwater Eel Stew
- Potion: Resistance Potion
2. Soul Breaker
10v10 vs 8.3 team (Full Fight with Comms)
If you want to be the CC guy in the battle, grab your Polehammer and dive into the Hellgates.
Iron Breaker (Q3) slams your hammer on the ground, dealing significant AOE damage and reducing enemies’ damage resistance.
Power Geyser (W3). You generate water from the ground like a fountain, throwing all enemies in the air and dealing some damage. It also knocks your allies back 8 meters from the geyser.
Groundbreaker (E). You hit your Polehammer on the ground, splitting the earth in a straight line. Enemies that are hit by it are stunned and take damage.
The Judicator Armor, Martlock Cape, and Beef Sandwich are your defensive items.
The Judicator Helmet, Judicator Boots, and Sticky Potions are your offensive items.
How to use this build:
Use (D) and (R) when you are surrounded by the enemy--> (F) to disengage--> Use (E) when the enemy is gathered on a straight line-->(Q). If you need more CC, use (W).
What Soul Breaker excels in:
- Good AOE damage
- High CC
- Huge sustain
- Low cooldowns
Soul Breaker full details:
- Weapon: Polehammer
- Head: Judicator Helmet
- Chest: Judicator Armor
- Shoes: Judicator Boots
- Cape: Martlock Cape
- Food: Beef Sandwich
- Potion: Sticky Potion
1. Blood Dagger
[Albion Online] 10v10 Hellgates | Claps & Legendary chests
In a 10v10 battle, the Demonfang is one of the best weapons if you like the dagger playstyle.
Deadly Swipe(Q2) leaps towards a targeted position, dealing good AOE damage and granting one Assassin Spirit Charge to you for each enemy hit. Each Assassin Spirit Charge increases your damage. Hitting an enemy will also restore some mana.
You have two good choices here:
Throwing Blades (W1) is the optimal choice. It throws three blades that pierce through the enemies, dealing damage on impact. Depending on how many enemies are hit, it additionally boosts your movement speed and damage (max 3 stacks).
Chain Slash (W5) charges towards an enemy, dealing damage. If there are more foes close to the victim, you bounce on them (up to 4 separate targets), gradually delivering greater damage. While using this ability, you are immune.
Blood Ritual (E). You enchant your dagger with some blood and start swinging it. You can swing three times, dealing significant AOE damage each time. If you cast the third time, you deal some damage over time to yourself. You know what they say—don't play with knives.
The Mercenary Hood, Cleric Sandals, Martlock Cape, and Resistance Potions are your defensive items.
The Muisak, Royal Jacket, and Beef Stew are your offensive items.
How to use this build:
(W)-->(F)-->(E)x3-->(D)-->(R)-->(Q) to disengage. Then repeat when your cooldowns reset. Use Resistance Potions when you are taking high damage.
What Blood Dagger excels in:
- High AOE damage
- Versatile
- High mobility
- Good sustain
Blood Dagger full details:
- Weapon: Demonfang
- Off-Hand: Muisak
- Head: Mercenary Hood
- Chest: Royal Jacket/Hellion Jacket
- Shoes: Cleric Sandals/Stalker Shoes
- Cape: Martlock Cape
- Food: Beef Stew
- Potion: Resistance Potion
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