Want To Have Fun?
The most thrilling and interesting Albion Online activity is a ZvZ fight, in which teams of 20+ players engage in combat. These groups may be engaged in battle for dominance, fun, loot, or territory.
In a ZvZ battle, numerous roles play a part. The main ones are healers, tanks, supports with CC, and damage dealers. To win the fights, you must have a strong build and an excellent shot caller.
Here are the Best Albion Online ZvZ Builds:
5. Popsicle Maker
Start at 00:32
TOP 7 Best ZVZ Builds In Albion Online
Far in the mountains of Albion, there was a retired mage that made popsicles and served them to children. When his village got plundered by bandits, he brought his little skull (the Permafrost Prism) with him and charged at them.
Ice Shard (Q2) summons a shard that lands on the enemies' heads and deals a ton of immediate damage. This ability has no cooldown, which means you can spam it.
Frost Nova (W3) is your safety ability. You use it whenever an enemy engages you, and it blinks to the designated area while also leaving some popsicles for the enemy to eat. The enemies who were in your starting position are stunned and damaged. At least they are sucking on a popsicle. They would die happy.
Ice Crystal (E) summons a big ice crystal, which stuns and deals insane AOE damage.
The Scholar Robe, Morgana Cape, and Pork Omelette are your offensive items.
The Cleric Sandals, Knight Helmet, and Resistance Potions are your defensive items.
How to use this build:
(R)-->(E)--> Spam (Q). Use (W) and (F) whenever you need to engage or disengage.
What Popsicle Maker excels in:
- High mobility
- High CC
- High AOE damage
Popsicle Maker full details:
- Weapon: Permafrost Prism
- Head: Knight Helmet
- Chest: Scholar Robe
- Shoes: Cleric Sandals
- Cape: Morgana Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Resistance Potion
4. Volley of Death
Start at 5:35
TOP 7 Best ZVZ Builds In Albion Online
Siegebow will be your favorite weapon if you want to destroy an army of opponents with a cigar in your mouth.
An explosive bolt is fired by the explosive bolt (Q2), which has a strong AOE. Because of its short cooldown, you can repeatedly use it.
Caltrops (W3). You shoot a trap that, when triggered, slows down the enemies, inflicts damage on them, and increases your own mobility. You must lure and trick your enemies onto the caltrops in order to defeat them with your (E) attack.
Vicious Barrage (E). You light a cigar, put it in your mouth, and yell, “Hasta la vista, baby.” Then you aim your crossbow towards your adversaries and begin firing a barrage of arrows. The AOE of this ability is enormous. It deals 2% of the enemy's maximum HP in damage with each volley you fire (up to 4 volleys total).
The Thetford Cape and Pork Omelette are your offensive items.
The Knight Helmet, Cleric Robe, and Resistance Potions are your defensive items.
How to use this build:
Spam (Q) and (W) off-cooldown-->(E) when enemies are slowed or stunned. Use (R) and (D) when taking a lot of damage.
What Volley of Death excels in:
- Huge AOE damage
- Good sustain
- Good CC
Volley of Death full details:
- Weapon: Siegebow
- Head: Knight Helmet
- Chest: Cleric Robe
- Shoes: Soldier Boots
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Resistance Potion
3. Curved Swords
Start at 7:47
TOP 7 Best ZVZ Builds In Albion Online
The best feeling is to one-shot a group of players. One way to do it is by using the Galatine Pair.
Heroic Cleave (Q2). You swing your sword, dealing AOE damage and applying Heroic Charge to you based on the number of enemies hit (max 3 stacks). Heroic Charge increases your movement and attack speed.
Splitting Slash (W4) is your CC ability. It causes a ton of damage and roots every enemy in a straight line.
Soulless Stream (E) is your ultimate ability. You smash the ground with your swords. It instantly deals an enormous amount of damage. The more heroic charges you have, the more damage you deal. It also reduces the enemy's maximum and current health.
The Assassin Jacket, Mage Sandals, and Resistance Potions are your defensive items.
The Royal Hood, Thetford Cape, and Beef Stew are your offensive items.
How to use this build:
(Q) until you have 3 charges-->(D)-->(R)-->(E) in a group of players-->(Q)-->(W)--> use (F) to go out.
What Curved Swords excels in:
- Huge AOE damage
- Good mobility
- Good CC
Curved Swords full details:
- Weapon: Galatine Pair
- Head: Royal Hood
- Chest: Assassin Jacket
- Shoes: Mage Sandals
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Beef Stew
- Potion: Resistance Potion
2. Earth Shaker
Start at 9:23
TOP 7 Best ZVZ Builds In Albion Online
Every team needs a tanky frontliner that can take a lot of damage and stun the shit out of the enemies. There is only one mighty weapon that has these traits: the one and only Grovekeeper.
Iron Breaker (Q3). You slam your hammer on the ground like a gigachad, demonstrating who is in charge. It deals good AOE damage and reduces the enemies’ damage resistance.
Slowing Charge (W2). Like the name says, you dash towards a targeted position, slowing and dealing some damage.
Ground Pound (E). All Dota 2 players will enjoy this ability. It resembles the “Echo Slam” of Earthshaker. You leap towards a targeted position, stunning all the enemies and dealing significant damage. You are immune to damage during the leap. In addition, it increases your damage resistance (max 3 stacks) based on how many enemies are hit.
The Cleric Cowl, Guardian Armor, Fort Sterling Cape, Beef Sandwich, and Resistance Potions are your defensive items.
The Hunter Shoes is your offensive item.
How to use this build:
(F)-->(E) in a group to enable your AOE damage dealers-->(Q)-->(W) to go out or slow the enemies. Use (R) near their damage dealers and (D) when you get targeted.
What Earth Shaker excels in:
- Huge sustain
- Huge CC
- Good AOE damage
- Good mobility
Earth Shaker full details:
- Weapon: Grovekeeper
- Head: Cleric Cowl
- Chest: Guardian Armor
- Shoes: Hunter Shoes
- Cape: Fort Sterling Cape
- Food: Beef Sandwich
- Potion: Resistance Potion
1. Staff of Life
Start at 35:30
The ULTIMATE ZvZ Build Guide for Albion Online! Every Role Covered!
The healer has the most significant role in a ZvZ. The team with the finest healer will probably win the battle. One of the top healing staffs for ZvZ is the Wild Staff.
Rejuvenation (Q1) applies a Rejuvenation Charge to a targeted ally (max 3 stacks), which restores a good amount of HP over time. Don’t use this on allies that have 3 charges since it will consume the charges and restore your mana.
Rejuvenating Breeze (W5). The targeted ally blushes when you blow him a kiss, sending a breeze at his allies’ way. The targeted ally receives a significant increase in damage resistance and grants as many Rejuvenation Charges as he has up to ten allies.
Well of Life (E). It creates a large area that heals significantly over time.
The Mercenary Hood, Cleric Robe, Martlock Cape, Energy, and Resistance Potions are your defensive items.
How to use this build:
Stack 3 (Q) on an ally-->(W)-->(E) for large AOE heal. Use (D) to cleanse allies and (R) to survive if the enemy engages you.
What Staff of Life excels in:
- Good sustain
- Huge AOE heal
- Huge CC resistance
Staff of Life full details:
- Weapon: Wild Staff
- Head: Mercenary Hood
- Chest: Cleric Robe
- Shoes: Scholar Sandals
- Cape: Martlock Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Energy Potion/Resistance Potion
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